Simplify Complexity: Christian Relationship Advice & Help

[email protected] (Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald)

A Christian Single, Dating, Courting, & Marriage Resource

  • 25 minutes 27 seconds
    Finding Compatibility When Dating

    How important is finding compatibility to you when dating?

    When seeking a life partner, you don’t want to choose anyone. You wanna find someone you’re compatible with, but what does that mean? The word compatible is where two things are able to exist or occur together without problem or conflict. There are some things that you don’t want to mix together such as baking soda and vinegar, or bleach and rubbing alcohol. When you combine these chemicals they create something that is toxic and unsafe. This is also true in relationships.

    The reality is some people don’t mix well. When you put them together they create something toxic.

    When joining together in the union of marriage, your personalities, & worldviews should complement each other. It’s not to say everything is perfect and you don’t experience challenge, but for the most part you’re good for each other, and together you’re good for others. In this podcast we discuss things you want to be mindful of when seeking compatibility in the dating process. Don’t underestimate the importance of this stage and your responsibility to choose wisely.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

    The post Finding Compatibility When Dating appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    15 August 2022, 6:17 pm
  • 27 minutes 40 seconds
    How to Recover from Bad Relationship Arguments?

    Disagreements, frustrations and disappointments are impossible to avoid in relationships.

    Although we can’t avoid disagreements and frustrations in relationships, it doesn’t mean they have to turn into arguments. Disagreements aren’t the same as arguments. An argument occurs when two sides are approaching a disagreement in unhealthy and unproductive ways. An arguing couple in most cases isn’t seeking resolution, rather they are seeking to be right or prove someone wrong. Bad relationship arguments go to the next level, with extremes of yelling, name calling, or shutting down? Normally both side walk away not talking, and more upset than before.

    What do you do when an argument has moved you to not talking?

    Although our desire is to avoid arguments, especially bad ones, sometimes they happen. When your tempers are flaring and frustrations are overflowing, how do you reengage one another for the betterment of your relationship/marriage. In this podcast episode we share practical tips to help you win the battle for your relationship verses winning an argument. If you desire to have a healthy marriage/relationship you have to be able to recover from bad arguments (FYI… Frequent arguing is an indicator that you need to work on better communication skills as a couple to avoid arguments altogether).

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

    The post How to Recover from Bad Relationship Arguments? appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    7 June 2022, 3:58 pm
  • 33 minutes 40 seconds
    Dating Disappointments: How To Overcome Them!

    Have you ever found yourself frustrated or disappointed when dating?

    A disappointment is a negative feeling that results from something not living up to an expectation. When we open up ourselves to romantic interests (e.i. dating) we normally have some form of hope or expectation. An expectation to meet someone we like, where feelings are mutual, and a lasting relationship is formed. Unfortunately, like many journeys getting to the destination can be a long and bumpy ride with unexpected challenges.

    It’s difficult to avoid disappointments when dating!

    So what does a person do? Do you just not date? Do you not allow yourself to get emotionally connected by hardening your heart? The answer is neither. The truth is, 80 to 90% of our dating disappointments are self-inflicted. In this podcast episode we look at some of the dating disappointments we experience, and point out key things you can do to minimize or eliminate them all together. Please share this someone you know who needs encouragement as they navigate dating.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

    The post Dating Disappointments: How To Overcome Them! appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    17 May 2022, 2:18 pm
  • 22 minutes 24 seconds
    Being Honest about Your Relationship Mistakes

    What does it mean to be honest about your Relationship mistakes?

    A mistake can be intentional or unintentional but the key is, it’s wrong. It is a form of behavior that is either dishonest, unjust, or immoral and often violates another. In life and in relationships we make mistakes, the question is, what is our response once we commit them. For some, the urge is to ignore their wrongdoings, make excuses, or even worse blaming others. This is a form of self-deception and will lead to someone repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over again.

    Recently in an interview Shaquille O’Neal spoke candidly about his past marriage and specifically his mistakes. In the interview he was given the opportunity to gloss over the roll he played in the breakdown and eventual divorce of his marriage. Rather than ignoring his error, he boldly corrected the interviewer and shared his relationship mistakes that led to the eventual demise of his marriage. This showed a maturity and a willingness to grow and be better. 

