A new original song, every week, for a year.
Thanks to Abe Hefter and producer Sarah Deshaies for having us on CJAD 800 AM in Montreal to talk about 52 song project. Here’s the audio of the interview, which took place the evening of December 30, 2011 right after they played our last song, It’s over, the end.
Friends, thanks for sticking with us throughout this journey. It’s been a long time since this stupid crazy thing began, and we’ve had a lot of fun. But all good things must come to an end, and this is the last 52 song project song. We hope you like it.
CHRIS: Steve and I had planned to get together this week and spend a few days working on an epic final recording to send this project out. Unfortunately, Steve got sick and wasn’t able to make it. The result is that I descended into my recording cave feeling a lot of pressure to create something special. We’d never planned the final song in advance, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.
I sat at my keyboard cycling through ideas. I started and rejected about five song attempts before settling on this one, then set to work on fleshing it out. This is the result.
I like that it clearly goes on too long at the end. The singer keeps saying “it’s over, it’s over” but refuses to let it finish. That’s kind of how we feel today. Happy and proud the project is finished, but sad, too. We’ll miss these songs, and this way of connecting with you every week.
Thanks again for listening and sharing. Maybe we’ll find ways to revisit these songs in 2012. Until then, here’s hoping you have a very happy New Year!
Itâ€s been a long time
Since this stupid crazy thing began
We drank a lot of wine
But now itâ€s coming to an end
Cuz I got what I need
And you got what you can
Weâ€ve had some good times
And now we need time to mend
So get out of your mind
Cuz thereâ€s no need to pretend
Itâ€s over, itâ€
s over, the end
Baby you look fine
And youâ€ll make a lot of happy men
Baby I feel like lyinâ€
But I wonâ€t go down that road again
Cuz I got what I need
And you got what you can
Weâ€ve had some good times
And now we need time to mend
So get out of your mind
Cuz thereâ€s no need to pretend
Itâ€s over, itâ€
s over, the end
Itâ€s over, itâ€
s over, the end
Words and music: Chris Tindal
Chris Tindal: Organ, vocals
Steve Salt: Nausea, general malaise
Well, it’s officially Christmas Eve Day, and I know I am late. I have battled with this song for the past 40 hours. I have complained before about technology, so I will bite my tongue now. The good news? I think I won this battle. I may even have won the war. Listen.
STEVE: This one started with tech battles, but I finally figured it out. By this afternoon I finally figured out how to connect my Digidesign 002 Rack with an evaluation copy of Reaper DAW. Yes, I know, first world problem.
But then, I had a lot of fun. While I am not necessarily going to miss the pressure of putting out a new song every week, I will miss the creative side and finally hearing a song as the finishing touches are put through. Apart from the songs that Chris and I have collaborated on, this one was my favourite to put together, though I am not sure why.
This observation begs the question: What shall 52 song project become in 2012?
On to the last one.
Wait, it’s only the moon on her face
It’s not like she’s going away
Take all of the time you can take
Her eyes are exploding stars
If you stare too long you will miss them
Fade to black but their gravity pulls you in
Times change, oh well
I kiss your lips
I sing your song
Over and over
It’s not too late
It’s not over
Wait, it’s far from the fears that you face
There are no more tears to erase
Take all of the time you can take
We’re here for only an instant
If you blink too long you will miss it
Afraid to break but gravity keeps me whole
Times change, oh well
I kiss your lips
I sing your song
Over and over
It’s not too late
It’s not over
Wait, take all of the time you will take
Words and Music: Steve Salt
Steve Salt: Guitar, vocals, programmed drums, bass, organs and cello
Last week, Steve sang about Christmas. This week, Chris sings about advent. Sorry folks, there’s no escape. Also, in a 52 song project first, this week’s recording is taken from a live performance. We hope you enjoy it.
CHRIS: If you ever wonder how long we spend per song (or even if you don’t) I want to tell you that simply to open this file, edit the start and end points, save it and convert it into an mp3 took 30 minutes. This song project would have been a lot easier if I’d invested in a new computer.
