Heroes For Her


Most women struggle with things like insecurity, comparison, or trying to measure up to the world’s impossible standard of beauty. They’ve questioned their ability to live well, lead effectively, and own their influence...

  • 22 minutes 42 seconds
    Season Finale

    Superheroes are everywhere. Their films dominate the box office. Their merchandise monopolizes store shelves. They have even dethroned princess costumes as the most popular choices for dress up and imaginary play.

    It’s easy to get caught up in what our culture has to offer, but have we placed a bit too much emphasis on fictional heroes and not enough on teaching our children to become real ones? Have we allowed our kids to spend a little too much time play fighting and not enough time preparing them for the spiritual battles they will face?

    In today's episode, Erin shares how to talk to your children about their lives as they relate to God’s story. Learn how to lead them to think more deeply about their God-breathed destiny. Show them that, no matter how crazy, busy, or complicated life gets, seeking God’s will and finding ways to become equipped for the battles they will face is more important now than ever before. 

    Register for Erin's brand new subscription, Bible Belles Monthly, at BibleBelles.com.                                                                                                   

    Join the Truth Becomes Her Community & sign up for Erin’s emails at truthbecomesher.com

    Connect with Erin on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook 

    16 December 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 33 seconds
    The Spirit of Giving

    Today is all about celebrating the true spirit of giving. In other words, it's time to lift up everything God is doing in this season to draw people closer to Him. In this episode, Erin shares more about her family's generosity journey, what's in the Weidemann Giving Portfolio, and how they decide on how to give and to whom. She also gives you a special peek inside her personal SANTA Switch journal to share stories and experiences from this season, PLUS easy ways to implement a 'flip the focus' approach to Christmas in your own home! 

    Be sure to check out the following resources: 

    To learn more about creating a family giving portfolio + investing in God's Kingdom, be sure to check out TheSignatry.com  

    Join the Truth Becomes Her Community & sign up for Erin’s emails.

    Connect with Erin and share more about your life and leadership in this season: Instagram | Facebook

    9 December 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 21 minutes 59 seconds
    Teaching Generosity In 5 Simple Steps

    This year's SANTA Switch is officially underway! For most of us, generosity is something that needs to be intentionally nurtured and encouraged. In today's episode, Erin shares 5 simple steps for promoting generosity at home (during this season and all year long!). 

    If you're looking for fun and easy ways to level up your generosity this holiday season, be sure to check out the following resources: 

    To get Bible resources into the hands of girls all over the world, donate to Dawn of Grace Ministries at dawnofgrace.org.                                                                                                 

    Join the Bible Belles Community & sign up for Erin’s emails at biblebelles.com.

    Connect with Erin on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook 

    2 December 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 16 seconds
    SANTA Switch: How To Shine Bright This Christmas

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

    Even though we battle cultural norms daily, can we still be intentional and strategic about flipping the focus this Christmas? The answer is YES. In today's episode, Erin shares some of her favorite SANTA Switch memories and ways to make this new tradition the best part of Christmas for you and your family. If you're looking for fun and easy ways to pour into your girl this holiday season, be sure to check out the following resources: 

    Register for Erin's brand new subscription, Bible Belles Monthly, at BibleBelles.com.                                                                                                   

    Join the Truth Becomes Her Community & sign up for Erin’s emails at truthbecomesher.com

    Connect with Erin on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook 

    18 November 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 1 second
    How To Flip The Focus From Greed To Gratitude

    As the Christmas season rapidly approaches, we all know just how easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and lose focus on what really matters.

    For kids, the focus at Christmas is more about getting than it is giving. And who can really blame them? Between the Elf on the Shelf, and making lists for Santa, we as a society give thanks for all we have on one day, and spend the next 30 days talking about everything that we want.

    Born out of the desire to “flip the focus” from opening presents to opening hearts during the holiday season, Erin launched a new Christmas tradition called the SANTA Switch. In today's episode, she shares how to take a few intentional steps back to realign our hearts with the true meaning of Christmas and the spirit of the original Santa Claus and legendary gift-giver, St. Nicholas of Myra.

    Awaken the joy that comes with generosity and enjoy today's episode! 

    If you want to join the fun this holiday season, be sure to check out the following resources: 

    Read Erin's blog, How To Flip The Focus From Greed To Gratitude, at BibleBelles.com.                                                                                                   

    Join the Truth Becomes Her Community & sign up for Erin’s emails at truthbecomesher.com

    Connect with Erin on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook 

    11 November 2021, 4:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 15 seconds
    4 Keys To Reducing Drama

    This week's special episode is shining a light on gratitude, as Erin shares a simple framework for helping your girl see the big picture when it comes to building and deepening relationships. 

    The ‘ebb and flow’ of friendships can throw girls for a loop, stirring up feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and disappointment. Today, Erin shares how to support your girl when it feels like her friendships change and shift like the tide. There’s no avoiding the waves when you’re standing at the water’s edge, but your girl can plant her feet in the hard-packed sand of God’s truth, and the waves won’t knock her over. 

    If you or your girl are struggling in relationships, either with others or each other, be sure to check out the following resources: 

    Order Erin’s book series, Bible Belles, available at BibleBelles.com

    Join the Truth Becomes Her Community & sign up for Erin’s emails at truthbecomesher.com

    Connect with Erin on Social Media: Instagram | Facebook

    4 November 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 34 seconds
    Matter Over Mind
    What a mother knows and what a mother can do is special. We know our children in a way that no one else on this earth can know them. Being a mom is a precious gift, so why then do we worry that we’re messing it up? In today's episode, Erin reassures you that no matter how small the contribution, you are making a difference in the lives of your children.
    28 October 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 33 seconds
    How To Strengthen Your Emotional Intelligence

    Do you ever wonder, like I used to, how you’re going to teach your girl to process her emotions in healthy ways? We want to help our girls manage themselves and their relationships, but sometimes we don’t even do that very well.

    In today's episode, Erin shares her game-changing strategy for helping your girl (and YOU) process feelings in real time through guided reflection.

    21 October 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 55 seconds
    To Be A Great Leader, You Must Master This Skill

    Leadership is so much more than simply being in charge or telling people what to do. One of the most important skills every great leader needs is the ability to give support, confidence and hope to others, otherwise known as encouragement. God wants us to encourage: to inspire others and incite them to action.

    The word ENCOURAGEMENT literally means to "put courage" into somebody. So how do we do it? In today's episode, Erin shares three simple steps to begin teaching and modeling this skill. 

    14 October 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 7 seconds
    What We All Need Most Right Now

    The current cultural moment has sown and continues to sow a lot of division and strife, but the latin writer Syrus gave us a sweet sentiment that packs a powerful punch today. He said, "Where there is unity, there is always victory."  

    In today's episode, Erin discusses how we can recommit ourselves to gather and seek unity, no matter what issues aim to divide us. We need the victory that unity always brings, and we need it NOW. 

    7 October 2021, 2:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 25 seconds
    How To Have An Unwavering Spirit In Uncertain Times

    Children today face an uncertain future, and one thing is clear: they need a new set of skills to succeed. For girls, in particular, they need a mindset shift now more than ever. Our daughters need to develop the essential qualities that will see them through these unsettling times. In this episode, Erin shares the roadmap for teaching your girl to develop traits like grit, resilience, and adaptability.

    30 September 2021, 2:00 pm
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