Furry-Muscle Cast


The main cast will consist Zak (Zak Rhyno), Jazz (Jazz Wolf), Max (Maximus Ursus), Schred (Schredded Wolf), Zeus (Zeus Ralo) & Tip (Tiptoe).

  • 3 hours 8 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 53 – New Years, New You, Just Right

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 53 – New Years, New You, Just Right


    1. Introductions
    • Maximus-Ursus – Dancing To 1980 Music (Away)
    • Beastly Bahamut – Working, Turning, Blue.
    • Tiptoe – Thinning Out.
    • Jazz Wolf – Bouing Out.
    • Schredded Wolf – More Heavy Weights
    • Snowheart – Lifting and Relaxing
    • Syn – Media, Action, Go!
    • Tiberious – Away
    • Tibor Tiger – Crazy Cat Doing Something
    • Zak – Into The Books.


    1. Topics
    2. MWFF 2015
    • Pictures
    • Stories and Such from the Cast Members.


    1. 2015 Look Back, 2016 Plans?
    • What were our goals for 2015 and have we successfully fulfilled them?
    • What were issue did we were in our way for our goals?
    • What positive part have we learn from it and we will we take from it?
    • What are our goals for 2016?


    1. A Potbelly Could Be Deadlier Than Obesity, Study
    • Researchers found that stomach fat alone could be more deadly than obesity.
    • The 14-year study published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at more than 15,000 adults.
    • Researchers found men who clocked in at a normal weight but had a big belly were more than twice as likely to die compared to obese men. And women with a normal weight and a potbelly were 32 percent more likely to die than obese women.
    • Obesity was determined by the person's BMI, or body mass index, which is often used as an indicator of health.
    • Not all fat is equal. Just as there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, there is good fat and bad fat.
    • Fat around the belly might look the same under the microscope as fat from the arms or legs, but it's much more active. Belly fat is especially bad for you because it is often deposited in the liver and causes inflammation that could lead to diabetes and heart disease
    • People should be aware of their waist-to-hip ratios and should aim for building muscle, not necessarily just shedding pounds.
    • Source: http://www.newsy.com/videos/a-potbelly-could-be-deadlier-than-obesity-study-says/



    1. Christmas and New Year Plans?
    • What are our plans for Christmas Holidays and New Year?


    1. Emails
    2. From: Ryan62007 @All

    Question: So I've heard the term "genetic lottery winner" thrown around a lot in the world of bodybuilding. But are the top ranking pros really genetic lottery winner if they pump themselves full of steroids? I would think the steroids are a huge boost in making them look as "gifted" and massive as they are.


    1. From: Strange Kitty @Tiptoe

    Question: I saw you in fursuite at Midwest Furfest but didn’t get a chance to say hi. I wanted to talk to you about cars and when you being your rat show?


    1. From: BlueEye Wolf @Syn

    Question: I heard from a pass podcast Tiptoe goes in Anthrocon and does a group swim, do you take part in such an event as well last Anthrocon?


    1. From: FelinFeng @ Snowheart

    Question: I’m American and I’m fat, that pretty easy to get at. I’m starting a workout plan for myself and would like to know what exercise can I do at home and then at the gym as well to target belly fat and help get some abs showing a few years later?


    1. From: JetBlack Panter @Syn

    Question: i'm a social recluse and don't get out much. I go to con and feel more open to others but how do you get out there to meet someone with similar interest in a small group of people to start with and even more if they are not gay?


    1. Closing Out:
    • We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
    • You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro, Google Play Music and many other podcast directories.
    • You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
    • You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
    • Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.
    • Next Furry-Muscle Cast: January 8th, 2016.


    Pictures and Vids - To many pictures and video to post here, please go to the Gallery section under "Furry Conventions" section to see more. URL:  http://www.furry-muscle.org/gallery/album/295-midwest-furfest-2015/


    8 January 2016, 2:20 am
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 52 - Before the Rush

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 52 – Before the Rush

    1.       Introductions

    a.       Guess - Tibor Tiger - Cardio Kitty!

    b.      Maximus-Ursus – Cooking Burr! (Maybe)

    c.       Beastly Bahamut – Away

    d.      Tiptoe – Planning for the Tip of the World!

    e.      Jazz Wolf – Bou(ing) coffee all the time?

    f.        Schredded Wolf – Can’t Life, Leave!

    g.       Snowheart – Away

    h.      Syn – So Rat-ness!

    i.         Tiberious – Awy

    j.        Zak – Crazy Cyber Rhyno!


    2.       Topics

    a.       MWFF 2015 – Plans

    -          Highlight any events are focus anybody be doing while at the convention.

    b.      Tips of Thanksgivings

    -          With Thanksgiving in about two weeks there a lot of stuff to watch out for. One thing to keep in mind is that while others are not on a workout plan, you are. Watching what one eats is a good place to stay focus on, not saying one shouldn’t eat that special dish, just keep a few points in mind while doing so.

    -          1. Don’t let yourself not eat all day for a big buffet later on. – Skipping meals lowers one metabolism, as well as eating a big gigantic meal.

    -          2. When eating load up on meat and vegetables – Eat less starches and more high-fats items such as green bean casseroles and candied yams.

    -          3. Eat Turkey, Go Skinless – Lose the skin and eat more meat.

    -          Some Examples:

    -          Turkey: Roasted, With Skin; Calories: 208; Protein: 54%; Carbs: 0%; Fat: 42%

    -          Turkey: Dark Meat, No Skin; Calories: 187; Protein: 61%; Carbs 39%; Fat: 35%

    -          4. Drink More Water, Less Coffee and/or Alcohol

    -          In addition to filling you up a little more with your meal, drinking water will ensure that you stay hydrated, and flush out some of that excess sodium that you will be eating.

    -          5. Eat Slow - Eating slower, taking smaller bites, and putting your utensils down in between bites will ensure that your body lets you know when it is full, rather than letting you overstuff yourself too early on.

    -          7. Weight Maintenance, Rather Than Weight – Weight lost is not a major priority, but keeping weight maintenance is the focus.

    -          8. Skip The Crust. Just One Serving - When eating pie, eat the filling part and leave the crust, to save on some empty calories.

    -          Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/herve12.htm

    c.       Thanksgiving Nutrition Tips

    -          Highlights of good and bad stuff during Thanksgiving.

    -          Good Low-Calorie Ideas


    ·         Turkey

    ·         Broccoli

    ·         Green Beans

    ·         Low-sugar sauce/jelly

    ·         Egg whites

    ·         Sugar-free yams

    ·         Celery

    ·         Cucumbers in vinegar

    ·         Onions

    ·         Mushrooms

    ·         Brussel sprouts

    ·         Green salads

    ·         Zucchini

    ·         Apples

    ·         Lean white meat or fish soups

    ·         Yellow squash

    ·         Spinach

    ·         Unsalted nuts

    ·         Avocado

    ·         Fresh tomato

    ·         Unsweetened teas

    ·         Coffee without cream

    ·         Pears



    -          Bad Low-Calorie Ideas


    ·         Sweet potato casserole

    ·         Deviled eggs

    ·         Cranberry sauce/jelly

    ·         Candied yams

    ·         Celery with cream cheese

    ·         Pecan pie

    ·         Store-bought breads

    ·         Stuffing or dressing

    ·         Corn

    ·         Baked beans

    ·         Ham or red meat

    ·         Peas or couscous

    ·         Glazed carrots

    ·         Honey-glazed ham

    ·         Twice-baked potatoes or mashed

    ·         Pasta, hot or cold

    ·         Cream-based soups or chowders

    ·         Potato salad

    ·         Cashews

    ·         Cheese

    ·         Pita wraps

    ·         Creamy salad dressings

    ·         Sodas

    ·         Gravy

    ·         Alcohol

    ·         Crackers


    1. Tibortiger Review – Heart Monitor
      • Name of Product
      • Links to smart technologies and logs data.
      • Uploads to server for later review.
    2. Emails
      1. From: Falconmage @All

    Question: Is there a difference between working out 5 days in a week for an hour compared to 3 days in a week for two hours? Which works best between the two?

