Rock The Lego Universe!
Well, It turns out that Lego Chima is probable just a new line of sets. Still Exited, though!
Hey, Explorers! I’ve just found out about Lego Chima. Could this be the alleged Funcom project? I will post again when I find out. Check it out at
Greetings, explorers! Morgan here. It’s been so long… so many memories… But we are still here! As you all know, LEGO has partnered with Funcom to create a new MMO. When this materializes, we will do a show about it. On a personal note, I’ve missed all of you! The best way to keep in touch with me is to email me or follow me on twitter (@MorganWalz). I look forward to talking to you all again soon!
Hello, Explorers! Morgan here. It has been a sad time for us and many of you since LU closed, and we would like to provide you with a few keepsakes to remember all of the good times of LEGO Universe. Within a few days I will either make a post requesting email or create a form so that YOU can get your items.
That’s about it for this post, so submit a form for goodies! We can’t wait to hear from you.
Morgan, SecretsOfLegoUniverse.
Our scedule has been really whacky the past few days, and I’m trying to get a concrete final show time. Keep checking here for more info. Hope to see YOU at the final show.
Quick! Send us an email to [email protected] or leave a comment to ensure that you will get some shwag! Thanks to Ronny over at LEGO in Denmark, we have plenty of LU things to give away; hundreds of Exclusive Astronaut minifigs (that only came with a pre order purchase) Hundreds of classic LU Posters, a few LU faction T-Shirts (XL paradox, XXL venture, XXG sentinal), a bunch of LEGO Universe logo stickers, a couple of LUP event 2007 dvds, a few LU nametags, 5-6 exclusive Nexus Force rockets (perfect with the minifigure), and a few Official Stragety Guides (If you’re making an LU “time capsule” like I am, these are perfect as they document every nook and cranny of LU and its storyline before crux, valiants, nexus tower, etc.). We will aslobe receiving Limited Edition LU DVDs from Ronny. Everyone gets a minifig and a poster (plus a few for friends) and I’ll try to divide the extra shwag evenly. But do email us or post a comment, and also tell us if you wear a XL, XXL, or XXG shirt :P.
Hey: thanks, everyone.
Hello, friends. Lego universe, the best game ver, was closed last night. It is very sad, and we are all morning the loss. But Lego universe will live on in the hearts of us all!
As for the final show, it should be recorded this friday night. If you would like to contribute to the final show, leave a comment here, or send a quick email to [email protected] . Thank you for your support over this past year.
Play well, Explorers.
Something is coming. Something big. Something epic. Something that calls itself “The final show”
Hello, Explorers! I’m here to finally officially announce the Plan for Secrets of LEGO Universe:
Now: I will try and release all the shows that have been recorded. Thi is the reason for the lack of recording recently. The last regular show will be recorded on 12/23/11
Next: We willl begin work on the final show. Not to give away too much of the awesomeness, but this show will be the ultimate. We will release teaser trailers as the work progresses, and short bits that aren’t full shows, but don’t have to do with the final show.
Finally: I can’t say too much, (1. Don’t want to spoil it 2. I don’t know all of what will be there,) but the final show will be epic. It will have Lu office content, stuff from players, and a lot more.
So I hope that patience persists, and that the teasers tide you over. Play well, untill Friday.