    It is our ability to be honest with God, ourselves, and with others that helps us find healing from our past errors. How do we get there? How do we gain this form of self honesty, and avoid repeated headaches. If you desire to live a blessed life and maintain healthy relationships this is one episode you won’t want to miss. 

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald 

    The post Being Honest about Your Relationship Mistakes appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    2 May 2022, 5:55 pm
  • 22 minutes 24 seconds
    What is Stabilizing your Relationship?

    Any solid entity needs a solid foundation or anchor to bring it stability.

    Consider for a moment a ship without an anchor. It would find itself fighting against the current, drifting from place to place unable to remain in one place. Consider a home and the destruction that would follow after a storm if it lacked a strong foundation. This is no different in relationships. People want strong healthy relationships, but they find themselves drifting and shaken after the storms of life. What is stabilizing your relationship?

    There are many practical things that we can do to help bring stability to our relationships. The most important thing is finding that stable and immovable object outside of our relationship first. I ship can’t anchor on it’s self and a relationship can’t either. Meaning if you only look within the relationship, you’ll be limited to find something strong enough to keep it. God is that immovable object that is able to stabilize not only you, but your relationship.

    How do you practically allow God to stabilize your relationship?

    In this episode not only will we share how God brings stability, but also practical things you can do to stabilizing your relationship in Christ. If you too have tips you do to help you relationship please share this in the comment section.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

    Scripture: Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builder is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good (Ps 127:1, NLT)

    The post What is Stabilizing your Relationship? appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    21 April 2022, 7:12 pm
  • 24 minutes 44 seconds
    Not ALL Woman are Gold Diggers

    Why is it when a woman chooses a man that is deemed undesirable by the world, people attack her character, assuming there’s an ulterior motive? As if her motives can’t be pure driven from the heart and wisdom. Recently on a podcast Channing Crowder attacked the character of Ciara and Russell Wilson. In his podcast Channing proclaimed that the only reason Ciara is with Russell Wilson is because of his money. In summary Channing felt Ciara’s EX rapper Future was a better catch, and that Russell Wilson was a square. Sadly, Channing contributed to the insinuating idea women are only with nice guys (i.e. a square) for their money. We are here to proclaim that not all woman are gold diggers.

    A “Gold Digger” is slang that refers to a person who engages in a relationship for money rather than love.

    In this episode, we discuss how insulting it is to label women as Gold diggers, because they choose a man others characterize as less appealing. We also discuss how sad it is that we try to put a negative cloud over the NICE GUY. I.E. those who desire to be good man, clean cut, and not run the streets. Men who desire to be law abiding cities and take care of their children and family. This is a great episode that will challenge your perspective and encourage you before you label others, or allow others to label you.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

    Photo Copyright by sifotography 123rd Photos

    The post Not ALL Woman are Gold Diggers appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    13 April 2022, 5:21 pm
  • 33 minutes 54 seconds
    Learning From VS Judging Will Smith’s Out-of-Control Behavior

    Have you ever made a rash decision that you regretted later.

    In life we all have moments or things where we are urged to loose control. This could be something common such as an act of cutting someone off in a moment of road rage, or it could be something uncommon such as a violent attack upon a cheating spouse. In the case of Will Smith, it was going on stage at the Oscars and hitting Chris Rock. The point is out-of-control behavior is something we all must be on guard against. 

    Learn from vs Judge from

    It’s easy on the outside to look at another persons negative behavior and be self-righteous, but Jesus reminds us to be careful when casting stones. We are not better than other people. We all need grace. When approaching other people’s sin in judgment, we should always consider how we’ve also sinned.

    In no way shape or form do we want to condone Will Smith’s out-of-control behavior.

    As everyone is hyper analyzing Will Smith’s behavior, we must all recognize that we too have the ability to lose control. Although it may look different sometimes for the better or for the worse, these moments give us an opportunity to reflect on how do we avoid falling into the same trap of lost control. Possibly destroying your marriage, your relationships, your children, and your future.

    In this podcast episode we’ll take a look at how we are all susceptible to out-of-control behavior. We will examine things we can learn and most importantly what are things that we can do to prevent out of control behavior in our own lives. 

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald 

    The post Learning From VS Judging Will Smith’s Out-of-Control Behavior appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    31 March 2022, 6:39 pm
  • 23 minutes 10 seconds
    Should you Celebrate Valentine’s Day

    To celebrate or not celebrate Valentine’s Day, that is the question?