    (Shawn Arent, an exercise scientist at Rutgers University. There was a huge difference between working out two and three days a week. While any amount of exercise is an improvement over none at all, if you're already in decent shape, exercising for just two days a week will not get you much additional benefit.)

    Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/we-asked-an-exercise-scientist-how-many-days-a-week-you-need-to-work-out-to-actually-make-a-difference-2015-6


    1. From: BlackDog @Schredded Wolf

    Question: Every 10 days I cave-in, which don't seem that bad. Any idea on how frequently should I cave if I want to be more on a bodybuilding level?


    1. From: KittyOfTheNorth @Schredded Wolf

    Question: I learn that training all muscle groups sequentially is the best way to keep the blood pumping. But for some reason this doesn't seem right, I am wrong?


    1. From: NorthStary @All

    Question: What is the best way to get definition in my outer calves? I ask because I see more definition in my outer calf than my inner ones.


    1. From: BlackDawn @Jazz

    Question: How did you start drawing art and what keeps you drawing?


    1. From: Southpolar Bear @Jazz

    Question: Is there any advice you could give on long distance bike riding?


    1. From: Hamster @All

    Question: I just started going back to the gym recently. Any idea on what I could do to increase Pull-Ups?


    1. From: Claws @All

    Question: I have been weight training for a few weeks now. I have seen improvements and wanted to track my workout and diet. What suggests would the Cast give?


    1. From: Steven @Tiptoe

    Question: I only sleep for about five hours a night and have little to no sleep (Its just how I function). I feel like I have no energy and no motivation. What can I do to boost my physically and mind back in to gaining muscle and wanting to get back in the gym?


    1. From: FoxxyFlorida @Syn

    Question: Do you take any vitamins are supplements before you work out?


    1. From: Wolfmoon @Max

    Question: I know being tall has it problems, what seems to be the most problems for you when working out are your goals?




    1. Closing Out:
      1. We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
      2. You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.
      3. You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
      4. You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
      5. Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.
      6. Next Furry-Muscle Cast: December 11th.



    7 January 2016, 3:37 am
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 51 - Post Olympia & Stuff

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 51 - Post Olympia & Stuff

    1. Introductions
      1. Maximus-Ursus – (Away)
      2. Beastly Bahamut – Blueing Up The Landscape!
      3. Tiptoe – (Away)
      4. Jazz Wolf – Progressing Bou!
      5. Schredded Wolf – Just Some More Freaking Weights!
      6. Snowheart – His Own Beast from Someone’s Final Fantasy!
      7. Syn – (Away)
      8. Tiberious – (Away)
      9. Zak – Looking Forward


    1. Topics
      1. Review Mr. Olympia

    Schred’s Mr. Olympia 2015 Prediction



    1. Phil Heath
    2. Mohamad Ali Bannout (Big Ramy)
    3. Dennis Wolf
    4. Shawn Rhoden
    5. Dexter Jackson
    6. Steve Kuclo
    7. Branch Warren
    8. Roelly Winklaar
    9. Fouad Abiad
    10. Justin Compton


    Zak’s Top 5 Mr. Olympia 2015 Prediction

    1. Fouad Abiad
    2. Branch Warren
    3. Mohamad Ali Bannout (Big Ramy)
    4. Justin Compton
    5. Phil Heath


    Results Mr. Olympia 2015

    1st - Phil Heath

    2nd - Dexter Jackson

    3rd - Shawn Rhoden

    4th - Dennis Wolf

    5th - Big Ramy

    6th - Branch Warren

    7th - Roelly Winklaar

    8th - William Bonac

    9th - Victor Martinez

    10th - Essa Obaid





    1. Training Splits – Snowheart
      • Back and Bis
      • Chest and Tris Approach


    1. Season Changes – Fall
      • Check In - While we all know that here in the United States Fall has already started. So a new season and a new time to look at yourself overall and see how things are working out for you, ie. workouts, diet, exercises.
      • New Season, New Goal – Look over what has been working for you and change it up. Maybe the reps go down and focus on strength more.
        1. Think of something to be a focus that is ambitious like a one arm push up area bodyweight pull ups.
      • Progress Changes – Think of how you track progress.
        1. Think of taking weekly pictures to keep a better track of your progress.
        2. If you take daily pictures think about making it weekly.
        3. Same goes for body weight, BMI, body fat and all of that.
      • Outside – Try working outside, working outside make things fresh and different. A change in environment helps to energize the body with a mix of than just a gym.
      • Class – Try a class in something that will work towards your goals and be social while working out.


    1. Emails
      1. PapaPants @ Jazz

    Question: What are your fitness goals now that you have been back to the gym for while?


    1. BlueFang @Schred

    Question: Have you try to do the 5x5 training program? Also, will you be going to MFF and maybe I can hit the gym with you guys?


    1. Closing Out:
      1. We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
      2. You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.
      3. You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments and questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
      4. You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
      5. Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.
      6. Next Furry-Muscle Cast: November – 13th


    5 November 2015, 2:46 am
  • 2 hours 42 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 50 – Random!

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 50 – Random!

    1. Introductions
      1. Guess Co-Host - Tibor Tiger – Moving Super Kitty?
      2. Maximus-Ursus – Maybe?
      3. Beastly Bahamut – Long Days, Tiring Days.
      4. Tiptoe – Paarrrrtttttyyyyy! :D
      5. Jazz Wolf – Nope, Busy.
      6. Schredded Wolf – Nope, Busy.
      7. Snowheart – Busy, Busy Kitty.
      8. Syn – Rat Way, As Fast As He Can.
      9. Tiberious – Nope, Busy.
      10. Zak – Back To Work!


    1. Topics
      1. Foods Porn
        1. Throughout the Cast Max is sending me pictures of what he been making at this work and I will be showing it on the stream.


    1. Our Overview
      1. How has out progress of our workouts gone?
      2. What progress was made?
    • What short comings have come up?
    1. What would need to change to get current goals?
    2. What would be the new goals are changes to come?


    1. Snow’s Up
      1. What are training splits? - Split weight training is type of workout for each part of body by lifting weight for one group at a time, Firstly, the push muscles consist of the chest, shoulder, and triceps. For example, the exercise are barbell bench press, incline barbell press, barbell shoulder press, dip, and triceps push down.
      2. What are the pros and cons of training splits?
    • Are training splits very effected?


    1. Emails
      1. From: DarkWolf @All

    Question: With many relationship being throwing this way are that way do to the rules of our society do you all think that things are getting better for the world?




