Blogriculture | A blog about agriculture in the West from

Capital Press

A discussion of issues that affect farming and ranching in California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The Capital Press is a weekly newspaper that covers agriculture across the Western United States.

  • Western Growers dismayed by court's compost ruling
    A farm group is dismayed that a federal court ruled that it's no longer necessarily OK to use composted municipal green waste on organic farms in California. From Western Growers:The (USDA) Guidance already prohibited use of compost that was shown to contaminate soil, crops or water, but plaintiffs argued that this was not strict enough under the pre-2011 organic rules. While the court stopped
    21 June 2016, 9:42 pm
  • Lawmakers urge no cuts in Shasta releases
    Northern California's Rep. Doug LaMalfa is among 15 California lawmakers urging federal agencies not to cut releases from Shasta Lake to leave water for winter-run salmon because it would mean further cuts in water supplies for farmers. From LaMalfa:Congressman Doug LaMalfa and 14 other members of the California delegation in the House today urged the Obama administration to reject proposals
    16 June 2016, 8:51 pm
  • Organic administrator faces backlash. Ag Minute for Oct. 30, 2015
    Many organic groups that once praised USDA deputy administrator Miles McEvoy are now fighting his policies in federal court. Click here for full story.
    30 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • New Christmas tree checkoff prepares for fee collection. Ag minute for Oct. 29, 2015
    Assessments will be collected on Christmas trees for the first time after the 2015 harvest to fund a checkoff program to promote the crop. Click here for full story.
    29 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • Stink bug may meet its match in tiny wasp. Ag Minute Oct. 28, 2015
    The spread of a non-stinging Asian wasp has U.S. scientists hopeful that it could control the crop-destroying brown marmorated stink bug. Click here for full story.
    28 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • Grant will help researchers identify insects causing zebra chip. Ag Minute Oct 27. 2015
    Washington State University researcher Bill Snyder has received a $2.7 million grant to research which psyllids may be causing zebra chip. Click here for full story.
    27 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • Industry responds to ‘Toxic Taters’ campaign. Ag Minute for Oct. 26th
    A group calling itself Toxic Taters, funded by pesticide opponents, is casting potatoes in a negative light. Click here for full story.
    27 October 2015, 12:08 am
  • Organic administrator faces backlash. Ag Minute Oct. 23, 2015
    Many organic groups that once praised USDA deputy administrator Miles McEvoy are now fighting his policies in federal court. Click here for full story.
    23 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • Governors urge action on Cuba for ag’s sake. Ag minute for Oct. 22, 2015
    Washington, Idaho and California governors support lifting trade restrictions blamed for limiting U.S. food exports to Cuba. Click here for full story.
    22 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • ITC affirms sugar dumping claims against Mexico. Ag Minute for Oct. 21, 2015
    The U.S. International Trade Commission has affirmed conclusions that the dumping of subsidized Mexican sugar hurt the U.S. sugar market. Click here for full Story.
    21 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • TPP seen as longer term help to tree fruit. Ag Minute Oct. 20, 2015
    The Trans-Pacific Partnership doesn't include China and isn't likely to push pears and apples into Japan, but it may help Northwest tree fruit exports to Southeast Asia. Click here for full story.
    20 October 2015, 3:00 pm
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