...broken pieces, brought together by God's gracious and skillful hands to make something beautiful...
Good Friday - The Crucifixion of Jesus
Tony Leprotti
1 Peter 2:11-25 Holy Living Tony Leprotti
1 Peter 2:1-10 A chosen race, a royal priesthoood, a holy nation, a people for his possession…SO THAT… Tony Leprotti
Rejoice, your names are written in heaven, the book of life…Luke 10:1-20 Tony Pingitore
What it means, when Jesus says “woe to you…”Luke 10:5-16 Tony Pingitore
There are others who love Jesus and are with us, doing what we are doing in their space and time……we are not alone, and neither should feel that way…God IS moving the kingdom of forward, gathering up His children and sending them back out with His merciful message of hope. The harvest is ripe, pray, ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the field…Do not be discouraged… there are others Luke 9:1; 10:1-4 Tony Pingitore
1 Peter 1:13-25 - How should we live in light of our great hope in Jesus Christ? Tony Leprotti
How should take such a statement?“Hey! Stop! You’re not one of us!!”“Who do they think they are?? Should we call down fire to destroy them?”Luke 9:46-56 Tony Pingitore
…and Jesus took a little child and…In the face of Jesus’ revealing to the disciples the true nature of His and His Father’s love and what He would do to express it, the disciples behave unbecomingly, giving emphasis to Jesus earlier proclamation “…how long must I be with you…?”, in essence “How have you not gotten this yet?”And yet, Jesus gentleness and tenderness, is always evident to all, and He uses this moment to show them the true nature of the kingdom, a precious and tender moment of Hisngentleness in the face turbulence…“…and he had (the child) stand among them…”Luke 9:41-48; Mark 9:20-27; Phil 4:4-8; 1Peter 3:14-15 Tony Pingitore
It’s never all that it appears to be… there’s always more.What it appears to be, and what it is. It is not that something is “one or the other”, but, it is almost always “one and the other….”We call this discernment. How will we live? Like Jesus? Mark 9:14-27; Luke 9:42-43
Tony Pingitore
1 Peter 1:3-12 Our hope in Christ, given by God, through faith, allows us to rejoice even though we suffer for a short time in this life. Tony Leprotti
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