    1. From: BearONE @BeastlyBahamut

    Question: I had a truck hit me and crush my legs as well as my kneecaps, I have been through a shit ton of P.T., 5 years later I just done my first squats of 200 lbs. Thanks for helping me get through the worst of it a time that was dark for me.


    1. Closing Out:
      1. We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
      2. You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.
      3. You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
      4. You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
      5. Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.
      6. Next Furry-Muscle Cast: October 9th.


    5 November 2015, 2:45 am
  • 3 hours 12 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 49 – Fall(ing) Weights & Conventions

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 49 – Fall(ing) Weights & Conventions

    1. Introductions
      1. Guess Co-Host - Tibor Tiger – Saving Furries With Hugs (Confirm)
      2. Maximus-Ursus – Gym, Weights, Coins, Cons.
      3. Beastly Bahamut – Hot, Sweating and Ripping Off All The Clothing.
      4. Tiptoe – Smelling Cheese at A.C.
      5. Jazz Wolf – Biking That Extra Mile.
      6. Schredded Wolf – Working, Lifting, Cons…Mmmmm
      7. Snowheart – Moving, Working and Lifting
      8. Syn – Just Another Rat at The Race
      9. Tiberious – Working, Flying and Lifting.
      10. Zak – Researching, Reading, Organizing, Planning...Let Go!


    1. Topics
      1. Anthrocon, Megaplex Conventions Review – Fall/Winter Conventions (25 Minutes)
        1. We briefly go over the A.C. and Megaplex cons and any highlights are stories. Talk about what plans we all have for this coming Fall/Winter conventions.
      2. The Big debate between Free Weights and Weight Machines (25 – 30 Minutes)
        1. Both free weights and machines weights do have pros and cons to each of them. They both do help build muscle just in different ways and attacks each muscle group differently.
        2. Machines are good for training size and strength but they neglect key core and stabilization muscles.
    • Pros of Machines Weights
      1. Easy to learn.
      2. Isolate muscle groups more efficiently
      3. Allows you to train with heavier weights without assistance.
      4. Usefully to elderly populations and/or rehab.
    1. Cons of Machines Weights.
      1. Non-Functional – They don’t train complete human movement patterns.
      2. Neglect smaller stabilizing muscles
      3. May cause injury directly and indirectly. - It is still possible to use too much weight and enough poor form to cause a serious injury. Overloading the same movement day in and day out is also an easy way to set yourself up for an overuse injury.
      4. False sense of strength gain
    2. Pros of Free Weights
      1. Increased use of stabilizing muscles
      2. Improved balance
      3. Increased use of brainpower - Whenever you perform an exercise with free weights, you use proprioreception, which is the brain's ability to know where the body is in space and whether or not it is balanced.
      4. Allow for endless variation - With free weights, all you need is one dumbbell and you can do hundreds of different exercise variations.
    3. Cons of Free Weight
      1. Takes some skill to learn proper technique.
      2. Greater risk of injury when not done properly
      3. Need a spotter to lift heavy weight on squat or bench press exercises
      4. Decreased efficiency in time - if you're using dumbbells that require adding or removing plates to adjust the weight, much of your time will be spent preparing for your next exercise.


    1. Keeping Motivation
      1. Body Image: Our society gives us this type of motivation most of the time in the form magazines, social media, television shows, movies, etc. These wants can be transform in to a goal to help push oneself to keep up the workout goal to what body you like to have.
      2. Working Out: Having a gym buddy will help to keep stuff one motivated to keep going. They help to encourage and push you as well as make you not miss a workout.
    • Results: Seeing what your workout has been doing helps with the physical side of the mind to keep work out and get bigger are more in shape depending on your goals.
    1. Variety: Keeping things fresh helps to keep the mind from being bore with the task. Try to add change to your workout but to keep the same goal. For example we will use a cardio work out, people usually use a treadmill. So to mix it up how about running outside, working out in the pool class are try a boxing class. Something to get the same effect of what cardio will do but just mixing it up is the key.
    2. Music: Find some music that will help keep you upbeat and in the mood to work out and on track. Something you enjoy listening to and not just everyday stuff.
    3. Ask For Help: There is no problem in asking for help. Doing something right yields better results than doing it wrong and not getting the full befits are none at all. If being a social person is a problem for you try joining a likeminded social network are online community that will help to support your goals.


    1. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
      1. A person who studies or is an expert in nutrition.
      2. Reasons to see Nutritionist
        1. You’re working out, but not seeing results.
        2. You’ve recently been diagnosed with a food allergy, sensitivity or other related condition.
        3. You aren’t eating well, and it’s affecting your energy.
        4. You’re going through menopause and are gaining weight, despite eating well and exercising.
        5. You’re an emotional overeater, and it’s causing you to gain weight.
        6. Your weight is fluctuating.
        7. Learn how your body works with food.
    • Seeing a nutrition is a long term relationship, follow ups and blood works helps to plan how the body is handing the changes the diet plan and how to move forward in what goals you set.
    1. Source: http://www.learnvest.com/knowledge-center/diy-or-not-should-i-see-a-dietitian/
    2. http://www.livestrong.com/article/378582-why-should-i-see-a-nutritionist/


    1. Emails
      1. From: Falcon @All

    Question: I'm about to change my routine from training in the evening after work to morning before I leave for work. Will there be differences in result because I won't be having breakfast before my weightlifting routine and will only eat right after that.


    1. From: OnePaw @Schred

    Question: With your leg problems do you still try to focus on them and make them grow?


    1. From: StaryDoggie @Max

    Question: Living in Florida has turned you from a being blue to being brown? I gist, my apologies. You been working out more lately and it has shown (in pictures you share on FurAffinity), what are your current goals?


    1. From: WastedFurry @Snow

    Question: What is the best way to increase flexibility in my hamstrings? I can barely do squats.

    1. From: SaberKitty @Snow

    Question: Is there anything I can do post workout to help the DOMS?


    1. From: Jabu @Max

    Question: Do you have any clothing that if you wear it outside the gym is looks douchey?


    1. From: Glasses @All

    Question: Somatotypes has now been disproven why still use it? I read that, “Describing yourself by one of the three somatotypes is just a limiting belief and a rationalization for failure.” Thoughts?


    1. From: ScayWolve @Snow

    Question: How important is nutrient or meal timing?


    1. From: James @Schred

    Question: Will doing high repetition of lighter weights help me get toned?


    1. Closing Out:
      1. We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.
      2. You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.
      3. You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).
      4. You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.
      5. Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.
      6. Next Furry-Muscle Cast: September 11th.


    30 September 2015, 9:36 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 48 – Mid-Year


    Furry-Muscle Cast – 48 – Mid-Year


    1.       Introductions


    a.       Guest Co-Host - Hallan - Lion with roar!


    b.      Maximus-Ursus –  Cooking and Grilling At The Beach


    c.       Beastly Bahamut – Blue Burn and Hot


    d.      Tiptoe –  (@AnthroCon)


    e.      Jazz Wolf – Java-laeh?


    f.        Schredded Wolf – Keeps Lifting to Get Big!


    g.       Snowheart – Moving Forward!


    h.      Syn – (@AnthroCon)


    i.         Tiberious – Big White Bear!


    j.        Zak –  Heavy Weights Thrown




    2.       Topics


    a.       Muscles Kicks Depression’s Ass!


