Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

Darren Marlar

Award-winning podcast hosted by voice artist Darren Marlar who narrates true stories of crime, the unexplained, and paranormal.

  • 57 minutes 26 seconds
    “DEATH ROW GHOSTS: Chilling True Tales of Killers Who Refuse To Die” & More Terrors! #WeirdDarkness
    Even in death, some of history’s most infamous killers refuse to rest, their vengeful spirits still haunting the prisons, execution chambers, and crime scenes where their reigns of terror ended—but perhaps not for good.

    IN THIS EPISODE: The most evil of lawbreakers in our society – the murderers and rapists – are usually confined to life in prison. The most evil of the evil are sometimes sentenced to death. But is it possible that by cutting short the lives of the horrific individuals on Death Row, we are unknowingly creating new malevolent entities that continue to torment us from the grave? (The Ghosts of Death Row) *** From beatings to murders to a handful of escape attempts made by Alcatraz's prisoners, the terrifying history of Alcatraz prison contains plenty of ghosts. (The Hauntings of Alcatraz) *** What if UFOs aren’t from another planet – or even another dimension? What if they are actually machines built right here on Earth, piloted by human time travelers? (Time Machine Flying Saucers) *** Weirdo family member Amber Harris shares a true story called “Darkness Was My Neighbor”. (Darkness Was My Neighbor)

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Lead-In
    00:01:09.757 = Show Open
    00:03:03.177 = Ghosts of Death Row
    00:24:43.890 = Hauntings of Alcatraz
    00:42:56.868 = Time Machine Flying Saucers
    00:49:48.389 = Darkness Was My Neighbor
    00:56:01.235 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    “The Ghosts of Death Row” by Brent Swancer:
    “The Hauntings of Alcatraz” by Erin McCann:
    “Time Machine Flying Saucers” posted at UFO Digest (link no longer available)
    “Darkness Was My Neighbor” by Amber Harris – submitted directly to Weird Darkness
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: January, 2022
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    12 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes 59 seconds
    “THE BLACK MONK OF 30 EAST DRIVE: England’s Most Violent Haunting” & More True Tales! #WeirdDarkness
    It started with a few weird little things—a strange chill, mysterious puddles, objects moving on their own—but before long, the Pritchard family found themselves trapped in one of the most violent hauntings in England, tormented by the terrifying Black Monk of Pontefract.

    IN THIS EPISODE: A family moves into a home and almost immediately begins to experience escalating supernatural activity – which then introduces a sinister, dark menacing entity. (The Black Monk) *** Urban legends are typically dark, strange stories which for the most part are only that – legend. Harmless tales meant to frighten the listener with no more repercussions than some goose bumps and perhaps a restless night of trying to sleep. But some legends are based on truth – and those are the ones that truly make our skin crawl and our faces turn white. (Urban Legends Which Are Actually True) *** Why would a U.S. state vote to have an official state demon? It really happened – and stories about the Jersey Devil continue to this day. We’ll look at the history and horrors of this bizarre cryptid and see if it’s more than urban legend. (Legend of the Jersey Devil) *** Delano, California is a small, uninteresting town that many may think twice before visiting. East of this town is an equally dreary road known as Browning Road. If you’re a paranormal enthusiast, you know that this is one road you shouldn’t dare travel alone. (Hitchhiking Ghost of Delano) *** A woman shares her horrifying true story of an evil entity she encountered on Browning Road in Delano, California. (Evil Walks Browning Road) *** In the summer of 2014 a series of UFOs were being reported by Navy pilots – the most elite of our airborne military. Not only were the sightings becoming more frequent – they would last up to 12-hours at a time. (Navy Pilots Report UFOs)

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Lead-In
    00:01:13.897 = Show Open
    00:03:35.428 = The Black Monk
    00:20:15.682 = Navy Pilot Reports UFOs
    00:25:38.925 = Urban Legends Which Are Actually True
    00:33:46.008 = Legend of the Jersey Devil
    00:42:27.213 = Hitchhiking Ghost in Delano / Evil Walks Browning Road
    00:47:53.045 = Show Close, Verse, Final Thought

