Alderpod - The Aldersgate Cycle Podcast

Natania Barron

The Aldersgate is a steampunk western of epic scale, where the fate of the world rests on a final showdown between steam and sorcery.

  • Alderpod #32 – Epilogue and Excerpt

    At (very) long and (truly) last, Alderpod #32 is live. There were a few reasons that it took so long, and most of them have to do with having a three-year-old, writing other stuff, working as a freelancer, and technical issues. I literally recorded this a total of five times, with tons of takes in between. Either I kept getting interrupted, the program crashed (go go GarageBand), or the microphone was making weird popping noises.

    *deep breath*

    Anyway! This epilogue takes us back to Hartleigh Castle, where Denna is recovering from the Ardesian assault; the excerpt concerns Cora and the Order of the Asp, and hopefully answers a few questions, while posing a few more. Can’t reveal everything now, can I?

    A tremendous thanks to those of you who’ve been patient, and those who have stuck around. I’ve had such fun telling this story and sharing it with you. I’ll keep you updated as to possible other podcasts in the future, as well as current projects, steampunk and otherwise.


    8 October 2009, 7:06 pm
  • *facepalm*

    I discovered, after talking to Brigid Ashwood and my husband, that something was wrong with the first two podcasts for Alderpod. How long this has been an issue? I have no idea. But it’s rather… um, embarrassing. I know it was working right at some point, rather than doubling the prologue, but well… now it’s fixed. So, hopefully, if you’ve been listening you can re-download #2 and indeed get Chapter One, rather than a second prologue…

    *head, desk*

    Anyway. I have to hope that enough people figured that out, or had listened to it other ways, or can simply follow along. I’m assuming some folks have…

    Agh. I periodically check the feed, but I couldn’t tell that it was downloading the wrong file. I wish I had caught this earlier…

    22 July 2009, 12:33 pm
  • Alderpod #31 – Chapters 28 and 29

    Chapter 28 – As It Goes; Chapter 29 – Fire & Rain

    Well. There you go. The last two chapters in one long podcast. The reason? I was definitely in a groove recording this, and I wanted to keep that energy going throughout the recording. Since the two chapters are connected to one another, simply a continuation of the scene, I thought I’d read it all at one go.

    There will be, as I mentioned, an epilogue. But, by and large, this is the actual ending of the book.

    I’m not sure what to say, really. The story, at this point, rather has to speak for itself, doesn’t it? Admittedly this is the most nervous I’ve ever been to release a podcast, because this is where the rubber meats the road, where the grease meets the gear. It’s the end of this part of the story.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this little adventure as much as I have.

    10 July 2009, 2:10 am
  • Alderpod #30 – Chapter 27: Precipice

    Chapter 27: Precipice

    I’m just crankin’ these out, huh? Well, finally (finally!) the audio issue is resolved. The setup works, and works so much better than what I had before. I cannot tell you the frustration! I hope you’ll hear the difference in the podcast, as I didn’t have to mask the track with a million filters to keep out the background noise; I definitely feel as if it’s much more authentic to the way I sound, and of a quality of which I’m more proud. Eventually, I may go back and record all the tracks again, just to get consistency. But when I started this podcast in April of 2008, I don’t think I even contemplated what it’d be like when I reached this point…

    Well. Two chapters to go. That feels weird! What on earth will I do when it’s over?!

    1 July 2009, 2:20 am
  • Alderpod #29 – Chapter Twenty-Six: Preparation

    Chapter 26: Preparation

    Once again, here we are. I’ve been having a little bit of frustration with my recording equipment, and hopefully by the end of this week I’ll have a totally new setup: phantom power here I come! I’m working on ways to keep background noise to a minimum, which has been an issue throughout the podcast, but I did my best.

    As I mention in the podcast itself, music is by my beautiful and talented sister, Llana Barron. You’ll be hearing this music again, so keep your ears open. Only three more chapters to go friends, and this ride will come to an end. Thanks so much for listening along the way…

    29 June 2009, 1:29 am
  • Alderpod #28 – Chapter Twenty-Five: Lost and Found

    Alderpod #28 – Chapter Twenty-Five: Lost and Found

    Without further ado, here is Chapter 25. Once again we are back at Vezina Ranch with the Order of the Oak, and Cora and her friends. I’ve got a few notes at the end of the chapter as usual, so I’ll leave you to listen.

    Just a few more chapters to go…

    22 June 2009, 2:08 pm
  • Alderpod #27 – Chapter 24: In the Belly of the Beast

    Chapter 24: In the Belly of the Beast

    Yes, another chapter! I had meant to get this out on my birthday, the 14th, as a sort of hobbitish mathom gesture. But that didn’t quite work out.

    I’m in the process of editing #29, so look for that in a few days (or even earlier, depending on the cooperation of my child!).

    15 June 2009, 9:10 pm
  • Alderpod #26 – Chapter 23: Betrayal in the Key of G

    Alderpod #26 – Chapter 23: Betrayal in the Key of G

    I am just about back on a biweekly schedule again with the remaining chapters of The Aldersgate! This is cause for celebration. Up to Chapter 23 already, which is a scarce six from the Very End. How’d that happen?

    I hope you do enjoy!

    (Yes… I realized I said “chapter 24” instead of “chapter 23” – the problem is I decided on a re-order, all last minute like. I will fixify this… just not exactly right now… soon!)

    12 June 2009, 8:23 pm
  • Alderpod #25 – Castledeck and the Arabella

    Alderpod #25 – Castledeck and the Arabella

    No, don’t adjust your feed. You’re reading it right: twenty-five episodes and counting! *throws confetti*

    It just so turns out that today’s Alderpod is a little divergence from the norm, but within the realm of the Aldersgate Cycle nonetheless. It is a reading, or I should say performance, of my short story “Castledeck and the Arabella” which takes place some three years hence. Performed and produced by Arri Gaffer, with Anima Zabaleta providing the sweet voices of the lady characters, it’s quite an exciting take on the story!

    I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did, and stay tuned for a #26, swiftly making its way to your ears…

    27 May 2009, 8:30 pm
  • Alderpod #24: Chapter 22 – Lady Vezina

    Alderpod #24: Chapter 22 – Lady Vezina

    Finding a little time on my hands this rainy day, I have recorded Chapter 22, Alderpod #24. I am trying hard to make up for lost time, and now that the book is creeping toward the final climax, that’s only fitting.

    So, without further adieu!

    26 May 2009, 9:03 pm
  • Alderpod #23 – Chapter 21 – Kaythra Bav

    Alderpod #23 – Chapter 21: Kaythra Bav

    After much delay, Alderpod #23 is here. The lateness is regretful, but necessary. As you may have read, my sister is fighting Hodgkin Lymphoma, so I–as well as my family–have been out to California. I’ve been twice since March, and my parents have been going on alternate weeks.

    That said, there’s been little time to record.

    Your continued patience is appreciated!

    22 May 2009, 1:42 am
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