CPA Conversations podcast

Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants

CPA Conversations podcast series focuses in on accounting-related news and hot topics.

  • 8 minutes 7 seconds
    How to Pass the CPA Exam Faster

    How to Pass the CPA Exam Faster

    By Jim DeLuccia

    Bob Gayhardt, business development manager for UWorld, provides high-level tips on passing the CPA Exam. Gayhardt stresses the importance of identifying strengths and weaknesses of subject material and why itā€™s important to avoid overthinking during the study process. Megan Burke, Gayhardtā€™s colleague at UWorld, also wrote about these tips for CPA Now.



    2 May 2022, 11:00 am
  • 6 minutes 54 seconds
    CPAs Have a Vital Role in Keeping Small-Business Clients Compliant

    Matthew May, founder and vice president of sales and marketing for Acuity CFO Online Bookkeeping Accounting and Business Tax, joins us to talk small-business compliance with standards and regulations. In particular, May stresses the role CPAs can play in making the process easier.


    7 February 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 13 seconds
    Benefit Clients by Upgrading Your R&D Credit Knowledge

    The research and development (R&D) tax credit is available to many organizations to help reduce their tax liability and overall financial expenditures. Unfortunately, many organizations donā€™t know everything they need to know to fully take advantage of the credit. To help educate these organizations, as well as the CPAs who represent them, we spoke with Ashley Chikes, director of operations for R&D experts EPSA USA, about steps CPAs can take when advising a client about the R&D credit, the ins and outs of the Pennsylvania R&D credit, and more.


    To read full transcript, click here.

    31 January 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 8 seconds
    Knowing the Basics of Blockchain Is a Boon for CPAs

    Kathy Brunner, founder, CEO, and president of Acumen Analytics, joins us to explore the basics of blockchain. She sheds light on the four different types of blockchain networks, how blockchain is currently being applied in business environments, opportunities for CPAs, and more.

    To read full transcript, click here.


    24 January 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 26 minutes 25 seconds
    Surveying the Landscape of CPA Ethics and Acts Discreditable to the Profession

    In a wide-ranging discussion about professional ethics, ā€œEthics Sageā€ Steven Mintz, professor emeritus with California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, Calif., highlights professional and personal behavior that would be considered injurious to the profession. Mintz also touches on how the current societal landscape can challenge CPA ethics as well as the positives and negatives of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.


    To read the full transcript, click here.

    17 January 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 43 seconds
    CPA Evolution Exam Alterations Offer New Paths to Future Professionals

    In this episode of CPA Conversations, Jonathan Zigman, senior CPA content developer for UWorld LLC, provides an update on the current status of CPA Exam and the CPA Evolution initiative. He touches on what the CPA Exam is now and what the AICPA and NASBA hope it will become, the immediate benefits of the new proposed model, the advantages for would-be CPAs looking to move into specializations, and much more.


    To read the transcript, click here.

    10 January 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 37 seconds
    When It Comes to Auditing, Thereā€™s No Place Like the Office

    Accounting work, like so many other fields of business, has been drastically changed by the coronavirus pandemic. Many CPAs are working from home and seeing no measurable drop in their productivity and efficiency. However, when it comes to auditing, John Mulcahy of FMC Corporation in Philadelphia says there is no substitute for working in tandem with your client in their office. In this podcast, get more details on the primary benefits of in-person auditing, why issues get overblown when auditing remotely, and more.


    To read the full transcript, click here.

    3 January 2022, 12:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 18 seconds
    PPP Fraud Is Problem Nobody Is Looking At

    Eighteen months after the release of the Paycheck Protection Program, it is fair to say the program has been generally successful. However, one giant drawback is its susceptibility to fraud. According to our guest, Allison Greenfield of Forensic Resolutions Inc., the fraud is widespread enough to raise red flags. Get her view on who is responsible for monitoring for PPP fraud, why time lags may be preventing us from getting a full picture of the deception, and more in this CPA Conversations podcast.


    To read full transcript, click here.

    27 December 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 51 seconds
    Tell Your Organizationā€™s Financial Story with an Engaging MD&A

    In a look behind his feature for the winter 2022 Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Mike De Stefano, chief financial officer for RKL in Lancaster, Pa., discusses how CFOs can better engage colleagues on financial details via a management discussion and analysis, or MD&A, report. He explores the sorts of illuminating information that should go into an MD&A: financial, nonfinancial, and more.

    To read the full transcript, click here.

    20 December 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 29 seconds
    Strong Ethical Practices a Must for Government CPAs

    Nicholas Ring, controller at Pine Ridge Construction Management in Williamsport, Pa., joins us to discuss how COVID-19 has challenged governments and government CPAs, how you define transparency as it relates to government CPAs, and more. This podcast complements his column in the winter 2022 Pennsylvania CPA Journal.

    To Read the Full Transcript, Click Here.

    13 December 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 9 minutes 54 seconds
    CPA Firms: Know the Signs of Large Malpractice Claims

    Nothing can be more injurious to a CPA firmā€™s reputation ā€“ not to mention its bank account ā€“ than a client introducing a large malpractice claim. Based on her article for the Journal of Accountancy by Sarah Ference, CPA, risk control director for the accountants program at CNA Insurance, explores the signs that a large malpractice claim could be on the horizon as well as potential damages that can take place if the situation is not handled in a brisk manner.

    To read the full transcript, click here.

    6 December 2021, 12:00 pm
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