The Stacking Benjamins Show | Cumulus Podcast Network

Your Gateway to the Wonderful World of Personal Finance

  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Winning Your Personal Gold Medal in Personal Finance (our 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony episode)

    If you could win medals for your financial performance, what would you need to accomplish? Today, four-time Olympian and the first American woman to medal in both the winter AND summer games, CFP Lauryn Williams, joins us to both share the inside look at tonight's opening ceremonies and help our roundtable team outline the moves YOU need to make to score gold with your money. We'll talk about the foundation it takes to begin the journey and then the moves beyond to be a true champ. Of course, our gold-medal team of Paula Pant (Afford Anything) and CFP OG from our podcast join in the fun. On top of some great advice, you'll also hear our weekly trivia challenge between our participants as THEY try to score gold for correct answers.

    It's a great episode marking a fun date in history. Let the games begin!

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    26 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Why Are Boomers Running Through Money So Quickly (and what should YOU do about yours?)

    A new study shows that baby boomers are tapped out. On today's show we dive into the reasons why this is the case and explore a TON of ways that you can ensure that you aren't running out of money before you run out of life. We'll explore lots of areas, like:

    • Health care costs
    • Automatic savings plans
    • Better investing to increase returns
    • Avoiding common pitfalls

    ...and lots more.

    In our TikTok minute we explore estate planning. What happens when dad is about to die and he tells his son, "Just put me in my boat and let the sea take care of me." The reply from the son may not be what you'd expect. We also take a call from Stacker Eric, who's wondering if he should keep pumping money into his HSA even though he has a significant amount saved already. What if he doesn't need that money?

    Of course, we also save time for Doug's trivia AND we avoid celebrating "old joke day."


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    24 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Find The Work You'll Love (plus how Mark Cuban avoided losses during a market collapse)

    Tessa West has seen lots of people in the wrong careers. Either the job has drifted from what they'd initially thought, or maybe they're a leader at work, but they're passed over for promotions or raises. There are many reasons why people feel the malaise of a job that doesn't work anymore, but the effect is nearly always the same. Either you stagger through the work, wasting your life, or you dream about early retirement. What if there was another answer? What if the job that lights you up is actually out there? You need to know the tools to go find it. That's what Tessa Woods gifts us on today's show. You'll learn how to throw off the ennui and find meaning at work by either rebooting your current career or finding a new job elsewhere. We'll talk about how to engage in effective networking, how to assert yourself as a leader in your field, and why changing fields isn't a bad idea--even if you're an older worker. While many of us think that we wouldn't qualify for jobs against seasoned pros who've already had experience in the given area, Tessa shares how and why employers often want someone with a fresh perspective. You have to know how to sell your strengths, and we'll share some keys today.

    In our headline segment, we'll review how Mark Cuban saved his fortune from disaster when everyone else lost money in the 2000-2002 tech wreck. We'll share the tools he used and how it all went down. Plus we'll answer the question: should YOU also use this strategy to avoid losses? It's a great question, and we tackle it head-on! We'll cover options, market declines, and the financial planning reasons Cuban executed this strategy.


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    22 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Wealthy? But All You Have is Money! (The FIVE Types of Wealth) SB1548

    How wealthy are you? Today we talk about different currencies than cash. While you may be monetarily rich, if you're truly stacking a better life, there are other priorities. Today we dive into a piece from the Retirement Manifesto blog (and from past guest James Clear) on building OTHER types of wealth. What are they? We ask contributors David Stein (Money for the Rest of Us podcast), Allysa Maizes (Amplify Your Wealth online), and Doc G (Earn & Invest podcast). This all-star cast has spent lots of time and energy maximizing not just their financial readiness for independence, but also their overall wealth in many of the areas we discuss today.

    Of course, we'll pause halfway to battle out Doug's trivia. Mom's been making a surge in our year-long competition. Can David Stein (playing for mom) keep the run going? Will Allysa (playing for Paula Pant) start reeling in mom and OG? You'll find out today!


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    19 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Savings Bonds, "Coast FI," and Do I Need a Trust? (Your Questions)

    On today's show we dive headfirst into the mailbag, and answer your excellent questions on every facet of investing, saving, and protecting your money:

    • Do I need a trust?
    • What should I do with these savings bonds?
    • Should I take my money out of a 529 college savings plan?
    • Can I stop saving money well before I retire?

    ...and LOTS more. We're excited to not only bring you those questions, plus our TikTok minute (wait until you hear THIS bride...), AND Doug's incredible trivia question. Plus, we may rail on too long about fake IDs (just to help parents know how to spot them, of course).


