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Learn "How many times have you been here?" and more!
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Learn "What should we do?" and more!
Spanish2Go in iTunes app store!
Learn "Be careful" and more in this episode!
Learn "I'm having a lot of fun" and more!
Twitter @spanishsurvival
Transcripts to this show: www.myspanishconnection.com/store
App: spanish2go
Check out the word of the day on Twitter, every day!
Also, please check out the app on iTunes. Spanish2Go! Awesome!
Learn "Why did you come here?" and more in this episode!
Learn "Leave me alone" and "stop bothering me" in this episode and more!
Make sure you buy the Spanish2Go app in the iTunes app store for only $1.99.
Learn useful phrases to introduce your friend to a group of people in this episode.
Download our app in iTunes! Only $1.99 for streaming content through your app!