                                                                   i.      A powerful body can protect the brain, a new study suggests. Toned muscles filter a toxin from the brain and keep depression at bay.


                                                                 ii.      By discovering a previously unknown link between muscles and brain in mice, the results provide compelling evidence for the healing power of exercise.


                                                                iii.      Researchers have known that in response to a good workout, muscles produce a compound called PGC-1 alpha 1, which is a general do-gooder around the body. The compound prompts the body to make more blood vessels and mitochondria (power factory for a cell), for instance.


                                                               iv.      To get the benefits, people would need to routinely challenge their muscles, which means regularly upping their exercise regimens.


                                                                 v.      Source: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/mighty-muscles-may-stave-depression


    b.      8 Rules To Stay Fit For Life!


                                                                   i.      Train With Just Enough Intensity – Just enough to hit your sweet spot for resistant and get a pump in.


                                                                 ii.      Don't Give Yourself Too Many Choices – When going to the gym have a plan of what you will be doing and follow it.


                                                                iii.      Give Yourself a Little Choice – Have a workout plan follow it as closely as you can. Save a few minutes near every gym session and do something you want to devote to. Try a few extra sets to something you feel important are something you like to try out.


                                                               iv.      Take the Long View – Keep a broad perspective on the whole part of one’s life while following a diet plan are a workout routine. If you ate something you shouldn’t have are didn’t finish a set it don’t worry too much over it. Keep in mind that creating a new, healthier lifestyle, and what matters most is that you don't give up. Fitness success is cumulative.


                                                                 v.      Quality Over Quantity – Learn proper form and use a proper weight to get the most of working out and not waste your time.


                                                               vi.      Program Your Rest – Keeping a sleeping routine helps the body repair all the damage muscle tissues that were broken down during a workout.


                                                              vii.      Focus on Fun – Don't force yourself to do something you strongly dislike. Pick activities that you enjoy.


                                                            viii.      Think Beyond Your Goals – Having an idea of what you like to be in three to five years is something that is the focus here. Putting on the weight took time, taking it off will be the same.


                                                               ix.      Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/8-rules-to-stay-fit-for-life.html


    c.       Whole Eggs vs. Egg Whites


                                                                   i.      Egg whites are a nearly pure source of protein, containing almost 100% of their calories from this macro with virtually no fats or carbs.


                                                                 ii.      Whole eggs, on the other hand, contain considerable calories and micronutrients that come with the egg yolks. All of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in eggs are found in the yolk. In addition, the yolks contain the healthy fats and cholesterol necessary for the production of hormones such as testosterone.


                                                                iii.      8 Egg Whites | 4 Whole Eggs


    Protein = 28G | Protein = 28G


    Carbs = 2G | Carbs = 2G


    Fats = 0G | Fats = 21G


    Calories = 137 | Calories = 312


                                                               iv.      Best to go with whole eggs over egg whites. Whole eggs have a better amino acid profile to help support bodybuilding results.


                                                                 v.      Source: http://www.flexonline.com/nutrition/whole-eggs-vs-egg-whites


    3.       Emails


    a.       From: Dragoon @All


    Question: When I work out I'm not sure what the correct number of reps I should be doing for each of my sets?




    b.      From: FurryOne @All


    Question: What length of time should I be doing for cardio?




    c.       From: Davis @Beastly Bahamut


    Question: I heard people talking about a 5x5 workout routine, could you talk about what this is?










    d.      From: Jacco @Schred


    Question: I’m a beginner and wanted to know if I should be taking full rest days are should I be just working out when I can?




    e.      From: JamesD @Schred


    Question: Should I use a full body routine or a split routine?




    f.        From: Dylne @Jazz


    Question: I see many artists with styles I enjoy watching. Is it alright to use/copy their styles to make my own from it?




    4.       Closing Out:


    a.       We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.


    b.      You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.


    c.       You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).


    d.      You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.


    e.      Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.


    f.        Next Furry-Muscle Cast: August – 14th




    5.       Extra - Snowheart Roommates Twitters:


    @athenathejackal - Athena


    @sonofea - Duke




    24 July 2015, 12:56 am
  • 2 hours 5 seconds
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 47 – Across The Board

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 47 – Across The Board

    1.       Introductions

    a.       Maximus-Ursus –  The Uniform Bear!

    b.      Beastly Bahamut – Is It Snowing Still?

    c.       Tiptoe – Which Way Is The Right Way?

    d.      Jazz Wolf – All Over The Place, Wolf.

    e.      Schredded Wolf – Party Wolf?

    f.        Snowheart – Studying

    g.       Syn – Zen!!!

    h.      Tiberious – Lifting Heavy, Tech Bear, Busy!

    i.         Zak –  Freedom!!


    2.       Topics

    a.       High Salt Prevents Weight Gain In Mice on a High-Fat Diet

                                                                   i.      From: University of Iowa Health Care

                                                                 ii.      "People focus on how much fat or sugar is in the food they eat, but [in our experiments] something that has nothing to do with caloric content -- sodium -- has an even bigger effect on weight gain," say Justin Grobe, PhD, assistant professor of pharmacology at the UI Carver College of Medicine.

                                                                iii.      The UI team started the study with the hypothesis that fat and salt, both being tasty to humans, would act together to increase food consumption and promote weight gain.

                                                               iv.      To their surprise, the mice on the high-fat diet with the lowest salt gained the most weight, about 15 grams over 16 weeks, while animals on the high-fat, highest salt diet had low weight gain that was similar to the chow-fed mice, about 5 grams.

                                                                 v.      "This suppression of weight gain with increased sodium was due entirely to a reduced efficiency of the digestive tract to extract calories from the food that was consumed," explains Grobe.

                                                               vi.      Summary: In a study that seems to defy conventional dietary wisdom, scientists have found that adding high salt to a high-fat diet actually prevents weight gain in mice. The findings highlight the profound effect non-caloric dietary nutrients can have on energy balance and weight gain, and suggest that public health efforts to continue lowering sodium intake may have unexpected and unintended consequences.

                                                              vii.      Link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150611114419.htm


    b.      11 Foods Scientifically Proven To Lower Your Blood Pressure

                                                                   i.      Beetroot – Helps, to reduces blood pressure.

                                                                 ii.      Garlic - Significantly lowers elevated blood pressure.

                                                                iii.      Fish Oil – Helps, effective treatment for high blood pressure.

                                                               iv.      Cashews and Almonds - Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 300 bodily process.

                                                                 v.      Kale - It's loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds known to help prevent disease.

                                                               vi.      Stevia - Natural sweeteners

                                                              vii.      Turmeric - Indian curry spice

                                                            viii.      Green Tea - Is so beneficial is because of its polyphenols

                                                               ix.      Green Coffee - Unroasted coffee.

                                                                 x.      Vitamin K2 - Vitamin K2 helps regulate where calcium ends up in the body. It works to keep calcium in your bones, and removes it from blood vessels where it can cause arterial stiffness and calcification.

                                                               xi.      Extra-Virgin Olive Oil - Is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and phenolic antioxidants.

                                                              xii.      Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/11-foods-scientifically-proven-to-lower-your-blood-pressure.html


    c.       How Your Gym Attitude Affects Your Exercise Habits

                                                                   i.      Researchers surveyed 1,552 individuals to determine their attitudes and behavior regarding exercise practices.

