Risk Without Regret: Stories from Risk Takers, Inspiring Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners

Randy Johnson: Entrepreneur, Web Designer, Podcaster, Photographer, Risk Ta

Based out of Dayton, Ohio, Randy Johnson hosts a weekly podcast titled Risk Without Regret. The main goal of this show is to inspire and motivate you to follow your dreams, take more risks, build a business around your passions, and have no regrets along the way.

  • 23 minutes 54 seconds
    #62 – 5 Year Podcast Anniversary Leads to Finally Creating Videos

    My Risk Without Regret podcast launched 5 years ago this weekend. I’ve taken too long of a break from it, but it’s time to finally get back. And what better way than to start creating videos on the 5 year anniversary. I’ve been terrified to be on video for so long, but that was just a stupid story I told myself. Zero excuses. Just start and keep going. Let go of perfection, just create now with whatever tools you have. So here’s me rambling for 23 minutes about myself and my podcast and my life and I’m finally ready to get my thoughts and stories back out there. The audio for this podcast was stripped out of the video that's on my YouTube channel (The Ran Plan). Thanks for listening. ======== Website: http://www.RiskWithoutRegret.com YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/theranplan Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/riskwithoutregret Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/riskwithoutregret

    3 August 2020, 2:30 am
  • 19 minutes 6 seconds
    #61 - How Bands Can Easily Increase Their YouTube Revenue

    If you're a musician, you want more people to listen to your music. And you'd prefer to create music full-time. Which means you'll likely need to make money from it. Today's episode talks about various ways to increase your YouTube revenue. In the end, you should strive to connect with your fans more. And by giving them more of what they want, you'll also get more of what you want. Some of these strategies (which are probably obvious to most bands) can help you make a few extra bucks, and that should allow you to keep creating more music. Leveraging the technology that's available to us these days is cheap or free in some cases. You might as well use it to your advantage and turn your fans into raving fans.

    Everything mentioned


    Thanks for listening

    I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to share it with your friends, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a quick review!

    10 February 2019, 5:22 pm
  • 21 minutes 16 seconds
    #60 - Why Success is a Bad Thing if You’re Doing Shit You Hate

    Everyone hears the word "success" and instantly thinks of fame and fortune. But we all know (or should know) that happiness doesn't actually come from money. Unfortunately we all have to figure this out for ourselves. In this episode I talk about mundane tasks, people hating their jobs, feeling stuck, how money is an incentive to keep you there, going down the wrong path, making changes, how you have plenty of time every week to figure something else out, and asking questions like what do you really want in life. All of this and more. Enjoy!

    I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to share it with your friends, subscribe to the podcast, and leave a quick review!

      Everything mentioned
    • "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."
    • "If you love the work you're doing, it doesn't always feel like work."
    • 6 Stories That Prove Kobe Was The HARDEST WORKER In NBA HISTORY
    • $1000 Diapers! Haha
    • "How are you ever going to stop doing something you hate if the money keeps rolling in?"
    • Depression, suicide problems for Wall Street bankers
    • "The longer you do anything you dislike, the more painful it is to get out."
    • "If you want to change your situation, you're gonna have to get uncomfortable."
    • "If you want to change your life, change something that you do daily."
    • "A lot of people build a lifestyle around shit that they hate."
    • "If you don't know what you want, any path will take you there."
    • "I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that its not the answer." -Jim Carrey
    • Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
    • "Sure, you might make a lot of money someday, but are you really successful if you don't have freedom and you're not happy?"
    • "People know that money won't buy them happiness, but everyone has to find out for themselves."
      Related reading   Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with any feedback or questions that you have.

    24 January 2019, 1:18 am
  • 20 minutes 41 seconds
    #59 - Why Strippers & Bartenders Should Be Using Tinder

    Regardless if you're a stripper or a bartender or neither, I think this episode might give you some new ideas to think about. No matter what niche or industry you're in, there are always random ways to mix things up.

    Check out the complete show notes here: RiskWithoutRegret.com/strippers

    Thanks for listening! Be sure to subscribe to the show and leave a review if you have a second.

    17 January 2019, 6:55 pm
  • 42 minutes 44 seconds
    #58 - Why My Monthly Subscription Boxes Failed and What I'd Do Different Next Time

    So about a year ago, I wanted to create my own monthly subscription box for my Low Label clothing brand. Everyone was doing them and I thought I could build something cool too. I had no idea what I was doing so it was a lot of trial and error, until I ultimately shut it down at the end of 2017. Throughout this episode, I explain the details of my monthly box and why it was a failure (even though most failures are great learning experiences). I talk about why it probably didn't work out, and then I go into some ways that I would do a subscription box differently in the future. This would definitely be helpful to anyone considering going down this path, and I'm sure you can pull a few tips out of this one. I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review!

