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Climate change - what's hot and what's not. Find out what is happening in community campaigns around the country, as well as the latest science and the solutions that are available now.

    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWFebruary 17th 2025Produced by Vivien Langford C O L L I S I O N   C O U R S E  from The Sustainable Living Festival 2025 Guest speaker: David Spratt with Emily Rice from The Breakthrough Foundation “The very act of trying to look ahead and to discern possibilities and offer warnings is in itself an act of hope.” – writer Octavia Butler  This is  the idea which guides David Spratt's unflinching look at the collsion course we are on towards an unliveably climate changed world.This is an edited version of the talk he gave to the Sudstainable Lioving Festival on 11th February. The MC was Emily Rice from the Breakthrough Foundation. He desribes the tipping points and the unpredictability of the future unless we draw down current emissions.If Saudi Aramco says we should "abandon the fantasy of phasing out oil and gas", we need to know how to push back, keeping in mind at least seven of the generations of all species that we hope will follow us.For the slides and full report : Many Climate Action Radio listeners will be impatient to take action and David Spratt looks at the political context within which we must act. The guiding idea here is: “Political reality must be grounded in physical reality or it’s completely useless.” – Prof. Hans Joachim SchellnhuberWe hear about  a risk report commissioned by the Albanese Government. It was presented in 2022 but will "never to be seen again" as the risks documented make a nonsense of current policies to subsidise and permit new coal and gas projects. Checkout Slide 8 to see how the proposed development at Fisherman's Bend will look as sea level rise and tidal surge swamp it.file:///C:/Users/61424/Downloads/2502%20Collision%20Course%20NSF%20events-1.pdf“Australia’s largest urban renewal project … by 2050 will be home to approximately 80,000 residents and provide employment for up to 80,000 people with a plan for parks, schools, roads, transport and community facilities and services to ensure liveability as the precinct grows over the next 30 years … supported by a suite of evidence-based research reports, strategies and plans.” (   
    17 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • Deep Sea Mining in 2025: A Critical Year for the Pacific | Marine Species on the Move
    Photo: Anne-Sophie Roux in August 2023 during the #LookDownNorway campaign in Norway (Sooo.magazine Fotograf Siv Sivertsen) Deep Sea Mining in 2025: A Critical Year for the Pacific | Marine Species on the Moveby Hélène Goyat Anne-Sophie Roux, Deep-Sea Mining Activist and Ocean scientist Our oceans plays a vital role in the regulation of our climate and harbor a whole world underneath their surface that we still know very little of. Anne-Sophie Roux explained why protecting these marine ecosystems is vital to our survival and how deep-sea mining could destroy habitats that are already so fragile and still largely unknown. Backed by scientific consensus, Anne-Sophie campaigns against deep-sea mining to raise awareness and spread the word on the disastrous consequences it would have for marine biodiversity, our climate and humanity.She emphasized the importance of individuals taking part in these campaings and the powerful impact that collective small actions have had in winning campaings against deep-sea mining so far.A critical decision on the future of deep-sea mining in the Pacific region will be made in July 2025, potentially allowing the industry to begin if there is no pushback. Anne-Sophie calls for Australia to join the moratorium against deep-sea mining to protect our oceans. Find Anne-Sophie Roux on social media:  Professor Greta Pecl, Marine Ecologist and Director of the Centre for Marine Socioecology at the University of Tasmania.  With ocean temperatures rising due to climate change, species distribution are shifting worldwide. Professor Greta Pecl studies these changes in marine ecosystems to better understand their impacts biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and human health, well-being, and culture.Her research focuses on species redistribution - such as the decline and disappearance of kelp populations - and how marine ecosystems respond to climate change. She explores the interactions between ecological and social aspects of marine conservation and management, using socioecological approaches to adapt natural ressource management for changing climates.Professor Greta Pecl's work highlights the effects of species shifts on fisheries, Indigenous communities that rely on local fish populations, and more broadly, on all of us. She emphasizes the importance of sustainable fisheries management and how it can help mitigate these changes.Beyond her research, Professor Greta Pecl's love for the ocean brought her to actively engage in raising awareness about marine life and ecosystems, by advocating for citizen science, science communication and public engagement.She was a also lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chane's (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report. To know more about Professor Greta Pecl's work: of the Climate Report: program: Life Survey: Song: Warrior by Meraki Mae 
    10 February 2025, 6:00 am
  • Landfill Methane, More Mines and Pacific Diplomacy
    Climate Action Radio ShowProduced by Vivien LangfordMonday February 3rd 2025 Less Landfill Methane, More coal  Mines and Pacific Diplomacy GUESTSLeigh Naunton - Move Beyond Coal on the three new coal mines set to be approved by Tanya Plibersek ou Minister of the Environment Alopi Latukefu and Rosaline Parker - Edmund Rice Centre - Pacific Calling PartnershipMelting ice caps reveals the scourge of colonialismBy ‘Alopi Latukefu. Published on The Interpreter, a daily by The Lowy Institute. Florian Amlinger -  An agronomist and director of Compost – Consulting & Development (Austria)The COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste will push for national climate policies that set concrete targets to reduce methane from waste and food systems, aligning with the 1.5°C goal. Methane contributes to half a degree of current warming and has 80 times the warming effect of CO2 over 20 years.  
