Christian Coaching School Podcast

Dr. Leelo Bush, originator of Spirit-Led, Christian Life Coaching and Master Coach trainer

The Christian Coaching School Podcast is your one-stop resource for continuing education, personal growth and becoming dually certified as a Certified Christian Life Coach and Certified Professional Life Coach. On this podcast, you'll learn from the originator of Spirit-Led Christian Life Coaching and Master Coach trainer, Dr. Leelo Bush. She will help you understand the profession, the 10 Christian Coaching Proficiencies© and how to attract the right clients. You’ll learn new skills and correct mindset issues that may have held you back. Discover how helping others with your coaching skills can take you to places you never dared hope or dream. The Christian Coaching School Podcast is part of the Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy, the leading authority today on Christian life coach and specialty training. Learn more at

  • 20 minutes 39 seconds
    How To Get Unstuck

    In today's episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush unveils the true condition of being stuck, offers questions to help you uncover why you’re feeling stuck, and shares the most effective ways to get unstuck. 

    [02:07] Introduction

    [03:12] The True Condition of Feeling Stuck

    [06:44] The First Step to Getting Unstuck

    [09:41] Reasons Why Your Clients Are Feeling Stuck 

    [13:48] My Top Five Coaching Questions to Getting Unstuck

    [16:28] Bible Verses For Overcoming Fear 

    [18:49] Parting Thoughts 

    The Real Condition of Feeling Stuck

    What is being stuck and how can it happen? When it comes to being stuck, here's something that you might not have considered. First, all of us will feel stuck on something at one point or another. The truth is, though, that someone is never actually stuck. Yes, you might be feeling impatient or frustrated, but being stuck is not a real thing. As soon as you say to yourself that you are stuck, that's precisely how you'll feel. So be careful what you allow yourself to think and what you say to yourself. 

    Feeling stuck comes from a gap in time when not much is going on. We begin to feel anxious when we think that things should be otherwise. So when you get down to it, being stuck is just a thought in our brain. It's the way we have chosen to perceive this period of our lives. Once we recognize this, we can manage our thoughts and reconsider what we're making this mean so that we struggle less. 

    The First Step to Getting Unstuck 

    One of the times that we may feel the most stuck is when we're waiting for an answer from God, or a sign on the direction we're supposed to take. We’ll wait for everything to be just perfect and pray for God to give us a sign. Unfortunately, God has His own timing and it may not be the same as ours. The more impatient we get, the longer it seems to take, as though God were stretching us.

    Remember, God orders the steps of the righteous. If we are here, it's because we're supposed to be here. We can't control what life brings; only God can do that. So when we acknowledge that we can't control our lives, we gain more peace, and that’s an important part of becoming or remaining unstuck. 

    Links & Resources

    Get your own copy of "the" Christian Coaching textbook, Dr. Bush’s ground-breaking Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook:

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    10 August 2022, 9:15 am
  • 22 minutes 24 seconds
    Christian Coach Self-Image

    In today's episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush breaks down how self-awareness on the part of the coach is crucial and how it will optimize your skills and / or a step-by-step coaching plan.

    [01:02] Introduction

    [02:12] Why Christian Coaches Should Be Concerned About Self Image

    [05:00] How to Make The Shift From Wearier to Warrior

    [08:29] The Importance of Christian Coaches Knowing Their True Self

    [10:59] You Owe it to Your Clients to Work on Your Self Image 

    [14:01] The Benefits of Taking Care of Your Physical Self

    [16:40] Dr. Bush’s 60+ Pound Weight Loss From Her New Self Image [20:15] The Bible Discourages Excess

    Why Christian Coaches Should Be Concerned About Self-Image 

    Christian coaching is all about improving the lives of others. So why should we, as Christian coaches, be concerned about our self-image? Well, primarily because how we look at ourselves impacts how we look at everything else. It filters our thoughts on everything and determines whether we will react with courage or shrink back. 

    Unfortunately, when determining our self-image, many of us get caught up with false standards and judge ourselves based on intelligence, wisdom, health, experience, age, gender, talent, or righteousness. But here's the thing; focusing on your self-image is neither selfish nor egotistical. Yet it's sad to see so many of God's people walk around without really understanding who they are. 