    Just because something is a cultural norm, it doesn’t mean it has to be a normal practice for you. Valentines Day is a national celebrated holiday, but its value varies from person to person. Some people love it, the romance, the gifts and special attention that comes with it. Yet for others, the day doesn’t mean as much. It’s not to say they don’t enjoy romance, gifts, or special treatment. It just doesn’t have to be on that day.

    How do you keep something pure when it becomes commercialized?

    In this podcast we desire to have a discussion about Valentines Day. We are not obligating you to agree with our view points, but rather encouraging people to give thought to the things they do. With many things there are good and bad aspects. The key is asking, does it fit for you.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

    The post Should you Celebrate Valentine’s Day appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    1 February 2022, 7:55 pm
  • 21 minutes 51 seconds
    “New Year” Single Goals

    How does one remain happy and content in singleness? Be intentional in your approach!

    Finding happiness and contentment in singleness is not an accident. Just as having a happy marriage isn’t. Obtaining success in life requires you to take action. God tells us that one reaps what they sow. If you are purposeful in your choices as a single man or woman then you will reap the benefits. Our challenge for you as you step into the new year is give yourself single goals.

    Goals aren’t just for those in relationships

    Many have heard of couples having relationship goals, but often we leave out goals for those who are single. As a single man or woman, it’s just as important to give yourself goals as you strive to achieve success in your singleness. Otherwise you’re just aimlessly living day today hoping happiness finds you. In this podcast episode we share some great New Year single goals that will help you obtain success in 2022.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Keonte McDonald

    Register for our Free “New Year” Dating Realignment Webinar February 10, 2020

    Photo Copyright by 123rf Photos, loganban

    The post “New Year” Single Goals appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    25 January 2022, 3:26 pm
  • 22 minutes 52 seconds
    “New Year” Dating Goals

    Dating can be a rollercoaster!!!

    There are moments in the dating process where you have emotional highs. You meet new people, you meet someone you like, you get to know that person, and maybe it turns into a something special. Yet, there are also the lows. You can’t find a date, you meet bad people, or find yourself rejected. What is your approach to dating successfully? Do you have dating goals?

    When dating, a major mistake people make is they do it aimlessly. They don’t really have a plan or target, but just hope for the best, hoping to meet the one! As you set new year resolutions for 2022 don’t forget to give yourself dating goals. In this podcast we will discuss possible new year dating goals you can give yourself as you seek to find a spouse, bettering your chances of success.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

    Exciting News to Kick off the Year: 
    • For ten days in January I will have my book Chasing Happily Ever After on sale for only $5.00 (50% OFF). 
    • On January 20th we will host a FREE Marriage Tune-Up Webinar. To register click here.
    • Join our mailing list for other great updates throughout the year.

    The post “New Year” Dating Goals appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    12 January 2022, 1:10 am
  • 25 minutes 31 seconds
    “New Year” Marriage Goals

    It’s often said in sports, “if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.”

    I believe this saying is not only true in sports, but in relationships. As a spouse you should always be seeking to grow. How can you be a better husband? How can you be a better wife? One way to be intentional to grow in your relationship is by setting marriage goals, and what better time to set goals, than in the New Year.

    If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit nothing!

    New Year Resolutions are a great way to start a new year. A person has an opportunity to reflect on their past. Consider things that went well, things not so well, and list areas of improvement. To keep making the same mistakes, but expecting different results is insane. If you want your marriage to be better then do better. Don’t repeat the mistakes you made last year in your marriage. Take time to reflect with your spouse. Ask the question, what are areas I can improve in and then set S.M.A.R.T. marriage goals

    Sometimes when it comes to goal setting we need help. In this podcast we share key New Year marriage goals that are impactful, but also easy to implement. We offer examples of how you can apply them and more importantly measure their success. Invest in your marriage today and it will pay dividends throughout the year.

    Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace and Keonte McDonald

    Exciting News to Kick off the Year:

    • For the next ten days until January 15, 2022 I will have my book Chasing Happily Ever After on sale for only $5.00 (50% OFF).
    • On January 20th we will host a FREE Marriage Tune-Up Webinar. To register click here.
    • Join our mailing list for other great updates throughout the year.

    Photo Copyright by 123RF, Sharpner

    The post “New Year” Marriage Goals appeared first on Simplify Complexity.

    4 January 2022, 5:20 pm
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