                                                                 ii.      Of the 1,552 individuals, 989 were considered overweight or obese.

                                                                iii.      Overweight individuals had a greater belief that exercise would lead to improved appearance and self-image.

                                                               iv.      Overweight individuals felt more embarrassed and intimidated by exercise, exercising around young people, exercising around fit people and about health club sales people

                                                                 v.      Overweight and normal weight individuals had the same attitudes regarding exercising with the opposite sex, using complicated exercise equipment, experiencing exercise boredom and overall intent to exercise.

                                                               vi.      The heavier the individual, the lower his perception of health and the more negative emotions he would experience in association with health club exercise—this was particularly true for Caucasian adults.

                                                              vii.      The interesting thing about this study is that both normal weight and overweight individuals had the exact same intent to exercise and held similar attitudes regarding gym equipment. The main barriers to exercise in overweight individuals were primarily due to negative attitudes regarding exercising around younger, more fit individuals

                                                            viii.      If you're simply not comfortable working out in a gym setting, you don't have to ditch exercise altogether.

                                                               ix.      Source: http://www.active.com/fitness/articles/how-your-gym-attitude-affects-your-exercise-habits



    3.       Emails

    a.       From: Lion Heart @Jazz

    Question: What is more important; content or technique?


    b.      From: Whispering Hoss @Jazz

    Question: I been following your Twitter for a while as well as been listening to you on FMC. For a while you haven’t been working out due to work or moving. But, here recently you talk about what made you get back in to working out. It been a while now from the time you started working out, so that is where my question lies. What keeps you motivated and pushing through the workouts? How about the day you hate the most leg day? Also, why do you hate it so much?


    c.       From: Willy Scott @Jazz

    Question: Been a fan of your works as well as a little of an admirer to your works as an artist. Could you explain how Thurston and is he replaced your regular wolf? I do like Thurston but would like to still see your wolf character around.  


    d.      From: Kittylines @ Tiberious

    Question: Hello, I plan on going in to more of the powerlifting side of weight lifting. But problems I been having is more in the chest. I just can't make it grown bigger, I'm strong in the chest area but I would like it to be bigger than flat. Help?


    e.      From: Jay @All

    Question: When I lift front squats I’m alright, but when I’m done with the lifting part I feel light headed. After I rest a little bit I feel alright, but should I be worry that I don’t hear of others saying the same thing are is it just me?


    f.        From: Xoans @All

    Question: What is the best type of footwear should I wear when working out so that it feels good?


    g.       From: Kroa @Tiberious

    Question: To keep your frame and stance of your look do you fine it to be right to do squats all the time when working out? If not, why, if so why as well?


    h.      From: Kasz @Snowheart, Max, Tiberious

    Question:  Hello gentleman, what is the best way to improve my grip strength? Background: I had some surgery on my hands to correct a problem with them. So I’m not at 100% like regular people.



    i.         From: RavenClaw @Jazz & Beastly

    Question:  I have been having serious art block and haven’t had the drive to draw. But I want to draw, how do I address my drive vs my head? How do you guys address this problem?


    j.        From: WhiteWolf @Schredd

    Question: Do you have any problems with your back, due to having a full upper built?


    k.       From: ToonWolf @ Maximus-Ursus

    Question: Now that you’re in sunny Florida would you consider going to “furry meets” in your area?


    l.         From: Ponny @TonkaWolf

    Question: I hear you like to work out chest a bunch and that you lifted up to 300lbs on bench press. First that is great news and congratulations on the feat. I wanted to know what types of workout you focus on to help grow your chest and lift that much.


    m.    From: Falconmage @All

    Question: A bowl of white rice or a plate of pasta, do they provide the same amount of carbs?


    n.      From: Falconmage @All

    Question: Heard from an article stating that if you don't work out consistently, you'll gain fat instead of muscle. Is this true?


    o.      From: Anonymously (Female) @Syn & Tiptoe (Follow Up)

    Question: With the current issues I have had with my husband, he is showing some support and is going to the gym sometimes but most of it is me pushing him to go. What can I do to support him to go to the gym and not come out as a person that is nagging him to much? Are, make it so that going to gym is not a negative turn off?


    p.      From: Anonymously (Female) @All

    Question: Hello, I’m been a listen to the podcast for over a year now. I enjoy many things about the podcast that make it fun and not just a regular workout podcast. My question to you all is with is with all the bull shit on grunting and yell? Now if your lifting heavy one putting so much stress on stuff maybe you far are grunt. People have problems with this and have a meltdown. I mean sometimes I even fart when I lift heavy, it just happens.




    q.      From: Anonymously @All

    Question: I go to the gym with my friend whom I like a lot. But I'm not sure if he likes me. We talk about stuff but nothing has change to show me that he likes me. Just basic friendship stuff. I'm very well a okay person but the problem is well..my body tells to others that I like what I see. I sometimes I get a freaking hardon and preing when looking at him working out sometimes. I try to work out and not allow it to bother me, but... this issue of not sure if he likes me and my body doing stuff I don't want it to so embarrassing when people look at me but not my face. Can you help, please? I'm 19 years old and in the states.


    4.       Closing Out:

    a.       We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.

    b.      You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.

    c.       You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).

    d.      You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.

    e.      Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.

    f.        Next Furry-Muscle Cast: July 10th.

    24 July 2015, 12:42 am
  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 46 – Buff Science

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 46 – Buff Science

    1.       Introductions

    a.       Maximus Ursis – He Uniform, Go Predators!!

    b.      Tiptoe – He has a new plan (Food)

    c.       Beastly Bahamut – Still Ripping Out of Any Clothing

    d.      Syn – Calculating The End Results

    e.      Jazz Wolf – Away @ Con

    f.        Snowheart – Working

    g.       Schredded Wolf – More Heavy Weights

    h.      Tiberious –  Away

    i.         Zak –  Getting Busy


    2.       Topics

    a.       Tiptoe & Syn – Racing

                                                                   i.      Run through the racing that you both just done.


    b.      Bad Fat, Turns Good

                                                                   i.      Bad fat cells called adipose cells can be converted in to good cells.

                                                                 ii.      The drug called GC-1.

                                                                iii.      GC-1 dramatically increases the metabolic rate, essentially converting white fat, which stores excess calories and is associated with obesity and metabolic disease, into a fat like calorie-burning brown fat.

                                                               iv.      GC-1 works, according to Phillips, by activating the receptors for thyroid hormone, which play a role in regulating metabolism.

                                                                 v.      Until several years ago, scientists thought that only animals and human infants have energy-burning, "good" brown fat.

                                                               vi.      Genetically obese mice lost weight and more than 50 percent of their fat mass in approximately two weeks, Phillips reported. Treated mice also showed antidiabetic effects, such as a sixfold improvement or better in insulin sensitivity (how well the body clears glucose from the bloodstream).

                                                              vii.      Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/03/150307095940.htm


    c.       Pea protein: Is it the new soy?

                                                                   i.      From cereals to smoothies to energy bars, pea protein is everywhere. What's driving the craze is the hunger to find an easy-to-digest plant-based protein that is less apt to cause allergic reactions, like gluten or soy.