    Dr. Bush believes that the only way to become an influential coach is to become completely aware of who you are. Also, understand that improving your self-image is not a one-and-done process. It's something you'll have to do for the entirety of your life. And if you haven't given it much thought, now's a good time to do so. 

    The Benefits of Taking Care of Your Physical Self

    Taking care of our self-image will naturally lead to taking good care of our physical selves. And there are three major reasons for this. First, if we don't feel good, then it's going to be difficult for us to perform our work with excellence. Second, if we don't maintain our grooming and appearance, how will we gain the respect of others who would follow our lead? And third, if you had a choice to do business with someone, would you choose a well-groomed, neat individual or a sloppy, unkempt person? This is just practical. 

    All this ties neatly into how we dress and being mindful of what we eat. We need to make sure that we consume a balanced diet. If you're unhappy with your weight, you can do something about it. Dr. Bush understands how hard this can be. But after her 60-plus pound weight loss over the last 18 months, she knows how to achieve this. And you, too, can achieve this because God will support you, as His ambassador. That said, your attempts may be in vain unless your self-image supports the new lifestyle and eating habits of a slender person. And this begins with our thoughts, which define our self-image.

    Links and Resources:

    Shake Off the Snake: Making the Shift from Wearier to Warrior by A. J. Rubano

    Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook by Leelo Bush, PhD:

    Spirit-Led Marketing program:

    Join the Courageous Christian Coaching Tribe:

    Free Christian Coaching Masterclass:

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    3 August 2022, 9:15 am
  • 16 minutes 16 seconds
    The #1 Best Way - To Grow Your Coaching

    Want to know the proven, #1 fastest way to grow your coaching practice and how a specific hybrid method will make the difference to give you the fast track?  Join Dr. Leelo Bush’s for this exciting episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast.  

    [02:58] The #1 Coaching Practice Builder

    [06:28] Credibility leads to opportunities

    [11:29] How to get the skills you need to harness the best way for your goals

    Benefits Of Using This Hybrid Method

    Combining group coaching and facilitation is the most effective way to grow your coaching practice while providing the best value for your clients.

    Groups can help foster creativity, confidence, and learning. It’s more affordable than one-to-one coaching. By working with groups, you also have more time to network, create more programs, and explore new ways to grow your practice. 

    Once your clients have gotten to know you as a coach, you can offer personal coaching as an upgrade. But it’s important that you establish credibility first. Dr. Bush explains how to do this.

    Next Steps To Increase Clients and Income

    By gaining proper training and certification, you can learn the best practices to improve engagement in both online and offline events. With the right skills, credentials and experience, you’ll also have opportunities to land corporate contracts and gigs.

    You’ll learn how to create the ideal group environment, how to prepare logistics, how to increase program enrollment, and more. Using the group coaching and facilitator hybrid will certainly give you a competitive advantage.

    About the Group Coaching Facilitator Course

    The Group Coaching Facilitator Course is a five-week online course that includes video, a training manual, and worksheets. In the fifth module, you’ll be asked to develop a group program and to create a plan to promote it. For any concerns, you can get live support during business hours at Check the full course description at


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    27 July 2022, 9:15 am
  • 18 minutes 55 seconds
    The Wrong Goal

    In today’s episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush takes on how to avoid pursuing the wrong goals, how to identify if you are on the right or wrong path, how to course correct, and how to help others choose the right path.

    [01:08] Fear of uncertainty

    [02:37] Are we chasing the right goal?

    [06:06] Importance of having goals

    [07:28] 3 signs you are chasing the wrong goal

    [12:44] How to set the right goal

    Choosing Faith Over Uncertainty

    It’s not unusual for people to find themselves afraid to set goals due to a fear of uncertainty, not knowing that God has a destined plan already planned out for them. The moment we are born, God already made a unique path for each one of us to follow. This path was made in reflection of His love for His creation and fulfillment of His purpose. Fearing uncertainty should not stop people from crafting their goals as the outcome of how you get to your goal was already predetermined by God. Taking a step back and praying for God’s guidance will aid in overcoming the fear of uncertainty.

