The Doctor Who podcast reviewing all things Doctor Who, originally covering my quest to watch and review every Doctor Who season before the 50th anniversary.
Before I dive headfirst into the Series 10 reviews, I brought along my wife, Tammy, for a quick special to discuss the announcement of the 13th Doctor and her experiences at her very first convention this past weekend at Raleigh Supercon.
And stay tuned after the credits for a short tribute to the lovely Deborah Watling, who sadly passed away this morning (July 21, 2017)...
It's the return of The Quest is the Quest and the Return of Doctor Mysterio! Before delving into Series 10, let's take a look back at the 2016 Christmas special about a real superhero named Ghost....wait...Supernanny! It's a fun little Christmas special that really has nothing to do with Christmas - just a bunch of brain stealing aliens without pockets planning an invasion...with blue snot. Thank you so much for listening and I'll be back very soon with The Pilot and Smile!
Also, check out Who and Company:
Coming in late January, a brand new podcast covering Doctor Who and a company of other related British shows such as Blake's 7, Tripods, Star Cops, etc. You can contact us at:
Twitter: @whoandcompany
Well, it's 2017 and here's the review of the first episode of the spinoff, Class! If you haven't seen it yet, the review starts at the 4:40 mark. But please listen before that as there is a very special promo for a brand new podcast coming very soon! Thanks for listening!
Trying out a new thing here on the show.....the first commentary - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. And to help me out is librarian and fellow podcaster, Drew Meyer! Grab your copy and join us as we watch this new series episode from future showrunner, Chris Chibnall.
Here's something different: I thought it would be fun to read a novel and then hear the adaptation from Big I did. This month, it's The English Way of Death by Gareth Roberts. Originally a book published in 1996 and now a Big Finish audio adapted by John Dorney featuring the Fourth Doctor, Romana, & K-9.
See you in September!
So i got lucky on Father's Day and my son found the only two Doctor Who Classic Series DVDs that I didn't have yet that were out of print and Battlefield is one of them. Join me as i review the DVD content and a bit of talk about upcoming showrunner Chris Chibnall.
The last DVD of the classic series finally hits shelves in the US....sigh....sniff....but yay, we have an unseen Patrick Troughton episode which helps form this release of The Underwater Menace!
Next month - Battlefield DVD Review
So it's May, and at long last I finally sit down to watch the 60s Daleks films for the first time. It's horror legend Peter Cushing doing a wonderful version of the Doctor, but do the stories and the unorthodox characterizations work? Hang out with me for about 25 minutes and let's talk about it.
Thanks for listening!
Episode 50! Can't believe it's been three years already. And for this special occasion, I'm covering a great convention from March, ReGeneration Who 2 featuring clips from Colin Baker, Peter Davison, and a panel on Series 9 that I hosted featuring Kathleen Schowalter, Joy Piedmont, Heather McHale, and Matthew Dow Smith. See you in May!
A rare venture into the foray of Big Finish in this year of almost no new Doctor Who takes this show into reviewing what you, the listeners, have been asking for - Only the Monstrous, the very first War Doctor audio starring John Hurt. Joining me this time is special guest Paul Towsley of Towsley TARDIS, The Paul Towsley Show, and Tongue Tied. Hope you enjoy!
Coming up next time, a milestone - Episode 50! I'll be covering the ReGeneration Who2 convention with panels and clips from several interviews. Coming very soon!