Extra Credit

Extra Credit (ballp.it)

Extra Credit is a fan podcast of The F Plus. Unlike other fan podcasts, this podcast is also about people reading terrible things found on the Internet - mainly the stuff The F Plus hasn't touched for one reason or another. This podcast was created all the way back in July 2016. We love you.

  • 1 hour 49 minutes

    After we spent 2 hours reading only half of the document, we realized there was no way we could do the goons justice in one sitting, so we made another episode that’s just more Something Awful anime recommendations.

    There’s fewer isekais in this one, but that’s just because we’re going backwards so we’re more in the past when isekais weren’t the only thing anyone produced.

    This week, Extra Credit doesn’t have a pithy jape. It’s more of the same as last eppy!

    3 May 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 1 hour 41 minutes

    Several years back, The Heavenator brought us a bunch of anime recommendations straight from the Something Awful Forums’ recommendation thread. The rule was we had to interpret each anime as they were described, with no outside knowledge permitted to taint our observations. The results were pretty goofy to say the least, so we did it again!

    But oops, we did it again twice because The Heavenator came back with a document so jam packed with anime isekai dreck that we had to cut the doc into two pieces and read the second half another time. So here is PART ONE of us reading about SA describing anime in ways that may or may not be representative of the actual properties.

    This week, Extra Credit gets its 100th rejection in a row.

    19 April 2024, 5:47 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    It’s A Toy!

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a baby?

    Yeah it sounds like a lot of work right? And for what? The shitty little thing might not even be successful and pay for your retirement and let you buy them their clothes forever! Isn’t there a better way? Well yes! There is! And you even get the joy of telling everyone you’re about to shell out $1000+ on something called a “manufactured skin doll” as well!

    Reborn dolls come in a range from “wow that looks like a cabbage patch kid” to “it takes about a minute before the uncanny nature of this thing sets in but once it does I can’t unsee it.” But don’t worry! Regardless of quality, you can do all kinds of fun things that parents get to do, like put your reborn doll into a pram, drive with your reborn doll in a car seat, grift youtube followers out baby shower gifts, put your reborn doll in a pram, go on walks with your reborn doll, defensively whine at your family that they should be happy you’re happy, go on walks with your reborn doll before putting it into someone else’s pram
 The possibilities are endless! At least until you get a good bid on Ebay, then it’s back in the box for ol’ rebaby.

    Note: Some people use reborn dolls for actual trauma related to parenting shocks and tragedy. Those are not discussed in this episode because that’s sad and actually not funny! Here we only have whiny teens and 50 year old ladies with too much disposable income talking about their precious reborn baby/collector’s object.

    This week, Extra Credit could really use a new diaper bag for Bleskler


    29 March 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 1 hour 54 minutes
    Unidentified Podcast-Like Media

    A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a bunch of bullshit words were said or not said prompting countless nerds and losers to catalog every single one of them. Yeah, that’s all you’re getting from us, reference-wise.

    Wookiepedia is a place where Star Wars detritus goes to live forever, sorted into categories such as “Legends” or “Canon” or “Non-Canon” so as to align the deep meaning of their sacred texts with the sales and acquisitions of intellectual property rights.

    It’s filled with infinite articles featuring infinite references and still many articles cry out for more. One cannot simply trust what a tree is was with 600 examples of their appearance across film, television, novelization, and comic after all.

    This week, Extra Credit learns the difference between pure fantasy and pure syfy.


    The guy Stress mentions.

    “An unspecified Skywalker holds up a skateboard.” as Wookiepedia puts it.

    15 March 2024, 4:30 pm
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    Often Harder on the Man

    The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant?

    Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking about them, we’re talking about the sexy prospect of cis men who otherwise do not have any of the organs needed to carry a fetus to term suddenly being capable of doing so through the magic of fetishizing gay men, thus removing the need for disgusting women to be in our fetish fantasies.  This stuff was popularized in fandom circles by Harry Potter, so we will not be tolerating any “trans” talk here.

    Anyway, now that that’s over with, let’s read some long lost discussion on the many ways a man can have a baby, be it by egg, by urethra, or by butt.

    This week, Extra Credit is going out the way we came in.

    1 March 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    The Boobs Are Fine but Let Me Tell You about the Card Game

    Porn comes in every variety in high volumes. You can’t shake a dick without finding someone who wants to help you cum. It’s so hard to know the good from the bad, though. There has to be a better way!

    Too bad all we have is members of the internet using their rudimentary writing skills to review porn games made in Ren’Py in an overly-serious fashion. Come for the large breasts, stay for the card strats! Let’s all learn the limits of lewd as we read reviews from a few years back lamenting the lack of CGs and card game mechanics with equal fervor.

    This week, Extra Credit doesn’t have enough books to make Belle into a horny slut.

    16 February 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    Beyond Evil and Evil

    The Villains Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in media that has ever been cast as a villain. They have slightly better quality standards than you’d imagine.

    The Villains Fanon Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in internet memes and creepypasta that has ever been cast as a villain while also not meeting the standards of the Villains Wiki. They have exactly the level of standards you’d imagine.

    What happens when Extra Credit casts themselves as the villain and makes fun of both wikis? Well apparently mostly Warrior Cats get brought up a lot.

    This week, Extra Credit is banned for arguing over the Antagonistic Scale.

    Note: Shell is aware some of her Warriors (the book series about cats we just call Warrior Cats) lore is spotty and off. She doesn’t need to be corrected. Thank you.

    2 February 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    They Got My Worm!

    You ever feel like you’re being watched? You ever know you’re being watched by undefined groups of people who inevitably include your coworkers and your ex-wife? You ever see one thing twice and go “That’s no coincidence!” Well crank that up to 11 and start posting nonstop and you’ll be amongst the Targeted Individuals who believe themselves to be the victims of gangstalking.

    Gangstalking is when shadowy cabals of people start planting agents in your life to suggest that you smell bad or get mad at you for being good at video games. There is no real solution to this problem, as a) law enforcement does not recognize it as real and b) it’s not real. One can only combat such opposition by posting all the time and doxxing their neighbors. That’ll show ’em!

    This week, Extra Credit has cross words for Tuttle.

    The music video for the outro music that Frank West insists you all see:

    19 January 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 34 minutes 7 seconds
    EC Mini-Series – Mane Street Blog Part 5: The Satsui no Hado

    Here we are at the finale of our very first (and possibly last) mini-series, where we dip into the Poisonous lake of social commentary and 
. queer? th

    Yeah no okay this is just about how the Satsui no Hado is repressed sexual energy. Enjoy and thanks!

    3 January 2024, 8:15 pm
  • 38 minutes 30 seconds
    EC Mini-Series – Mane Street Blog Part 4: Judge, Juri, and Executioner

    In part 4 of our exhilarating 5 part mini-series, we actually talk about The Street Fighter Code. It’s like The DaVinci Code. It also tries to answer the question “Who was Jesus, really?”

    This is why media literacy is important, people.

    There was a late change in editing that made the titles and art not line up with the content, but they’re already done and
 Well we’re happy with them as is so

    3 January 2024, 8:06 pm
  • 45 minutes
    EC Mini-Series – Mane Street Blog Part 3: The Truth About M. Bison

    In this installment, Steven Mane turns his laser focused eye upon the reality-crossing powers of a one M. Bison, because
 A lady on twitter asked him to, kind of?

    We also go over the unfortunate foot-fetishist reality that is Juri

.. on a pocky box
. . 
. . . . 
.. and on a third party digital trading card.

    This here’s the hump of the mini-series, but by no means the climax. That, sadly, is next time.

    3 January 2024, 7:58 pm
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