This is Volume 1 of William Mann’s “Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation”. It is part of a series of Self-Taught books written by various authors that include vocabularies of common words, elementary grammars and conversational phrases. The present volume contains thirty-seven vocabularies of common Esperanto words. If you want to learn Esperanto words or improve your Esperanto vocabulary, this volume may be of use to you. Mann writes, in the preface, that his work “supplies very full and comprehensive vocabularies of the words required by the tourist or traveller, visitor or resident abroad, health or pleasure seeker, and professional or business man, together with a large number of conversational sentences of a typical and practical character. The words and phrases are classified according to subject, and the phonetic pronunciation of every word is added in accordance with Marlborough's simple and popular system of phonetics. With the aid of this book anyone may undertak
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