As It Occurs To Me

As It Occurs To Me is a stand-up and sketch show podcast written and performed by Richard Herring at the Leicester Square Theatre. Richard is joined on stage by Dan Tetsell, Emma Kennedy and Christian Reilly.

  • 43 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #6
    AIOTM Video Series #6 - Repo Mann. It's the final episode of the series and there's a hostage situation to resolve. I expect they will manage that. And, if they do, then you can will get to see the first kniforkoon off the production line, the true story of the Song of Sixpence and how Richard's obsession with toaster robots resolves. Christian bids a final (surely) farewell to the AIOTM franchise, Emma recounts the tale of a woman who pooed herself in front of a delivery driver and Dan Tetsell shows a surprising knowledge of the intricacies of time travel. Plus introducing exciting new acting talent Ross Mann. Here's his Spotlight Page - Employ him in any way you see fit. Plus stories of the magical town of Fleet, creepy Uncle's Pawnbroker and the dangers of mispronouncing the names of popular spreads. And find out what becomes of the romance betwixt Rich and Aberham Lincoln. It may have repercussions. You can see longer episodes of all the shows in this series, with a good 20 mins of extra material in each show (including, in show 6, a delightful accent-off between Rich and Ross Mann that might be the funniest thing in the whole series). You can either become a monthly badger and view the episodes (as well as all the existing and future backstage interviews from RHLSTP) at or get an AIOTM series pass (including all six long episodes, bloopers, cut scenes, interviews and more) at (where you can also purchase a selection of T shirts, DVDs or a tea towel). If you liked the series and didn't contribute to the kickstarter, please consider donating something. The money will go towards making even more internet content. Thanks to everyone who backed the kickstarter or subscribed to the channel. Hope you think it was worth it. Thank God it's over. Now let's never do anything as stupid as this again.
    2 October 2017, 9:00 pm
  • 41 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #5
    AIOTM Video Series #5: Orange Beads. Rich has been dreaming about a movie star and also got a bit cross with Hitler. You won't believe what he's done now! Also he takes a look at an old Nespresso advert and wonders why we have frozen peas. Plus poo stories, Christian takes on Trump (is he still going?), Tiny Baby Anus and Gemma the toaster sex robot is mobile. Plus a special guest direct from Kew Gardens who seems a bit cross for some reason. Best enjoyed whilst wearing clothes from the Red Clothing Company: Buy merch or access the secret channel with extra-long episodes and loads more at
    25 September 2017, 7:30 pm
  • 41 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #4
    AIOTM Video Series #4: Barbara. Has becoming a dad meant that Richard has lost his comedy mojo? Only you can decide (but the answer seems to be yes). Having finally got rid of the dead wood of Emma Kennedy and getting back the dead wood of Dan Tetsell, Rich turns his attention to how constitutional revenge porn is and meets the couple whose decision to back out of selling him their house has created two very different possible futures (have you seen the film Sliding Doors?). There is some very tender and beautiful love-making betwixt Rich and his toaster robot and Tiny Baby Anus turn their attention to Baa Baa Black Sheep. Christian Reilly sings about Paul Hewson and the naughty dog is back, as the cast become largely replaced by puppets. Abraham Lincoln might be in there somewhere, who knows? Best listened to whilst vainly trying to find the website for (if you are part of the very specific demographic that would need it). You can see longer versions of all 6 episodes right now by subscribing at (plus loads of cool extras) or by becoming a monthly badger at Help us make more RHLSTP by backing our Kickstarter at
    19 September 2017, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #3
    AIOTM Video Series #3: Kniforkoon. We're a cast member down and the new young blood on the team seems to be plotting a permanent takeover. It reminds me of something, but surely there can't be a Shakespeare parody in the middle of all this rubbish about poo and robot sex? Richard is furious about a slight he has received from a young house guest and bamboozled by the specificity of the educational videos that his daughter has to sit through (introducing the big future star of TV, film or whatever they have in the future, Phoebe Herring). He is also planning to reinvent the way we eat food and his toaster robot obsession is getting out of hand (and into the slot of a toaster). Also what happens when you try to wee in the wrong place and finally Emma Kennedy gets what's coming to her. This show is best enjoyed whilst sitting in Haslemere and eating some Dylan's Ice Cream: To view a longer version of this and the other five episodes (all six are already up), plus behind the scenes interviews, bloopers and other material why not buy a series pass at (other AIOTM merchandise also available at that address).
