Keys For Kids Ministries Podcast

Keys For Kids Ministries

Keys for Kids offers music, stories, and Bible lessons just for kids—every day!

  • The Dead Stick

    Bible Reading: 1 John 5:10-13

    Bruno frowned and kicked at a stone as he walked home from school. As he approached Mr. Burk's house, he saw his Sunday school teacher working in the yard. "Hi there, Bruno," said Mr. Burk. "How are you today?"

    "Not great," muttered Bruno. He shuffled his toe in the dirt. "I'm always getting into trouble at school." He sighed. "Since I've been coming to your Sunday school class, I've been trying to change and be good--but I just can't seem to do it. Today I had to stay in at recess because I talked back to a teacher."

    Mr. Burk leaned on his rake. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said.

    Bruno shrugged. "Like I said, I'm trying to do better, but I guess it's hopeless."

    "Oh, no, no, no!" said Mr. Burk. "It's not hopeless. I think you're just depending on the wrong things to help you." He picked up a small dead branch that had fallen from a tree. "I was going to plant some fruit trees out back. I'll water them and put fertilizer around them, and soon they'll bear juicy peaches and apples for me to eat." He held up the dead branch. "Why don't you help me plant this one?"

    Bruno laughed. "That's a dead stick. You know it won't grow anything."

    Mr. Burk looked at the stick. "True," he said. "A dead stick can't produce fruit. And you know what, Bruno? You may be like this stick--you don't have true life either if you haven't trusted Jesus as your Savior. Have you done that?"

    "Well, no, I…I…" Bruno stammered. "I thought if I just went to church and read the Bible and did stuff like that, I'd be all right."

    "You said you want to do better, but you need Jesus for that," said Mr. Burk. "Even if you read the whole Bible and go to church and pray, you can't produce good fruit unless you have spiritual life that only comes through Jesus. You need Him to free you from sin and give you the power of the Holy Spirit so you can live in a way that shows others His love." Mr. Burk smiled at Bruno. "Would you like me to explain how you can receive real life through Jesus?"

    Bruno looked at the dead stick lying on the lawn and nodded.

    –Mary Rose Pearson

    How About You?
    Has Jesus given you spiritual life? Are you bearing good fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit? Or do you just try hard to be good only to fail? Just like a dead stick can't produce fruit when it's not connected to a living tree, you can't live the Christian life without Jesus. Trust Him as your Savior and receive new life today! (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to

    Today's Key Verse:
    Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. (NIV) (1 John 5:12)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Jesus gives life
    30 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Without a Script

    Bible Reading: Exodus 4:10-12; Ephesians 6:18-20

    As the curtain dropped at the end of her school play, Hazel's dad and brother made their way backstage. "You remembered every line perfectly," Dad said, giving her a hug.

    Hazel smiled. "Before the curtain rose at the beginning, I was so scared! I didn't see how I was going to get through it without my script in front of me. But when I had to start talking, the words just came back."

    "What's a script?" asked Hazel's little brother, Tommy.

    "It's a copy of the play," said Hazel. "On my copy, I marked the words I had to say." She smiled at a girl walking by. "Good job, Mia!"

    "Thanks," murmured Mia. "You did good too, Hazel."

    As Hazel and her family drove home, Hazel spoke. "Remember Mia? She seems really unhappy lately. I feel like I should talk to her about it, but I'm afraid I might say the wrong thing." She looked at the script she held in her hand. "I wish there were a script for that sort of thing."

    "Well, you're in good company," Dad said. "I think the apostle Paul was sometimes a bit concerned about saying the wrong thing too."

    "No way!" said Hazel. "Paul was one of the greatest preachers ever!"

    "But he was human--just like you. And he had a big responsibility too--helping people understand how much God loves them and what Jesus did to save them. Do you know what he did about it?"

    "Maybe he prayed," suggested Tommy.

    "Yes, he did," answered Dad. "And he also asked his Christian friends to pray that God would put the right words into his mouth."

    "Sort of how the right words to the play popped into my head tonight?"

    "Sort of," said Dad. "Only the words he spoke came from God, not from a script. You may not know the right thing to say to Mia, but God knows exactly what you need to say--and what Mia needs to hear. Pray about it, and if you believe God wants you to talk with her, go for it, trusting Him to help you. I'll pray for you too."

