
C. Christopher Hart

EXOPLANETARY is a science-fiction adventure that follows four siblings, the Wolverton family, as they work for a giant corporation named Exoplanetary. Their bosses want to expand their business beyond our solar system, but the Wolvertons just want to enjoy their lives. Where do the morals and happiness of ordinary people fit in a universe full of rich and powerful interests? The stories are exciting, funny, tragic, and always slightly offbeat.

  • 13 minutes 31 seconds
    Remembering Sam A. Mowry (1959-2024)

    My friend, Sam Mowry, died on July 20. If you’ll indulge me for a few minutes, I’d like to talk to you a bit about Sam, who he was, how he came into my life, and how he changed it.

    Of course, everyone you know changes your life. When you open your heart and connect with someone, you change; sometimes in little ways, sometimes in enormous ways. I feel this about the people involved in EXOPLANETARY. But Sam Mowry had a way of involving himself in people’s lives, and really showing you that he loved you. All of my memories of Sam are happy ones, and every story I have about him involves his indefatigable kindness. To me and everyone else.

    It was just as we were finishing up the first season of EXO that I met Sam. I was summoned! There’s really no other way to say it. A few actors and radio theater people were asked to come to the place I am now: Sam’s studio. You’ve seen it in many of our pictures on social media, with those theatrical red curtains and Sam’s old radios. Sometimes you walk into a room and you feel right at home, and that was the case here. We read through a few scenes of an adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau and I made some aggressive snarling noises as a Beast Man. Afterwards, Sam and I got to talking about radio theater, old movies, and it was that sort of bonding you do with someone who becomes one of your best friends. Maybe you don’t know it when you start talking, but you know it when the conversation was over.

    I was summoned again not long afterward on a sunny afternoon for a visit under Sam’s famous Casbah, a sort of covered patio where many a salon for theater people and other friends had been held. It was there that Sam encouraged me to start recording EXO in his studio. 

    You could have knocked me over with a feather. The studio provided my show with something it hadn’t truly had before: a home. Sam and his wife, Cindy McGean, took me and my actors in so warmly, and it’s the greatest gift I can ever imagine.

    It was one I was eager to return. For the remainder of our time together, I helped him with every production of his company, the Willamette Radio Workshop. I even got to perform with him a few times.

    Sam was a friend, but he was also a mentor. I have always been a reluctant leader; I just don’t see myself in that role. As I grew up, I also had some examples of leadership that didn’t exactly leave me eager to be in charge. Unfortunately, to do what I’ve needed to do to make EXO happen, I needed to find that part of me and get it in gear, to varying degrees of success. What Sam taught me was how to be a positive presence in people’s lives, how to deal with obstacles, how to foster a sense of fun and community, and, really, how to be the best version of myself.

    We shared deeply about our hopes and dreams for creating shows and spaces for performing. It wasn’t unusual for him to bring up some empty restaurant space or office building or some other edifice and muse that it would be the perfect place to start a theater. As one of Portland’s foremost and most beloved theater people, Sam was constantly looking for new ways to put on a show, even as poor heath made it more and more difficult.

    Sam loved everything to do with radio. Something we both had in common was sleepless nights when we were young, searching the AM bands for what they now call “OTR.” Old Time Radio. Fibber McGee and Molly. Vic and Sade. The Jack Benny Program. And, of course, Orson Welles. Because of Sam’s voice, he drew a lot of comparisons to the Great Man. When Willamette Radio Workshop performed the War of the Worlds, he took Orson’s parts. Who else could? But Sam also did an impressive Sydney Greenstreet, which was wickedly funny. Sam really loved the magical feeling of a device pulling voices out of the air, picking them up from faraway cities. He was, at heart, a romantic. 

    Having Sam in my life meant that I was constantly coming up with characters that I wanted him to play. You’ve heard him as Long John Silver and a space cowboy named Jonas. I had so many more things I wanted him to play, but we didn’t have the time. 

    Sam is also in the plays I was finalizing at the time he passed. Knowing that these are probably his last performances in radio theater... well, that has been a big responsibility. Those of you who are Patreon supporters have already heard one of them, and the other is coming shortly. If you aren’t a supporter, you’ll hear these on the main feed in the coming months.