    The Black Monk” by Brent Swancer”:
    “Navy Pilots Report UFOs” by Helene Cooper:
    “Urban Legends Which Are Actually True” by DeAnna Janes:
    “The Legend of the Jersey Devil” by Carolyn Cox:
    “Hitchhiking Ghost in Delano” posted at
    “Evil Walks Browning Road” by Amy S.:
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: January, 2022
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):

    12 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 4 hours 45 minutes
    What If Her IMAGINARY FRIEND ISN’T SO IMAGINARY?: #RetroRadio EP0346 #WeirdDarkness
    A young, adopted girl named Christine, lacking friends, invents an imaginary older brother named Harry. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that Harry is more than just a figment of her imagination. Hear the tale in “Harry” from Beyond Midnight!

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Show Open
    00:02:00.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “Ghost Powder” (October 29, 1975) ***WD
    00:45:49.509 = The LineUp, “Stefano and Haddock” (February 27, 1951)
    01:15:31.409 = Philip Marlowe, “Friend From Detroit” (March 05, 1949) ***WD
    01:45:14.519 = The Black Mass, “The Feeder” (July 01, 1964) ***WD
    01:58:00.269 = Beyond Midnight, “Harry” (December 13, 1968)
    02:25:22.129 = MindWebs, “The Garden of Time” (1975-1984)
    02:51:19.399 = Ellery Queen’s Minute Mysteries, “Deep Sea Murder” (1939-1948) ***WD
    02:52:12.653= Molle Mystery Theater, “Alibi For Murder” (March 22, 1946)
    03:22:04.509 = Mr. District Attorney, “Stolen Slot Machines” (February 14, 1945)
    03:51:48.549 = Murder at Midnight, “April 13, 1947) ***WD
    04:18:35.799 = The Black Museum, “The Straight Razor” (1952)
    04:43:51.126 = Show Close

    (ADU) = Air Date Unknown
    (LQ) = Low Quality
    ***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.
    Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    = = = = =
    11 March 2025, 5:36 am
  • 1 hour 40 minutes
    “THE PARANORMAL SECRETS OF 63 MAPLE STREET: House of Ghosts, Death, and Witchcraft” #WeirdDarkness
    A house built on a history of war, death, and dark magic—what lurks within the walls of 63 Maple Street may be more than just restless spirits.

    Book: “The Haunting of 63 Maple Street” by Jordan Quinn Farkas:
    Blog post: “Our Humble Haunted Home” from
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: April 22, 2024
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):

    11 March 2025, 4:08 am
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    “WERE DRAGONS REAL? The Connection to Dinosaurs, Bombardier Beetles, and More!” #WeirdDarkness
    Are dragons pure fantasy, or do real-world creatures—from dinosaurs to bombardier beetles—hold the secrets to their legendary traits? Or could actual dragons have actually existed?

    IN THIS EPISODE: Is it possible dragons are… or at least were… real? Science takes a look at the possibility. (Are Dragons Real?) *** In a thick, dark forest in Colorado is a foreboding house which is considered one of the most haunted places in the U.S. (Haunted House In The Black Forest) *** A woman has the gift of speaking with and interacting with those who have passed on… but what began as a gift, evolved into a curse. (The Man Is Back) *** Weirdo family member Ezra tells us of his personal encounter with a black-eyed child. (An Angel Saved Me From a Black Eyed Kid) *** Pukwudgies were known to Native Americans, who gave them a wide berth. And if you see one, it’s best to stay away. (What is a Pukwudgie?) *** What began as a practical joke soon became one of the greatest hoaxes in American history – it’s the true story of the Cardiff Giant. (The Petrified Man) *** Jody smiled at the children playing in her backyard. She didn’t know them, they were probably the neighbors’ kids. At least that’s what she thought at first until she began to notice something disturbing about those children. (Phantom Children of Guilford) *** Dealing with the paranormal is already unsettling. What if you were to learn that the supernatural has actually been feeding on you? (Supernatural Feedings) *** Newlywed couples planning a trip to Venice envision romantic walkways and Renaissance art. What they don’t expect to find is an island that is illegal to set foot on… and for good reason. (Black Plague Island) *** Weirdo family member Ber Bella shares an experience her grandmother had on an icy road. (Angel On Black Ice) *** Sometimes a prisoner is let free, with experts of the opinion he has been completely rehabilitated. Sometimes they are right. Often they are wrong. And in the case of Jack Unterweger – releasing him was the worst thing that could ever have been done. (Poet of Death)