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    17 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Better Investing Using an Ancient Philosophy (SB1546)

    Does winning at investing mean that you need more information, a better rule set to follow, or better connections? Our guest today says that while those can be advantages, it's hard to "win" those games. However, there is one method which can help us easily increase our odds of becoming a better saver and investor. More good news? This method is available to us all. Our guest today says learning from the Stoics, philosophers from ancient times, we can easily beat the average investor and we can set ourselves up for life. If you're listening to SB for that reason, you're in a for a treat. Darius Foroux is not only one of our favorite bloggers (we've used his work several times as the centerpiece for our Friday roundtable chats between personal finance luminaries), he actually joins us today in the basement to help you become a wiser, stronger, and hopefully wealthier Stacker.

    In our headline segment, one saver says that he saved too much money into his 401k retirement plan. Huh? How does that even make sense? We'll chat about how to best save for retirement and also challenge you to think about how you save...and not just about the amount you're saving.

    We'll hear from a Stacker in need as well AND of course, save time for Doug's trivia question that you'll be talking about all day long.


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    15 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Cool Electric Vehicle! Can You Afford To Insure It?

    Insurance is a topic we all often avoid, with HUGE consequences. When disaster strikes we have either the wrong coverage or none at all. That's why we decided today to have some fun talking about how making better insurance decisions can truly improve your life. You may find yourself skipping down your street because you've either 1) saved money or 2) found better coverages for your situation. We'll chat about:

    • Big picture about using the stuff you buy (ensuring that the purchase is actually "worth it").
    • How much insurance is "enough"
    • When you can skip the insurance altogether
    • Working with insurance brokers
    • Adding riders to your policies
    • Long term care...the mother of all insurance problems
    • Pet insurance
    • ...and LOTS more.


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    12 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 41 minutes 6 seconds
    Fighting Insecurities, Building a Business, and Behind-The-Scenes of SB and Afford Anything (SB1544)

    On today's special episode, Joe and Paula Pant (AffordAnything) dive behind the scenes to share key learnings from the Craft & Commerce conference in Boise, Idaho. Recording live from the Kit studios in downtown Boise, they share lessons learned about serving audiences, fighting fear, breaking through business insecurity, and much, much more. It's a wide-ranging discussion where you'll see behind-the-scenes of both brands, and hear about how two creators learn, build, and grow. You'll learn lots of takeaways about your own career, life, and (if you're an entrepreneur) brand that you can apply.


    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    10 July 2024, 2:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Your Retirement Tax Time Bomb Is Ticking Louder (SB1543)

    What do you do to diffuse the retirement time bomb? The government has a plan, and you won't like it. Joe was the emcee recently for maybe the biggest name in tax planning -- Ed Slott -- and his book launch event. We're replaying as our mentor segment today Joe's interview with Ed from that event because there are so many "a-ha" moments and good direction toward ensuring that your tax time bomb doesn't go off all over your retirement.

    In our headline, we talk about interest rates and the financial markets. How do you avoid chasing interest rates and instead focus on the big picture? Doug and OG dive into this topic. Plus, we take a call from Nicole, who wonders about her husband's stock options. We talk options, restricted shares, and planning. How do you ensure that you don't overpay taxes on these incentives but at the same time don't end up holding on to worthless options or with an underdiversified portfolio. This type of planning can be messy, so today we help you unwind it all.

    Of course, Doug shares his trivia and much, much more!

    FULL SHOW NOTES: Add show notes url here. Be sure to please include https://www at the beginning of the show notes url that makes it clickable on YouTube

    Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at


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    8 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Should You Shut Up About All That Money You Make (or that you don't make)? SB1542 GREATEST HITS

    Is there anything worse than someone who brags about how much money they make? Many of us would say, "No." On the other hand how many people wish someone would be more transparent about how much they make so that we can emulate them better and maybe earn more ourselves? Today we cover that in the final installment of our greatest hits episode series. We're back next week with new shows!

    Here are the original show notes from December 10th, 2021:

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    5 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    RE/MAX Cofounder Dave Liniger on Persistence, Breaking the Rules, and Creating the Next Big Thing: Stacking Deeds (SB1561)

    On today's show...what skill do you need to lead a group of people toward real estate successLeadership! And man, do we have a leader here to teach you that skill...REMAX Co-founder, Dave Liniger.

    In our headlines, we chat about the state of airbnbs and if guests get the warm and fuzzies when they walk in. Plus, we’ll answer a call to Ruth's Rotary phone from Aimsley who wants to avoid being over-leveraged, under-leveraged or inter-leveraged-we've got answers.

    And of course, Neighbor Doug will pop in later with the property pop quiz.

    Have a question for the show? Head to

    Subscribe to the new show wherever you're listening to today's episode! Just type "Stacking Deeds" into your search function so you catch all of the latest shows the day they arrive (every Tuesday).


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    4 July 2024, 7:00 am
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