Transform Your English Special Sessions PODCAST

G Kawas

Join Mr. G as he gives intermediate and advanced English lessons to his fascinating students.

  • English Fundamentals: Much - Many - A Lot (of) - Can - Could

    English Fundamentals: Much - Many - A Lot (of) - Can - Could

    (Clase impartida en español)

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:

    Video Course

    [email protected]

    @TYE_Podcast  or



    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.
    23 February 2017, 2:12 am
  • Basic - Dave & Meli VII - ep 17 - Exercising, cooking, letting off steam.
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli VIII - Exercising, cooking, letting off steam...

    Join us in this class and continue taking your English to new levels, every class!

    In this lesson:

    - How to say "deshacerse de algo o alguien", "liberar estrés", "mareo y/o náusea", "fortalecer", "desmayarse", etc.
    - How to pronounce "sauna, pause, automobile, trauma" (Careful: it's not as obvious as you may think!)
    - "You have to..." & "You gotta..."
    - Hungry vs Hunger
    - Mini, short, and long answers to English questions
    - You will also learn a fantastic Tongue Twister (trabalenguas) to practice your fluency and pronunciation!
    - ...and much much more!

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    If you want to refine 10 other aspects of your English communication, excluding Grammar" then you must check out the Transform Your English special video-course that will transform you into a natural, clear, powerful, and persuasive English communicator. Visit:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.
    6 February 2017, 10:32 pm
  • Mr. G - ep 16 - Deep Review of Grammar Basics
    Transform Your English Special Sessions

    Mr. G - Deep Review of Grammar Basics

    Check your progress and your grammar with this lesson!

    Make sure you completely understand and use all variations of the verb "To Be" and the auxiliary "Have".

    These are fundamental pieces of your English, so it is important that you take the time to implement this information!

    If you have any trouble, questions or confusions, send me an email at [email protected], or find me on Twitter @TYE_Podcast

    If you like the Podcast, and want to support it, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    To check out the Transform Your English video course: the 10 simple steps that will transform your English, visit us at:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.
    10 November 2016, 12:37 am
  • Mr. G - ep 15 - Tips and Techniques to Practice Your English Listening Skills
    Transform Your English Special Sessions

    Mr. G - Tips and Techniques to Practice Your English Listening Skills 

    In this Special Special Sessions Podcast Mr. G talks about 3 powerful techniques to practice and improve your English listening skills.

    These exercises are powerful: if you make it a habit to apply these tips consistently, your English comprehension will improve faster than you can imagine!

    So relax, find something delicious to drink, and get ready to take your English Listening Abilities to the next level.

    If you like the Podcast, and want to support it, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    To check out the Transform Your English video course: the 10 simple steps that will transform your English, visit us at:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.
    18 October 2016, 12:43 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli VII - ep 14 - Discussing movies, trips & fun!
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli VII - Discussing movies, trips & fun!

    Learn my favorite technique to increase the impact and descriptiveness of your English quickly and efficiently!

    Also, continue improving your pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary and structure with this POWER-PACKED English lesson.

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    If you want to refine 10 other aspects of your English communication, excluding Grammar" then you must check out the Transform Your English special video-course that will transform you into a natural, clear, powerful, and persuasive English communicator. Visit:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.
    12 October 2016, 5:03 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli VI - ep 13 - Get used to it!
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli VI - Get used to it!

    Learn vocabulary to talk about the status of projects, the structure to communicate that you are "accustomed to something",  and polish &refine diverse aspects of your English grammar, pronunciation, and fluency in this episode.

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    If you want to refine 10 other aspects of your English communication, excluding Grammar" then you must check out the Transform Your English special video-course that will transform you into a natural, clear, powerful, and persuasive English communicator. Visit:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.

    8 October 2016, 10:02 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli V - ep 12 (Too Much Work!)
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli V - Too Much Work!

    Dave and Meli are really improving their English now! You can see the tremendous difference between their level in session 1 and now, only 5 sessions later...

    Are you getting better at formulating your ideas in English too? If you have been following each lesson, I'm sure you definitely feel better at speaking English!