                                                                 ii.      Pea protein is a supplement derived from the same kinds of dried peas you'd use to make soup.

                                                                iii.      The one downside: It's not a complete protein.

                                                               iv.      Unlike other popular protein products, soy and whey, it doesn't have all the amino acids we need that our bodies can't make. To get the full nutritional value, it needs to be combined with something like rice or bread.

                                                                 v.      It also contains soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol levels. The protein in pea fiber can also help keep you feeling satisfied, not being hungry.

                                                               vi.      There's a growing body of evidence that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and the risk of early death.

                                                              vii.      Source: http://www.today.com/health/pea-protein-it-new-soy-t10501


    d.      Adding Protein Throughout The Day Has Health Benefits

                                                                   i.      Research has shown that eating more protein can support weight loss and prevent weight gain by boosting metabolism, increasing feelings of fullness and helping the body retain muscle while losing fat.

                                                                 ii.      University of Missouri researcher Heather Leidy and her colleagues conducted a review of the current scientific literature on protein consumption and found that a moderate increase in protein consumption at each meal, balanced throughout the day, can lead to significant improvements.

                                                                iii.      Eat Breakfast - Eating a protein-rich breakfast containing about 30 grams of protein leads to even greater satiety throughout the day and can reduce unhealthy snacking by improving appetite control.

                                                               iv.      Add a little protein to every meal, especially at breakfast and lunch.

                                                                 v.      Consume high-quality protein - Not all proteins are created equal. High-quality, or "complete," proteins found in animal-based foods such as beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products contain all the essential amino acids and are easily

                                                               vi.      Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150430124835.htm


    e.      Rock-Hard, Flat Mid-Section

                                                                   i.      Core training is obviously a very important aspect in developing a strong mid-section.

                                                                 ii.      Nutrition - Stick with an 80/20 rule when it comes to diet. 80 percent of your week at the minimum needs to be spot on. Do everything that you to do 80 percent of the time. Then, the remaining 20 percent allow for error and some fun.

                                                                iii.      Exercise – The core is made up of these areas: rectus abdominis, obliques, quadratus lumborum, erector spinae, transverse abdominis, multifidus, diaphragm and the pelvic floor. That's a lot to train, and you are not going to hit them all by doing crunches.

    1.       Planks

    2.       Side Planks

    3.       Bird Dog

    4.       Sternal Crunch (With No Flexion)

    5.       Belly Breathing

                                                               iv.      Sleep - Getting a sufficient amount of rest is vital in being healthy overall and the healthier you are, the more of a fat-burning furnace you'll be.

                                                                 v.      Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/don-saladino/how-do-i-get-a-flat-rockh_b_6323644.html


    3.       Emails

    a.       From: Lion Heart @Jazz

    Question: What is more important; content or technique?


    b.      From: Whispering Hoss @Jazz

    Question: I been following your Twitter for a while as well as been listening to you on FMC. For a while you haven’t been working out due to work or moving. But, here recently you talk about what made you get back in to working out. It been a while now from the time you started working out, so that is where my question lies. What keeps you motivated and pushing through the workouts? How about the day you hate the most leg day? Also, why do you hate it so much?


    c.       From: Willy Scott @Jazz

    Question: Been a fan of your works as well as a little of an admirer to your works as an artist. Could you explain how Thurston and is he replaced your regular wolf? I do like Thurston but would like to still see your wolf character around.  


    d.      From: MattLiger @All

    Question: I do have kind of an issue I'm having and am kind of wondering if anyone in the cast feels/felt the same way. My issue when I see my friends post pictures of their progress (them getting bigger, losing weight and looking fantastic), I get a bit jealous and demotivated. Just wondering if anyone has felt that way and how they coped with it?


    e.      From: Zeus Ralo @All

    Question: Have anyone in the cast have seen the change of body building throughout time since it first started till now? What are the differences of how body builder look? What judges were looking for in a body builder then and now? Now, if you were the judge of a contest as big as this, what would you be looking for on a body builder when they perform on stage?


    f.        From: ShortStop @Max

    Question: Currently, I’m drinking meal replacement and eat good meals. What are some good in between snacks? I’m bored with yogurt and nuts, as they are driving me nuts.




    g.       From: Hake-Eye @Schred

    Question:  I been working out a lot and my upper thighs are getting to muscular. I want a lean body but not hug thighs.


    h.      From: EuroWolf @Schred

    Question:  Do you enjoy the European way the weight function vs the American weight system in the gym? I can just look at my bar set and see I got 255lbs on it (color plates) versus I have to look at each plate on the bar in American to figure it out. 


    i.         From: Otterz @Syn

    Question: I been working out and dieting for a while and my energy levels are hitting low levels. I find myself starting to hit a wall. What have you done to help yourself to get pass such problems? Any "Tips" you can give? *wink*


    j.        From: BattyFatty @ Beastly

    Question: Will you be getting another motorcycle and back to biking soon? What type of bike would you like to get and how many CC’s?


    k.       From: Anonymously @Syn & Tiptoe

    Question: Me and my husband have be together for over six year. I had been hefty for over a long time as well as him. I found the podcast and stated to get my ass out and do something to address the current problem that is apparent to me. I have lost thirty pounds of weight in about four month’s times. I have still got a way to go but a email for another time, but, my question to you both. My husband has yet to see the light and has been not as support of going to the gym as me trying to help myself and him to come as well. There have been some times that we have had some heated words over the subject, but he coming around a little bit. How can I help promote a better life with him and I if he lacking the drive to hit the weights and help keep the tension low as well. Also, how do you both handle your relationship with the gym? Do you mostly focus on yourself and then your partner? Are, are you both always in the same boat and move forward?


    4.       Closing Out:

    a.       We can’t do the show with you, the listeners. Thank you for taking the time to rate us on iTunes, as well as all the feedback and question we received each month.

    b.      You can find the show on our website as well as iTunes, Libsyn, Stitcher Radio, Blubrry, doubleTwist, Miro and many other podcast directories.

    c.       You can email us at [email protected], you can also call us and leave comments are questions at 571-208-Buff (2833).

    d.      You can find us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast.

    e.      Show notes, pictures, links and many other materials can be found at our main website at http://www.furry-muscle.org.

    f.        Next Furry-Muscle Cast: June – 12th


    25 June 2015, 2:37 am
  • 2 hours 29 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 45 – Spring Lifting

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 45 – Spring Lifting


    1.      Introductions

    ●             Maximus Ursis – Tan-o-Bear

    ●             Tiptoe – Is it going up…damn it!

    ●             Beastly Bahamut – That tan of Blue

    ●             Syn – Stay On Target!!... CHEESE!

    ●             Jazz Wolf – *Sleeping*

    ●             Snowheart – The New…

    ●             Tiberious – (Away)

    ●             Schredded Wolf – Taxing Wolf! – (Maybe)

    ●             Zak – Ahhchooo….


    2.      Hosts

    A.     Max – Moved | Life in Florida

    -       Update on how the move went.

    -       What been going on in Florida from the time you move.


    B.     Snowheart – Character

    -       Why the character change and do you plan to keep it?

    -       What about Snowheart Tiger toon?