    –Heather Tekavec

    How About You?
    Does the idea of talking to others about Jesus scare you? Do you worry you might say the wrong thing or not be able to think of anything to say at all? Ask God to help you speak the right words at the right time--just like He helped Paul and Moses (see today's Bible reading.) Trust God to give you the words you need when you need them.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say. (CSB) (Exodus 4:12)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Let God help you speak
    29 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Guilty

    Bible Reading: Psalm 130

    Where's Pippi? wondered Monica when she got home from school. She always meets me at the door. Then she saw it--a trail of tissue paper from the bathroom down the hall. "Oh, you naughty puppy! Come here, Pippi!" A brown ball of fur came slinking out from under Monica's bed, tail tucked between its legs. Monica laughed. "You know you're guilty, don't you?" she said, picking up the puppy and rubbing her fur. "But I love you anyway, and I forgive you. Let's get this mess cleaned up."

    That night, Monica had trouble sleeping. She couldn't forget something bad she had done that afternoon. She tossed and turned as it went over and over in her mind. Why did I do that? she kept asking herself. Jesus must be so mad at me. I wish I could hide! She pulled the blanket over her head, but it didn't help. Suddenly, Monica shivered. "Mom!" she called. "Mom!"

    The light came on, and Monica blinked as she lowered the blanket and saw Mom's concerned look. "Oh, Mom," said Monica, wide-eyed. "It seemed like Jesus was right here!"

    "Why does that scare you?" asked Mom. "You know Jesus loves you and is always with you."

    Monica's voice shook. "Well, I…I stole some money from Saralyn. It was on her desk, and--"

    "And that's why you're afraid." Mom put her arms around Monica. "Remember how Pippi tried to hide after dragging the tissue paper down the hall from the bathroom?"

    Monica nodded. "Yes, but it didn't work. I knew where she was hiding and what she'd done. She knew too. I could tell she was ashamed, and I forgave her."

    "Well, we often try to do the same thing with God," said Mom. "When we sin, the sense of God's presence can be frightening and make us feel ashamed. But we don't ever have to hide from God in shame, because Jesus took the guilt and shame of our sins on Himself when He died on the cross. When we confess our sin to Him, He will forgive us, just like you forgave Pippi."

    "I'll ask Him to forgive me now," said Monica. "And I'll return the money tomorrow." Together, Mom and Monica bowed their heads and prayed. Then Monica snuggled down under the covers, and soon she was fast asleep.

    –Barbara J. Westberg

    How About You?
    Are you ever afraid of God and want to hide from Him? That usually means you know you've done something wrong and feel ashamed of it. But you can't hide anything from God--He already knows all about it, and He wants to forgive you! Jesus paid for all your sins so you wouldn't have to hide. Tell Him what you did and ask His forgiveness. He loves you and wants to give you peace.

    Today's Key Verse:
    If we confess our sins, God will forgive us. (ERV) (1 John 1:9)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Confession brings forgiveness
    28 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Colby Gives Thanks

    Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 1:17

    "What a great day!" Colby told his dad as they said goodbye to their friends at the park. They'd joined other families to hang out and have fun. Colby's two best friends, Asher and Arlo, had been there too. As Colby and his father turned toward the sidewalk, they spotted an ice cream truck parked there.

    "Please, Dad!" Colby cried. "Just this once!"

    Dad smiled. "Sure, just this once." He handed Colby some money.

    Colby rushed to the truck and requested his favorite sweet treat--the strawberry shortcake bar. He eagerly unwrapped it and took a bite as the ice cream truck drove away. Just then, Colby tripped on a curb. The delicious dessert fell from his grasp, landing in the dirt. "No!" Colby yelled. He knew it could not be rescued and began to cry.

    "I'm sorry, buddy. I wish I could buy you another one, but the truck just left." Dad hugged Colby and then picked up the filthy shortcake bar and tossed it in the trash.

    Walking home, Colby said, "Dad, I had fun today until I dropped my ice cream. That spoiled my whole day."

    "I know the ruined ice cream bar was a disappointment, but did it really wreck your entire day?"

    "Maybe," Colby replied.

    "Colby, remember last summer when you trusted Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior?" Dad asked. Colby nodded. "Well, now you are God's child, and do you know what He wants for His children?"