Anyway, I can’t think of a worse way to mark the death of Christopher Hitchens than to share with you this song that I wrote at the request of my minister and performed in church last week. It’s based around Mark 1, which was the reading last week, and it was sandwiched between two short sermons. (You can listen to that full segment–the two sermons and the song–here.)
And, being late for work, that’s all I have to say about that.
Listen closely now
To all the wrong sounds
Trying to hear
Listen closely now
The lost will be found
The far will be near
Sheâ€s been calling in the wild
Sheâ€s been calling in the wild
Listen closely now
Straighten the path
Make way prepare
Listen closely now
The one you would search
soon will be here
Sheâ€s been calling in the wild
Sheâ€s been calling in the wild
To prepare for meek and mild
Sheâ€s been calling in the wild
Listen closely now
Words and Music: Chris Tindal
Chris Tindal: Guitar and vocals
Tonight’s song started out with a talk with a good friend of mine. We talked about greed, love, the demise of humans… you know, the usual stuff. Being a spiritual man, my friend then proceeded to touch upon Christmas. I talked about life being a collection of human relations, and he reminded me of all the people who will go through Christmas, and many other days this year, alone. And so it was that Tom, a fictional and yet all too real character, appears in my head. This is the story of Tom’s Christmas.
STEVE: Listen, I am not trying to be a downer. I am just saying, let’s remember that Christmas is another day, that there are many around us that are alone, and that it is ok to reach out. Also, listen: it is just after 2 am on Friday morning, and I just enjoyed a wonderful festive dinner with my colleagues. I really want to make these last 4 songs really count, and I hope this one touches the heart, but forgive the amateur quality of the recording – my ProTools is still not up and running and, well sheesh, I am just zonked.
I am in agreement with you, Chris, let’s make the last couple count… I hope we can hang out soon to tackle the last couple of songs together! Crazy that this is almost over, another year is almost through. And I am really proud of our 52 songs. Something to hold on to!
Today’s song is simplistic and straight up. There is a percussion of beer bottles filled at various levels tuned to the required tones, there were two mics set up in the kitchen, and then we just went with it. The reverse audio is just hoopla in the hopes that you pay attention early on.
Off to bed… and be sure to say hello to Tom this year, whoever they are.
Tom’s Christmas was all alone
And that’s the way it was for twenty years
He worked his heart out on his job
But he lost his love, yes he lost his love
And his presence was his present and that’s all he had
So let’s not forget Tom, he’s no less or no more than us
So let’s give and forgive and remember that it’s love that’s the gift in the end
Tom’s Christmas was all alone
just like every other day since his soul mate disappeared
And he wakes up and he goes to sleep
And there is no Santa Claus and there never was
Until tonight when you stopped and you asked how are you
So let’s all wish Tom a Merry Christmas and a good day
And let’s give and forgive and remember that it’s love that’s the gift in the end
Words and music: Steve Salt
Steve Salt: Guitar and vocals
Erin Burney: Beer bottles and vocals
Chris Tindal: What concert were you at tonight? Totally jelly. Let’s rock the last three songs together, if possible. ‘Night.
Sit down at your piano without any ideas. Start with Bennie and the Jets (or this Ben Folds song, doesn’t matter either way), then, casually glance at a tweet that places the hint of The Simpsons’ fake Michael Jackson “Lisa it’s your birthday” song in your head. Make up words that kinda hopefully sound cool and maybe mean something to someone. Finish writing and recording the whole thing before you notice any similarities in the melody to The Simpsons’ song. Finish with a polyphonic slow build to give the illusion of substance. Realize there are only four songs left and freak out.
CHRIS: In Cuba, apparently a “rum and coke” is called a Cuba Libre. The drink is also called that at a small Cuban restaurant in Toronto’s west end, where they cost $8 and go down quick. And then you get back from your friend’s birthday dinner all full of Cuban sovereignty juice and sit down to write and record a song and this is what you get.
I think “their words can’t hurt me anyway / at least that’s what they say” is a clever enough lyric. Not sure if there’s anything to the rest of it. But meh it’s fine.
