Wild Soul Medicine Radio w/ Jody England

Jody England

A depth-filled, revolutionary talk show for soulful women to participate in meaningful inquiry, inspired conversation, and the excavation of Essence.

  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    He Said, She Said
    17 October 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Tabula Rasa
    I am a blank slate.

    A Tabula Rasa.

    Incinerating in the dynamic still point of one world collapsing and another birthing itself.

    Not a theoretical, emotional, spiritual, or mental collapse, but instead a real life, 3D, waking in the dream ACTUAL experience of my slate being wiped clean in preparation for the new Experiences that will be written upon it.

    And it’s not what you might think.

    It is excruciatingly wonderful, and terrifying, and exhilarating, and…


    I’ve been in California for the last week communing with Beloveds and participating in revolutionary experiments of human evolution.

    Coming together with other brilliant minded, soul led visionaries and leaders to begin building the New World we are dreaming of.

    Men and Women joining forces to decode the puzzle of human togetherness - bumping and jostling, loving and playing, grieving and dying.

    The New Earth is happening.

    The convergence of tectonic plates of Genius coming together in partnership and unity as we join forces and allow the alchemy of dynamism to remake us.

    When tectonic plates meet and move together, they cause earthquakes and build mountain ranges and volcanoes.

    They might also topple buildings and structures that were built on fault lines, reorganize or destroy entire cities, or catalyze a tsunami.

    On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today at 9:00 am PT/Noon ET I’ll be delivering a visionary address: http://wildsoulmedicine.com

    An invitation to lift our eyes to the hills.

    Beyond the spectacle of what seems-to-be-so and into a True state of intentional reboot.

    Nothing is written in stone - not even Supreme Court Justices.

    The New World is already underway and the evolutionary impulse to evolve carries the power of 10 trillion stars exploding.

    Join me for the sweet Medicine of Becoming.

    It’s All Happening.

    Let’s gather together to feel and Know ourselves more fully as we fall madly, deeply into Surrender.
    10 October 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Being Used
    3 October 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Wild One,

    How are you?

    Where are you?

    For many of Us, that is more than a little sketchy to fully discern at the moment.

    Massive shifts in consciousness, shadows and old patterns showing themselves with amplified noise and conflict, financial markets strained and dissolving, wildfires burning, uncertainty reigning.

    ​​​​​​​This is life inside of an Expedited Evolutionary Impulse.

    The rocking of the boat on the storm tossed sea of Creation Growing Itself.

    It can be either a terrifying or exhilarating experience.

    Especially terrifying if we don’t know how to ride the rapids of this white water adventure.

    Clinging to our life jackets and trying to slow the ride down by heaving our oars in the water, or hunkering down in the corner of the raft - ducking and covering in hopes that the end of the ride is near.

    It isn’t.

    We are just getting started.

    Our annihilation is imminent.

    Complete and utter destruction of all we have known.

    It is a cause for Celebration.

    On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today, I’ll tell you why: https://wildsoulmedicine.com

    Staying Awake while Dying
    Orgasmic Birth and
    The one thing required to end patriarchy once and for all
    Will serve as Medicine for this Wild Soul exploration.

    I’ve been deeply inside the chaos of Becoming.

    I still am.

    Standing in the center of the white hot flame of Annihilation.

    Facing the experience of letting go of ALL of my plans and security systems.

    Giving more than I thought I possibly could or would.

    Letting everything fall away.

    And yet….

    Here I Stand.