    "What, Dad?"

    "He wants us to be grateful. He tells us to be thankful in all situations."

    "I am not thankful I dropped my ice cream!" Colby announced.

    "You don't have to be, buddy. God tells us to be grateful in all things--not for all things. When we remember that Jesus saved us and promises us eternal life, we can be thankful for the joy and hope we have in Him, even when bad things happen. And we can thank Him for the good things in our lives too. Can you think of anything from today that you would like to thank God for?"

    "Yes! My friends, Asher and Arlo; the kickball game at the park; and one more thing, Dad."

    "What's that?"

    "I'm thankful we have more ice cream at home!"

    –Allison Wilson Lee

    How About You?
    Do you sometimes struggle to give God thanks? Even when we feel frustrated or sad, we can always find reasons to say thank you to God. We don't have to feel grateful for scary or bad things that happen, but, when we remember that Jesus died for us so we could have eternal life with Him, we can learn to be thankful in all situations, even difficult ones.

    Today's Key Verse:
    In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (NKJV) (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

    Today's Key Thought:
    You can always thank God
    27 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • A Green Thumb

    Bible Reading: Colossians 3:23-24

    Plink! Plink! Plink! One by one, Abbie slowly picked out the notes of the music for her piano recital. This is so hard, she thought. I'm not sure I'll ever get it good enough to play in front of a bunch of people! Abbie struggled on for a few minutes, then tossed the music book on the floor and began to play a song from memory. This is much more fun, she told herself.

    Later that day, Abbie helped Mom plant seeds in the garden. "You always have such pretty flowers, Mom," said Abbie. "Grandma says you have a green thumb--whatever that means."

    Mom laughed. "She means I have a talent for growing plants. That may be true, but I have to do a lot of work too. Thomas Edison, the great inventor, once said, 'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.' I think he's right."

    "You do work hard in the yard--and you make me work hard too!" Abbie teased. "I don't mind gardening, but I don't have a green thumb like you do."

    "What do you like to do?" asked Mom. "What are you good at?"

    "Hmm." Abbie thought for a moment. "Playing the piano!" Then she frowned. "But I'm already tired of practicing my recital piece. I wish I didn't have to practice so much."

    "So I guess music is your green thumb area," said Mom. "You definitely have a talent for playing the piano. But if you want to develop that into something worthwhile, you'll have to work hard at it--just like I have to work hard at gardening even though I have a green thumb. But I know you can do it. God is the one who gave us our talents, and He will help us work to develop them so we can share our gifts with others and point them to Jesus."

    Abbie grinned. "But I don't think it's fair--I can help you in the garden, but you can't help me play the piano."

    "That's true," said Mom. "But I'll tell you what. When we're done here, I'll use another one of my talents while I listen to you rehearse your piece--I'll work on sewing your dress for the recital. How about that?" Abbie smiled and nodded.

    – Mary Rose Pearson

    How About You?
    What are you good at? There are many ways you can use your talents to share good things with others and point them to Jesus. They can range from performing in front of people to serving quietly in the background. Singing, speaking, making things, cooking, writing, planning activities--whatever you do well is a talent God can use. Don't worry about what other people think--trust God to help you develop your talents and use them for His glory.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. (NLT) (Colossians 3:23)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Develop your talents
    26 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Life Insurance

    Bible Reading: John 3:16-18

    "Hey, Dad!" Eleanor said as she bounced into the den. "What are you doing?"

    Dad looked up from the papers on his desk and smiled at Eleanor. "Just going through some paperwork. How was school?"

    "All right," Eleanor replied. "I got a B on my science test today." She paused, and after a moment, frowned. "Is your paperwork for that insurance stuff you were talking about with Mom? I overheard you talking about it when I was studying yesterday, but I don't understand what it means."

    Dad shifted in his chair. "It's called life insurance," he began. "If something happened to me and I died, Mom would need money to pay for my funeral and to take care of you. She wouldn't be able to pay for all that herself. But with life insurance, the insurance company helps pay for everything."

    "Oh," Eleanor said, turning the idea over in her mind. Suddenly, a thought struck her. "Are you getting this insurance because you're sick?" she asked. "I don't want you to die--we'd never be together again!"

