Confessions of a Farm Wife

Holly Spangler

"Three farmwives, escaped from the farm and lunchboxes and small children (mostly), having a conversation where we got to finish all our sentences, as if we were real grown-ups. It was pretty awesome!" -Holly Spangler

  • 23 minutes 53 seconds
    Episode 28: Deep and Wide
    Friends, this episode could not be more indicative of our personalities. We’re doing a rapid (ish) Q&A with questions from each of us and some of them are deep and meaty and ponderous…and some are about our favorite new snacks. So...a little bit of everything. Plus, you won’t hear him but Emily’s husband was in the next room trying to pretend we weren’t talking about him. So if you’re looking for a good book to read or if you’re looking for profound life advice, we can hook you up in this episode. So give it a listen and check us out on Instagram - @emilywebel and @hspangler, and we’re on Twitter too - @emily_webel and @hollyspangler. And if you’re so inclined, leave us a little iTunes review, because that helps other people find us too.
    30 March 2017, 3:56 pm
  • 24 minutes 8 seconds
    Episode 27: A Podcast About Podcasts
    We went down the worm hole this time: we did a podcast about podcasts. We talked a lot this time about the new face of podcasting...and are podcasts the new blogs? Plus, a new ag podcast network launched this month, where you can find real commercial farmers talking about real agricultural issues. So we cover that too – and we’re speaking about podcasts at the Women in Agriculture conference in the Quad Cities this week, so you’ll want to check that out, too: And in this episode, we’re sharing our favorite new podcasts. So give it a listen and check us out on Instagram: @emilywebel and @hspangler, and we’re on Twitter too: @emily_webel and @hollyspangler. And if you’re so inclined, leave us a little itunes review, because that helps other people find us too.
    16 March 2017, 3:07 pm
  • 30 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 26: Deep dive with Holly
    Man, you guys. You remember a few weeks ago when I interviewed Emily about her life? Well. She turned the tables on me this week and the interviewer became the interviewee. Not gonna lie, it was a little scary for me! But she’s a great interviewer, and we talked about everything from the doctor I didn’t become to how grief has shaped my life. And this much I know: it’s good to talk about the real and the hard things in our life, and what it all means as we serve others. But I promise it’s not all that heavy! Haha! So give it a listen...we're talking food, family and farming, just in a little different way this time.
    7 October 2016, 2:56 am
  • 25 minutes 57 seconds
    Episode 25: Ag Advocacy, a deep dive
    We're taking a deep dive into a subject that's near and dear to both of us: ag advocacy. What's up with the ag advocacy movement these days? Who's blogging and who's not? And who's still building relationships? And the million dollar question: has any of this done any good? And as always, we're talking food, family and farming - give it a listen!
    30 September 2016, 4:53 pm
  • 27 minutes 23 seconds
    Episode 24: Harvest, baby
    This will forever be known in our minds as the episode when the cows got out and Emily said, "Hey, there's a calf in your front yard!" So if you would, forgive us a slight pause where we had to go deal with that little agricultural situation, and I was reminded of a wise farmer who once observed that corn never jumps a fence. Ha! At any rate, we're talking a lot about harvest today, and why we do the things we do and what our parents have to do with it all. Plus a little on field meals and whether anyone should feel guilty about it (spoiler alert: no guilt). And as always, we're talking food, family and farming - give it a listen!
    23 September 2016, 3:34 am
  • 18 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 23: Deep Dive with Emily
    Oh, friends. Do you ever wish you could just sit and have a casual conversation with your friend and learn more about them? Because we do. So we did! In this episode, Emily sat in the hot seat and answered rapid-fire questions from Holly about her dreams, hopes, aspirations and her NEW JOB. I know. It's huge. And as always, we're talking food, family and farming. Give it a listen!
    16 September 2016, 4:12 am
  • 24 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 22: Back to School, Baby
    The farm houses are quiet again (quiet-er, anyway) because the kids are BACK TO SCHOOL! Here's what it all means to these farm mamas, who may or may not have raised a glass. Plus we're sharing our favorite endorsements again. Listen in as we talk food, family and farming this week!
    9 September 2016, 6:40 pm
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