    I’ll meet you here at 9:00 am PT/Noon today: https://wildsoulmedicine.com
    26 September 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Lost in Translation
    19 September 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    How Do I Get THERE From HERE
    It is Wild Soul Medicine Radio day again.
    That mid-point in the week where we locate ourselves inside the intensity and chaos of a life Unfolding and put our metaphorical finger down on the map to say, “We. Are. Here.”
    How can we get where we are going if we aren’t sure where we already ARE?
    With no set reference points to navigate from, it can feel like being tossed around in a washing machine on heavy spin cycle.
    Which end is Up?
    How do I get off this ride?
    On Wild Soul Medicine today I am wearing my Soul Cartographer hat.
    I am an expert at recognizing patterns, systems, and processes and creating frameworks that invite our consciousness to expand into the awareness they provide.
    Today we begin charting this territory with a map of Soul Development - the 3 steps of evolution that all Souls must go through in order to grow into Wholeness.
    Bringing order to the seeming chaos of evolutionary process allows us to surrender more fully into Becoming.
    Mapping the territory of our Soul’s expansion and ego’s dissolution gives us the meta view of what to expect while we are expecting, so that we can relax into the phase shift we are already in the midst of.
    I know the discomfort of confusion and the yearning for certainty.
    I understand what it feels like to wander in the dark, endlessly searching for a light at the end of a tunnel.
    (Tunnel? Are we even IN a tunnel? What IS this place??)
    I’ll bring the flashlight and you bring your travel weary self.
    Together we’ll steady our pitter pattering hearts and breathe deeply into this Now moment of being Here.
    This Place.
    Where everything is exactly as it should be and exactly as it IS.
    I will meet you Here.
    12 September 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    The Unhealable Wound
    5 September 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Undone by Fear
    22 August 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 1 hour 39 minutes
    Alexis Neely... She's Coming Undone
    Alexis Neely (artist name: Ali Shanti) is a bridge between the generations. She graduated first in her law school class from Georgetown and today uses her law degree to uplevel the consciousness of the legal field, and the families and business owners served by lawyers. Ali serves as a catalyst for new ways of thinking, a paradigm-shifter, lawyer, mom, author, and permission giver who is bringing forward radically new and much needed perspectives on how we make decisions about money, time, work, relationships, parenting and business. And she offers her personal experiences with living a new paradigm, road less traveled life to serve as a model of what’s possible when we allow all of ourselves to show up fully in family, life and new economy business.
    15 August 2018, 2:03 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Joshua Hathaway... He's Coming Undone
    After our pause last week to honor the Yes’s and No’s of the silenced feminine, today we resume our Holy Hot Seat sessions with the tender, violent, raw, and heart-breakingly real session of Joshua Hathaway.

    This one is so sacredly vulnerable I almost don’t know how to speak of it. 

    The Gifts in it are of the deepest most rip-you-open kind. If I were one who believes in “trigger warnings” this one would have one on it, because it includes a graphic, detailed accounting of sexual violence and trauma. 

    And… I believe that scratching the record by offering an undefended picture of what the anatomy of trauma can and does look like in a human experience - as we pull a thread of a seemingly innocuous inquiry and follow it to its roots - is worth “offending” our delicate places and shaking us out of our compartmentalized containers of all the things that hold us separate - from ourselves and each other.

    Violence and pain exist.

    And mostly all of us have experienced these things to varying degrees. When we take those shattered pieces of pain and try to protect ourselves or others from them, we only further segregate ourselves from the very things that are actually holy invitations to Come Closer.

    Our vulnerability inspires compassion and care taking in others. From those soft places we are pulled forward into Love and Connection.

    This is where our brother Joshua is leading us this week. 

    I invite you to get quiet for this one. Light a candle and become Still.

    Offer your full Presence to the sacred spectacle of a Soul’s Return.

    Joshua and I will meet you there.
    8 August 2018, 11:00 am
  • 2 hours 3 minutes
    Micheal Hrostoski... He's Coming Undone
    It’s Holy Hot Seat day again as we arrive at the halfway point of our Come Undone Experience. If you’ve fallen behind in your listening, give yourself the Grace of forgiveness.

    Each session is a stand alone Transmission.  

    Trust that the ones that claim your attention are just the right Medicine for your Soul.  

    This week we indulge in the galactically mystical and jovially enigmatic inner world of Michael Hrostoski in a double length Session of epic proportions.

    There was A LOT unfolding here and we honored it by continuing to follow the rabbit trails from one potent piece of work to the next.

    Exploring the edges of sanity, satanic abuse, religious cult programming, the horrors and atrocities men have committed against women, flesh eating bacteria, and oceans of self hatred… we went there.

    In stream-of-consciousness-undefended-heart-showing-our-insides-by-way-of-example Glory.

    This one is worth your while to Witness.

    Public Persona

    Michael Hrostoski, Founder of The School For Men, helps men create Love, Power, and Freedom in every area of their lives. And he’s on a mission to make the world a better place one man at a time.

    Michael has helped thousands of men from the ages of 21 to 68 reconnect with their heart, their balls, and their voice to create powerful lifestyles filled with freedom and fulfillment. His work has been called “more impactful than years of therapy.”

    Michael is known for living a life without secrets, openly sharing his fears, challenges, and breakthroughs online for the world to see.

    Someone always has to go first and he’s not afraid to be that man."

    Undefended Essence

    Who is Michael behind his twinkling eyes and Buddha presence?

    What trials and triggers are pointing him toward his next layer of liberation?

    What will he lose and ultimately gain by offering his undefended self for public scrutiny?

    How is he just like you?

    Join Us today and Witness the purity and innocence of a Soul awakening to its humanity.

    Come Undone.

    With Us.

    We’re all in this Together.
    1 August 2018, 3:02 pm
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