The Doberman Dan Show is where top performing entrepreneurs share their lessons and secrets for prosperity, financial independence, time freedom and building a lifestyle-driven business.
We’ve had a good run... but after today, it’s over.
I’m talking about my podcast, Off The Chain.
I just published the final episode. (For the reasons explained on the podcast.)
Anyhoo... in preparation for this one last episode, I asked myself the following question:
“If this were the last time you ever heard from me, what would I want to leave you with?
I gotta tell ya... coming up with just one thing was REALLY difficult.
But I did. And I entitled the parting wisdom I’m leaving you with...
“The greatest discovery of your life.”
And from the depths of my soul... I truly believe that.
Please... you don’t yet know it but you have very little time left.
So for your sake... I implore you... click here now to hear the greatest
discovery of your life on my final podcast.
All the best, Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: The ONLY reason 99% fail... while others make a FORTUNE...
I was a scrawny teenager.
And I started pumping iron because I desperately wanted to put on some muscle.
But I struggled for 10 long years and made very few gains.
Because I was avoiding this one thing.
And as soon as I discover this I gained almost 20 pounds of muscle in less than 3 months. (And no, it wasn’t steroids.)
It’s the exact same reason most people are struggling in business.
And the minute you embrace THIS... you can get everything you desire.
Click here and I’ll explain it all on this week’s Off The Chain podcast.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: How to sell free info for $100,000 or more...
Wanna know how to get people to pay $7500 to $125,000 for information that’s already available for free online?
It’s actually quite simple... IF you understand human nature.
AND you know how to use that understanding to get people to pay you large sums of money.
Click here to discover the secret on this week’s episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: THIS is what attracts money like crazy (you might be surprised)
I’ve discovered something that attracts money like a high-powered electric magnet on steroids.
Now before you think good ole DD has finally lost what little sanity he had left, allow me to pontificate.
No woo woo, new agey, pseudo-scientific BS. We're talking about something quite pragmatic that can be measured with MRIs and all that other high-tech stuff.
And this is P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L.
Seriously... before you even do one lick of work in your business, you GOTTA understand this secret.
Cuz it’ll amplify your results EXPONENTIALLY.
It’s all revealed HERE on the newest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: Â How to talk anybody into anything...
Compelling subject line, huh?
Well, it ain’t mine. It’s actually the title of a special report by my friend and colleague, Richard Armstrong.
And Richard is using this report in the most unusual way.
I gotta tell ya... this is pure genius in its elegant simplicity.
And I believe that anybody can use this creative secret to promote just about anything.
Richard reveals the whole deal on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
Click here and check it out now.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT:Â Look... HERE is the door to freedom...
As soon as I saw this strange event happening I thought, “This has gotta be the best metaphor EVER.”
In fact, IF you have what it takes... this metaphor can make you financially independent for the rest of your life.
That’s what it has done for me... and several others I’ve helped.
Click here to discover this huge, honkin’ “financial freedom” metaphor revealed on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: At last... the one big secret for HUGE success! (It ain’t what you think)
This is soooooooo counterintuitive.
It’s the complete opposite of what we’re told.
But after more than three decades as a serial entrepreneur it’s the most successful thing I’ve EVER done.
Another little serendipity... FINALLY... my PTSD/anxiety riddled mind is at peace. (No drugs needed.)
Click here to discover big secret revealed on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: Is you brain still running version 2.0? Here’s how to upgrade...
Some thought provoking ideas in this interview.
For one, why it’s time to upgrade your brain operating system.
And that addiction isn’t a disease.
And a new model for reclaiming your power.
All things that won’t just make your business better... they’ll make your whole life better.
This is part two of the interview last week I entitled, “Porn, your brain and making lots of money.”
Click here for the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
SUBJECT: Porn, your brain and making lots of money...
Wow! Within only the first 90 seconds, this conversation to an IMMEDIATE 180 from where I thought it was going.
Talk about hitting ya with both barrels right from the git-go... with no warm-up!
Then it got even more fascinating and controversial from there.
If you think you’re stuck with your negative programming...
If your 12-step program has conditioned to believe that you’re an addict for life...
Or... if you think you’re never gonna overcome the hurdles you’re facing...
My new friend begs to differ.
And if you’re searching to free yourself from addictions... negative thoughts... and a jail cell of your own creation... so you can finally experience the life of your dreams...
Then click here now to hear this free interview on the newest episode of Off The Chain...
All the best, Doberman Dan P.S. Right up front in the show you’re gonna discover a few things about me that you just might find shocking. It’s probably the total opposite of my image of a grizzled ex street cop. Pax vobiscum.
If you’re awake and paying attention, then what I’m sharing HERE could be the secret to making more money than any sane human being could ever possibly need.
If that’s your thang.
Or... if you’ve already got all your financial bases covered and are looking for something more...
Then this could be an almost instant path to enlightenment.
And it came from the most unexpected person... Bill Murray, the comedic actor.
It’s all explained here on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
This is soooo counter-intuitive.
The idea that you can make more money by working less.
Finally... here’s the REAL skinny on how to do it.
Click here to check it out on the latest episode of Off The Chain.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
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