    3.      Topics

    A.     The Hidden Benefits of Exercise

    o      Reduce Stress

    -       Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress.

    o      Boost Happy Chemicals

    -       Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can even alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed . For this reason, docs recommend that people suffering from depression or anxiety (or those who are just feeling blue) pencil in plenty of gym time.

    o      Improve Self-Confidence

    -       Physical fitness can boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image. Regardless of weight, size, gender, or age, exercise can quickly elevate a person's perception of his or her attractiveness, that is, self-worth.

    o      Enjoy the Great Outdoors

    -       Find an outdoor workout that fits your style, whether it’s rock-climbing, hiking, renting a canoe, or just taking a jog in the park. Plus, all that Vitamin D acquired from soaking up the sun can lessen the likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms.

    o      Prevent Cognitive Decline

    -       Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.

    o      Alleviate Anxiety

    -       Hopping on the track or treadmill for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise (intervals, anyone?) can reduce anxiety sensitivity.

    o      Boost Brainpower

    -       Studies suggest that a tough workout increases levels of a brain-derived protein (known as BDNF - brain-derived neurotrophic factor) in the body, believed to help with decision making, higher thinking, and learning.

    o      Sharpen Memory

    -       Getting sweaty increases production of cells in hippocampus responsible for memory and learning . For this reason, research has linked children’s brain development with level of physical fitness.

    o      Help Control Addiction

    -       Short exercise sessions can also effectively distract drug or alcohol addicts, making them de-prioritize cravings (at least in the short term)

    o      Increase Relaxation

    -       Moving around five to six hours before bedtime raises the body’s core temperature. When the body temp drops back to normal a few hours later, it signals the body that it’s time to sleep.

    o      Get More Done

    -       Research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers.

    o      Tap Into Creativity

    -       A heart-pumping gym session can boost creativity for up to two hours afterwards.

    o      Inspire Others

    -       Studies show that most people perform better on aerobic tests when paired up with a workout buddy. Even fitness beginners can inspire each other to push harder during a sweat session, so find a workout buddy and get moving.


    Source: http://greatist.com/fitness/13-awesome-mental-health-benefits-exercise


    B.     Little Changes for a Better You

    o   Cut out sodas

    o   Avoid fast food whenever possible

    o   Order salad dressing on the side and dip your fork in for flavor in each bite.

    o   Time your Internet use.

    o   Instead of sitting and watching TV for family time, go on a walk or play a game of catch in the yard.

    o   Switch out your butter and vegetable oil for water, olive oil or coconut oil while sautéing.

    o   Find the parking spot that is the furthest away from the entrance when grocery shopping or at the mall and walk.

    o   Do squats while cooking dinner.

    o   Make a workout appointment.

    o   Start small.

    o   Source: http://www.cozi.com/live-simply/10-small-changes-healthier-life


    4.      Emails

    A.      From: SniperOtter @All

    Question: Many of you have had a accident/incident that you broken a bone are pull a muscle. How do you coup with the problem that come after when working out and how does this affect your workout goals and lifting?


    B.      From: RaceingWoof @Tiptoe

    Question: What are is your training regiment, eating habits before race. What things would you not do because they are too dangerous while raceing?


    C.       From: GoulBat @Syn

    Question: What are your values and are you being true to them?


    D.      From: ChillyMoose @All

    Question: Let say you all were going to have children, what would will the gender be? What would you name him/her and how many would you have?


    E.      From: FloridaFur @Max

    Question: What has been the biggest change for you in Florida now that you had some time to get all warm in the sand?


    F.       From: HorisonHorsey @Max

    Question: Will you be having furry pool parties now that you live in Florida where it always warm to do something in the sunny weather?


    5.      Closing Out:

    -       We can’t do the show without you, the listeners!

    -       Please take the time to rate us on iTunes or Thumbs us up at Stitcher Radio.

    -       You can email us at [email protected]

    -       Have any questions or comments? Drop us a line at 571-208-BUFF (2833).

    -       Follow us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast

    -       You can find show notes, pictures, links and many other materials at our main websitehttp://www.furry-muscle.org

    -       Next Furry-Muscle Cast: May – 8th.


    Jazz’s Spin Us The Wrong Way - http://imgur.com/gallery/ybC8yd7 (Blame Jazz For Your Nightmare)


    3 May 2015, 9:38 pm
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast – 44 – Lift Time

    Furry-Muscle Cast – 44 – Lift Time


    1.      Introductions

    ●             Maximus Ursis – Getting A Tan

    ●             Tiptoe – Don’t Look…Stay Away From the Food! (Doing Outro)

    ●             Beastly Bahamut – (Sick)

    ●             Syn – Rhythm Is A Dancer….Rat? :O

    ●             Jazz Wolf – Moving, Packing, Coding.

    ●             Snowheart – Working, Working, Working

    ●             Tiberious – (Away)

    ●             Schredded Wolf – SnowMobiling

    ●             Zak – Faster, Better, Good-er.


    2.      Hosts

    A.     Tiptoe – Model

    -       Briefly go over how things are progressing and what stage are you at in the game.


    B.     Syn – Update Health

    -       Update on how things are progressing.


    C.      Max – Moved | Life in Florida

    -       Update on how the move went.

    -       What been going on in Florida from the time you move.


    D.     Jazz – Moved | Progress | Art

    -       How was the move go

    -       How has work out progress going.

    -       Art – Any new styles are progress on streamlining work.


    E.      Schred – Summer

    -       Progress and what workout summer plans are his many focus over the summer.


    F.      Snowheart – Gym

    -       How has the gym progress been going.


    G.     Zak – Moved | Life | Gym

    -       What has been happening the last few weeks from the last podcast and his move.

    -       What plans are coming up.

    -       Gym progress.





    3.      Topics

    A.     Lifting Fast or Slow?

    o      The subject has been discussed many times over and over and the results have gone both ways as to which one is better.

    o      Lifting fast can increase the chances of injuring muscle and joints as well as doing the exercises incorrectly.

    o      Lifting fast does have a positive side as well, it has a more metabolically demanding on the body. It burns more calories.

    o      Lifting fast improves balance and strength.

    o      Lifting fast with a lot of reps of light weight will not have the same benefits as lifting heavy.

    o      Lifting slow helps to improvement in low velocity exercises.

    o      Lifting slow helps to keep the muscle under tension longer which helps to break it down.

    o      Lifting slow lowers the number of muscle fibers being fired in the muscle for it to work.

    o      Sources: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/lift-weights-fast-or-slow

    o      Sources: http://www.livestrong.com/article/439458-slow-reps-vs-fast-reps/

    o      Sources: http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/muscle_myths_debunked/Slow_Lifting_Builds_Huge_Muscles.php

    B.     Classis Training Ideas: Fact or Fiction?

    o      New research studies haven't change the way we think on training and nutrition, but it has rather refined some of the view points on them.

    o      Bigger Weight Will Produce Bigger Gains

    o      Our muscles are extremely adaptive to the stimulus we apply to them, and resistance training is our strongest activator of muscle growth.

    o      Research shows that we don't only have to lift heavy but more along the lines of we don't only need to lift heavy.

    o      These studies uncover how low-load and high-load resistance training can produce similar anabolic responses and gains in muscle size, highlighting the importance of tracking the total work you perform—as well as lifting to failure if your goal is muscle growth.

    o      There's An Anabolic Window

    o      The common norm is to have a protein shake post workout within a time frame after working out. But in recent years that the timeframe is an is not as crucial as we all may have thought.

