Workforce Health Engagement | corporate wellness, consumerism, communication & more | hosted by Jesse Lahey, Aspendale Commun

Jesse Lahey

Workforce Health Engagement is a show exploring strategies to improve your employees’ health and productivity – and to protect your bottom line. Join us as industry experts discuss how to engage employees in population health management, wellness, and healthcare consumerism. Workforce Health Engagement is a special series for CEOs, HR executives, and other business leaders about creating a culture of health and building on the latest trends in areas such as communication, epidemiology, disease management, benefit plan design, worksite clinics, price transparency, and more. Over the long term, a “program of the day” won’t help you boost employee health, productivity, and your bottom line. For sustainable success, you need an integrated approach to workforce health engagement.

  • 40 minutes 59 seconds
    WHE33: Engaging Wellness Solutions for an On-Demand World | with Lorna Borenstein, CEO of Grokker
    WHE33: Engaging Wellness Solutions for an On-Demand World | with Lorna Borenstein, CEO of Grokker Grokker is an on-demand wellness solution that engages employees with better health through video, experts, and community. Loved by users in 172 countries around the world and used by top employers like eBay, Aetna, and Pinterest, Grokker was named to the 2017 CNBC Upstart 25 list for successful startups. With over 4,000 exercise, mindfulness, nutrition […]
    19 April 2018, 3:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 51 seconds
    WHE32: Boosting Stress Resilience for Employees | with Andrew Shatté
    WHE32: Boosting Stress Resilience for Employees | with Andrew Shatté “Stress is the new fat. It makes us sick, depletes us emotionally, and diminishes our quality of life.” ~ Jan Bruce, co-author of meQuilibrium Just like managing weight, managing stress is about becoming aware of personal choices and making better ones, and rewiring thought patterns so that an individual’s habits sustain well-being rather than sabotage […]
    18 July 2017, 3:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 6 seconds
    WHE31: Building a High-Performance and Health-Driven Culture at Trek Bikes | with John Burke, CEO
    WHE31: Building a High-Performance and Health-Driven Culture at Trek Bikes | with John Burke, CEO The organizations that are most successful in building a culture of health begin at the top, with key leaders championing a vision that includes the wellbeing of every employee. In this episode, Jesse interviews John Burke, CEO of Trek Bikes, who took a stand 13 years ago that launched a culture that has produced improvements […]
    5 June 2017, 3:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 4 seconds
    WHE30: Millennials and Healthcare: How They Experience the System | with Hector De La Torre
    WHE30: Millennials and Healthcare: How They Experience the System | with Hector De La Torre They’re supposedly young and healthy, but a new study shows that more than half of Millennials report having a chronic health condition. In addition, Millennials struggle how to navigate the health care system, starting with choosing an appropriate health plan in the first place. These and other surprising findings are from a new study on […]
    22 August 2016, 3:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 37 seconds
    WHE29: Behavioral Economics for Business Leaders: Turn Good Intentions into Positive Results | with Bob Nease
    WHE29: Behavioral Economics for Business Leaders: Turn Good Intentions into Positive Results | with Bob Nease The new book, The Power of Fifty Bits: The New Science of Turning Good Intentions into Positive Results, by Bob Nease, PhD, is the first practical guide for business leaders to apply behavioral economics to activate the good intentions of people in their workforce. Behavioral economics has shown that people’s choices and actions often are […]
    26 April 2016, 3:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 2 seconds
    WHE28: Avoiding Workplace Burnout | with Bill Holston
    WHE28: Avoiding Workplace Burnout | with Bill Holston One of the surprising things about workplace burnout is that no one is immune. Even the most engaged, productive, and passionate people can experience burnout — in fact, their dedication may cause them to be even more susceptible than others. In Engaging Leader episode 019, How to Help Your Team Have More Great Days at […]
    22 March 2016, 1:50 pm
  • 20 minutes 18 seconds
    WHE27: How to Engage Senior Leaders in Wellness Communications | with Mark Snyder from Owens Corning
    WHE27: How to Engage Senior Leaders in Wellness Communications | with Mark Snyder from Owens Corning   As with any important initiative, it’s vital to have the CEO and other senior leaders actively supporting workforce health engagement. These executives can help to: Articulate why the initiative is important to the organization’s purpose and business strategy, Create buy-in from all levels of the organization, Cultivate a supportive work environment, Dedicate resources, and […]
    24 November 2015, 4:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 15 seconds
    WHE26: Mobile Platforms for Workforce Health Engagement
    WHE26: Mobile Platforms for Workforce Health Engagement If you haven’t yet realized it, there’s been a communication revolution building, and it has now reached the tipping point for workforce health engagement. People are now using mobile devices more than desktop computers for digital media, with mobile apps dominating the usage. Text messaging has become the preferred communication method for most people. And people […]
    27 October 2015, 3:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 15 seconds
    WHE25: For Stronger Motivation, Promote Energy – Not Just Good Health | with Tom Rath
    WHE25: For Stronger Motivation, Promote Energy – Not Just Good Health | with Tom Rath Making the connection between better health decisions and daily energy levels does far more to change employee behavior than telling them about longer-term health consequences. At most organizations, a workforce health strategy includes communication and education to motivate and equip employees and their families to reduce health risks, improve well-being, and prevent the development of […]
    22 July 2015, 5:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 14 seconds
    WHE24: Benefits Engagement through Gamification | with Dr. Ann Clark and Erin Krehbiel of ACI/MacroLife
    WHE24: Benefits Engagement through Gamification | with Dr. Ann Clark and Erin Krehbiel of ACI/MacroLife Back in episode 14, we talked about the six drivers of behavioral engagement. One driver is Structural Ability; in other words, make it easy for people to take the recommended actions that will improve their physical or financial health. Another of the six drivers is Personal Motivation; make it what they want to do. Gamification […]
    23 June 2015, 2:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 6 seconds
    WHE23: Slim-by-Design Workplace: Mindless Eating Solutions for a Healthier Workforce | with Brian Wansink
    WHE23: Slim-by-Design Workplace: Mindless Eating Solutions for a Healthier Workforce | with Brian Wansink The best wellness programs are ones people don’t even know they’re doing. That may sound like a pipe dream, but a leading researcher says it’s realistic and effective. A few small changes in the workplace can change a waistline … and a culture. Leading behavioral economist, food psychologist, and bestselling author Brian Wansink, Ph.D., joins […]
    26 May 2015, 2:00 pm
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