Legal Marketing Studio

Michael N. Meyer

The Legal Marketing Studio is a podcast devoted to branding, strategy, content and technology in legal marketing. It is produced and hosted by Michael N Meyer, a corporate photographer specializing in creating content for law firms.

  • 29 minutes 23 seconds
    Remote Video with Robert Weiss
    Robert Weiss of Multivision Digital, one of the top video production companies in NYC, signs off his emails with the tagline, "See you in front of the camera." These days, we're all being seen in front of the camera. Not only are we in front of cameras more often than ever, but we're all watching more video than ever before. There is an opportunity to produce that content and means to do so safely despite the pandemic. In this episode Robert and I discuss three approaches to safely creating content now, during the pandemic, with a focus on remote video capture. We look forward to a post-pandemic period when remote video capture will remain a means of producing content at scale and across a broad geographic footprint.
    21 December 2020, 1:54 pm
  • 34 minutes 15 seconds
    Strategic Growth Oriented Networking with Carol Schiro Greenwald and Roger Barton
    In this episode I turn the host's reins over to author and marketing consultant Carol Schiro Greenwald and her guest Roger Barton, Managing Partner of Barton LLP. Carol and Roger discuss the evolution of his networking as he grew his practice and grew his firm. Roger describes how he has used networking externally and internally to the firm to form strong relationships, develop business, help train associates in building their practices, foster a culture of cross selling (in combination with innovative compensation policies), and encourage forward movers to join Barton LLP. Carol's most recent book is Strategic Networking for Introverts, Extroverts and Everyone In Between, available through the ABA website.
    15 December 2020, 2:40 pm
  • 34 minutes 56 seconds
    The Hype Handbook with Michael F Schein
    Michael F. Schein returns to the podcast to discuss his forthcoming book: The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets From the World's Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers. We revisit how Hype can be applied in the professional services context and draw lessons from his research. More info on his website:
    7 December 2020, 5:16 pm
  • 35 minutes 30 seconds
    On Digital Completeness with Jason Lisi
    Jason Lisi of Legal Internet Solutions Inc joins us on this episode to consider what it means to have a complete digital presence in an environment in which the tools are rapidly changing, one's resources are easily over taxed, and competition is ever increasing. Jason discusses LISI's approach to structuring clients' digital strategies and what he sees as having a complete digital presence.
    6 January 2020, 2:43 pm
  • 28 minutes 32 seconds
    Everyday Gestures Towards Positive Change with Tiffany Yarde
    Tiffany Yarde joins me on the first episode of 2019 to discuss the every day gestures through which marketing professionals can push for positive change. Our conversation touches on team building, career development, and diversity and inclusion. Rather than look solely to grand programmatic or policy solutions, we explore the quotidian efforts that leaders and junior team members can employ to drive change in individuals' careers while expanding diversity at their firms and throughout the industry.
    10 April 2019, 7:08 pm
  • 33 minutes 19 seconds
    3 Big Fails and How to Avoid Them In 2019 with Raj Jha
    Sometimes things go sideways. Raj Jha of Practice Alchemy joins me on the final episode of 2018 to look back at the year and describe the three biggest marketing mistakes he saw law firms make in 2018. And, of course we pull out the lessons from these failures so our listeners can avoid making similar mistakes in 2019.
    14 December 2018, 11:41 pm
  • 45 minutes 18 seconds
    Podcasting Savvy Panel at LMANE Regional Conference
    At the 2018 Legal Marketing Association's Northeast Regional Conference, Susan Peters (President, Greybridge PR) moderated a podcasting panel featuring Angela Robinson (Marketing Communications Manager, Finnegan), Robert Ambrogi (host, LawNext podcast) and Michael Meyer (host, Legal Marketing Studio). The panel discussed topics such as their strategic goals, what useful content sounds like, the nitty gritty of producing a podcast and how to grow one's audience.
    26 November 2018, 3:20 am
  • 37 minutes 17 seconds
    Externally Facing Sales People at Law Firms with Greg Fleischmann
    In this episode, Greg Fleischmann makes the point that few lawyers went to law school because they want to sell. He and I discuss the potential of bringing externally facing salespeople into law firms so that lawyers can spend more of their time doing the high quality work that is central to a firm's success. Our discussion covers the challenges that such a role creates as well as the very real opportunities.
    18 September 2018, 6:07 pm
  • 31 minutes
    Diversity as a Business Development Imperative with Paul D. Webb
    Paul D. Webb and I begin this episode with a general discussion of the relationship between marketing and business development from his perspective as Director of Marketing and Business Development at Richards Layton & Finger. We move on quickly to the heart of the conversation: a discussion of diversity in the legal industry. Our conversation touches on the business imperative of having a diverse firm, what it means to be a diverse firm and the processes and systems that will be needed to bring about diverse firms. We explore the need for advancing diversity not only among the ranks of attorneys (particularly leadership) but also among legal marketing teams.
    8 August 2018, 3:41 pm
  • 15 minutes 35 seconds
    Boosting Visibility as a Legal Insurance Preferred Vendor; a conversation with Attorney Brian Zimmet
    In this episode, Brian Zimmet of the Zimmet Law Group joins me to expand on how he recognized the opportunity that being a preferred vendor on legal insurance plans presents, their place in his marketing strategy and the business development benefits that they have reaped for his firm. We also go on a brief tangent to discuss his firm's use of digital and social media and why he's brought these efforts in-house.
    14 June 2018, 3:43 pm
  • 38 minutes 23 seconds
    The Attorney's Role in Business Development with Steve Wilson
    In this wide ranging conversation, Osborne Clarke partner Steve Wilson discusses how the role of the attorney has evolved in relation to business development. As the head of firm's New York City office, he has a unique perspective on attorneys' need to develop new business and manage existing client relationships. Other topics that we touch on include cross selling, non-lawyers' ability to sell legal services and the challenges and opportunities that the digital revolution and the commodification of legal services have brought.
    7 May 2018, 4:40 pm
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