    11 September 2017, 5:00 pm
  • 46 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #2
    AIOTM Video Series #2 - Average. In the second episode of this groundbreaking series, Richard wonders about the consequences of sending soiled toilet mats to strangers, discusses his (as yet still unbroadcast) third appearance on Pointless Celebrities, introduces a new cool cast member, tries to flog a new Christian Reilly album, recalls an embarrassing sexual encounter (though not sure he ever had anything but), goes further into his obsession with making a sex robot, before questioning the morality, immortality or amorality of accepting pastries from the homeless. Best watched whilst simultaneously listening to the Guilty Feminist podcast: To watch a longer version of this ep (and long versions of the whole series - already up) plus loads of extras subscribe to the secret channel: If you want to back a kickstarter to help us make more RHLSTP and get your hands on the all new Christmas Emergency Questions book then head here:
    4 September 2017, 5:00 pm
  • 43 minutes
    AIOTM - Video Series #1
    AIOTM Video Series #1: Warsaw Indiana. It's taken some time, but here it is! The kickstarted video episode (also available as this audio) of AIOTM. Rich assembles the old team and they reveal where the money has gone. Plus there's news of Richard's holiday in pre-Trump America, a President who is less interesting than his hat, the start of a six part series examining the ethics of sex with robots, and the introduction of Tiny Baby Anus! The video version: Best watched whilst eating a vocalzone. To watch a longer version of this ep (and long versions of the whole series - already up - plus loads of extras subscribe to the secret channel:
    28 August 2017, 9:20 pm
  • 30 minutes
    AIOTM Audio Extra 6
    AIOTM Audio Extra 6: The Tigers Come at Night. It's been on helluva slog, but we're nearly there. And on the final audio extra before the completely different video series begins (hopefully by May 2017), Richard is concerned about tweets from Jeremy Corbyn, who is more popular Morgan or Rowling and why we have a Doomsday clock. There's a moving tribute to one that has fallen and a desperate attempt to milk some more mileage out of half decade old material. And what's in Farage's garage this week. With songs about love and pancakes from the amazing Christian Reilly. Thanks for helping us on this journey. The stuff you've paid for (or not - but you still can will be on its way asap. And now we rest. Oh apart from this mammoth tour:
    14 February 2017, 9:40 am
  • 26 minutes
    AIOTM Audio Extra 5
    AIOTM Audio Extra 5: Hootenanny Lies. It's the penultimate AIOTM of the series, but the videos won't be out for a couple of months at least, so enjoy this bonus topical podcast which predictably is mainly concerned with a piss-covered President elect, but there's also time to cover Last Of The Summer Wine, washing baked bean tins, the return of the naughty dog, and who has the best manoeuvre. And for lover's of Dr Seuss and water sports there is a return for Farage in the Garage. If you want to help us finance the video podcast then head to for merch and secret channel pass, or come and see the final recording on February 12th And do check out Rich's live tour dates at
    16 January 2017, 1:50 pm
  • 30 minutes
    AIOTM Audio Extra 4
    AIOTM Audio Extra 4: Farage in the Garage. It's the AIOTM (aiotm) team's fourth attempt to give you bonus content and try and tempt you down to come and see a show live - or subscribe to the channel of video extras, but is the tactic working or just putting people off? Dan Tetsell is back after his unexplained absence and the team (even producer Ben) have all been given kickstarter t-shirts (there are a few surplus ones available to buy at PLUS the Cumpkin Tea Towel - the perfect Christmas gift). There is stuff about who was the real hero in Spartacus, the last person from the 1800s, The Cat in the Hat, Ferrero Rocher, a fitting tribute to a late Anus Arsehole and an amazing TWO Christmas songs from Christian Reilly. Plus the birth of a new cartoon character who is bound to become a perennial Christmas favourite. Itttt's Chriiiiiiissssssssttttttmaaaaas!
    13 December 2016, 10:00 am
  • 55 minutes
    AIOTM Audio Extra 3
    AIOTM Audio Extra 3: Dan has been mysteriously replaced by Matthew Crosby and everyone is trying to process the week's incredible and terrifying news, and Rich wonders if he can get back to the alternate Universe where Trump got dumped and see how things turned out there. Whilst acknowledging that the President- Elect is unsatirisable (and yes, Rich is saluting him in the photo - he for one welcomes our new bumpkin-overlord), they decide to give it a bit of a go, before moving on to cat death, Thundercats, sex robots and the vagaries of Twitter exchanges. Plus International Men's Day fun with Christian Reilly. The world will never be the same again, so it's reassuring that AIOTM will always be exactly the same. Come down and see one or more of the remaining shows live - tickets here:
    14 November 2016, 10:20 pm
  • 31 minutes
    AIOTM Audio Extra 2
    AIOTM Audio Extra 2: Richard's usual plan to write AIOTM at the last minute very nearly comes unstuck, when he is betrayed by the thing that he loves. But somehow he pulls it out the pan (in both senses) and constructs a topical bonus podcast (that is not the same show that you Kickstarted - that will be out in 2017) looking into what happens if you follow the Trump ideal of locker room talk, if it's possible to get away with imaginary murder, and looks at some of the most useless logical reasoning known to man from the Brexit camp on Twitter. Rich also recounts a bizarre coincidence involving Jason Manford[/]p (pictured), plus there's a song from [p]Christian Reilly and a catch up of what Dan and Emma have been up to. Given the circumstances it's almost impressive.
    18 October 2016, 11:30 am
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