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and “The Dragon” (short fiction story)
    00:07:48.800 = Show Open
    00:10:31.593 = Are Dragons Real?
    00:21:28.324 = Haunted House in Black Forest
    00:35:16.637 = What Is a Pukwudgie?
    00:42:37.156 = The Petrified Man
    00:50:31.919 = The Man Is Back
    00:55:06.157 = An Angel Saved Me From a Black-Eyed Kid
    00:59:05.427 = The Phantom Children of Gilford
    01:03:11.598 = Supernatural Feedings
    01:11:31.079 = Black Plague Island
    01:21:26.150 = Angel on Black Ice
    01:25:01.397 = Poet of Death
    01:31:31.196 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    The short fiction story “The Dragon” written by Ray Bradbury:
    “Are Dragons Real?” by L.W. Martin:
    “An Angel Saved Me From a Black Eyed Kid” by Weirdo family member Ezra
    “What is a Pukwudgie?” by John Freund:
    “The Petrified Man” by Troy Taylor:
    “The Man is Back” by E6bee:
    “Haunted House In The Black Forest” by Brent Swancer:
    “The Phantom Children of Gilford” posted at FarShores (link no longer available)
    “Supernatural Feedings” by Nick Redfern:
    “Black Plague Island” by Cheryl Adams Richkoff (link no longer available)
    “Angel On Black Ice” by Weirdo family member Ber Bella
    “Poet of Death” by Shannon Rafael:
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: January 2022
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    11 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 53 minutes
    HOUR ONE: In the 1960s, Brian Leathley-Andrew investigated and reported on numerous cases of strange objects in the sky, trying to get to the truth of what people were seeing. But when sinister events began happening to him, he knew he had to walk away from his career in Ufology – or the government might make him go away. (UFO Hunter Becomes The Hunted) *** Saying the disappearance of David Glenn Lewis is bizarre doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. What started out as a strange missing person’s case would eventually be resolved. But the answer that would come would pose even more questions, proving the adage that “truth is stranger than fiction”. (The Disappearance of David Glenn Lewis) *** The idea of a person changing into a wolf, or shape-shifting into some type of animal or cryptid is mostly confined to the authors of fictional horror. But not all societies and cultures are so quick to label shape-shifting as make-believe. (Shapeshifters And Therianthropes)
    HOUR TWO: “The Gadsden Hotel in Cochise County, Arizona” *** When you hear the name “Transylvania” the immediate image in your mind is probably that of Dracula. But this Romanian town has more creepiness than just the Count’s castle – it is also a hot spot for UFO activity and mysterious unexplained happenings. Some even think it could be the location of a portal to another dimension. (Is There A Dimensional Portal in Transylvania?) *** Sightings of unidentified flying objects might seem like a recent phenomena, with most reports occurring in the 20th and 21stcenturies. But UFO sightings go a lot further back in human history – and our ancient ancestors were just as shocked, confused and sometimes terrified, as we are today. (Ancient UFO Sightings)
    SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME: A man goes off for supplies, leaving his wife behind to tend to the home in his absence – but not only did he never come home with the groceries, but a ghost story grew out of it. (The Ghosts of Hunger Valley) *** A UFO incident which we have covered before, but is worth looking at again, is an incident in 1952. This was one of the first admitted entity sightings and probably also one of the earliest close encounters of the third kind investigated officially at the time it took place.
    “The Gadsden Hotel in Cochise County, Arizona” from Paranormality Magazine
    “Is There A Dimensional Portal in Transylvania?” by A. Sutherland for the Message to Eagle:
    “Ancient UFO Sightings” by A. Sutherland for Message to Eagle,,,,
    “UFO Hunter Becomes The Hunted“ by Mike Lockley for
    “The Ghosts of Hunger Valley” by Charles Skinner, edited by Kathy Weiser, posted at
    “Shapeshifters And Therianthropes” by James Fenner for List Verse:
    “The Disappearance of David Glenn Lewis” by CrystalDawn for Lost N Found Blogs:
    ==========Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library. Background music provided by Alibi Music Library, EpidemicSound and/or StoryBlocks with paid license. Music from Shadows Symphony (, Midnight Syndicate ( Kevin MacLeod (, Tony Longworth (, and Nicolas Gasparini ( is used with permission of the artists.
    ==========(Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for material I use whenever possible. If I have overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it immediately. Some links may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    WeirdDarkness®, WeirdDarkness© 2025
    To become a Weird Darkness Radio Show affiliate, contact Radio America at [email protected], or call 800-807-4703 (press 2 or dial ext 250).
    10 March 2025, 5:00 am
  • 4 hours 45 minutes
    Will They Fall Victim To THE VAMPIRE’S DESIRE?: #RetroRadio EP0345 #WeirdDarkness
    Two men become stranded in a remote area and seek shelter in an old house. There, they encounter a mysterious woman and uncover a chilling secret about a vampire’s thirst for blood! Hear the tale, “The Vampire’s Desire” in The Hermit’s Cave!

