Fringe Podcast Network

Fringe Podcast Network

The Fringe Podcast Network is a Fringe podcast community that provides a centralized location for all Fringe podcasts. Based on the popular Lost Podcast Network, this is a place where all Fringe fans can find all of their favorite Fringe podcasts in one place. If you have a Fringe podcast, and would like to join the network, contact: [email protected]

  • FRiNGEcasting With Wayne And Dan podcast #104 - Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11
    FRiNGEcasting With Wayne And Dan: This is episode #104 of the FRiNGEcasting With Wayne And Dan podcast! Wayne and Dan give their reactions and theories for FRiNGE 501 "Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11", and share an amazing collection of FRiNGEcasting Community listener reviews, ratings, thoughts and theories, as well as Scott Hertzog's "FRiNGE Quote Of The Week"! Listener feedback voicemail - (904) 469-7469

    TIWWH Podcasts -
    Twitter Wayne -
    Twitter Dan - Dan FRiNGEcasting With Wayne And Dan #104 by Wayne Henderson: Media Voice-Overs

    You can now check-into FRiNGEcasting on GetGlue, as well as listen on the Stitcher Radio app. Info on the website at

    If your business or website needs voice-overs, I'd love the opportunity to work with you! Details at

    4 October 2012, 4:05 am
  • The Fringe Podcast Episode 503-Feedback For Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11

    In episode 503 of The Fringe Podcast we share some of the feedback we received for the season 5 premiere of Fringe, "Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11." We hear several opinions on the new feel of this episode and how it might carry forth throughout the season. We share an email we received that discusses September and what his plan might be and how cortexiphan might be in the internal makeup of Etta. We also hear several calls from listeners discussing the artistic feel of the episode, the musical choices and the climatic final scene.

    Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    4 October 2012, 3:26 am
  • FBI - Fringe Benefits Inc Podcast - Episode 5.01
    Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus get together after each Fringe episode in this temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss the Fifth & Final Season of Fringe.

    Hey everybody!  Fringe is back and so are we!!!!  Woohoo!  Time to talk some Fringe.

    Joining us is special guest:
    Jesse Jackson from the FarScape - Scaper Chronicles & Castle - Storming The Castle Podcast


    Downloadable MP3 Version

    Intro Music: Intro - 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane
    Exit Music: 'Don't Let It Show - I, Robot' - Alan Parsons Project
    (In honour of John Noble's acting during the torture scenes)

    Agenda after the break.


    1) Intros2) Episode Easter Eggs  3) Quick Thoughts 4) RoundTable 5) Ep Rating - out of 10 Genes

    Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
    Frea - @Frea_OJan - @happydayz3Lou - @olddarthMaximus - @mxpw999
    Jan's Fringe Recaps can be found at NiceGirlsTV

    FBI Inc Podcast graphics designed by Frea_O
    2 October 2012, 2:35 pm
  • The Fringe Podcast Episode 502-Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11

    In episode 502 of The Fringe Podcast we break down the Fringe season 5 premiere entitled, "Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11." We talk about the new feel of the episode and how this season will likely be different from previous seasons. We share our thoughts on the cast of characters for season 5 and how they are still very similar to the characters we've seen in previous seasons. Darrell offers up two new theories on the Observers and William Bell. Clint shares some real world science that relates to what we saw in this episode. And, of course, we discuss some of the powerful scenes from this episode and the amazing work the cast and crew did.

    Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    1 October 2012, 12:51 am
  • The Fringe Podcast 501-Season 4 Recap and Season 5 Predictions

    In this spoiler free episode of The Fringe Podcast we get you read for Fringe season 5! We give a brief synopsis of all 22 episodes from season 4, discuss our favorite and least favorite episodes, characters, story arcs and scenes. We talk about Letters of Transit and how it sets up Fringe season 5, and we make some (bold?) predictions about what we think might happen in Fringe 5.

    Click here for information on our Fringe Finale Party.

    Click here to make a donation for the Fringe cast and crew appreciation awards.

    Click here for the TV Guide article, "6 Thingsto Know About Fringe's Final Season Premiere." (contains some spoilers that we feel are minor)

    Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    24 September 2012, 12:57 am
  • FBI - Fringe Benefits Inc - Season 5 - PreSeason Podcast
    Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus get together after each Fringe episode in this temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss the Fifth & Final Season of Fringe.

    It is time.
    Time for our final FBI Preseason Podcast for Season 5.  The final season of Fringe.
    Joining us are special guests:
    Karen Lindsay from the FarScape - Scaper Chronicles & Castle - Storming The Castle PodcastJanis Keating from the FarScape - Scaper Chronicles & Castle - Storming The Castle PodcastDarrell Darnell from The Fringe Podcast

    'We Are Here'

    Intro Music: Intro - 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane
    Exit Music: 'Azrael The World Turns - Chris Tilton

    Agenda is after the break.



