Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Audio Book

John F. Rhodes

A Haight Street San Francisco, Serialized , Podcast Novel,

  • 51 minutes 20 seconds
    Chapter 23: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is John Rhodes with the 23nrd chapter of my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me”, the chapter being entitled-Togetherness, the I Ching, and the Honeymoon in Nepal
    16 April 2011, 4:45 pm
  • 7 minutes 20 seconds
    Chapter 22: Little Bird Told Me the Podcast Novel by John Rhodes
    Hello. This is John Rhodes with the 22nd chapter of my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me”, the chapter being entitled, “A Baby Falling from the Tree and the Powerful Police Action”. This chapter is very hopeful but I still have hope that we can elect a president as good as the one in this chapter. I’m hoping Barack Obama has a glimmer of the same openness to change that the president in this chapter has. He definitely is better than Hillary. I don’t think you can trust her when she openly says, “Obliterate Iran”. I was originally going to vote for Hillary because she seemed the better choice in that I thought that she, being more conservative, would get the Democratic vote. When I saw Obama doing well early on, I switched because I knew that Barack was more open to change. Please vote for Barack. I am not picking gender sides on this one, I just think Barack is much more creative in understanding political strategy, where Hillary is impulsive. Well, I used up all my time talking plugging Barack, but again, the comparison between him and the president in this chapter is fitting.
    16 April 2011, 4:41 pm
  • 8 minutes 20 seconds
    Chapter 21: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is, John Rhodes and this the 21rst chapter of my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me”, entitled, “Success at Blackmail”. This is slightly besides the point but somehow I think blackmail is less prevalent when applied to the guilty than it is to the innocent. When Steve and Maria were blackmailed by their guilt complexes into assuming they had serious cases of mental illness, they had taken on identities that they couldn’t call totally their own. They took them on voluntarily. I think this is the way many wicked people escape blame. I hope you don’t think that is too much of a stretch to understand. You now have two more chapters to go. Please consider buying my books if you can from Audible books in audio and Authorhouse in text
    16 April 2011, 4:35 pm
  • 8 minutes 33 seconds
    Ch 20: Little Bird Told Me: A Hip Free Podcast Novel and Audio Book
    Hello. This is John Rhodes with my Podcast Novel: "Little Bird Told Me", and this is chapter 20, entitled: "Finding Evidence in Columbia". I don't have too much to say about this chapter except that the character Alberto was built up around someone I knew named Alberto when I used to live in Guadalajara, Mexico, in the 60's. Also some of the ideas about the Columbian Culture mentioned were created out of what I had known about Latin culture when I lived down there. I'll leave this short, but I'll just mention, please buy my book from in audio, or in text form from as a donation to an artist who hopes he is pleasing you with his surreal twists and turns he takes you through with his prose. Also visit my Mystic Babylon Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV site at: .
    7 May 2008, 7:33 pm
  • 17 minutes 54 seconds
    Chap. 19: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is John Rhodes with my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me”, and this is chapter 19 entitled, “The Detective Returns from India, and a Meeting”. The detective returns from Goa, India. Goa, India is supposedly a place that, much like Yelapa, Mexico, has preserved the spirit of the sixties. In these show notes I have included a link to a free movie that takes place in Goa.Here is the link: It’s pretty good. If that doesn’t work, try going to Google Video, and search for this: The Wonderland Experience - psychedelic trance music movie shot in Goa India, by Urban Eye. I’m going to be short and sweet today, but please, if you can consider buying my book in its full audio version from . Thanx.
    20 April 2008, 2:57 pm
  • 13 minutes 53 seconds
    Chap. 18: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is John Rhodes with chapter 18 of my podcast novel: Little Bird Told Me. It is entitled: "Planning for More Evidence, Maria's Real Parents, and Marriage". Detectives are not usually philosophers but in this book they get to share the nitty-gritty truths of this hip dou and help confirm their sublime truths for them. I think that when facts are properly presented, most anybody will believe in them as if they were everyday fact. I think this is something that the left doesn't employ enough. They try to transcend reason and logic, when they can use reason and logic to prove hidden and unobvious truths. This is what I call spiritually practical. In this chapter the couple in the book will talk about picking and choosing who can help them to help them prove or disprove who their real parents are. Isn't it true that peace and love should be something that the whole family should share...not something that should be just if it really only was something