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Vietnamese 4 Everybody

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  • 18 minutes 52 seconds
    Vietnamese Lesson 6- Cardinal & Ordinal Numbers; Dates
    Ex1: Write these numbers in Vietnamese 5325 Năm ngàn ba trăm hai mươi lăm 69999 Sáu mươi chín ngàn chín trăm chín mươi chín 123021 Một trăm hai mươi ba ngàn không trăm hai mươi mốt 404404 Bốn trăm lẻ bốn ngàn bốn trăm lẻ bốn Ex2: These are the numbers you heard. 272220 120556 385724 Note: In spoken Vietnamese, mươi/ ngàn is generally reduced. E.g.: Ba trăm hai mươi lăm could be shortened to ba trăm hai lăm. Correction: I intended to say this number-900001 (chín trăm ngàn không trăm lẻ một)-in one of the complicated examples. But somehow I said 900901 (chín trăm ngàn chín trăm lẻ một) instead. I apologize for this mistake.
    21 November 2011, 8:01 am
  • 13 minutes 43 seconds
    Vietnamese Lesson 5: Cardinal Numbers
    A number is a số. A digit is a chữ số. Cardinal number: số đếm An example of the order in which I say a number is One- một- M-Ô-T-NẶNG- Ô-T-ÔT-M-ÔT-MÔT-NẶNG-MỘT- một The two phone numbers you heard should be 0903195763 0935647717 Ex 1: Express the numbers you hear in Vietnamese: 32 ba mươi hai 52 năm mươi hai 77 bảy mươi bảy 94 chín mươi bốn Example of a math problem: 1+1: một cộng một
    20 October 2011, 5:18 pm
  • 14 minutes 5 seconds
    Vietnamese Lesson 4: Accents and How to Say a Vietnamese Word
    Exercise 1 - Write the diacritics you hear: huyền, nặng, sắc, ngã, hỏi, nặng, hỏi, sắc, ngã Exercise 2 - Listen and write down the vowels and their accents: ô, ô, ồ, ổ, ỗ, ố, ộ, ồ ơ, ớ, ở, ợ, ờ, ỡ ề, ê, ể, ế, ễ, ệ , ê Steps to pronounce a Vietnamese word. E.g. CHÀO First pronounce the vowel separately then their combination if any. A-O-AO Second, pronounce the consonant or consonant clusters. CH Third, repeat the vowel or vowel combination then articulate both together. AO-CHAO Fourth, add the accent if any. HUYỀN Last, after you add the accent, you need the say the whole word with the accent. CHÀO.
    7 October 2011, 5:34 am
  • 14 minutes 27 seconds
    Vietnamese Lesson 3: Combinations of Consonants- Accents
    Notes: ngh and gh are pronounced like ng and g respectively. They along with K can only go with i, e, ê and their combinations. K can also go with Y. All accents are placed above a vowel except dấu nặng. It is placed below a vowel. Examples of placing an accent: Sài Gòn, người Việt Nam, đường Exercise: Place the accent in the parentheses in the preceding word. Xin chao (dấu huyền) Cam (dấu sắc) ơn Vui long (dấu huyền)/ lam (dấu huyền) ơn Xin lôi (dấu ngã) Xin chia buôn (dấu huyền) Chuc (dấu sắc) mưng (dấu huyền) năm mơi (dấu sắc) Chuc (dấu sắc) mưng (dấu huyền) sinh nhât (dấu nặng) Tuân (dấu huyền) sau găp (dấu nặng) lai (dấu nặng)
    26 September 2011, 6:06 am
  • 15 minutes 17 seconds
    Vietnamese lesson 2: Consonants
    There are 17 consonants in total in the Vietnamese alphabet. They are B, C, D, Đ, G, H, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X For Southerners, we pronounce X and S the same way as xờ. So as to tell them apart when it comes to writing, we use xờ xe for X and xờ sẻ for S. Children are taught to use Bờ for B and Bê for P. From now on, I’ll use B bê for B and B phở for P. Some common phrases: XIN CHAO: hello LAM ƠN/ VUI LONG: please XIN LÔI: sorry/ excuse me CAM ƠN: thank you XIN CHIA BUÔN: condolences CHUC MƯNG SINH NHÂT: happy birthday CHUC MƯNG NĂM MƠI: happy new year TUÂN SAU GĂP LAI: see you next week As for how to say these phrases, come and listen to me on the next episodes.
    19 September 2011, 12:51 am
  • 16 minutes 4 seconds
    LESSON 1: Vietnamese Vowels
    There are 29 letters in the Vietnamese alphabet. They are A, Ă, Â, B, C, D, Đ, E, Ê, G, H, I K, L, M ,N, O, Ô, Ơ, P, Q, R, S, T, V, U, Ư, X, Y. - A (1) and its variations- Ă (2), Â (3) The order you hear should be 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2. Key to the dictation task: Ă, Â, A, Â, A, Ă - E (1) and Ê (2) The order you hear should be 1, 1, 1, 2 Key to the dictation exercise: Ê, Ê, E, Ê - O (1) and its variations Ô (2), Ơ (3) The order you hear should be 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1 Key to the dictation exercise: O, Ô, O, Ơ, Ô, Ô - U (1) and Ư (2) The order you hear should be 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 Key to the dictation exercise: U, Ư, Ư, U - Y and I Y: i dài I: i ngắn - The final dictation task should be in this order: E,O, A, U, Ă, Ô, Ư, Ơ, Y, Â, Ê, I.
    9 September 2011, 7:24 am
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