    Signs that You’re Chasing the Wrong Goal

    1. You are unhappy in the process of doing your day-to-day tasks in the hopes of achieving your goal
    2. You are following goals seeded by external influences
    3. You are following goals out of fear

    Having the Right Goals

    The idea of identifying if you have the right goal stems from God’s blueprint crafted before each of us are born. Given that all of us are unique, the journey to achieve goals is different for each individual. It’s important to know that having a goal will help you navigate a path without going in circles and feeling lost.

    There are many ways for us to set and reach our goals. Dr. Bush has some tried and true methods for you in this episode.


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    20 July 2022, 9:15 am
  • 20 minutes 50 seconds

    Today Dr. Leelo Bush shares the unique storytelling gifts of Dani Johnson to create a deeper understanding of talent and abilities. The goal is to understand one’s God-given gifts and by doing so, increasing our confidence in what we can accomplish.

    [01:55] Parable of the Talents

    [03:04] Useful Reflections on the Parable

    [05:51] The First Servant’s Success

    [08:45] The Optimistic Second Servant

    [11:19] The Fall of the Third Servant

    [17:17] Personalize conclusions from the Parable

    Talents are Gifts from God

    The discussion on abilities and talents stems from the idea that these are God-given gifts one receives once they are born. While some are gifted with many talents and others with just one, the important lesson one needs to take away from this is how well can one utilize their gifts. The idea of fear, rejection, and failure are some of the driving factors to why individuals fail to shine with their God-given abilities. Only with the spirit of encouragement, and the trust you have in God in utilizing your gifts, will make you a more capable and confident person.

    The Parable of the Talents

    The perfect example of proper utilization of gifts is the Parable of the Talents. Here, 3 servants are given various talents each according to their abilities. With a spirit of excellence and diligence, the first 2 servants, despite having different talents, managed to find success in utilizing what they are given. The same cannot be said for the third, who opted to hide their talent due to the lack of trust and personal insecurities. The parable teaches listeners that despite the number of talents you receive, how you maximize it will be the determining factor whether you succeed in the future. For 2 of the servants, being hardworking, having the right attitude and confidence were the key to success. This is the key takeaway to what the parable wants listeners to get from today’s episode.



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    Link to the featured book, Spirit Driven Success by Dani Johnson:

    Want more scripturally-accurate coach training? Get your own copy of Dr. Bush’s Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook:

    13 July 2022, 9:15 am
  • 28 minutes 41 seconds

    In today’s episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush talks about self-love and unconditional love and why both are essential to you and your coaching practice.

    [01:50] Coaching with self-love

    [05:48] Unconditional love and self-love

    [10:55] Distortions about love

    [16:02] How do we love ourselves?

    [21:29] 20 Days to Self-Love Coaching Questions

    Choosing Unconditional Love

    You might find that some people are harder to love than others. But God has commanded us to “love your neighbor as yourself”. To practice unconditional love, we must first begin with our thoughts. The way we think affects our feelings. Be intentional with your thoughts as described in this episode and love will always be readily available to you.

    How to Cultivate Self-Love

    As children, some of us may have developed distorted ideas about love because of our personal experiences. It’s important to keep in mind that other people or external situations don’t define you. Instead, remember that you are a beloved child of God. We have value not because of our good works, but because we have been saved by His grace.

    Self-love is not just an optional feeling, rather it’s an obligation to take care of ourselves. Our body is the temple of God, so we must care for our health in all aspects. We must also learn to let go of unnecessary guilt and shame. These can be barriers to self-love. God has already forgiven our sins, so we must do the same. Always strive to cultivate healthy self-love, without letting it turn into boastfulness or entitlement.

    The 20 Days to Self-Love Coaching Questions List

    (answer 1 each day within your journaling and review past question answers)

    1. What are some positive ways that I have changed over the last three years?
    2. What are self-care activities that bring me feelings of joy and calm?"
    3. What is something I need to get rid of?
    4. What current habits are destructive to my feelings of self-love?
    5. What is something I love about my body that is not related to looks?
    6. What am I proud of myself for?
    7. What makes me unique?
    8. What's an action I can take right now that my future self will thank me for?
    9. What do I need to start saying yes to?
    10. My best personality trait is...?
    11. What three achievements am I most proud of?
    12. What are three lessons I have learned from experience?
    13. When did I last step outside my comfort zone? What happened?
    14. How would those who love me describe me?
    15. What bold step would I take if I knew that I couldn't fail?
    16. What is a sacred time in my life when I won't allow interruptions?
    17. What does my ideal day look like?
    18. What are three things I want in my life that don't depend on anyone but me to happen?
    19. What can I do today to share joy with someone else?
    20. In what ways do I feel different now, from when I started this exercise?

