Tulsa Topics Podcast

Tulsa Topics

News and Views from a Native Tulsan. Local, State, and National News and Commentary. Podcasts when the whim hits me.

  • 19 minutes 59 seconds
    20060517 Tulsa Topics Podcast
    Testing new podcast software with music and media links
    18 May 2006, 4:02 am
  • 6 minutes 46 seconds
    Vol 2 No 4 - Tulsa Topics PodCast - A Whole Lotta Hodge Podge
    In this PodCast I play a whole hodge podge of bytes that's been gathering dust on my computer. I play a parody of a mental health hotline. Your weather forecast. A thought provoking song and... A promo from "The Children of the Gods" Enjoy!
    21 February 2006, 9:23 am
  • 17 minutes 6 seconds
    Vol 2 No 3 Tulsa Topics PodCast
    So you have that new 60GB iPod Video that has more settings than a MIT graduate can figure out and more hard disk real estate than you could ever afford to fill. Two websites you might want to look at are GarageBand.com and the PodSafe Music Network. Both offer up some pretty talented hopefuls looking to get their music career kicked off via royalty free distribution of their original music. If I ever get organized, I might just have a Tulsa Topics PodCast that actually combines Music, News, and Interviews. Until that benchmark happens, here's some music from GarageBand.com that was worthy of downloading and producing into the Vol 2 No 3 Tulsa Topics Podcast. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed producing it. Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @) or clicking on the graphic directly below.
    21 January 2006, 9:17 pm
  • 5 minutes 22 seconds
    Mayor wants to add 4.3 million dollars to 3rd penny tax proposal for American Airlines
    At Thurday's Tulsa City Council Meeting, Mayor LaFortune dropped a corporate welfare bomb during the Mayor's Report portion of meeting. Citizens in attendance were somewhat surprised to actually see the Mayor "in persona" at the meeting. In some circles the Mayor's persistence absence during the so-called Mayor's report has earned LaFortune the title of "No Show Bill," mimicking famed Country and Western's legendary George Jones "No Show Jones" nickname. The Mayor's attendance at the meeting is an excellent indicator that Tulsa's campaign season is in full swing. The Mayor spoke on two items at the meeting - To urge support for the resolution to eliminate substandard housing in Tulsa, and to announce that he is adding $4.3 million dollars to his 3rd penny sales tax proposal. The additional money will be used to build two hangars for American Airlines use. American supposedly needs more space and capacity at it's Tulsa facility with their transition from a cost center to a profit center. I find this ironic timing since earlier on Thursday, the Tulsa World reported that AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines had a whopper of a forth quarter loss of $604 million dollars. American attributed higher fuel prices as the major culprit. The airlines has already benefited from Tulsa's corporate welfare with Vision 2025 to the tune of $22 million dollars as well as receiving upgrades in infrastructure from the City of Tulsa. With staggering loses and pressure from competition, I wonder if American Airlines will be Tulsa's next Great Plains Airlines fiasco? A venture that has cost the taxpayers of Tulsa and Oklahoma dearly and continues to "cha ching" us today. I'm interested in your thoughts on the Mayor's announcement. Vol 2 No 2 Tulsa Topics PodCast is linked below with audio of Mayor's report on this item. Give it a quick listen and let me know your take on this proposal. Feel free to comment on this post or send an email to Tulsa Topics. iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @) or clicking on the graphic directly below.
    20 January 2006, 8:05 am
  • 8 minutes 5 seconds
    Vol 2 No 1 Tulsa Topics PodCast - 01/15/2005
    Saturday I attended the Chris Medlock for Mayor campaign rally that was held at Embers. TulsaBloggers.net was well represented with the purveyors of Roemerman on Record and Our Tulsa World in attendance as well. Roemerman on Record has his thoughts about the rally and Our Tulsa World has some pics and thoughts about it too.. My first impression of the campaign rally was that Medlock has assembled a group of highly motivated and capable individuals looking for major change in Tulsa who wholeheartedly believe Medlock is the catalyst to make it happen. Medlock, family, and volunteers are battle hardened after running three successful elections and will use that experience in the mayoral election bid. Vowing a campaign of "ideas and ideals," Medlock and Co. are "ready to go" for the top position in Tulsa. I was able to catch some audio of the meeting and decided to present it here on Tulsa Topics as the first PodCast of the year. iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @) or clicking on the graphic directly below.
    16 January 2006, 2:40 am
  • 6 minutes 22 seconds
