Sierra Club

The Sierra Club

Saving the planet starts at home -- so many Americans are looking for ways to make their own lives more "green." That's why we're launching Sierra Club Radio. Our mission is to offer tips and tell stories we all can use as consumers, as citizens, as neighbors, and as parents to make responsible choices, to connect to the growing environmental community.

  • Sierra Club Radio Ends New Programming

    After 9 years, Sierra Club Radio is no longer running new programming. We've been honored to bring you 1,500 interviews with green and progressive guests over the years, and we hope our listeners will continue to enjoy the many interviews in our archives. Thank you to our guests, our 45 radio affiliates, and our wonderful listeners for all of your support. For green news and green lifestyle content, please visit Sierra Magazine.

    From [field_sierra_department]
    26 February 2016, 8:01 pm
  • Featured Interviews

    Check out some of our most popular and favorite interviews of all time:

    From [field_sierra_department]
    26 February 2016, 3:51 pm
  • Retrospective

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    A compilation of some of our most interesting interviews from the past nine years of Sierra Club Radio.

    • Chris Paine, writer and director of Who Killed The Electric Car, in one of our first interviews, from 2006
    • Nicholas Kristof, New York Times columnist
    • Jane Goodall, primatologist and author
    • Robert F Kennedy, Jr., activist
    • Ken Burns, filmmaker
    • Pete Seeger, folk singer
    • Arlene Blum, pioneering mountaineer
    From [field_sierra_department]
    26 February 2016, 3:37 pm
  • National Parks Adventure

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Shaun Macgillivray, producer of the new IMAX film National Parks Adventure
    • Gina Coplon-Newfield from the Sierra Club's Electric Vehicle Initiative
    • Larry Cohen on the Sierra Club Democracy Initiative's plans for 2016
    From [field_sierra_department]
    23 January 2016, 3:27 pm
  • Photographer Joel Sartore

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Photographer Joel Sartore tells us about The Photo Ark, a documentary project to save species and habitat
    • Anastasia Schmekes about the Sierra Student Coalition's #SeizeTheGrid campaign for local clean energy
    • Tips from executive chef Annie Somerville of Greens restaurant
    From [field_sierra_department]
    16 January 2016, 3:26 pm
  • Grand Rapids Goes Green, and Miami Under Water

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • George Heartwell, the mayor of Grand Rapids, on that city's commitment for 100% clean energy.
    • Elizabeth Kolbert on her recent article in the New Yorker about the affects of climate change in Florida.
    From [field_sierra_department]
    9 January 2016, 3:03 pm
  • Annapurna: A Woman's Place

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Pioneering woman climber Arlene Blum on the 35th anniversary edition of her book, Annapurna: A Woman's Place, about leading the first American ascent of one of the world's highest peaks
    • Mary Anne Hitt from the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign on the latest news out of the EPA
    From [field_sierra_department]
    2 January 2016, 3:11 pm
  • The Revenant

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Mary Parent, producer of the new movie The Revenant
    • Mr. Green
    From [field_sierra_department]
    1 January 2016, 1:12 am
  • Good News From Paris and San Diego

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune gives us the lowdown on what happened at the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris
    • San Diego city council member Todd Gloria tells us about his city's announcement that it will commit to 100 percent renewable energy within 20 years
    From [field_sierra_department]
    21 December 2015, 8:49 pm
  • Vancouver Going All-in on Clean Energy

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Deputy mayor of Vancouver Andrea Reimer on the city's commitment to 100 percent clean energy and how it is aiming to be the greenest city in the world
    • Joe S. Whitworth, author of Quantified: Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy
    From [field_sierra_department]
    12 December 2015, 3:00 pm
  • Reinventing Cities

    This week on Sierra Club Radio:

    • Gabriel Metcalf, one of the founders of City CarShare and the director of renowned urban planning nonprofit SPUR, talks with us about his new book, Democratic by Design: How Innovative Institutions Like Carsharing, Co-ops, and Community Land Trusts Are Reinventing America.
    • Green living tips from Sierra magazine's Avital Andrews.
    From [field_sierra_department]
    5 December 2015, 3:12 pm
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