Party Roll - A 5E Dungeons and Dragons Podcast

Party Roll Podcast

We're six friends who shoved microphones in front our faces while playing dungeons and dragons. Listen along while we drink, tell jokes, and make the DM hate us!

  • 55 minutes 18 seconds
    Party Roll - S5E64 - Cabin Boys

    Sonic's under my bed (what's he doin?) Sonic's under my bed (what's he doin?) Sonic's under my bed (what's he doin?) Sonic's under my bed (what's he doin?)

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    24 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 56 minutes 30 seconds
    Party Roll - S5E63 - Tegals

    The party nabs a dress.

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    5 April 2024, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Party Roll - S5E62 - Butcher Boys

    Time to get a dress made!

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    8 March 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Party Roll - S5E61 - Throuple Threat

    The party reconvenes to keep Ireena from her dreams.

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    16 February 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes

    idk how Mark is able to embody that abbot so well...

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    15 December 2023, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 5 seconds
    Party Roll - S5 - Party Roll Thanksgiving 2023

    Happy t-day yall

    23 November 2023, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Party Roll - S5E59 - P.R.D.H.

    What's that abbey doin up there?

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    3 November 2023, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Party Roll - S5E58 - Gem Boofing

    Point where we need to go.

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    20 October 2023, 6:00 am
  • 52 minutes 46 seconds
    Party Roll - S5E57 - Once-lerFans

    Evasive maneuvers!

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    6 October 2023, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Party Roll - S5E56 - Nice Shooting, Gordon!

    Sumer is a-cumin in. Burning flames of wicker man.

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    22 September 2023, 6:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Party Roll - S5E55 - Ass of Holding

    Master field tacticians.

    Also, we've started video-recording our play sessions as we use the Foundry VTT system to play virtually. If you're interested in watching along, we're going to be releasing the videos for people who've joined our patreon.

    Thanks for listening!

    Playing DnD 5E - Curse of Strahd | @party_roll | | patreon | teener time

    8 September 2023, 6:00 am
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