    Vol 1 No 4 - Tulsa Topics Podcast - 20051212
    Tomorrow, 12/13/2005, Please exercise your right and vote. I plan on voting a big "NO" on all items on the "4 to Fix" as well as the E911 item. I play a couple of songs with a "tax" theme to them. Vol 1 No 4 - Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/12/2005 Streaming Version Click on link to download the complete MP3 to your computer iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @) or clicking on the graphic directly below.
    12 December 2005, 4:19 pm
  • 22 minutes 7 seconds
    Vol 1 No3 Tulsa Topics Podcast - Tulsans Defending Democracy Podcast
    Podcast Notes: I attended the Tulsans Defending Democracy Press Conference held today at the Press Club. The Press Conference basically was in regards to the Mayors formation of a Citizens Commission that will study a charter change for City Council reform. TDD handed out a letter that was sent to Mayor LaFortune which I have available as a PDF file: Tulsans Defending Democracy - Letter to Mayor LaFortune I also have audio of the complete press conference which is available by clicking on the following links: Vol 1 No 3 - Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/07/2005 Streaming Version Click on link to download the complete MP3 to your computer iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @).
    10 December 2005, 12:30 am
  • 25 minutes 22 seconds
    Vol 1 No 2 - Tulsa Topics Podcast - 20051207
    PodCast Show Notes In the Vol 1 No 2 I talk about the upcoming "4 to Fix" vote and play some appropriate music. I play some audio regarding the "City Council Reform" petition that is/was being spearheaded by Tulsans for Badder Gov't. I ask Mayor LaFortune his reasoning for forming a Citizens Commission to look at City Charter changes regarding the City Council at a Neighborhood Leaders meeting that took place on Tuesday. I close with some comments regarding the ACLU wanting to remove Christ from Christmas. If you like what you hear, get the word out about the Tulsa Topics Podcast! Here's the links where you can find the latest podcast: Vol 1 No 2 - Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/07/2005 Streaming Version Click on link to download the complete MP3 to your computer iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Comments can be made by sending an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @).
    7 December 2005, 8:52 am
  • 15 minutes 55 seconds
    Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/04/2005
    I'm still tweaking in all the software and resources for the Tulsa Topics podcast. In this music only edition, I divulge one of the resources for music. If you want to score some free music, you need to check out the PodShow PodSafe Music Network. Naturally I decided to play some religious and inspirational music for today's podcast. I hope you enjoy my selections. Podcasting isn't brand new, but it still is relatively new compared to other means of communications. In my next podcast, I will give you an overview of the software I use and resources that I've discovered along my journey. Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/04/2005 Streaming Version Tulsa Topics Podcast 12/04/2005 iTunes Tulsa Topics Podcast Page Note: If you have iTunes installed on your computer, you can search the keyword "Tulsa" on the Podcasts portion of the Music Store page and a list with all Podcasts relating to Tulsa will be shown. You can subscribe to the Tulsa Topics Podcast by clicking on the "subscribe" button. While your there make sure you subscribe to the Tulsa Bloggers Podcast as well. UPDATE: Here's the music artists used in this podcast. Carrie Pettit - Dream On Shawn Cole - Jesus Be Beatrice Ericsson - Put a Little Love David Spak - Amazing Grace I'd like to thank all the artists that make their music available for use on PodCasts. If you know of local bands or any other artists that would like to get their music spotlighted on a future podcast. Send me an email at tulsatopics-AT-gmail.com (replace the -AT- with @) for consideration.
    4 December 2005, 6:16 am
  • 16 minutes 5 seconds
    Tulsa Topics Podcast- Episode I
    23 November 2005, 8:39 pm
  • 16 minutes 5 seconds
    Tulsa Topics Podcast - Episode I
    NOTE: There are two ways to listen to the podcast. 1.) You can click on the green arrow at the left bottom of the post, OR 2.) You can download the MP3 file by clicking on the "Download" link on the bottom right of the post. I have submitted the Tulsa Topics podcast to iTunes so eventually you'll have a third option to hear the Podcast.Show notes for Tulsa Topics Podcast - Take IA.D.D. - Local Tulsa BandWebsite: myspace.com/addrockson & addrockson.comThe Sand Springs HomeMeeCiteeWurkor's post regarding the Sand Springs HomeTheHomeKids WebsitePetition to Save The HomeSand Springs PicturesCharles PageTulsa BloggersAggregate Feed Page
    23 November 2005, 8:39 pm
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