    Resource Links

    Join the Courageous Christian Coaching Tribe:

    Free Christian Coaching Masterclass:

    Get Dr. Bush’s book: Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook:




    6 July 2022, 9:15 am
  • 23 minutes 52 seconds
    Coaching Abuse Survivors

    In today's episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush tackles the dos and don'ts of coaching and helping victims of abuse.

    [03:48] Abuse and Domestic Violence in Today's Society

    [04:11] Understanding the Different Types of Abuse

    [07:09] How Coaching Can Improve the Life of an Abuse Victim

    [10:10] What is the Cycle of Abuse?

    [14:59] The Abuse and Domestic Violence Coaching Process

    [18:55] Self-Care for Coaches Helping Abuse Victims

    [21:40] Parting Thoughts 

    How Abuse Survivors Can Benefit From Coaching

    Domestic abuse is a traumatic, life-altering experience that, unfortunately, most people in today's society have lived through personally. The number of domestic abuse cases has been rising these past few years, yet the number of people seeking help is on a frustrating decline. And while recovering from abuse takes time and demands ongoing support, there is help. Reach out to a coach who will support, educate, validate, and empower you on your journey to healing.

    Survivors of domestic abuse can be in a fragile state, and it can be challenging for outsiders to empathize with them. But if you are a coach, this specialty can be full of landmines, and if you're not trained, you can do more harm than good. 

    Disclaimer, do not try to coach on this topic if you are not properly trained.

    Domestic Abuse is More Than Just Physical Abuse

    When the word abuse is mentioned, most people automatically think of physical violence. And while physical abuse is what's common in most relationships, abuse is so much more than just physical. It can be physical, emotional, verbal, financial, or sexual. But the most important thing to understand is that no form of violence is more or less important than the other. As long as somebody is getting hurt, then something needs to be done. 

    If you are in a place where you are experiencing any abuse, please reach out for help. Yes, all types of abuse are different, they are all heartbreaking, and no one ever deserves to experience them.

    And if you feel called to coach others in this specialty, reach out to Dr. Bush and express your interest in this training by emailing [email protected]


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    29 June 2022, 3:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 53 seconds
    Destiny Detours

    In today’s episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush teaches about how to avoid some common pitfalls and detours to our destiny as a coach.

    [01:20] Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook

    [05:07] Avoiding detours to your destiny

    [08:15] New Age coaching 

    [13:42] Why exclusively study and practice Christian coaching?

    [23:54] Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis

    [26:21] Uncompromising values and faith


    The error of combining faith and worldly methods

    As a young believer in her 20s, Dr. Leelo thought it made sense to take the best parts of both coaching practices and apply them. But this only resulted in frustration, for Dr. Leelo could not progress until she understood the divine truth: that all answers can ultimately only come from God.

    Secular coaching encourages people to believe in what feels natural. All teachings are equal. There is no one right way to do things. This line of thinking is dangerous, leading us down a path of moral relativism. 


    Spirit-led coaching, marketing, & business

    No matter what man does, his methods will never be greater than God’s. For this reason alone, we need to turn to God for inspiration. By patronizing new age or secular / humanistic courses and materials, Satan’s deceptions are being forwarded creating confusion, deception and ambivalence toward God’s plan.

    Instead, we should remain steadfast and uncompromising in our faith. We must remain committed to Christian coaching so as not to confuse clients. Be vocal about your disapproval of worldly teachings and be honest in promoting your services and business. God has given us our talents to serve Him. When we do, we will bear much fruit.


    Resources and Links:

    Comprehensive Christian Coach Handbook:

    Spirit-Led Marketing:

    Join the Courageous Christian Coaching Tribe:

    Free Christian Coaching Masterclass:

    22 June 2022, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 49 seconds
    Increase Your Coaching Results

    In today’s episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush shares 7 ways to increase your coaching results by digging deep into your client’s motivations and goals.