    o      Take your shake if it's part of your gym ritual, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's any more important than everything else you eat. Protein intake over the course of the day appears to be more important in eliciting in muscle growth than proximity to a workout.


    o      More Protein is Better

    o      The high protein diets are becoming more and more widely accepted to be safe and effective for improving physique.

    o      Because of the plateau effect on muscle protein synthesis, focusing on the amount of protein per meal is a better approach than the amount of protein per day. Save your money and maximize the muscle-building benefits of protein by eating around 0.12 grams per kilogram of body weight per meal, rather than cramming in high doses of protein to meet a daily standard.

    o      Fasted Cardio Maximizes Fast Loss

    o      It’s a common idea to run before eating food as the body will burn more fat for fuel.

    o      Recent study showed that fasted cardio did not provide any further benefit compared to morning cardio in a fed state.

    o      One should keep in mind that it more of personal preference, since fasted and fed cardio appear to offer similar benefits to fat loss.

    o      Those attempting to maintain muscle mass while losing fat should be cautious with fasted cardio. Upon waking up, our muscles are in a catabolic state, and fasted cardio can elevate the use of protein as fuel. These athletes should consider sipping on fast-digesting protein or BCAAs (branched-chain amino acid) before or during morning cardio to limit muscle loss.

    o      Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/features.html

    C.       Music While Workout

    o      While listen to music it helps to improve one’s workout.

    o      Research find that listen to music distracts athletes from their bodily awareness.

    o      Source: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/25/phys-ed-does-music-make-you-exercise-harder/?_r=0

    o      Studies found that not just listening, but controlling and creating music in time to one's pace had an even more profound effect on perceived effort during a workout.

    o      Music is the good kind of distraction.

    o      It ups your effort.

    o      Music puts you “in the zone.”

    o      A good beat can help you keep pace.

    o      Music can elevate your mood.

    o      It makes you want to move.




    4.      Emails

    A.      From: WolfinONE @Syn & Tiptoe

    Question: Would you start to auction off some of your models to raise any extra money that Syn may need?


    B.      From: RedDemon @Syn

    Question: This may be a little silly but when you have a full head of hair how does it lay on your head? I have only seen you with a shaved head from Furaffinity.


    C.       From: JamesL @Jazzwolf

    Question: Hello Mr. Jazzwolf, I have been following your Twitter for a little while. I found myself enjoying your style of artwork. Could you go over briefly on how you gotten your style?


    D.      From: WhiteWolfX @All

    Question: Hello Cast and any guests, would you all talk about what going to the gym and what is the best reason you go? Sorry but English is my good with I.


    5.      Closing Out:

    -       We can’t do the show without you, the listeners!

    -       Please take the time to rate us on iTunes or Thumbs us up at Stitcher Radio.

    -       You can email us at [email protected]

    -       Have any questions or comments? Drop us a line at 571-208-BUFF (2833).

    -       Follow us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast

    -       You can find show notes, pictures, links and many other materials at our main websitehttp://www.furry-muscle.org

    -       Next Furry-Muscle Cast: April – 10th.


    Jazz’s Spin Us The Wrong Way - http://imgur.com/gallery/ybC8yd7 (Blame Jazz For Your Nightmare)


    24 April 2015, 1:08 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    Furry-Muscle Cast - 43 – Fruity-Tootie

    Furry-Muscle Cast - 43 – Fruity-Tootie


    1.      Introductions

    ·         Maximus Ursis – Sunny Bear Beach

    ·         Tiptoe – Making That Special Something for Hollie!

    ·         Beastly Bahamut – Working, Working, Working

    ·         Syn – Free! Totally FREE!! (ESO Reference)

    ·         Jazz Wolf – Moving, Dancing (If He Comes)

    ·         Snowheart – (Away)

    ·         Tiberious – (Away)

    ·         Schredded Wolf – (Away)

    ·         Zak – Packing, Sorting, Testing...Brain Fry.


    2. Topics

    A.      40 Shades of Fruits

    -       Van Aken, an associate professor in Syracuse University's art department.

    -       An artist by the name of Sam Van Aken is grafting different tree limbs on to a stone to make it grow more than 40 different types of fruits.

    -       Source - http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2014/08/03/337164041/the-gift-of-graft-new-york-artists-tree-to-grow-40-kinds-of-fruit

    -       TedTalk - http://youtu.be/t9EuJ9QlikY


    B.      Lack of Motivation – Tips To Fix That

    -       Staying motivation is a taught thing for someone who don’t have a set routine.

    -       Website has 27 –  I pick a few.

    -       Kris Gethin - It's my daily form of mental and emotional therapy. If I'm having a particularly bad day, I'll hit the gym, feel that euphoria, and bounce right back.

    -       Kathleen Tesori - Exercise is my source of daily strength, energy, and empowerment.

    -       Rachael Labender - If I don't train, I get overly stressed out or anxious about trivial matters.

    -       Source: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/27-must-read-motivation-tips-from-team-bodybuilding.html


    C.       Working Out While Traveling

    -       We all on vacation sometime in our lives. But we can’t always have access to a gym. We got some tips to maybe offset that extra plate of food you just ate.

    -       Swimming Pools – Never underestimate power of water! Swimming helps with ankle, kneels and hip joints for basic water works. Of course if one chooses to do more swimming than water classes you get more of a whole body workout and work all your body.

    -       Stairwells – Yes you hear that right! Stair wells are the best way to get a cardio workout. Try running up five levels and see how you feel. Just walking up and down the stairs from start to finish at your own pace. This will give your legs a workout and help raise your heartbeat.

    -       While in your hotel room the basic exercise can work wonders. Push Ups, Sit Ups, Planks, Lunges and Jumping Jacks to name a few.



    4.      Emails

    5.       From: F.X.T.X. @Tiptoe

    Question: Would you start to auction off some of your models to raise any extra money that Syn may need?


    6.       From: OneEyeRed @Beastly

    Question: What is biggest art block you had and what do you think was the cause of it?


    7.       From: HornyDog @Jazz

    Question: You have a nice butt, mind if hold it like a plate of warm butter milk?


    8.       From: HairyMutt @All

    Question: What are everybody’s conservations plans for the 2015 year?


    9.       From: JapaneseFox @All

    Question: When working out or just chilling what is the type of music you like to list to the most?


    10.   From: Snowy Owl@Snowheart

    Question: You have to characters how did they come to be and which one do you use the most and why?


    11.   From: Tigerz @Jazz

    Question: You gotten back to working out and all, what has been the major issue for you in this stage of the game that is helping you to keep going to the gym and what is not working for you that you had to change to make it work?


    12.   From: MonsterHunter @Syn

    Question: How are things going with your health a little up on things?






    5.      Closing Out:

    -       We can’t do the show without you, the listeners!

    -       Please take the time to rate us on iTunes or Thumbs us up at Stitcher Radio.

    -       You can email us at [email protected]

    -       Have any questions or comments? Drop us a line at 571-208-BUFF (2833).

    -       Follow us on Twitter @FurryMuscleCast

    -       You can find show notes, pictures, links and many other materials at our main websitehttp://www.furry-muscle.org

    -        Next Furry-Muscle Cast: March– 13th.


    24 April 2015, 12:16 am
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