Learn Portuguese - BrazilianPodClass - Video Edition HD
BrazilianPodClass gives you the flexibility to fit learning Portuguese into your lifestyle. It is meant for those who want to learn Portuguese as it is spoken in Brazil.
Video 12 – Tips on how to use the Internet to learn Portuguese
The Internet offers a range of tools that can help you learn Portuguese.
1 February 2010, 12:21 am
Video 11 - 10 Tips for Your Trip to Brazil
In this episode, I’m going to speak about some tips to make your trip to Brazil more pleasant.
1 January 2010, 12:21 am
Video 10 – Brazilian Body Language
In this episode, we are going to learn some body expressions used by Brazilians and their meaning.
1 December 2009, 12:21 am
Video 9 - The City
In this episode, we are going to learn the name of some public and private establishments we find in the city.
1 November 2009, 12:21 am
Video 8 - Land Animals and Birds
In this episode, we are going to learn the names of some land animals and birds.
1 October 2009, 12:21 am
Video 7 - Shapes, Numbers and Colors
September 7th is Independence Day in Brazil. Let’s use the description of the Brazilian flag to remember this important date. In this video you will learn some shapes, numbers and colors that will help us describe our flag.
1 September 2009, 12:21 am
Video 6 - Asking for Directions
In this vídeo, José is asking a passer-by for directions. Let’s learn some verbs and expressions used in this situation.
1 August 2009, 12:21 am
Video 5 - Exercising in the Park
In this video, we are going to see Roberto and Cristina exercising in the park and study some regular verbs of action in the Present and in the Past.
1 July 2009, 12:21 am
Video 4 - At the Digital Age
Cristina is buying some music on the Internet. Roberto asks her what she is doing. Let’s listen to their conversation.
1 June 2009, 12:21 am
Video 3 - Meeting Friends
The other day, Roberto and his niece Sílvia met two of Roberto’s friends called Fernando and Antônio and their partners Márcia and Marcela. Listen to their conversation.
1 May 2009, 12:21 am
Video 2 - Going to Bed and Getting up
In this episode, we are going to learn some vocabulary and expressions related to the bedroom and the bathroom.