The show with tips, how-tos, and ideas for using today’s digital tools for teaching and learning
Got a smartphone or tablet? Then you could be drawing your own illustrations, clipart, and avatars! In Learning in Hand #32 I share examples and show techniques for creating your own artwork, even if you don't consider yourself an artist. My technique is based on tracing photos, so don't worry if you are embarrassed by your drawing skills. The video features the free Adobe Illustrator Draw app for iPad, iPhone, and Android, and the techniques can certainly be used in other drawing apps.
Go to for a transcript with links.
Learning in Hand Show #31 is about giving your learning centers or stations a makeover. The collection of activities teachers provide their students at a center can be enhanced with technology, even if there’s only one computer or tablet available. Watch the video to learn about some of the websites and apps that can help you set the course of the center, provide content, support creativity, and capture responses.
Visit for a transcript with links.
Learning in Hand Show #30 is about making infopics. An infopic is a photo with text layered on top that is designed to communicate a message. Watch the video to see examples and to learn about tools and techniques for making your own.
Visit for a transcript with links.
Apps metioned include Mextures, Over, Skitch, Pic Collage, PicLab, PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, Path on, Pixlr, Canva, and Rhonna Designes.
Learning in Hand Show #29 tells you about three websites that are great for finding clipart, photos, symbols, and icons. These sites feature images that you already have permission to use on your website, blog, poster, slideshow, video, animation, etc., etc. Also, get tips on how to download these images and advice for finding images to illustrate your ideas.
Visit for a transcript with links.
Learning in Hand #28 is about some of what's new in Apple's iOS 8. Instead of showing you the major features you might already know about, Tony Vincent demonstrates the lesser known additions that teachers, students, and parents will be interested in. These include additions to the Notes app, predictive typing, dictation enhancements, sharing options, zoom improvements, speak screen, time limits, and updates to the photo library.
Go to for a transcirpt of this episode.
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Learning in Hand #27 is all about the Stick Around app for iPad. The idea behind Stick Around is simple: players move stickers onto the correct spots on a background. The thing is, you not only use Stick Around to play these sticker puzzles, but you use it to create them as well!
Watch to learn how to play Stick Around’s sorting, labeling, and matching puzzles. You’ll see that stickers can have notes, arrows, comments, web links, and audio. You’ll also see that stickers don’t have to be just text–your stickers can be images and drawings!
Then watch to see a puzzle created in five steps: design a background, add stickers, make an answer key, enter information, and test the puzzle.
Stick Around is $2.99 and available in the App Store and half price in Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.
When you make your own study aids, it aids in your own studying!
Transcript is available at:
Learning in Hand #26 is about Padlet and Lino. Padlet and Lino are the two best online sticky note services around. They are web-based and work great on iPads, PCs, Macs, smartphones, and tablets. Walls can be set up so that students can use them without logins or passwords, making them easy to infuse into lessons. And the sticky notes aren't limited to text–they can have images, videos, and hyperlinks. Discover how teachers are using these virtual message boards everyday to collect student products, power communication, and fuel productive collaboration.
Transcript is available at
Tony Vincent explains QR codes and shows examples of how they can be used inside and outside of the classroom. For a transcript with web links, go to
Learn how iPod touch and iPad can be used for mobile learning and project based learning. Transcript is available at
Watch for how to sync voice memos from an iPod, iPod touch, or iPhone. Using Smart Playlists in iTunes, see how students and teachers can sync and automatically organize recordings. This process is essential in classrooms where teachers collect reading fluency samples, student reflections, and podcast segments. Transcript is available at
This episode features lists of apps for Apple's handhelds. It also showcases apps that educators have shared on Twitter. Transcript is available at
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