    "It's all right, Eleanor, I'm not sick," Dad said, giving her a hug. "But even if I did die, it doesn't mean you'd never see me again. Life insurance can only help pay for things on earth when someone dies, but I have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus, who paid a much greater cost--He died to pay the price of my sin. Because I trust in Him, I know that I'll go to heaven to be with Him when I die, and one day He will raise me from the dead! No life insurance company could ever promise anything as good as that," Dad said, pointing to the papers on his desk. "Do you have the assurance of eternal life too, Eleanor? Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? If so, then you and I will be together with Him forever."

    "I've heard a lot about trusting in Jesus at church, but I--I guess not," Eleanor stammered. "Will you help me pray so I can tell Him I want to do

    that now, Dad?"

    "Absolutely," Dad replied, and they both bowed their heads.

    – Ethan Denny

    How About You?
    Do you have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus? The price of your sin is too high for you to pay, but Jesus paid it for you when He died on the cross. When you trust Him as your Savior, He promises you eternal life with Him. Trust in Him today and know that you'll live with Him forever! (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to

    Today's Key Verse:
    For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NKJV) (Romans 6:23)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Receive the assurance of eternal life
    25 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Granny's Helper

    Bible Reading: Psalm 55:16-17, 22

    As Jeremiah looked out the window at the falling rain, he felt like his life was as dismal as the day. Dad left home, and we don't even know where he is, he thought. Now Mom is sick, and it's up to me to look after her and my two little sisters. But how can I do all that plus run my lawnmowing business and go to school? I sure can't do it all alone.

    Just then the city bus pulled up to the corner and an elderly woman got off. It was Granny Gresham, a nearby neighbor, and she had a big suitcase. The wind was so strong that Granny could scarcely take a step forward. Jeremiah hurried to pull on a raincoat and headed for the door. "I'm going to help Granny Gresham," he called to his mother. "She's out in the storm."

    Jeremiah ran over to their neighbor and took the suitcase for her. When they finally reached her home, she turned to him gratefully. "What would I have done without your help?" She smiled. "How about a cup of hot cocoa?"

    "Thanks, but I have to hurry home," replied Jeremiah. "Mom's sick."

    "Oh, that's too bad," said Granny. "Now just remember that you don't have to face your problems alone, Jeremiah. I know you love the Lord, so don't forget that He's always with you, ready to take your burdens. The Bible tells us that Jesus is a Savior who empathizes with our struggles because He knows what it's like to live in this difficult world. Tell Him all about what you're going through and trust Him for help."

    As Jeremiah hurried home, he thought about Granny's words. Jesus, he prayed silently, I feel like I have more stuff to take care of than I can handle, so thank You for having Granny remind me that You're with me all the time. Please show me how I can help Mom and take care of my sisters along with school and everything else.

    That night, the phone rang. It was Granny. "Will you carry my suitcase once more?" she asked. "I'm coming to your house to help out until your mom is well."

    Jeremiah grinned. Thank You, Jesus, he prayed after Granny hung up. Thank You for helping me.

    – Mary Rose Pearson

    How About You?
    Do you have problems you don't know how to handle? Do you think there's no one who can help you? If you know Jesus, He invites you to boldly come to Him. He understands what it's like to face worries and troubles, and He has the power to solve every problem. Talk to Him about your situation, and trust Him for help and direction. Give Him your burdens and He will carry them.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT) (1 Peter 5:7)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Give your burdens to God
    24 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Luna's Wings

    Bible Reading: Psalm 36:7-9; John 14:26-28

    Stroking the hen's feathers, Rowan grinned as the chicks tugged at his pants, then scuttled under their mother. "Hi, girls." His sisters Opal and Sylvie joined him, peering under the hen at the chicks, but they knew better than to touch.

    "They're so cute!" Five-year-old Rosalind tried to grab a chick, but the chick's mother puffed up and jumped at her defensively.

    "Rosie, you have to be gentle, or else Luna will do that again," Mom said as she walked up and peeled off her gardening gloves. "She's a very protective mother, you know."

    The chicks at last were allowed to wander out, but when the dog, Arabella, came bounding up, the chicks--Stella, Sunshine, Nova, and Aurora--scurried to take cover under Luna's outspread wings.

    Rowan hopped up and grabbed Arabella's collar. "Whoa there, girl. You can't do that. See, you've frightened them." Arabella whined apologetically.

