Speed Manifesting


Explore how to make new choices for better possibilities for you and your world.

  • 30 minutes
    Are you the Hero, the Victim or the Villain?
    In our relationships we play roles and characters as an automatic way of being. Over time we get comfortable with a programmed triangle of archetypes. By examples around us, by media and movies and by what makes us feel good, we end up playing the Villain, the Victim or the Hero with our families, friends, foes and fondest. Isn't there another choice? Are we trapped in a triangle of personalities limited to this? Tune in to hear how we got stuck and how we can get out of this Greek Tragedy!
    24 June 2020, 11:30 pm
  • 31 minutes
    At the Speed of Love - Attracting the Right Relationship
    Are you ready to attract the right relationship? You may think so, but until you have done the work to match your beliefs and vibration with the source of love, you may get sucked into an addictive relationship, especially if your heart is open and willing to give. Setting boundaries may sound heartless, but when you do that first, you are asking for what you want. And that is Step 1 of Speed Manifesting. Releasing blocks and bad beliefs is the last part too. Once that is cleared Life delivers your next options. Then you get to choose.
    13 January 2019, 9:00 am
  • 31 minutes
    3 Distinct Stages in Getting Ready to Receive Your Dream Lifestyle
    http://speed-manifesting.com When you want to receive bigger, better dreams and an expanded lifestyle, tune into 3 distinct stages so that you can receive better and faster. In today's 30 minute show we highlight the method of manifesting in the broadest sense: each of the 7 steps in the Speed Manifesting(TM) Method fits into these. Get a pen and paper handy and join us all in the chat room as we get clear on where to put the effort and make the changes to receive. Books are available at Lulu (Australian/NZ version).
    5 December 2014, 11:00 pm
  • 31 minutes
    At the Speed of BELIEFS: Why the world needs this book
    https://speed-manifesting.com/books We have no manual for our times. Our greatest need is to be open to new possibilities and transcend old structures of beliefs. "What is true?" - is the greatest individual question and you are about to go on your own philosophical and spiritual ride in this book, exploring how your recurring old thoughts slow down the realization of your dreams, and how to get around them to create new, better possibilities for your life. With this new book, you will have a new understanding of Beliefs and how to use them. Most importantly, you will distinguish that beliefs are not true, that beliefs are changeable and that worldviews and personal beliefs are used against you until you understand how they work. Browse the Recurring Reactions section anytime you feel you need prompting to uncover a limiting belief. Then you can use the SpeedShifting(TM) technique to open up new possibilities and allow more into your life experience. When you learn how to question and release beliefs you can turn your life around fast. Book Table of Contents: Introduction: Expanding What’s Possible Magical Beliefs Who Forms Your Beliefs? Challenging Your Worldview Beliefs How Your Beliefs are Used Against You Unravelling Your Maze SpeedShifting™ Technique Summary
    25 November 2014, 11:00 pm
  • 31 minutes
    The Economics of Abundance - Manifesting a New Earth
    How to manifest and how you will help turn around our planet, giving a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization, fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?" http://speedmanifesting.com   Facebook page inspirations click here.
    2 December 2013, 4:00 am
  • 31 minutes
    Superstitions & Overwhelm - Don't believe every theory Manifesting a New Earth
    "Superstitions and Overwhelm - Don't believe every theory." Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Give a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and takig you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    25 November 2013, 4:00 am
  • 30 minutes
    "How to Discern Truth" plus "The Depopulation Agenda" - Manifesting a New Earth
    With all the conspiracy theories, how do you know what is truth and what is dis-information or confusion from vocal and emotional friends? Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Giving a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    22 November 2013, 4:00 am
  • 30 minutes
    Dangers of Sub-Systems - Manifesting a New Earth Show
    Our technologies are built on layers and layers of subsystems, all dependent on each other and electricity. We are digitizing our libraries, but will they be available later when one of those subsystems becomes obsolete through upgrades or changes? Ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Giving a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    21 November 2013, 4:00 am
  • 31 minutes
    Out of Time - Manifesting a New Earth Show
    Our current Western calendar is out of synch with the flow of the universe, and it has an effect on our subconscious and our organization. This is about trying a different calendar, based on the flow of life, but still logical and bridging between the Christian made Western one. This show series talks about ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully, revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    20 November 2013, 4:00 am
  • 26 minutes
    Plenty of Water - Manifesting a New Earth Show
    Covered are various ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    19 November 2013, 4:00 am
  • 28 minutes
    Time Travel - Manifesting a New Earth Show
    Have you ever wanted to go back and change something in your life? There is a way, but it's not using Linear Time. It's about another dimension and how to use it. This show is about ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people. Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully revealing the darkness on the planet and taking you through the question "How can we choose the light, even though we know the darkness?"
    18 November 2013, 4:00 am
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