Sometime people catch glimpses - an old man's eyes peering out from the trunk of a tree, a monstrous shadow lurking in the corner of your eye that disappears when you turn your head. A trick of your mind? Or another realm separated from our world by a fine fabric. Join us each week as we fall into the Shadow Realms.
Another episodic request from a listener on my travel hacking strategies and some updates in 2024 in how we are doing it.
Answering a listener's question, "What would have you done differently at the age of 30?". Well this is the complete answer, and you might be surprised by it.
I received this request for an episode from a listener. ‘First, thanks for doing the show. I’ve been a loyal listener from back to the start. I’m from the USA and I am uncomfortable with where things are heading here. Can you explain your experiences with expatriation since you are now in Mexico?’ Absolutely. Here’s the full details.
If you were to Google search the word ‘Debt’ you would find (in general) that most comments on it put it in a bad light. Our parents taught us not to go into debt. But after receiving a request from a listener to talk about debt, I’m going to give you the truth about debt and all the arguments for and against it.
This was a request from one of our Patreon subscribers who asked, ‘Can you talk about home security and camera for home monitoring if you have experience with them’. So here’s the answer to how I approach it. Hope you can get some value out of this.
After 5 years of doing this podcast, and other podcasts for my patrons, I’ve decided to stop doing it, and will be stopping on episode 250. Why? Well take a listen and I’ll explain it all.
This episode attempts to give a state of the union in regards to AI, where we are, where we are going and the social and freedom impacts of this massive change we are all going to be faced with in the short term.
In 2024, at the recent SXSW convention in Austin, Texas, a movie was premiered that will be airing in April, called ‘Civil War’ by Alex Garland. There’s been a lot of post-apocalyptic movies and TV series released over the past decade, but this one seems to have touched a nerve with the American people. I want to talk about why in this episode.
Over the past 10 or so years, I’ve been noticing the divide between rich & poor is changing. After the 2008 GFC, the “Occupy Wall Street” movement protested against the 1% owners of the world, at the expense of the 99%, but alas – this didn’t change a thing. In fact it seems to have emboldened the uber rich, and the mission as just accelerated to consolida3on of power & wealth with a handful of players, at the expense of the rest of the world.
My wife & I were at a friend’s place in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico a few weeks back, and we were chaJng with a local Mexican lady who has built up a small fortune in real estate. When I asked her how she did it, it was a massive contrast to western methods and yet seemed enNrely logical. Growing up poor with no money, how she did it is amazing and her story brings hope for all of us.
While you are sleeping, there’s a risk to your enIre wealth and you probably never saw it looming. Your media never talked about it, most of those that are at least aware of it dismissed it as silliness or some conspiracy theory. But the risk has grown exponenIally in the past 12 months and now I think we are at Defcon levels of risk on this, and we should be openly talking about BRICS+