Except seriously now, four songs left! Let’s make these the best four songs since Four Songs, amirite? (Steve, we need to find some time to get together and put some effort into this, yeah?)
God youâ€re back again
Tempting me with words Iâ€m too weak to defend
No ordinary friend
With benefits that have to end
But their words canâ€t hurt me anyway
The messages we send
A grownup game of make believe and letâ€s pretend
Just when I think Iâ€m on the mend
The seams all start to burst and bend
But their words canâ€t hurt me anyway
Their words canâ€t hurt me anyway
At least thatâ€s what they say
Wrapped up so tight we might break
Bless my soul Iâ€m on the take
Itâ€s these feelings I canâ€
t shake
Itâ€s these feelings I canâ€
t shake
Break my bones, break apart
Break the rules break my heart
Itâ€s these feelings I canâ€
t shake
Itâ€s these feelings I canâ€
t shake
Words and music: Chris Tindal
Chris Tindal: Piano and vocals
The last song that Steve wrote was very, very much out of the element of the 52sp. With little to no feedback on it, Steve has assumed that he should stick to the campfire songs. With a new recording rig, a new software setup and an urge to move to a warm country, here is song 47. Which, incidentally, means there are only 5 songs left. Oh, 6 if you count the infamous (and still absent) song 28. “Hello? Is anybody out there?”
STEVE: I can start speaking in first person after the intro paragraph, right? Right. Lately, I have been doing a lot of whining about not having a working recording setup. I have been traveling a fair amount to record at Chris’ house, but didn’t have time to this week. Thus, I knew I needed to come up with something lest Chris had to cover for me again.
Enter: my colleague Adam Bishop, who is an opera star and a gentleman. He has been recording his audition tapes using a neat little portable recording device, the Zoom H4n (yes, just one digit from being the notorious virus) and he lent me this. Plugged in a mic, a guitar, wrote a ditty about wanting (but not being able) to go somewhere different, and hit record.
I am hoping that the end of the project takes me into Chris’ locale so we can write one or two more songs together, and being a teacher with time off, this just might be the case. Here’s to song 47 – honestly can’t believe we are all still here.
Take me somewhere far
Like a beach on a moon near a beautiful star
Don’t pack all our things
Just some extra strings and a red guitar
Take me with just one rule
Take me away with you
From streets all filled with blended noise
Unmoralled girls and rowdied boys
From planes, trains and car too
Take me away so I can be with just you
Somehow I’ve breathed 30 years
With a smile on my face and a closet of tears
We are all the chosen few
Take me away so I can be with just you
I know I’ve tried my best
In dealing with all this mess
I take a step ahead
But I end up a mile behind
Words and Music: Steve Salt
Steve Salt: Vocals and guitar
Chris Tindal: I think that the only reason we are at song 47 is because you are part of the project
Imagine a big musical number. Now remove all of the instruments and professional singers, keeping only a piano and Chris. Now make sure that the piano playing is sloppy and that Chris has a sore throat, and that he started recording this with no idea where it was going, and was slightly drunk. Ok, go:
CHRIS: Yeah, I hated recording this song. First I did the piano part and finished it all off before I had any ideas for lyrics or even melody. And it was inflexible because of the tempo changes which I’d already programmed into the recording software and didn’t want to change.
Then I started in on the vocals but my computer was being a real jerk, so it would only let me record a phrase or two at a time. That’s pretty challenging with a song like this… you want to get into the mood and lose yourself in the vocal performance, but every few phrases you have to bend over and hit “record” again and start singing where you left off. And my throat was sore and my voice was getting weaker with every take. And I thought I’d be able to quantize the piano part but there were too many triplets so that wasn’t working either.
Anyway, given all that I thought I’d hate this but I end up liking it. I wish it had more voices and built with more instrumentation like strings and maybe some big booming drums. I like big booming drums. But that’s why they don’t call it 52 amazingly polished studio recordings project.