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Show Open
    00:02:00.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Storm Breeder” (October 28, 1975) ***WD
    00:47:34.319 = The Lives of Harry Lime, “Double Double Cross” (January 18, 1952) ***WD
    01:13:06.769 = BBC, Haunted Tales of the Supernatural, “The Family” (July 05, 1980)
    01:41:23.419 = The Haunting Hour, “Date In The Dark” (June 03, 1945) ***WD
    02:06:34.509 = Have Gun Will Travel, “Maggie O’Banyon” (April 05, 1959)
    02:30:02.029 = The Hermit’s Cave, “The Vampire’s Desire” (1937-1945)
    02:54:56.459 = Mystery Is My Hobby, “Mink Coat” (late 1940s) ***WD (LQ)
    03:18:53.279 = Sherlock Holmes, “The Speckled Band” (November 12, 1945) ***WD (LQ)
    03:49:05.459 = Inner Sanctum, “Murder Prophet” (September 04, 1995) ***WD
    04:19:01.199 = The Key, “Window Cleaner” (1956) ***WD
    04:44:44.887 = Show Close

    (ADU) = Air Date Unknown
    (LQ) = Low Quality
    ***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.
    Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    = = = = =
    10 March 2025, 1:54 am
  • 57 minutes 22 seconds
    “THE KELLY-HOPKINSVILLE SHOOTOUT WITH ALIENS” and More Strange True Stories! #WeirdDarkness
    Back in 1955, a quiet Kentucky farmhouse became ground zero for one of the wildest alien encounter stories ever—complete with glowing-eyed creatures, a shotgun standoff, and a mystery that still baffles skeptics today.

    IN THIS EPISODE: It’s considered one of the most bizarre and convincing extraterrestrial events ever reported… we’ll look at the alien encounter in 1955’s Hopkinsville, Kentucky that was experienced by two terrified families. (The Hopkinsville Encounter) *** In the deep jungles of the Congo, natives tell of a giant creature that, once described, sounds exactly like a long-necked dinosaur. But how could this be? And is it pure legend? Perhaps not, as one noted biologist from the area saw it with his own eyes and reported it. We’ll look at the supposed real sighting of Mokele-Mbembe, the living dinosaur of the Congo! (Dinosaur Observed In The Congo) *** Running a club during prohibition was extremely lucrative… and extremely dangerous, as one Theodore Lakoff would’ve learned… had he been awake when he was murdered. (The Mysterious Death of Theodore Lakoff) *** Benjamin Franklin was known not just as one of the father’s of the United States of America, but also as an inventor, a womanizer, and a man with a bit of an ornery streak in him – as is evidenced by a series of letters he wrote to the New England Courant, where he pretended to be a woman. (Who Was Mrs. Silence Dogood?) *** The internet is a vital part of modern life. Without web access, all kinds of businesses and jobs would be unable to function. So, as you can imagine, there are plenty of people who would love to see the internet crumble. And many have tried. (Taking Down The World Wide Web) *** In 1983 sightings poured in from people on the California coast who claim they saw a sea monster. (The California Sea Monster)