    My Clothing Brand Course

    Merch From Scratch Master Course - Teaching you how to create your own clothing brand from scratch, with no experience. If you have an idea, I can help you turn that into a legit merchandise business! Sign up here... $100 OFF CODE, EXPIRES 4/30/18: RISK100

    My E-Commerce Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Everything mentioned

    Low Label @MiniTruckScene @HotRodAvenue #38 – How I Started Mini Truck Scene and Went From Photography to Apparel Club Low Private Facebook Group Online Shop Master Course Merch From Scratch Master Course ShipStation @EatGoodShit

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    5 April 2018, 7:25 pm
  • 3 minutes
    #57 - The Hard Work Puts You Where The Good Luck Can Find You

    Here's a super short episode, only 3 minutes in length. I posted this quote on my personal Instagram a couple months ago (@bigran82). I wrote a long caption explaining my thoughts on it and how it relates to my life. I turned that caption into audio and now it's available through my podcast. Here's the text version of this episode: So much work over the past week, and it continues into another late one tonight. I think we are all lucky at times, but no one is lucky 24/7. Someone called me lucky again the other day, because sometimes my social media gives off the impression like I don't work at all, like I'm just traveling all the time or eating at Chipotle everyday or just sleeping. Like that's all I do. Haha I just work hard behind the scenes, although if you've followed my Snapchat (minitruckscene) for the past few years, you'd see what my daily life is like. I really enjoy my life, but 80% of the time it would look extremely boring from an outsider's perspective. Like here's my computer, here's a book, here's my food, here's a movie I'm watching, here's the orders I'm shipping, here's the music I'm listening to, etc. But that 20% or less of my time overpowers the majority. It blinds people and makes them forget what my daily life is like. Most of my waking hours are spent either: at my desk on my computer, in bed or on the couch updating social media accounts & responding to emails, or in some random place working from my laptop. But that's boring so I don't show it all the time. By not showing it all the time, I might have this image sometimes of extreme success with little to no work. Far from the truth. And I know I can make things look easy at times, but it took many years of work for it to appear that way. So maybe I should start posting more of my daily life (even though I think I'm extremely transparent on all social networks) so people can better understand what it takes to do the things I do. It's not easy by any means, and I don't think it's for most people, but it's 100% available to everyone. I just had a stronger push to go for it, and that opened my eyes. Maybe some day I can give that same push to hundreds or thousands of people. What are your thoughts on all of this? Back to work at 2:04am, at my desk, that I've been at for 4 hours, and before that I was on the couch updating social media til I passed out for a few hours. The ingredients are simple, but cooking the recipe can be challenging at times. Make it anyways. @riskwithoutregret #ranplan I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review! Most of these episodes are 30-60 minutes, so I'm trying out some shorter ones to get some feedback. Comment below if you dig these bite-size episodes better. Thanks!

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    2 February 2018, 6:57 am
  • 59 minutes 10 seconds
    #56 - Air Force Pilot Turns a $36 Candy Machine into an 8-Figure Vending Business

    On today's episode, I have an amazing interview that I know you'll get some value out of. My guest is an entrepreneur located down in Texas, and although he's running a successful business these days, it wasn't always that way. In fact, for almost 10 years, he was an air force pilot flying all over the world. But after you hear his story, as well as the ups and downs along the way, you'll understand why he transitioned into something completely different: vending machines. He took a simple concept, found an industry that could benefit from his idea, found success with it, created a franchise program, and has been scaling the business ever since. If you've ever thought about starting a business on the side, but you don't know where to start, and you're really looking for a proven business model to get you going, that isn't going to take up all your spare time, this episode is definitely for you. Or maybe you have plans to quit your full-time job and want to switch careers altogether, but you want more freedom and flexibility instead of working another boring 9-5 job. Well, this episode is also for you too. And even if you aren't looking to become a franchisee or quit your job or whatever, I know you'll still love hearing all the details of this story, and I bet you'll learn some important life lessons regardless. Plus, if you stick around til the end (or scroll down this page), there's a free gift for everyone that's listening. And it might get you even more interested in this type of business after you check it out. Anyways, I've been excited to share this one with you for awhile, so let's just dive right into it. Here's my conversation with Matt Miller. Enjoy! I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review!

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Free Gift

    Just for being a loyal Risk Without Regret listener, Matt is offering you a free e-book! It's called "Live Your Dreams: Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Vending Business." All you have to do is visit SSVbusiness.com/RiskWithoutRegret and you can download it right away. Enjoy!

    Connect with Matt

    Website: SSVbusiness.com Facebook: facebook.com/SSVbusiness Twitter: @SSVbusiness

    Everything mentioned

    Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! School Spirit Vending School News Guru School Zone Podcast Marlin and Percy Outliers: The Story of Success Andrea Lake interview The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

    Best quotes from this episode There are very few mistakes that you can make that you can't recover from. Too many people are getting ready to get ready to get ready to do something. You only have to succeed one time to completely change your family's financial future and to have an impact on society as a whole. We were willing to stick with it and adjust along the way. Inch by inch, everything's a cinch. Yard by yard, everything's hard. Change takes time. Especially real and long-term change. There's no shortcut, just get excited in the journey. I think we all take ourselves too seriously in a lot of ways. Design business systems that support your life and not a life that supports your business. I burned the ships. We were gonna make this happen. I had no choice.

