Doctor Prepper's Critical Preparedness Radio Talk Show

Preparedness Radio Network

Doctor Prepper's C.P.R. Talk Show is the premier Internet source for information related to Prepping, Individual and Family Preparedness, Self-Reliance, Micro, Urban, Suburban, and Ex-Urban Homesteading, and Survivalist. Whether you're an apartment dweller, urbanite, suburbanite, or ex-urbanite, Doctor Prepper interviews experienced, professional, and expert guests to inform, advise, enrich, and entertain you as you prepare for the uncertain future! Given the state of the Nation's financial wrangling, economic upheavals, political craziness, and moral issues dominating the news, perhaps it just makes sense, as never before, the we get prepared or become better prepared for the uncertain future... as well as for the certain future of continuing change. We're all survivalists--we need to become more capable of taking better care of ourselves and our community to assure we can endure the uncertain and certain calamities that are just over the horizon. We're neither doomsdayers nor gloo

About Doctor Prepper's Critical Preparedness Radio Talk Show
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