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Lead-In
    00:01:28.184 = Show Open
    00:03:58.030 = The Hopkinsville Encounter
    00:14:14.872 = Dinosaur Observed in the Congo
    00:27:31.586 = Taking Down The World Wide Web
    00:37:10.602 = The Mysterious Death of Theodor Lakoff
    00:43:44.912 = Who Was Mrs. Silence Dogood?
    00:49:37.945 = The California Sea Monster
    00:55:56.067 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    “The Hopkinsville Encounter” by Hannah Collins for’s Graveyard Shift:
    “Dinosaur Observed in the Congo” by Richard Greenwell for the ISC Newsletter:
    “The Mysterious Death of Theodore Lakoff” by Kathi Kresol for
    “Who Was Mrs. Silence Dogood?” by Bipin Dimri for
    “Taking Down the World Wide Web” by Benjamin Thomas for
    “The California Sea Monster” by Malcom Smith for Malcom’s Cryptids:
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: December, 2021
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    10 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 49 minutes 28 seconds
    “SOMETHING WATCHES FROM THE TREES: True Paranormal Encounters In The Wilderness” #WeirdDarkness
    You ever get that feeling like you’re being watched when you’re out in the woods? Turns out, some people know they were—and what they saw was anything but normal.

    IN THIS EPISODE: There are numerous bizarre and creepy tales of people who have ventured into the woods to find not only the natural world, but perhaps the supernatural as well. (Weirdness In The Wilderness) *** Is it true that the Pentagon has been investigating bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, and other strangeness at the Skinwalker Ranch? (UFOs, The Paranormal, and the Pentagon) *** Dino Bravo is a name that only a die-hard wrestling fan would know, as he never achieved stardom. So when Bravo was murdered, it did not receive much publicity.  Which might be part of the reason his murder has never been solved. (The Mysterious Death of Pro Wrestler Dino Bravo) *** Locking the doors in your home is usually a good idea – unless it’s an invisible entity locking you out of the house! Weirdo family member Brenda McDonald talks about the strange experiences she and her family dealt with when moving into a new home. (The Move)

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 – Disclaimer and Lead-In
    00:01:09.779 = Show Open
    00:02:50.649 = Weirdness In The Wilderness
    00:25:03.461 = UFOs, The Paranormal, And The Pentagon
    00:36:48.509 = The Mysterious Death of Pro Wrestler Dino Bravo
    00:45:21.571 = The Move
    00:47:57.453 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    “Weirdness In The Wilderness” by Brent Swancer:
    “UFOs, The Paranormal, and the Pentagon” by Alejandro Rojas: (more episodes with stories of the Skinwalker Ranch:
    “The Mysterious Death of Pro Wrestler Dino Bravo” by Josh Raibick :
    “The Move” by Weirdo family member, Brenda McDonald
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: January, 2021
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    10 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    “GHOSTWRITTEN: When the DEAD Keep WRITING, Who Owns THEIR WORDS?” & More True Tales! #WeirdDarkness
    When a supposed new Mark Twain novel appeared years after his death—allegedly dictated through a Ouija board—it sparked controversy, lawsuits, and the ultimate question: who owns the words of the dead? In this bizarre case of literary rights beyond the grave, the battle wasn’t just over authorship, but whether the spirit world had a legal leg to stand on.

    IN THIS EPISODE: Did Mark Twain write a new novel after he was dead? If so, how? *** Though David Parker Ray's girlfriend Cindy Hendy helped him commit numerous rapes and murders in the 1990s, she was released in 2019 and walks free today. *** Louis Le Prince vanished under mysterious circumstances, but did he willingly decide to hide from the outside world, or was he murdered? *** A man has a dream so disturbing that he’s deeply affected by it well after he dreamt it. And the reason it stuck with him could be that it wasn’t a dream after all – but a premonition of something horrible to come. *** Shortly after finishing her junior year of high school, Alissa Turner disappeared, never to be seen alive again. Her murder would’ve gone unsolved if not for the social media platform, TikTok. *** Humans have been fascinated with Mars ever since we learned it was a planet. But why are we so obsessed with it? Is it simply our next step towards deep-space travel, or are we drawn to it for a more basic reason… because our ancestors originated from there? *** There are many UFO sightings on record, but ones that are accompanied by missing time are particularly interesting. Perhaps not least as they might suggest something more akin to alien abduction than just a mere sighting. We’ll look at one particular incident that took place in Nebraska in 1966.

