Riverside Church || Sunday Sermons

Riverside Church MN

Listen to the latest messages from Riverside Church. At Riverside Church, our desire is to reach people for Christ so that lives are changed. It's real. It's relevant.

  • Mercy Changes Everything
    Daily Fail
    1 December 2024, 4:12 pm
  • Failure Doesn't Have To Have the Last Word-Part 2
    God's mercy impacts every aspect of our lives and every single one of our relationships. He extends mercy to us and we need to extend it to others and that includes forgiveness.
    24 November 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Failure Doesn't Have to Have the Last Word-Part 1
    Do you ever feel you're beyond forgiveness? Some days it's easy to feel that way. Every one of us sins, but God has made a way for us, Jesus. God WANTS to forgive us! We can welcome God's mercy into our lives and be totally forgiven.
    17 November 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Someone is Praying for Me
    Sometimes it can feel hard to pray. It is often something we do once our other options have fallen through. Jesus is God, but yet He prayed all throughout His daily life. He is our example and also, in His mercy, He intercedes for us!
    10 November 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Welcome to the Human Race
    We all mess up. It's a given. Sometimes, people have mercy on us in our mistakes. We love it when it benefits us... But when it benefits others, where's the justice?!
    3 November 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Does Everyone Go to Heaven?
    How does the Christian faith compare to Hinduism, Pantheism & Islam? Do all religious roads lead to heaven? How can Jesus claim to be God? This informative message concludes our series on, "Is God Real?" Don't miss it!
    20 October 2024, 3:57 pm
  • The Biggest Objection - Part 2
    Part 2 of this message continues answering the question, "If God is real and good, why is there suffering?" We are in a broken world with eternity to look forward to. God is with us here and will hold us in every trial. If you missed it...
    13 October 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Just Words (Part 2)
    The Bible is more than just stories, it is HIStory! This message shows how the Bible is constantly reinforced with science and historical and archaeological evidence.
    29 September 2024, 3:57 pm
  • Just Words? (Part 1)
    The Bible has many authors, yet is God-breathed. It's the most published book in the world! Though some question it, historians put it through academic rigors to show it authenticity. God's Word is living and active 2 millenia later.
    22 September 2024, 3:57 pm
  • How Did All This Get Here?
    Faith and facts. You can have one without the other, but when they support each other, things become certain. We will look at the creation of the universe and how the science of it clearly points to God, the Creator!
    15 September 2024, 3:57 pm
  • 200 Times a Second
    Have you wondered if truth even exists, or for that matter, if God exists? This message shares evidence for Who Jesus says He is and why He wants us to know Him.
    8 September 2024, 3:57 pm
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