Hank Presents:

Hank Fortener

Each episode of Hank Presents focuses on the practical within the problematic, and the inspirational within the mundane. Hank Presents is compiled of live events held throughout the world, first hand interviews with experts in a variety of fields, and an overarching narrative of hope that engages the spirit no matter where you are on your journey of faith and self-discovery.

  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    If your life is in transition and you feel an inescapable fire burning in the pit of your stomach to make a change, listen to this episode a listen and be invited to let the FIRE SET YOU FREE
    16 March 2017, 10:01 pm
  • 49 minutes 45 seconds
    Hank Presents: Scott Harrison
    Scott Harrison is a former nightclub promoter turned Founder & CEO of Charity Water, one of the most revolutionary nonprofits in business today. Scott is a wealth of insight and inspiration as he shares with us how he went from living on the closet floor of a cramped apartment to raising over $210 million to bring more than 6 million people fresh drinking water around the world. I ask Scott how exactly he continues to dream big after attaining such rapid success, how he deals with dry spells, and what he does to stay energized in an industry known for burning out even the most tenacious entrepreneurs.
    20 February 2017, 9:54 pm
  • 42 minutes 22 seconds
    Toxic People
    Have you ever had the thought that life would be so much easier if not for the people? That’s because some people are toxic. You may have toxic people in your life, you may not, and you may actually be one for someone else… In this episode, we dive into my personal experiences with toxic relationships and gain some wisdom from two of my most trusted advisors. Charles Lew, business entrepreneur and restaurateur, discusses how to handle toxic people in business in order to keep your company and work life as healthy as possible. Ana Lucia Cottone, my creative consultant who helps build businesses and lives into their fullest potential, breaks down the nuances and dangers of labeling people as toxic and ultimately shows us how toxic people may indeed be our greatest teachers in life. Overall, this podcast will give you the tools necessary to engage and embrace anyone you consider a source of chronic stress in your life with grace and understanding. So here’s to a happier, healthier you!
    15 February 2017, 4:18 pm
  • 28 minutes 19 seconds
    Carrie is a mother of three who somehow finds ways to consistently publish critically acclaimed, young-adult novels. Her third book Crazy, Messy, Beautiful recently launched on February 7th and tells the story of a hopelessly romantic young artist who finds himself riddled with inner turmoil as he discovers the true nature, and cost, of love. In this episode, I ask Carrie all about her ability to somehow balance the responsibility of managing an endlessly animated household and yet cultivating the space to accomplish her dreams of being a successful writer. Our conversation hits on topics such as: How to maintain your inspiration How to balance a household and a career & How to avoid feeling like a victim of your schedule Enjoy!
    8 February 2017, 6:57 pm
  • 42 minutes 4 seconds
    Adventures in Quitting
    Quitters never win…or do they? Quitting is one of the most essential ingredients to finding your true self and the life you were made for. Personally, I’ve quit tons of things. Dating relationships. High paying clients. Influential leadership roles. And a handful of other opportunities I would have killed for in another season. Everything I learned about quitting I put into this episode. We cover 3 Questions to ask yourself about quitting: 1. Have You Quit Already? 2. Has It Ever Changed? 3. Will You Be A Healthier You If You Quit? I interview my coach and transformation expert Lucia Cottone, who helps us understand the important distinction between Quitting and Transitioning. Finally, I cover these key concepts to help you leave well: 1. Graduation vs. Divorce 2. The Quitter is in Control 3. Cheer for those who will stop cheering for you 4. Be comfortable with the stories that change By the end of this episode, you’ll have the tools necessary to help yourself and your loved ones move into the best opportunities without leaving behind a wake of regret, animosity or drama! Happy Quitting!
    1 February 2017, 4:53 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Finding God In The Waves w. Science Mike
    Science & Doubt. Two things that many people see as completely contrary to finding God. However, my guest on this episode could not disagree more. Mike McHargue, more widely known as “Science Mike,” has found his deepest sense of spiritual enlightenment by embracing life’s greatest mysteries. His latest book is called Finding God In The Waves: How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science and he currently hosts both The Liturgists Podcast and Ask Science Mike. Science Mike and I talked for quite a while, so this episode has two major sections you’ll want to hear! In the first section, we get to hear Science Mike’s compelling story about disproving his faith, becoming a secular humanist, almost losing his entire community of family & friends, then miraculously finding God through a profoundly mystical experience. In the second half of the episode, I ask Science Mike the most provocative questions I can think of… How should we view the Bible? Does Church Matter? What is the nature of God? What do we do with doubt? What is the future of faith communities? All these questions and more get answered in detail! So if you or any of your loved ones have ever wrestled with serious doubt or have already walked away God entirely, you need to give this episode a listen.
    27 January 2017, 9:56 pm
  • 47 minutes 41 seconds
    Talking To God
    Talking to God is something almost EVERYONE does. My friend Adam adventured into the unknown and wrote THE book on how we talk to God. In this episode, I get to grill Adam about how exactly we should pray, wether or not God hears us, and if He does, why He seems to answer some prayers and not answer others.
    17 January 2017, 9:23 pm
  • 13 minutes 41 seconds
    Travel Brings You Home
    49 States, 21 Countries. This has been the work of my nomadic heart. In my travels, I’ve learned countless lessons about life, culture, creativity and ultimately, what it means to come home. For me, Travel isn’t about escaping and leaving it all behind, but rather the process of returning better than you were before. In this episode, I hope to take you on a brief journey that helps you learn to leave so you can discover your one, wildly wonderful life all over again.
    10 January 2017, 7:21 pm
  • 34 minutes 57 seconds
    Airplanes. Most adventures begin with one. Odds are you’ll be on one at some point in your life. Some of us even fly over hundreds of thousands of miles a year for work. But HOW do you fly? That is the question! It may seem bizarrely irrelevant, but what you do from the minute you step into the airport to the moment you arrive at your destination determines which YOU will be there. Will you be sick? Dehydrated? OR will you feel fresh ready to tackle pivotal board meetings, new adventures or a dream vacation? This episode will give you all the tools, tricks and hacks so you step off that plane healthy, rested, and happy. Happy flying.
    7 January 2017, 2:55 am
  • 36 minutes 57 seconds
    Happy New You
    This episode is about YOU. Listening to this podcast is an agreement…an agreement that you are ready and willing to finally tackle those pesky areas of your life that you know need to change. It can be something simple, something complex, something obvious or something you’ve kept private. This episode is guaranteed to jump start your New Year with a NEW YOU. Here are the four major chapters in this episode: I. Essential Questions to Ask Before You Start II. The Kaizen Way w/ Dr. Robert Maurer III. Aggregation of Marginal Gains IV. Your Legacy Now, if you’re ready, dive in to the first episode of the new season of Typically Hazardous as we hack our way to true, lasting change.
    31 December 2016, 7:59 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    A Light In The Darkness: God With Us
    Christmas. Hanukkah. These may seem like opposing holiday traditions, but they are rooted in the same hope: That we may find a light in the darkness. In this episode, I bring my Rabbi with me once again to discuss how an understanding of Jewish history & Hanukkah can illuminate the power we have to live nobly despite even the most adverse circumstances. After Rabbi Shreibman is done, I take a deep dive into the essence of Christmas as a time to celebrate Immanuel, or “God With Us.” Finally, we end with some Q&A from our live audience. It’s gets real. We discuss the feeling of God’s absence. We attempt to answer how polarizing religion can be. & Much more… If you or someone you love is searching for a deeper meaning to the holiday season, feeling apathetic or overwhelmed by loss and darkness, then this episode is for you.
    9 December 2016, 6:57 pm
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