The difference is I love you
The difference is I miss you
The different part of me
Would have played this different
So I could make you feel that
That Iâ€m sorry
But itâ€s too late to celebrate
Youâ€re calling out my weakness
The thing thatâ€s come between us
Dangling in the dark
You see through me, I plead “stayâ€
You use emotive x-ray
We canâ€t get out of park
Itâ€s too late to celebrate
Iâ€d love to see you on your own you
I love to tell you that I told you
Iâ€d love to love you if I could
But you had it and you lost it
Had your chance but never fought it
Iâ€d love to love you if I could
You called out my weakness
I think thatâ€s just what I need itâ€
What Iâ€d never find again
Now I realize whatâ€s between us
What I stand to lose I see itâ€s
What Iâ€d never find again
Itâ€s too late to celebrate
Words and Music: Chris Tindal
Chris Tindal: Piano and vocals
Steve Salt: I think your last song sounded like MGMT
For starters, we didn’t forget about the song, or release it late by accident. There is only one day, ever, that we can release a song at 11:11am on 11/11/11, and so I did it. Steve here. I am trying to make a new exclamation popular. If you are describing something very excitedly, say, “Sweet Doucet! That was something!”. And, in the case of this song, “Sweet Doucet! I have no idea what I just did!”. It is unlike anything else I have recorded. It is not a campfire song. In a recent e-mail, Chris Tindal called it “redicatastic”. I think that about sums it up.
STEVE: I went to Chris’ place to record this today, but unfortunately he wasn’t home. Work and all. I find when I am exposed to different resources for making music that different stuff comes out – this is certainly the case today. I started playing around with his keyboard and electric guitar, which I don’t have at home. The result is something I had no idea would come out.
I like the actual song and music better than the lyrics – I spent a whole lot of time on the music and even turned down the vocals at the end as I don’t think they are very strong (and I was starting to take too long recording). In our transcending “if we have time to record this again” theme, I hope Chris will record the vocals as I think this suits his voice better – which, have you noticed everyone, is getting awesome?!?
Anyway, it is off to bed for me! Getting late. Good night (morning!).
I’m not OK
I’m not all right
Staying on this rock
No way
All the problems
All the people
Pushing to the top
Passing people on the sidewalk
And while I won’t give up on you
I won’t let it break me down
So now we’ll fly away
Tonight! We party on Mars
Tonight! We become stars
All right!
Time to lay down
All our arms
Stop punching out our lights
There are no good fights
All the people
All the love
That’s waiting to be cast
And I won’t be the last
And while I won’t give up on you
I won’t let it break me down
So now we’ll fly away
Tonight! We party on Mars
Tonight! We become stars
All right!
Words and music: Steve Salt
Steve Salt: Vocals, guitars, keyboards, drums (programmed)
Chris Tindal: Hi Chris!
This, our 9th last song (!!), is probably best described as a cross between Apples in Stereo and Foo Fighters (or maybe just Dave without the band). Let’s get to it.
CHRIS: Today, I will be brief with the text bits. Awhile back our friend Gordon requested a “Chris piano song,” and this is probably closest to what he had in mind. Over the course of this project I’ve noticed that I get the most positive feedback when I’m pushing the upper limits of my vocal range, so this song also attempts to do that. I had a hard time filling out the instrumentation… after I recorded the vocals and main piano part I wasn’t sure where to take it from there, and I”m not sure I did the best job at that, so it might not sound full enough. But it still turned out pretty ok, I think.
I could write you a love song
But it wonâ€t be long ‘til another takes its place
I could buy you a rose
But soon there would be no trace
And I keep on thinking about
How to turn it around
And I keep on crying out loud
Every night, do you hear me?
I die every time I see your disappointment
Ask why you and I canâ€t work it out
I try dodging lies and dousing them with ointment
Ask why you and I canâ€t work it out
I could build you a new home
Where weâ€d be all alone, you and me and a new lease
But they always come knocking
They always break the peace
And I keep on thinking about
How to turn it around
And I keep repeating vows
Every night, do you hear me?
I die every time I see your disappointment
Ask why you and I canâ€t work it out
I try dodging lies and dousing them with ointment
Ask why you and I canâ€t work it out
Words and music: Chris Tindal
Chris Tindal: Vocals, keyboards, drums (programmed)
Steve Salt: Hi Steve!