    "You know," Sylvie said slowly, "this reminds me of a verse I read this morning."

    "What?" Opal cocked her head.

    Mom smiled. "Let me guess. 'People take refuge in the shadow of your wings'?"

    "Exactly!" Sylvie laughed. "How did you know?"

    "We're all reading the Psalms." Mom shrugged. "That was in the one for today."

    "What does that mean?" Rosalind wanted to know.

    "Think of it this way. When the chicks are afraid, where do they go?"

    "Under Luna," Rowan replied promptly.


    "Because they like her?" Rosalind guessed.

    "Not exactly." Mom smoothed Rosalind's hair. "They go there because they are safe there. Arabella can't reach them there because Luna will protect them. And they know that, by instinct. It's a little like that with us and God. Sometimes we're afraid, or worried, or we feel alone. But like those little chicks, we can take shelter under God's wings. And He is able to protect us far more than Luna could ever protect her chicks. Jesus defeated sin and death to save us, and He promises to always be with us and take care of us."

    "So even though Mimi and Papa are sick, and there's a war going on, and we're sometimes so scared we don't know what to do, we can always run to God." Rowan smiled. "Just like Luna's chicks run to her."

    – Ellie Shirk

    How About You?
    What do you do when you feel afraid or worried? We all get scared sometimes, and we often forget that Jesus is right there with us, holding us. Even when we don't feel it, He is near. You can always run to Him, and He will shelter you and give you peace. Take refuge in the shadow of His wings.

    Today's Key Verse:
    In me [Jesus] you may have peace. In this World you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (NIV) (John 16:33)

    Today's Key Thought:
    We can take shelter in God
    23 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Two Words

    Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-13

    "Did you see my hit, Dad?" Caden asked as he climbed into the pick-up. "My first of the season!"

    Dad nodded. "You know, it could have been a double if you had stepped into the swing."

    "I know, but..." Caden quieted.

    Mom opened the front door as they drove up to the house. "How was the game, guys?"

    "I got a hit," said Caden softly as Dad shuffled away to weed the flower beds.

    "Great!" said Mom. "I'm sorry I couldn't be--" But Caden was already inside. He surveyed the kitchen for a snack as Mom followed him into the room.

    "I tried a new cookie recipe today." Mom held out a plate and Caden took one. "A perfect way to celebrate your hit." Caden didn't respond. "Did something happen at the game, Caden? What's wrong?"

    "Why can't Dad ever say 'good job'? It's just two words. Instead, he always points out what could be better."

    "Dad is proud of you, Caden. I'm sure of it. He just forgets how important it is to say it. Maybe you should talk to him about it and tell him how you feel."

    "I guess." Caden bit into his cookie. "Hey, Mom, these cookies are a little burnt."

    Just then Caden's sister Emily bounded into the kitchen. "I did it! I finally finished the scarf I've been knitting." She held it up for them to see.

    Caden glanced at it and frowned. "Aren't scarves supposed to be longer than that?"

    Emily glared at him and then walked back to her room.

    "What did I say?" asked Caden.

    Mom touched his shoulder. "What was it again you wished Dad would have said after the game?"

    "Good job. Just two simple words, 'Good--'" Caden stopped. "Oh."

    Mom lifted her eyebrows. "Mmm hmm. Sometimes we all just need a little encouragement, don't we? None of us is perfect, but we're still loved--God loves us so much He sent Jesus to die for our sins! And He wants us to remind others that we love them too by acknowledging their accomplishments and encouraging them."

    "I'll go find Emily," Caden said. "Looks like Dad and I could work on this together." Caden left the room, but quickly returned. "Hey, Mom? Good job on those cookies."

    Mom smiled. "Thanks, Caden. That's just what I needed to hear."

    – Kelly Carlson

    How About You?
    When was the last time you said "good job"? Is there someone in your life who needs to hear that? People rarely do things perfectly, but when they try their best and do well, we need to encourage them instead of pointing out what they could have done better. Make "good job" two of the words you say today!

    Today's Key Verse:
    Encourage one another and build each other up. (CSB) (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Encourage others
    22 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • Heart Hoarders

    Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:31-32; Hebrews 12:1-2

    "Mom, look at this!" Sari pointed to the TV. "This woman has been hoarding junk for more than twenty years, and now her house is so full she can't even move around in it! It's a huge health hazard, and she's going to be forced to leave her home if she doesn't clean it out. The team of people who make this show came to help. Just look at all that stuff!"