    On this occasion we will be talking about working excessively and expressing our opinions and feelings about that topic, so grab (tomar con las manos) something delicious to drink and relax, because it is time to continue transforming your English.

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation at:

    You will find the "Donate" button in the right column of the page.

    If you want to refine 10 other aspects of your English communication, excluding Grammar" then you must check out the Transform Your English special video-course that will transform you into a natural, clear, powerful, and persuasive English communicator. Visit:

    You can always reach me at: [email protected],
    Twitter: @TYE_Podcast        Or:

    and Thank You! Your support, your feedback, and your comments motivate me to keep going with this project to help every Spanish-speaking person speak amazing English.

    25 August 2016, 10:56 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli IV - ep 11 (Refine diverse aspects of your Grammar)
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli IV - Refine diverse aspects of your Grammar

    Aprende, pule y refina componentes importantísimos de tu gramática en inglés que te ayudarán a expresarte mejor y a formar enunciados correctamente en diversas situaciones.


    •  La diferencia de decir "YA" y "YA NO" en inglés.
    • Qué es un auxiliar, cómo se usa y porqué es diferente a un verbo.
    • Hablar de cosas que solíamos hacer en el pasado usando "USED TO"
    • Estructuras gramaticales avanzadas, un ejemplo: después de este episodio sabrás decir cosas cómo: "Podrías haber ido", "Has crecido mucho", "Ya había crecido antes de la última vez que estuve aquí"...
    • Y muchas cosas más en este episodio de TYE Special Sessions, ENJOY!

    Si te gusta el Podcast, considera hacer una pequeña donación:

    If you feel ready for a power-packed 8+hour advanced English video-course, learn more about it at:

    Keep up the good work, and as always, thank you for your support!

    15 August 2016, 9:33 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli III - ep 10 (Restaurants & Food)
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli III - Restaurants & Food

    En este episodio aprenderás una fantástica y sencilla manera de ordenar bebida y comida en cualquier restaurante donde se hable inglés; además, aprenderás trucos y técnicas de pronunciación, fluidez, vocabulario y estructura tremendamente útiles para tu inglés.

    ¡Disfruta la clase!

    Si te gusta el Podcast, considera hacer una pequeña donación:

    If you feel ready for a power-packed 8+hour advanced English video-course, learn more about it at:

    Keep up the good work, and as always, thank you for your support!

    11 August 2016, 9:26 pm
  • Basic - Dave & Meli II - ep 09 (Health & Injuries)
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


    Dave & Meli II - Health & Injuries

    En esta sesión aprenderás vocabulario relacionado con la salud, heridas y términos médicos, descubrirás cómo pronunciar correctamente los verbos que terminan en -ED, practicarás los magníficos auxiliares WOULD/COULD/SHOULD, desarrollarás una sensibilidad más profunda a tu lengua materna gracias a tu estudio del inglés, aprenderás a utilizar palabras que inicien con ANY y con NO (anything, nowhere, etc.) correctamente, analizarás cómo funcionan los negativos en inglés y muchas cosas más!

    Si te gusta el Podcast, considera hacer una pequeña donación:

    If you feel ready for a power-packed 8+hour advanced English video-course, learn more about it at:

    Keep up the good work, and as always, thank you for your support!

    21 July 2016, 4:57 pm
  • Advanced - Lore Fabi Maru II - ep 08 (Small Talk, Advanced Structures, and Much More)
    Transform Your English Special Sessions


     Lore Fabi Maru II - Small Talk, Advanced Structures, and Much More

    Learn advanced weather expressions, how to use movies to practice and improve your English, making small talk, giving emphasis to your sentences with "even" (an excellent personality word), the different kinds of future and how to use them correctly, using the word "head" as a verb, how to say "estoy a punto de terminar", the difference between "after" and "afterwards", how to say "necesito que lo impriman", and a couple of very advanced grammar structures using "have" and "get". This, and much more, in this powerful TYE Special Session.

    If you like the Podcast, consider making a small donation to the show: a dollar or two would help a lot with the expenses of producing this show, you can find the donate button at:

    If you feel ready for a power-packed 8+hour advanced English video-course, learn more about it at

    Keep up the good work, and as always, thank you for your support!

    13 July 2016, 7:35 pm
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