Fault Disney Movies

Fault Disney Movies

Destroying Your Childhood, One Movie at a Time

  • Episode 10 – Melody Time (1948)

    Welcome to Episode 10 of Fault Disney Movies! I’m astonished that I’m still here doing this. Anyway, our fifth consecutive package film is on today’s docket as we take a closer look at 1948’s Melody Time. It’s a lot like Make Mine Music in what frames it, but you will see after we delve into the history, the synopsis, the faults, and my honest opinion just how much better than Make Mine Music this really is.

    Thanks for the download and the listen. If you like what you hear, please review us on iTunes!

    26 August 2015, 3:56 pm
  • Episode 09 – Fun and Fancy Free (1947)

    Welcome to Episode 9 of Fault Disney Movies! A package film is on the docket again, but this time we deal with only two 30 minute-long cartoons, and we have the return of Mickey Mouse to the fold. This week we dissect Fun and Fancy Free, the fourth of six package films (ignore that error with last week’s post where I said THAT was the fourth film). As usual, we give you some history, a synopsis, the faults, and my honest-to-goodness opinion on what I watched.

    Thanks for the download and the listen. If you like what you hear, please review us on iTunes!

    19 August 2015, 9:56 pm
  • Episode 08 – Make Mine Music (1947)

    Welcome to Episode 8 of Fault Disney Movies! We slog on through 10 more short cartoons where MUSIC is the framework, so it’s fitting Walt Disney called this Make Mine Music. This 1947 anthology film is the fourth out of six, which means we’ll be watching real movies again soon! We make with the history, the synopsis, the faults, and my 100% true-blue honest opinion.

    Thanks for the download and the listen. If you like what you hear, please review us on iTunes!

    12 August 2015, 10:54 am
  • Episode 07 – The Three Caballeros (1945)

    Welcome to Episode 7 of Fault Disney Movies! Do you like packages? Because we’re about to get all UPS up in here with the second of six package films, The Three Caballeros. Released internationally in 1944 and domestically in 1945, Donald Duck gets to run amok with old friend Jose Carioca and new friend Panchito Pistoles. But is it worth watching? Take a listen as we run down the history, the synopsis, the problems, and the (not very good) honest opinion.

    Feel free to review us on iTunes and thanks for listening!

    5 August 2015, 2:00 pm
  • Episode 06 – Saludos Amigos (1943)

    Welcome to Episode 6 of Fault Disney Movies! Bambi is the last real film we get to cover until we reach Cinderella. Today’s episode explores the world of the first of six consecutive package films, known as Saludos Amigos. It’s 40-plus minutes of South American-based cartoons, held together by a live-action framing device. The usual suspects are all here: the history, the synopsis, the faults, and the honest opinion. All we’re missing is you.

    Feel free to review us on iTunes and thanks for listening!

    29 July 2015, 8:50 pm
  • Episode 05 – Bambi (1942)

    Welcome to Episode 5 of Fault Disney Movies! After Dumbo comes Bambi, though Walt Disney did want this to be his second movie and not his fifth. The business side of the operation bumped this Disney classic three spots and several years down the line. Was it worth the wait? We analyze that and more with our history lesson, our synopsis, the problems, and the honesty.

    Feel free to review us on iTunes and thanks for listening!

    22 July 2015, 8:44 pm
  • Episode 04 – Dumbo (1941)

    Welcome to Episode 4 of Fault Disney Movies! We’re out of experimentation with today’s movie, Dumbo. We also are dealing with a cartoon movie built on a budget. If you don’t recall Dumbo, then you’re in luck! We give you the background, we lovingly craft a (not sixty-second) synopsis, then we make you sad by pointing out everything wrong with it before your tour guide Nick tells you how much he liked (or didn’t like) Dumbo.

    Please feel free to review us on iTunes! Thanks for listening!

    15 July 2015, 2:00 pm
  • Episode 03 – Fantasia (1940)

    Welcome to Episode 3 of Fault Disney Movies! Today’s movie is Fantasia, which is less a movie and more a long experimental merger of classical music and animation. Your tour guide Nick will do the usual: an introduction and history, a very long synopsis (though in his defense, there are 8 segments to cover!), some problems where we can find ’em, and his honest opinion on the… experience.

    Please feel free to review us on iTunes! Thanks for listening!

    9 July 2015, 12:10 am
  • Episode 02 – Pinocchio (1940)

    Welcome to Episode 2 of Fault Disney Movies! Today’s topic of discussion brings us to Pinocchio, Disney’s second feature-length animated film. After your tour guide Nick explores the history and gives a more-than-60-second synopsis, we break down every little thing wrong with the movie. But don’t worry, we also have an honest opinion to share as well.

    Please feel free to review us on iTunes! Thanks for listening!

    1 July 2015, 9:09 pm
  • Episode 01 – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    Welcome to Episode 1 of Fault Disney Movies! Today we break the seal on this podcast and take another look at 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. We have some history, a recap, the problems, and an honest opinion all tied up in this episode so we hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!

    24 June 2015, 3:00 pm
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