    3 February 2025, 6:00 am
    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWDECEMBER 16TH 2024Produced by Vivien Langford NEWCASTLE 2024 PROTESTIVAL WITH RISING TIDE Recorded on the beach and at the Protestival village, you will hear voices from many climate action groups and concerned citizens.After a week of informative quiet and peacefulworkshops and a concert with Peter Garrett the Sunday morning opened on  a day of arrestable action in the shipping lanes of the greatest coal port in the world.I had sat throught the supreme court case weeks before, which only suceeded in making the event more newsworthy and risky. There was a lot of media there but I am not sure they will convey to you just how well informed, strategic and committed this diverse group is. You will hear:A 16 year old girl tearful about the cruel future we are creating. A 90 year old woman who kayaked out  fpour times into the shipping lanes and was disappointed that the police just kept towing her back.Sunday began with a Maori climate warrior taking us up a notch with the haka.Julie Fraser a unionist from Darwin speaks about a shift in priorities from subsidising coal exports, to supporting the care sector in all its forms. A Doctor for the environment and former ecologist spoke about th unexpected consequences of bush fires and floods. June Norman intoduced Oldies Rising Dr Roger Smith spoke of the peaceful nature of this gathering and a woman in Turquoise explained the urgent need for our government to tax the coal exports and support a workers transition. NSW MP Sue Higginson described what had happened in  the Supreme Court and how the NSW Premier Minns had tried to stop this very determined protest against new coal and gas projects.  Greens Leader Adam Bandt was there, fielding questions about our international reputation and the folly of our government continuing to open new coal and gas projects.  Federal MP David Shoebridge praised the people of Newcastle and those who have come from all over the country to protest this ongoing trade. Zack Schofield the media spokesperson from Rising Tide deftly handled "gotcha" questions from the media asserting that surely an industry that ruins a safe climate for future generation is criminal. Two intrepid knitting nanas who have locked themselves on to logging machinery because saving the forests is climate action, tell us a circus story. It features Barnaby Joyce, Tanya Plibersek and Anthony Albanese with a tiny wind turbine and  a giant submarine stuffed down his pants. As in all circus acts there is a tight rope and in this case "the tightrope of our future" is navigated by a two year old child, her mother and grandmother. Bev Smiles from Mudgee Coal Alert speaks about how  coal  mine expansions will endanger the underground water resource. Bob Brown once called Bev a true patriot and a national treasure as she keeps up the battle against the mining giants.Here she is speaking to NSW Parliament. you are inspired by these voices and would like to get involved :
    16 December 2024, 6:00 am
    CLIMATE ACTION SHOW -  DECEMBER 2ND 2024  Produced by Vivien Langford                         AZERBAIJAN - COP29  Guests:Michael Oyta - President of the Australian Azerbaijan Association Harjeet Singh - Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty Mia Mottley - Prime Minister of Barbados Antonio Guterres -  Secretary General of the United Nations As António Guterres,  “The world must pay up, or humanity will pay the price. Climate finance is not charity, it’s an investment.” Chandni Raina - Representative from the Indian Delegation - in the last session revealed the inequity of the finance deal. The banners outside said "Trillions not Billions.""This has been stage managed, and we are extremely, extremely disappointed with this incident" followed by joyful applause as the truth is spoken.   