    Mom shook her head sadly. "That poor woman. It's so hard to let go of things sometimes."

    Sari rolled her eyes. "It's her own fault for letting it get like that! Couldn't she see that her house was getting so full she could hardly walk around?"

    "Not necessarily," answered Mom. "I'm sure it happened so gradually over a long period of time that she hardly noticed it. It probably wasn't until someone else came inside that she realized how bad it had gotten. That's how it happened with me."

    "What?" exclaimed Sari. "You used to be a hoarder?"

    Mom laughed. "I guess you could say that. I didn't hoard things in my house though--I hoarded things in my heart."

    "What do you mean?" asked Sari.

    "Well, when I became a Christian, I was thrilled to have Jesus in my life. But even though I knew He'd made me a new person, I still didn't want to let go of some sinful things I thought were fun or the grudges I had against other people. I was holding on to sin and anger and bitterness, even though those things didn't belong in my new life and were hurting me and others."

    "So how'd you get rid of them?" asked Sari.

    "It wasn't until a Christian friend pointed out how she saw me living that I finally realized I needed help. The Holy Spirit gave me the power to let go of my selfish desires so I could live in a way that reflects Jesus's love without all that other stuff getting in the way."

    Sari looked back at the TV screen. "Just like the woman on this show will be able to enjoy living in her house once all that junk is cleaned out of it."

    Mom nodded. "Exactly!"

    – Courtney Lasater

    How About You?
    Are you hanging on to things that don't belong in the new life Jesus has given you? Sometimes it's hard to let go of your old way of doing things, but that's not who you are anymore. Jesus has made you a new person who's able to show His love to others in all you do. Trust Him to help you let go of any selfish habits you've been holding on to and embrace your new life in Him.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares us...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. (NKJV) (Hebrews 12:1-2)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Let go of sin and bitterness
    21 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • A Gentle Push

    Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:26-27; Isaiah 40:28-31

    Mario and his dad were on a fishing trip when Mario made a discovery--an eagle's nest way up near the top of a tall tree. And up in the sky, they saw a large bird soaring high over the river. Mario let out a long breath. "Wow! I wish I could fly like that!"

    "Well, that eagle didn't always have such great flying skills," said Dad. "I've read that baby eagles are afraid of flying. In fact, it takes a great deal of their mother's prodding to get them out of their soft, warm nest."

    "I know. We talked about them in school. My teacher said the mother eagle pushes the babies right out over the side of the nest. That must be scary for them!"

    Dad nodded. "They probably think they'll fall to the ground."

    "Yeah, but then after the mother eagle lets one of the eaglets flutter and fall for a bit, she soars underneath it and lets it land on her wings. Then she takes it back to the nest. She does that over and over until they're brave and strong enough to fly on their own."

    A few days later, Mario felt nervous about a kids' event at church he had agreed to help with. "Mrs. Campbell wants me to help with the little kids' group tomorrow," Mario told his dad. "But what if the kids ask me questions I don't know how to answer? It might be the first time some of them ever hear about Jesus, and I'm afraid I won't know what to say!"

    "You can always ask an adult for help," said Dad. "I know it's scary for you, Mario, but you haven't forgotten how little eagles learn to fly, have you?"

    "What does that have to do with it?" Mario wanted to know.

    "God often helps His children in a way that's similar to how a mother eagle helps her babies," Dad explained. "Sometimes He gives you a gentle push to get you to try new things--things that make you feel helpless or afraid at first so you'll learn to depend on Him for strength and guidance. The Holy Spirit is always with you, and He'll be there to catch you and help you know what to say."

    Mario smiled. "Thanks, Dad. I'll remember that tomorrow."

    – Trudy Vanderveen

    How About You?
    Do you get nervous telling others about Jesus? Are you afraid your friends will laugh at you if you invite them to church? It can be scary to share your faith with others sometimes, but God is always with you. He's helping you learn to depend on Him in every situation instead of relying on your own strength. Even when you feel like you're failing, He is with you. He won't ever leave you on your own. Trust Him to help you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. (NKJV) (Isaiah 40:31)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Rely on God
    20 April 2024, 4:00 am
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