Listen to the latest messages from Riverside Church. At Riverside Church, our desire is to reach people for Christ so that lives are changed. It's real. It's relevant.
Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise?
Do you ever feel like happiness in life is what you're striving for? Sometimes it seems like our level of happiness somehow correlates to God's love for (or blessings on) us. But there are also the difficult times. Don't let happiness...
9 March 2025, 7:41 pm
You Are Enough...or Are You?
Some days are perfect 10s and everything is perfect. Other days we hit rock bottom realizing we can't do this on our own. That's ok because that's exactly why He came. He is enough. He is life. He covers our sin.
2 March 2025, 4:49 pm
What's Your Truth?
We hear, "Your truth...," or, "My truth," a lot in our culture but what is THE Truth? What can we hold to anytime and anywhere?
16 February 2025, 3:05 pm
What Grace Really Does - Part 3
Once we accept and understand the gift of God's grace, we will have gratitude and compassion leading us into action.
9 February 2025, 3:52 pm
Why Grace Can Seem Elusive
Pride is deceptive and at the root of all sin. Entitlement permeates our culture. Yet God offers us life- and eternity-transforming grace!
19 January 2025, 7:06 pm
Grace Is Not a Thing (Part 2)
God is just, but He bestows on us the gift of grace. Daily, though, we sin. If God is merciful, then why strive for holiness? See how grace transforms us!
12 January 2025, 7:06 pm
Grace Is Not a Thing (Part 1)
God is just, but He bestows on us the gift of grace. Daily, though, we sin. How do we balance the two?
5 January 2025, 7:07 pm
Why Christmas is Real and Relevant
To understand the relevance of the Christmas season is to understand why God sent His Son to earth. Not for stories, songs, traditions and presents. Jesus was sent as a baby for what He would become a sacrificial gift to US.
24 December 2024, 7:06 pm
Why Christmas Matters
Christmas is more than the festive traditions your family enjoys. Have you ever wondered, "What is the purpose of Christmas?" Why does it matter in this day and age, and how does it affect you personally?
8 December 2024, 7:06 pm
Mercy Changes Everything
Daily Fail
1 December 2024, 5:29 pm
Failure Doesn't Have To Have the Last Word-Part 2
God's mercy impacts every aspect of our lives and every single one of our relationships. He extends mercy to us and we need to extend it to others and that includes forgiveness.