    Sam Mowry was one of the best friends I’ll ever have. He taught me so much, gave me so much. We would meet people, total strangers, and he would introduce me as Christopher Hart, the creator of the science-fiction audio drama podcast EXOPLANETARY. As if they might have already heard of me, and that were the greatest thing in the world. There’s another gift: teaching my tired, cynical heart to think that, yes-- maybe it was the greatest thing in the world, after all?

    This is what your friends do for you. The best friends teach you how to see yourself. They teach you their way of seeing you. Encountering so many of Sam’s friends, one really amazing thing about this guy was, he did some version of this for nearly everyone. And now that he is gone, we each have the task of doing this for other people, and teaching them to do the same. 

    It’s a legacy of love, and I hope that in telling you a bit about my friend Sam Mowry, who took a bow on July 20, 2024, I am doing something to pass it on.

    This includes scenes from the EXOPLANETARY episodes "The Pirates of the Cormorant Nebula," "The Purple Fields of Violon," and "The Purple Reign."

    If you would like to offer a tribute in Sam's name, please consider a donation to the Oregon Food Bank, which was one of his favorite charities.

    Written and read by C. Christopher Hart


    24 October 2024, 1:51 am
  • 51 minutes 47 seconds
    Exoplanetary 034 - Ashes to Ashes
    Exoplanetary Episode 34 - Ashes to Ashes

    As the space station crumbles around the Wolvertons and their friends, Alice sees a fateful opportunity.

    This is the fourth of four parts.

    CAST Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton David Loftus as Ben Wolverton Wynee Hu as Cassandra Wolverton Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention and Mother Vinegar Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub Rob Bekuhrs as Peter Roxy Diamond as Estelle Kidding Heidi Stephon as The Venerable August Rutherford Michael Burles as Doctor Elliot Hanscomb Kyle Stroud as Professor Ernst Robert McBride as Cardinal Thorpe

    Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenAdditional Music by Daniel D. Dowell"Amazing Grace" Provided by Julia Ghoulia and Martin DeKayScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2022 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    22 July 2023, 3:01 am
  • 38 minutes 33 seconds
    Exoplanetary 033 - Castling

    Chaturanga reveals itself at long last. Will the Wolvertons survive the encounter? 

    This is the third of four parts.

    CAST Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton David Loftus as Ben Wolverton Wynee Hu as Cassandra Wolverton Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention and Mother Vinegar Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub Rob Bekuhrs as Peter Roxy Diamond as Estelle Kidding Heidi Stephon as The Venerable August Rutherford Michael Burles as Doctor Elliot Hanscomb/Chef Carmen Kyle Stroud as Professor Ernst/Chef Tony and Sam A. Mowry as Long John Silver

    Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenAdditional Music by Daniel D. DowellScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2022 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    14 July 2023, 11:59 pm
  • 38 minutes 38 seconds
    Exoplanetary 032 - Baby, Baby, Baby, You're Out of Time

    Who is responsible for the murders on board Cortez One? The Wolvertons and their friends investigate.

    This is the second of four parts.

    CAST Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton David Loftus as Ben Wolverton Wynee Hu as Cassandra Wolverton Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention and Mother Vinegar Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart/Failed Scientist Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub Rob Bekuhrs as Peter Roxy Diamond as Estelle Kidding Heidi Stephon as The Venerable August Rutherford Michael Burles as Doctor Elliot Hanscomb/Chef Carmen Kyle Stroud as Professor Ernst/Chef Tony and Bill Terry as Brother Kermit

    Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenAdditional Music by Daniel D. DowellScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2022 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    7 July 2023, 5:14 am
  • 32 minutes 29 seconds
    Exoplanetary 031 - Doctor Handsome (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Exoplanetary)

    A science conference draws the Wolverton family together aboard the space station Cortez One.

    This is the first of four parts.

    CAST Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton David Loftus as Ben Wolverton C. Christopher Hart as Calvert Wolverton Bobby Eversmann as Brother Dustin Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart/Failed Scientist Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub Rob Bekuhrs as Peter Roxy Diamond as Estelle Kidding Heidi Stephon as The Venerable August Rutherford Michael Burles as Doctor Elliot Hanscomb/Chef Carmen Kyle Stroud as Professor Ernst/Chef Tony Rhiannon Dowling as Shirley and Bill Terry as Brother Kermit

    Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenAdditional Music by Daniel D. DowellScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2022 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    30 June 2023, 1:42 am
  • 31 minutes 47 seconds
    Exoplanetary 030 - Far Above the World

    Strange events carry Alice Wolverton and Mother Invention to Thanksgiving, 1971 and an encounter with one of the world's most mysterious men.