    [03:22] Working towards long-term goals

    [04:08] Building confidence

    [05:27] Finding motivation

    [07:54] Counting the cost

    [09:37] Anticipating benefits

    [10:39] Building a support system

    [11:18] Believing God’s will

    [12:01] Valuable bonus point


    Here are the important points Dr. Bush will address to help you 10x optimize any client’s coaching results.

    1. Is your client prepared to do what’s needed even if the reward is distant?
    1. Have they mentally stepped into their desired future role and how to do so.
    1. Are they passionate regardless of financial reward and recognition?
    2. Have they counted the cost and whether this may affect their outcome.
    1. Will they receive benefits and what this means for their progress.
    1. Do they have a support system and ways to build one.
    1. Can they discern if it’s God's will for them achieve their goals and how to move closer to this spiritual connection.




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    15 June 2022, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 13 seconds
    How To Create An Emotion Adjustment

    In today’s episode of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, Dr. Leelo Bush teaches how to create an emotion adjustment.  

    [01:23] Why should we care about negative emotions?

    [03:27] Different types of negative emotions.

    [07:02] Where do emotions come from?

    [09:39] How to create emotion adjustments.


    Identifying Negative Emotions

    There are four main categories of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, disgust, and anger. Uncomfortable feelings can rob us of our quality of life, steering us away from what God has in store for our lives. We’ve gotten used to feeling down, frustrated, and offended because we attribute them as natural reactions to life circumstances. Instead of ignoring our emotions, we should take them as warning signs. Letting these feelings fester will lead to more problems later on.


    Adjust Your Emotions

    Here are some tips on how to dispel negative emotions. The first is to challenge the validity of what you’re feeling. Our present emotions do not always reflect the truth. Try to think of instances that challenge our current predicament. Next, own your emotions by taking responsibility for your thoughts. We have the choice to believe them or not. Third, adjust your focus. Ask yourself what your goals are and if your current state will be able to help you reach success. Negative thoughts and emotions can be habitual, but we have the power to shape them into something better.


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    8 June 2022, 9:00 am
  • 21 minutes 1 second
    Recovering from Chaos
    In today's episode 1 of season 2 of the Christian Coaching School Podcast, we talk about chaos and how we can regain control of our lives. I also reveal why I had to take some time off from recording the podcast and how a string of adverse events helped me better understand how and when to manage the chaos in life. 


    [01:30] Relaunching the Podcast

    [02:15] How We All Go Through Trying Times

    [05:58] Nothing Can Come Between You and God's Plan

    [06:49] Pipe Burst and a String of Events

    [08:38] My Beloved Poodle

    [09:10] The Dramatic Event That Changed My Life Forever

    [12:15] Feelings of Loss

    [15:09] Anxiety and Consequences   

    [16:30] Why I Created the Genesis of Christian Coaching 3.0

    [17:32] Discovering the Code for Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss

    [19:40] Parting Thoughts


    Going Through and Overcoming Chaos

    We live in a world increasingly vulnerable to extremes. One day everything's fine, and the next, we're experiencing a global pandemic like nothing we've ever seen before. But that's just the way of life, and there's nothing we can do about it.

    If you've been following me for some time now, you'll have noticed that the podcast has gone silent these past few years. It's not that I ran out of content or gave up after the first season, but several unexpected events made it quite difficult to record new episodes. You’ll be stunned as I recount the series of events that brought us here today.

    We all go through events in our lives that can be traumatic and emotionally exhausting. I know that sometimes it can be hard to keep your head up when everything seems to be on a downward spiral. But amid all the chaos, always remember that God is in control, and He promises to never leave or forsake us.

    Nothing Can Come Between You and God's Plan

    God has a plan and a purpose for you. However, this doesn't mean that you won't go through problems or trials in life. This simply means that God's plan for you is to prosper, grow, and overcome the battles in your current situation. For example, during all the chaos in my life, my business was doing exceptionally well. It's even more interesting when you learn that I hadn't promoted the academy at all for a couple years. The growth and prosperity all happened organically. When I witnessed this I realized that we all make plans in life regarding the future. But God's plans are sure and true. They might manifest a little later than we’d like, but God is faithful. Remember that we continue to exist not because we're smart or special but because God ordained it. 

    Links and Resources:

    Join my FREE Introductory Christian Coaching Masterclass at

    Questions / Support [email protected]

    1 June 2022, 9:00 am
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