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Show Open
    00:02:43.912 = Do Copyright Laws Apply To Spirit Writing?
    00:14:29.527 = The Murder Solved Through TikTok
    00:20:07.426 = The Nebraska Time Affair
    00:35:51.680 = The Strange Dreams of Mr. Moir
    00:40:42.529 = Did Our Ancestors Live On Mars?
    00:52:53.837 = The Toy Box Killer’s Girlfriend
    01:01:57.766 = The Strange Disappearance of Louis Le Prince
    01:07:43.703 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    “The Nebraska Missing Time Affair” by Marcus Lowth for UFO Insight:
    “The Toy Box Killer’s Girlfriend” by Marco Margaritoff for All That’s Interesting:
    “The Strange Disappearance of Louis Le Prince” by Jan Bartek for Ancient Pages:
    “The Strange Dreams of Mr. Moir” posted at Anomalien:
    “The Murder Solved Through TikTok” by Olivia McCormack for
    “Did Our Ancestors Live On Mars?” posted at
    “Do Copyright Laws Apply to Spirit Writing?” posted at
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
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    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: December, 2022
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    9 March 2025, 3:11 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    “SICKENED BY THE SUPERNATURAL: The Link Between Paranormal Activity and Sudden Illness”: and MORE!
    When the supernatural seeps into our world, it doesn’t just leave behind fear—it can also leave sickness. From shadowy visitors to ominous dreams, some eerie paranormal encounters suggest that the price of witnessing the unknown may be paid in flesh and blood.

    IN THIS EPISODE: When the supernatural intrudes into our lives, it's not just our minds that are affected. We’ll delve into a few bizarre cases where individuals fell gravely ill after brushes with the paranormal. Is it coincidence? Or something more sinister? And could these illnesses be due to the paranormal literally draining us of life? (Supernaturally Sick, Paranormally Poisoned) *** Helen Duncan made a living from conducting séances—until her uncanny knowledge of classified World War II tragedies spooked British authorities. (Britain’s Last Witch) *** Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher whose ideas about mortality and utility extended beyond death. Bentham's wish for his body to be preserved and displayed as an "auto-icon" – so it could be seen publicly by all. And while his wishes were granted, it came with a few hiccups along the way… mostly with his poor head. (The Strange Story of Mr. Bentham’s Corpse) *** Annie Dorman was discovered lifeless with a gunshot wound, sending shockwaves through her tight-knit community. Suicide seemed improbable, leaving detectives baffled and family perplexed. Was it a crime of passion, an accident, murder… or truly suicide? In a similar case, just a few years later, in the serene countryside of Greenwich, New York, the lifeless form of Maggie Hourigan is found, floating in a tranquil pool, speculation runs rampant. Were these cases suicide, as hastily concluded, horrible accidents… or sinister murders? (The Mysterious Deaths of Annie Dorman and Maggie Hourigan) *** AND MORE!

    CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
    00:00:00.000 = Disclaimer and Lead-In
    00:02:28.923 = Show Open
    00:04:58.317 = Supernaturally Sick, Paranormally Poisoned
    00:21:43.793 = The Mysterious Deaths of Annie Dorman and Maggie Hourigan
    00:35:15.151 = Britain’s Last Witch
    00:43:39.798 = The Strange Story of Mr. Bentham’s Corpse
    00:53:56.678 = Eccentric Habits of History’s Elite
    01:03:57.830 = Show Close, Verse, and Final Thought

    “Supernaturally Sick, Paranormally Poisoned” by Nick Redfern for Mysterious Universe:
    “The Mysterious Deaths of Annie Dorman and Maggie Hourigan” by Robert Wilhelm for Murder By Gaslight:;
    “The Strange Story of Mr. Bentham’s Corpse” by Melissa Sartore for Weird History:
    “Britain’s Last Witch” by Parissa Djangi for National Geographic:
    “Eccentric Habits of History’s Elite” by John Munoz for ListVerse:
    Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version.
    Info on the next LIVE SCREAM event.
    Info on the next WEIRDO WATCH PARTY event.
    (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.)
    = = = = =
    "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
    = = = = =
    WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.
    Originally aired: April 17, 2024
    EPISODE PAGE at (includes list of sources):
    9 March 2025, 1:40 am
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