    While this episode is based on historical events, it is a fictional drama and depicts no actual person. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    CAST Firiel Elliot as Alice Wolverton Stephanie Leet as Mother Invention Daniel Rhovan as Cooper Michael Burles as the First Officer Rhiannon Dowling as Mrs. Karen Hammerstein

    Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2021 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    24 November 2021, 4:57 pm
  • 37 minutes 41 seconds
    Exoplanetary 029 - Call the Midwife (Radio Edit)
    Cassandra brings Marge back to her forest, only to find many things changed. The fate of the Wolverton family lies with a mysterious wizard from another dimension. This episode features intense family situations and strong language. This episode has been edited for radio broadcast.*   CAST Wynee Hu as Cassandra Wolverton Firiel Elliot as Marge, the One True Queen of the Forest Katina Adoniadis as President Stacy Curtis Bruce Miles as Copernicus Skye Stafford as the Mad Midwife of the Mountain and Glenda the Good Warrior Clem Hargreaves as Pike Conor Hearne as Beetledude   Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob Jansen Script Consultant - Ash Freeman   This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2021 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved *An uncensored version of this episode is available to supporters at patreon.com/exoplanetary


    27 June 2021, 7:54 pm
  • 30 minutes 31 seconds
    Exoplanetary 028 - Belly Furniture

    Today's Specials: Family Conflict, Coping with Trauma, Planning for the Future, Chicken Fried Steak, Chef's Salad, and Time Paradox.

    CAST Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Yacoub David Loftus as Ben Wolverton Stephanie "Steffie Dee" Harvey as Condola Yacoub Skye Stafford as Amelia Earhart and C. Christopher Hart as Calvert Wolverton Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenScript Consultant - Ash Freeman

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2021 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    Copyright 2021 C. Christopher Hart

    26 April 2021, 7:13 pm
  • 55 minutes 2 seconds
    Exoplanetary 027 - Countergambits

    Content warning: This episode features a scene of crowd panic. Listener discretion is advised.

    A journalist works to uncover the methods and motives of the mysterious terrorist group known as Chaturanga.

    CAST Sarah Rhea Werner as Nancy Kenneth Dembo as Ishmael Todd Tolces as Samson Bruce Miles as Ray Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob JansenScript Consultant - Jordan Cobb

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2021 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved

    11 February 2021, 1:28 am
  • 30 minutes 38 seconds
    Exoplanetary 026 - Please Don't Forget to Feed the Cat

    Ben Wolverton's search for Chaturanga brings him to a strange planet ruled by humanoid cats.

    CAST David Loftus as Ben Wolverton Heidi Stephon as the Venerable August Rutherford Rob Harrison as Nebuchednezzar Paul Chetty as Charlemagne Sarah Golding as Nefertiti Rhiannon Dowling as Doris and Sam A. Mowry as Long John Silver Written by C. Christopher Hart Sound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob Jansen "Please Don't Forget to Feed the Cat" - Music and lyrics by Rob Harrison and Paul Chetty, Performed by Rob Harrison

    Hear Rob and Paul's Gamma Radio at: https://www.gamma-radio.co.uk/ Hear Sarah Golding at: https://quirkyvoicespresents.buzzsprout.com/

    This play, the characters, situations, and associated intellectual property © 2020 C. Christopher Hart, all rights reserved


    Copyright 2020 C. Christopher Hart

    20 November 2020, 3:10 am
  • 38 minutes 9 seconds
    Exoplanetary Special - I Feel Fine

    In a special side-step episode, we explore the adventures of a cybernetic organism as she prepares humans for the end of the world. 


    Amber Schein as Mouser and Sara Daniel Timothy Treacy as Adam Angela Roxanne Lazar  as Wanda Michael Burles as Simpson Stephanie Leet as Mrs. French

    Written by Angela Roxanne LazarSound Effects by Danger Marshall Original Music provided by Jacob Jansen

    5 August 2020, 3:04 am
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