that was innate to rebellious waifs and Godhead? Of course there is also marriage in the plot, and I'll leave you to puzzle about that until you hear it. Again, let me remind you to consider buying my audio-novel, or text version; the audio version from , and the text version from . Please consider it more of a donation at this point, seeing as how you only have four chapters left until the end. Also watch my Mystic Babylon poetry podcast/TV from , or watch it on a big screen TV on San Francisco Local Comcast Channel 29 and 76. It re-runs 10 to 15 times a month on those channels . It is there called: Open Mic Poetry. It usually says the month of the show, and the schedule is only good for two to four days at a time. All this stuff I do I do it for free. Let's hope it becomes a stab in the back to those traditional publishers who take control of their authors and box them into little niches, where they have little control over their books. Expect another poetry book from me this summer. It will be called Mystic Babylon. Sorry to go on and on. I'll just let you listen. Adios!
    5 April 2008, 12:17 am
  • 34 minutes 50 seconds
    Chap. 17: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is John Rhodes. This is my podcast novel entitled : “Little Bird Told Me”, and you will hear the 17th chapter which is called: “A Family Stepping Forward: The DNA Message”. In this chapter I discuss DNA testing. No matter how critical I can get of Timothy Leary, and no matter how vacuous I think his ploy was, his ploy was a good one…teaching that we could all be aware through transcendental experience of the DNA message. In his case he experienced this with LSD, but many have experienced this without drugs. This idea that one can be totally right, as if the spirit was made flesh, where truth becomes manifest, is now less of a fleeting experience than it was in the sixties. We have unlocked the scientific truths of DNA, so people can un-mask fakes who act falsely as if they are most absolute in their righteousness and perfection. I suspect though that most anyone can be fooled, even scientists, and just as there are stereotypical truths on every level of sociological and philosophical knowledge, I believe they will find flaws in DNA testing. I believe that there are backrooms in every form of science and spirit. Later I briefly address one of the more obvious flaws in DNA testing…but I think they will find more, less obvious flaws. Timothy Leary presented himself as having the great ancient DNA message within him, and I don’t think he will be the last person to fool mankind into believing that the truth pulsates in their veins, while all the time they are blatant farces
    20 March 2008, 6:07 pm
  • 20 minutes 20 seconds
    Chap.16: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audio-Book:
    Hello again. This is John Rhodes and this is the 16th Chapter of my serial podcast novel and free audio book entitled, “Installing a Gas Plant in the Guru’s Ashram”. This chapter discusses the feasibility of manure gas plants on a small scale in India. I don’t want to go into too much detail about the plot, but obtaining methane from camel and cow manure in India and having the poor of India use it for cooking, rather than letting them burn their dry germ infested dung straight to cook their food, is a much better answer to finding a power source for the poor than what they have now. I don’t know whether it would be good on a large scale because larger plants than discussed in this book might affect the Co2 levels too much. I don’t think we can eliminate all Co2 sources, because plants need a definite amount of Co2 to grow. Pollution isn’t pollution, if it can be safely reabsorbed into the biosphere, which is what I propose in this chapter. I went to India in the late 70’s and saw for myself where they would have 60 foot high piles of dung saved up to use to cook their food with, it being very unsanitary. I hope you enjoy this mystic Indian chapter of my podcast novel. May I remind you that it would be highly appreciated if you bought this book as a token of your appreciation for my works from iTunes or . It will only put you back 7 or 8 dollars, and it will keep my publisher interested in my works. You might consider it as a donation to a starving artist. What ever you do, may the one that is within all of us be with you. Thanks, and enjoy the podcast.
    5 March 2008, 2:06 pm
  • 4 minutes 55 seconds
    Chapter 15: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    Hello. This is John Rhodes. This is my podcast novel entitled : “Little Bird Told Me”. This Chapter is-Enlightenment from the Far East and a Manure Gas Energy Plant
    18 February 2008, 2:33 am
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Chap. 14: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audiobook
    This is Chapter 14 of LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME called: Terror Amongst the Young, a Podcast Novel by John Rhodes.
    2 February 2008, 6:43 pm
  • 32 minutes 40 seconds
    Chap. 11: Little Bird Told Me: A Mystic Podcast Novel and Free Audio Book
    This is John Rhodes Podcast Novel-Little Bird Told Me and this is Chapter 11: The Hospital- The Destination of those that are too Curious.
    21 January 2008, 3:40 pm
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