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    29 January 2018, 4:54 am
  • 26 minutes 23 seconds
    #55 - Starting a Web Design Business and Using Themes for Client Websites

    If someone comes to me and says they want to own their own business someday, but they have no skills and they have no idea what to do, the first thing I ask them is, "Do you enjoy being on a computer for long periods of time?" If they say no, I think they should be trying as many new things as possible to see what sticks and what they enjoy doing. Almost anything can be monetized at some point. But if they say yes, and they also say they are pretty tech-savvy, I instantly tell them they should learn web design. Once they start going down the web design path, they are going to have a million questions. And one that comes up often is: is it cheating for a web designer to be using themes/templates on client sites, or even their own website? It really comes down to who you ask, what their background is, and what type of business they are trying to run. My short answer is: you should definitely be starting every website with a premium theme. Hit play on this episode to learn more about why I feel strongly about this, and how this couldskyrocket the amount of clients you get, as well as increase the amount of money you make. Over the years, I've learned a thing or two when it comes to web design and running a business based around it. If you have any interest in this space, definitely listen to this one, it might open up your mind to new possibilities. I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review! And of course, share it with anyone else that might get value from it.

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here... [SAVE $100 WITH CODE: RISK100 - ENDS 12/31/17 AT MIDNIGHT!]

    Everything mentioned

    WordPress.org WooCommerce.com EmberSmith.com EightDeuce.com LowLabel.com CreateYourOnlineShop.com (save $100 with code: RISK100)

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    3 December 2017, 5:44 am
  • 17 minutes 26 seconds
    #54 - How To Use 60 Hashtags On Your Instagram Photos

    Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. I use it constantly, and I have way too many accounts, more than any sane person should be able to handle. Hashtags are at the core of this app/tool, and it's a way for other people to find you and your content. But there are rules. And the rule is, no more than 30 hashtags, because people always abuse things like this, so they had to put a limit on it. But there's a loophole... In this episode, I talk about how I stumbled across this hack and how simple it is to do. This should be a quick way to start getting some new people finding your posts and following you as a result. Hopefully this is something you never knew about and I was able to teach you a new trick. If so, I'd love to hear how it has helped to grow your IG account and also if you have any other hacks that others might not know about, yet! I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review! And of course, share it with anyone else that might get value from it.

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Everything mentioned

    @riskwithoutregret Instagram @tonyhensonphotography Instagram @eatgoodshit Instagram Original article I found about 60 hashtags

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    28 October 2017, 8:10 pm
  • 34 minutes 49 seconds
    #53 - The Power and Psychology Behind the Word FREE

    When it comes to growing a business, marketing is something that you'll have to spend money on. And once you figure it out and see the benefits, it's something you'll constantly want to invest in. One thing that you should definitely consider is incorporating FREE into your company somehow. In this episode, I talk about how I've used free with my clothing brands and some of my websites. I also share some other ideas that are pretty popular across various industries, whether it be products or services. Hopefully you learn some tips while listening to this one. And I'd love to hear how you've used free in your business or side hustle, so feel free to leave a quick comment below. I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review!

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Everything mentioned

    Low Label Lone Star Throwdown How I started Mini Truck Scene ClickFunnels Tucker Max interview Book in a Box ShipStation Create Your Online Shop Free Chocolate Experiment

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    4 July 2017, 4:47 am
  • 11 minutes 55 seconds
    #52 - How To Do Less But Accomplish More With Essentialism

    On this week's episode, I discuss a great quote from the book I'm currently reading called Essentialism. Here's the quote: Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter. -Greg McKeown These days, everyone seems to be overwhelmed, including me. I take on too many projects and it's easy to get stressed out by trying to do everything. Fortunately, there's a way out: essentialism. No it's not always going to be easy, but it is very simple. Figure out exactly what you want to do and where you want to be, and eliminate everything that isn't essential to reaching those goals. Getting rid of all the non-essentials allows you to completely focus on the one single priority that is the most important right now. And that's how you'll learn how to work better and put your energy in the best place possible. So give this short episode a listen and hear my thoughts on this awesome quote. Enjoy! I hope you loved this episode, and if you did, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and leave a quick review!

    My Online Course

    Online Shop Master Course - Teaching you how to build your own e-commerce website so you can start selling your products online. With no software, even if you have zero web design experience! Sign up here...

    Everything mentioned

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results The Minimalists

    Thanks for listening

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast here and I can't wait to share the next episode with you soon! And feel free to leave a comment below with your feedback and any questions you have.

    22 May 2017, 9:57 pm
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