    2 December 2024, 6:00 am
  • Darebin Hard Rubbish Heroes;
    25 November 2024, 6:00 am
     Climate Action Show Produced by Vivien LangfordNovember 18th 2024CLIMATE ACTION IN KOALA PARK  and NEWCASTLE COAL PORT Rising Tide Protestival Register now - Rising Tide Protest organisers outside NSW Court this week- Photo Wendy Bacon at Michael West media Speakers at the Bob Brown Foundation Rally in Sydney to Protect Native ForestsMark Graham - "Our forest are our future. They keep us safe"Phil Zylstra - Associate Professor at Curtin University, and as Honorary Fellow at the University of Wollongong.Alex the Astronaut - Carol - National Parks association - Citizen ScienceEmily Mitchell   - Rising TideTO REGISTER - courtcase : Green - Bruce Shillingsworth - Bob Bown and Alexa Stuart :  From saving the Franklin to shutting down the world's largest coal port PLUS : Rising Tide Spokeperson Zack Schofield****************************************************************************************************Rising Tide climate ‘Protestival’ to go ahead despite court rulingby Wendy Bacon | Nov 9, 2024 | Government, Latest Posts"NSW Police argued that the risks to safety outweighed the right to protest. Rising Tide barrister Neal Funnell told the court that the group did not deny that there were inherent risks in protests on water but pointed to evidence that showed police logs revealed no safety concerns or incidents during the 2023 protest.Although he accepted the police argument about safety risks, Justice Fagan acknowledged that the “organisers of Rising Tide have taken a responsible approach to on-water safety by preparing very thorough plans and protocols, by engaging members of supportive organisations to attend with outboard motor driven rescue craft and by enlisting the assistance of trained lifeguards."In his judgement, Justice Desmond Fagan affirmed that protesting without a permit is lawful".NSW Council for Civil Liberties is one of more than twenty organisations that supported the Rising Tide case.In response to the prohibition order, its Vice-President Lidia Shelly said, “Rising Tide submitted a Form 1 application so that NSW Police could work with the organisers to ensure the safety of the public. The organisers did everything right in accordance with the law. It’s responsible and peaceful protesting. Instead, the police dragged the organisers to Court and furthered the public’s perception that they’re acting under political pressure to protect the interests of the fossil fuel industry.”
    18 November 2024, 6:00 am
  • plans for action - Liz Boulton, Mark Howden, Emma Bacon
    11 November 2024, 6:00 am
    CLIMATE ACTION SHOWProduced by Vivien Langford November 4th 2024WHAT  THE  HECK  PLIBERSEK! "It's wishful thinking that gas miraculously moves overseas without emissions".ROBERT HOWARTH - Famous Ecosysystem Scientist at Cornell University As the minister for the Environment and climate change Tania Plibersek approves new coal and gas projects these groups push back: Frack Free NT - Louis Boyle Bryant in an interview about Tamboran Resources and the Beetaloo Basin Gas in NT Get up! -  CEO Larissa Baldwin at Darling Harbour First Nations Defenders - Aunty Rhonda Dixon, Gadrian Hoosen from Boroloola NT, Raymond Bubbly Weatherall from Gomeroi Country who chaired the meeting out side Plibersek's Nature Positive Conference. NSW Greens - MP Sue Higginson- "People right now are standing up against logging of precious Bulga State Forest and its enfdangered species" Lock the Gate Alliance - Nic Clyde AYCC - Natasha Abhayawickrama Nature Conservation Council Jaqui  Mumford "NSW is a global hotspot for biodiversity destruction"Plus Move Beyond Coal, Knitting Nanas, XR Drummers ACTION ALERT-  Rising Tide Protestival at NewcastleSign the petition ensure Australia is doing its fair share for a safe climate, we call on the Government to:1. Tell Australians and the rest of the world when Australia will stop approving new coal mines.2. Tell Australians and the rest of the world when Australia will stop approving new oil and gas projects.3. Stop offsets being used to justify new fossil fuel projects.4. End native forest logging.Rising TidePart 1: The People’s Blockade VENUE: NOBBY’S BEACH, NEWCASTLE Saturday /Sunday 23/24th NovemberJoin thousands stopping coal exports from the world’s largest coal port for 50 hours, including 2 full nights! Workshops, speeches, kids activities, live music & floating dance parties - climate action has never been so fun!VENUE: PARLIAMENT LAWN, CANBERRA Wednesday 27th NovemberAfter rolling Blockade media coverage, we‘ll ride the wave of media attention to Canberra. At Parliament House we’ll demand the PM answer: “When will you stop new coal and gas?” in a peaceful, fun vigil.  Sydney Environment Institute Stories are the toolbox seriesPreventing more climate chaos is one thing. Being prepared for the consequences is another.The second item is courtesy of the Stories are the toolbox podcast episode shows a Blue Mountains neighbourhood preparing for bushfire.Disaster-affected communities frequently emphasise the need to ‘know your neighbours’ – know who they are, what their needs and plans may be and what skills and resources they have. This vignette demonstrates how for some communities this takes the form of warden or street facilitator networks; people who understand the lay of the land, can serve as a point of contact for advice and organise street-level disaster preparation and readiness activities.   
    4 November 2024, 6:00 am
  • Waste Incinerators and decommissioning Gas mining
    Angie Carr, Jane Bremmer, Ella George and Charles Street outline the problems associated with burning municipal waste, not least by setting a climate bomb. The oppose the planned waste incinerator for Lara, between Melbourne and Geelong, Victoria.Stanley Woodhouse from Friends of the Earth spoke about gas infrastructure to be remediated.
    28 October 2024, 6:00 am
  • Climate protectors - Mother*s Rebellion for Climate, John Seed, Susie Russell
    21 October 2024, 6:00 am
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