    Quick Thoughts From Everyone
    • Fringe and what has meant to you

    Roundtable - open discussion in which everyone participates

    Overall thoughts about the Series.
    • Fav/least Season Arcs (Mythos / Flavor / Tone / Atmosphere)
    • Fav/least character
    • Fav/least episode(s)
    • Show strengths/weaknesses
    • Fringe’s legacy - will there be one and what will it be
    • Wish list of things would like to see in Season 5?

    Last Thoughts
    - bring up thoughts not touched upon
    • ONTO Season 5!!!!! Yay and tears!

    Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
    Frea - @Frea_OJan - @happydayz3Lou - @olddarthMaximus - @mxpw999
    Jan's Fringe Recaps can be found at NiceGirlsTV

    FBI Inc Podcast graphics designed by Frea_O
    21 September 2012, 12:30 pm
  • The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 17

    In this final episode of The Fringe Podcast summer rewatch series we discuss the Fringe season 4 episodes, “Everything In Its Right Place,” “The Consultant,” “Letters of Transit,” “Worlds Apart,” “Brave New World Part 1,” and “Brave New World Part 2.” We discuss several of the story lines and details that we enjoyed about these episodes and we also give out several ideas on what we hope to see in in the final season of Fringe. We discuss William Bell, the death of David Robert Jones, Olivia’s cortexiphan abilities, and Astrid’s FBI agent skills. We also talk about the observer invasion, Etta’s skills, the role of other cortexiphan kids in the future and Bonita throws out a new theory on the whereabouts of Oliva.

    We had a lot of great discussion in this episode and we’re very grateful for Heather and Bonita for their participation. Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    16 September 2012, 10:16 pm
  • The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 16

    In this episode of The Fringe Podcast, we are joined by Allan, Michelle, and Lou as we rewatch and discuss the Fringe season 4 episodes, "Making Angels," "Welcome To Westfield," "A Better Human Being," "The End of All Things," "A Short Story About Love," and "Nothing As It Seems." We dig in to many of the themes and character developments covered in this group of episodes. We talk about the journey that Olivia and Peter go through and whether or not the writers took too long to resolve it, we talk about the new revelations we received about the origins of the observers and how that information gives us insight into season 5, and we talk about the series of Fringe as a love story. Some of us like the idea of Fringe as a love story, and some of us hope that there is more to it than that. We had a lot of great discussion in this episode and we're very grateful for Michelle, Allan, and Lou for their participation. Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    10 September 2012, 4:14 am
  • The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 15

    In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we continue our summer rewatch series with the Fringe season 4 episodes, "And Those We've Left Behind," "Wallflower," "Back to Where You've Never Been," Enemy of My Enemy," and "Forced Perspective." Joined by Michelle and John, we discuss the Observers and how this new timeline might effect their overall plan, the differenct character growth and nuances of Peter, Walternate, Walter, Elizabeth and Nina, and we talk about some of the clues that we originally missed that reaveal Peter is where is should have been all along.

    We also read a very insightful email we received from Joey that discusses the Observers plan, how their plan effects each universe, and how September has been working to avoid the Observer invasion from season 1.

    Send in you theories and feedback to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    2 September 2012, 11:03 pm
  • The Fringe Podcast Comic Book Special

    In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we welcome Clint back to the studio and bring you a Beyond the Fringe comic book extravaganza. We discuss Issue #4b: "Imagine If...Our Fringe Team Were Criminals!," Issue #5a: "Ghost Writer Part 1," Issue #5b: "Imagine If...Walter Outlived the Earth," Issue #6a: "Ghost Writer Part 2," and Issue #6b: "Imagine If...Walter Was In Violet Sedan Chair."

    We break down the story of each comic book and discuss our favorite parts of each story. We also discuss how the "Ghost Writer" story may tie in to the season 5 premiere episode. And, of course, since Clint is back at the microphone, you can be sure that plenty of singing is included in this podcast!

    Send in you theories and feedback to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    29 August 2012, 4:20 am
  • The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 14

    In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we wrap up our rewatch of Fringe season 3 with the episodes, "Stowaway," "Bloodline," "LSD," "6:02 AM EST," "The Last Sam Weiss," and "The Day We Died." Joined by The Fringe Podcast community members Brandon (the Observer), Kathleen, and Erin, we have a lively discussion!  We share thoughts and new theories about Mr. X, the impact Peter might have had on William Bell, and the presence of Sam Weiss in the Redverse.  We also talk about the Peter/Olivia relationship, First People, easter eggs found in the LSD episode and "future hair."

    Send in you theories and feedback to 304-837-2278 or [email protected].

    Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.

    26 August 2012, 11:57 pm
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