Have you ever been in a situation where you managed information or your actions in order to get people to perceive you a certain way? Are there people in your life who’s opinions matter more to you than others? As we continue our series, Stories from Acts, JP teaches through Acts 5 the story of Ananias and Sapphira, and what we can learn from their sudden and seemingly extreme death.
1) Surrender marks a true believer
2) Imposters scheme in selfishness
3) Perception management is a serious sin
Adam and Eve broke their connection with God by choosing knowledge and convenience over obedience. As we wrapped up our “Removed” series, JP explains that our phones can act like the forbidden fruit, pulling us away from God with endless distractions, comparisons, and even harmful habits. True peace and purpose come from putting down our devices and prioritizing time with God over everything else
Communion with God > Knowing moreÂ
Communion with God > Convenience
Our phones are costing us communion with God
Life Group Discussion:
What are some ways your phone distracts you from spending time with God?
What are practical steps you can take to prioritize time with God over consuming news, social media, or other content?
What would it look like for you to “fast” from your phone or social media to focus on your spiritual growth?
Have you ever stopped to consider whether your phone is drawing you closer to God or distracting you from Him? In his message, JP tackled this question, showing how technology has the power to be either a tool for spiritual growth or a stumbling block in our lives. Drawing from the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis, JP challenged us to set intentional boundaries, eliminate distractions, and embrace accountability so that our devices become tools for glorifying God and strengthening relationships, rather than turning into modern-day idols.
Build boundaries
Remove distractions
Invite accountability
Cultivate communityÂ
Keep in touch
Life Group Discussion:
What specific times or situations in your day would benefit most from being phone-free?
What’s one small step you could take this week to declutter your digital life?
Who in your life could you trust to keep you accountable for how you use technology?
What are some ways you could use technology to build up the people around you instead of distracting from them?
Who’s one person you haven’t checked in with recently that you could reach out to this week?
Looking at Revelation 3, Nate encourages us to take a closer look at our spiritual condition. He warns that spending too much time on fleeting distractions, like endless scrolling or tech overload, can leave us feeling spiritually empty and distant from God. Instead of chasing instant gratification, we’re reminded to focus on eternal treasures—things that deepen our relationship with God and give lasting purpose. Through true repentance, we can reconnect with Him and experience the fullness of His love and the meaningful life He has planned for us.
Tech consumption can cause spiritual poverty
Invest in eternal over instant
Repentance results in relationshipÂ
Life Group Discussion:
Can you identify specific ways technology has become a distraction in your daily life?
What are some “instant” gratifications in your life that may be hindering your investment in eternal priorities?
How do you view repentance—as a burden or an opportunity for renewal—and why?
As we begin our new series, Removed, John encourages us through Romans 12:2 not to conform to the patterns of this world, like the way technology often overwhelms and distracts us. Instead, let God transform and renew your mind, helping you see life more clearly and embrace His perfect plan for you. By setting limits on tech use, you create space to focus on God’s will and discover the purpose He has for your life.
Problem: Tech has rewired us
Solution: So God must renew us
Application: By reducing tech, God’s will will be further revealedÂ
Life Group Discussion:
Do you ever feel like technology distracts you from deeper, more meaningful aspects of life? If so, how?
What does it mean for God to "renew your mind," and how does that differ from simply taking a break from tech?
What specific tech habits could you reduce or adjust to create more space for God in your life?
From His humble birth in Luke 2, where Jesus was wrapped in swaddling cloths as a sign of His ultimate sacrifice, to John 13, where He wrapped a towel around His waist to serve His disciples, Jesus embodied selfless love. In John 19, He was wrapped in burial cloths, fulfilling His role as the Savior who bore our sins and conquered death. Through every stage, Jesus demonstrated that His life, service, and sacrifice were all wrapped in purpose and love for humanity.
Jesus was wrapped as a sacrifice
Jesus was wrapped as a servantÂ
Jesus was wrapped as a Savior
Jesus shows us how much God loves us by giving His life for us, proving that love is at the very heart of who God is. God is the source of all love, and He gives us the strength to love others in ways we couldn’t on our own. When we love each other, people can see God working in us, and His love becomes real and complete, showing the world what He’s like.
Jesus shows us God’s love
God is the source of our love
God is seen when we loveÂ
Life Group Discussion:
In what ways can you remind yourself of God’s love when you feel distant from Him?
What are some ways you can actively depend on God’s love when relationships become challenging?
What is one specific way you can show God’s love to someone in your life this week?
John unpacks Luke 2:10-11 in our series, “Wrapped”, emphasizing the angel’s proclamation that Jesus is the ultimate good news, bringing salvation and hope to the world. This good news produces great joy, an enduring and internal blessing rooted in Christ rather than circumstances. Finally, John highlights the inclusivity of the gospel, reminding believers that Jesus came for all people, offering eternal life and joy to anyone who receives Him.
Jesus Is The Good News
Jesus Brings Great Joy
Jesus Is For All People
Life Group Discussion:
What other sources of "good news" compete for your attention, and how can you keep Christ central in your life?
Share a time when you experienced joy despite difficult circumstances. What role did your faith play?
Who in your life might feel excluded from the good news of Jesus, and how can you intentionally share His love with them?
This week in our series, Wrapped, JP unpacks the message of Luke 1, reminding us where true peace is found. Peace comes when we trust in God’s promises, rely on His unlimited power, and align our lives with His purpose. As we embrace these truths, we can navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence and discover the lasting peace that only He can provide.
Our peace is wrapped in God’s promises
Our peace is wrapped in God’s power
Our peace is wrapped in God’s purpose
Life Group Discussion:
Have you ever struggled to believe in God’s promises? How did you overcome that doubt, or how are you working through it now?
Can you share a time when you saw God’s power at work in your life or someone else’s? How did that experience influence your faith?
How does knowing that God has a purpose for your life bring you peace during times of confusion or doubt?
In this message from Romans 15:8-13, Nate reminds us that God is both a promise-making and promise-keeping God. Through Jesus’ birth, we see how God fulfilled His promises, not just to the Jewish people but to everyone. As we live our lives, we’re called to hold onto hope in what God has promised, because His faithfulness gives us reason to trust and live with joy and peace.
Scripture shows we have a promise making GodÂ
Christmas shows we have a promise keeping GodÂ
Our life should show hope in what God has promisedÂ
Life Group Discussion:
How do Old Testament promises, such as those to the Patriarchs, enhance our understanding of God's faithfulness? Does your life show hope to others?
How can the Christmas story inspire hope in seasons of waiting or uncertainty? What are things you are hoping for in this season of your life?
How does placing hope in God's promises affect your response to disappointments?
As we wrap up our series, “Peace Talks,” JP challenges us to adopt a perspective focused on humility and wisdom from God, which sets the stage for real peace in our lives. JP looks to James 3:14-18 to encourage us to follow a pattern of peace by being kind, pure, and open to others, creating stronger and healthier relationships. Finally, we are reminded that peace is a team effort—when we work with God and each other, we can build a life filled with love and purpose.
The perspective that leads to peace
The pattern that leads to peace
The partnership that leads to peace
Life Group Discussion:
Why do you think peace starts with a change in perspective rather than just actions?
Which of the traits listed in James 3:17 (pure, peace-loving, gentle, willing to yield, etc.) do you find the hardest to practice, and why?
Why is it important to partner with God in pursuing peace rather than trying to do it alone?
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