UK Apologetics Library

There are a growing number of problems in the churches especially when it comes down to heretical teachings. Please note that this site is to open your eyes and explain where and how those doctrines of antichrist are appearing in the churches. Occult practices are being introduced and, as a result, people are blinded to the truth, knowledge and love of God in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and God. These podcasts are dedicated in opposing and exposing all things ecumenical.

  • Tim Mackie’s Bible Project, Is changing the nature of the gospel leading the unsuspecting youth in to gross error?

    I had contacted the Bible project to ask them a question, only to receive a response that they are ill equipped to answer any of my questions, this has caused some great deal of concern so I had contacted them, not attempting to answer is not adhering to the biblical mandate that leaves no room or excuse or ignorance when it comes to the gospel itself.

    Based on 1 PETER 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

    I wanted clarity with regards to the video in  Luke’s gospel presentation, I wanted to be clear in making sure I have not misunderstood the presentation on Luke’s gospel, my query of the interpretation of Luke on the new Israel, I believe originated from W. E. Hull, “A Structural Analysis of the Gospel of Luke thesis, on the tribes of Israel disappearing, seems to contradict the book of revelations about Gods resorting the 12 tribes of Israel during the millennium,

    The presentation would give the impression that the church replaces or supersedes Israel, as the new Israel making the natural branches redundant, we call Supersessionism, or the Church being the New Israel using Luke’s gospel to promote the idea that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ supersedes the Old Covenant, which was made exclusively with the Jewish people to correspond to Acts 28:28 “Therefore I want you to know that God’s salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!“, as interpreted by Pentecostal churches to mean for Luke the Church is the new Israel.

    To the contrary, is this not about the growing numbers of believers in Jesus from among the Jews as shown in acts 2:24, Acts 4:4 and Acts 6:7? Were all Jews and a large number of Jewish priests”; as in Acts 21:20: depicted as “many thousands”. Would this not emphasis on Luke who went out of his way to stress that there was a number of Jewish believers in Christ who was found in Jerusalem amongst the deeply religious capital of the scribes and Pharisees in Judaism?

    Does this promote a different message? as Luke not teach about Jesus creating a new Israel, but Paul affirming that Luke’s message to the Jewish believers is about the gospel of the kingdom as we read in Acts 28? 

    I look forward to your answer?

    In Christ

    Miguel Hayworth

    As i had no response i sent out the same question to them on facebook to this they responded.

    Hi, Mig! Thank you for reaching out.

    We really appreciate that you’ve engaged with our content and have questions! Unfortunately, our audience engagement team is not equipped to discuss in-depth theology questions on a case by case basis. While we value the significance of your question, we are not able to address it specifically.

    Our primary role is to help our audience navigate the collection of creative resources we have produced. We realize the inevitability of questions emerging from particular ideas and themes, but these inquiries are great conversation starters with people in your local spaces — at church, a small group, or a gathering of likeminded friends.

    I hope this helps, Mig ! Please let us know if you need any other help engaging our content library.

    I did respond to there response to me.

    Curious, If there is no clarity on the subject as you cannot answer the question if this is influencing and points to accepting the idea of replacement/supersentional theology, it would change the nature of the gospel in light of the Jewish believers in throughout the new testament, how does this content be of benefit to children’s spiritual maturity as it would impact children’s spiritual growth in nature?

    I understand this is used to stair up discussion on content subjects.

    I’m saddened that this cannot be made clearer, based on your illustrated videos, can you provide any information as to what are the source reference materials are used to formulate such an explanation? In light to the videos created with regards to the gospel of Luke as this is technically teaching material.

    With the highest due respect, Unless I can examine what is explained, how can I exercise as Paul taught about the Bereans. We are encouraged to study the scriptures so that we know we are not being intently or unintentionally mislead or deceived, if not what purpose is the videos used for discussion?

    If your not able to answer can you forward someone senior who is able to answer my questions.


    The Bible project has not responded to this subject about the nature of the gospel with regards to the gospel of Luke, meaning that Proff Tim Mackie and is showing himself to be biblically ignorant, to make such a statement that the gospel of the kingdom is in reference to Christ and his church being in error, is in danger of teaching gross heresy through its video illustrations and with regards to the gospel of Luke, it downplays the gospel with respect to Jewish people or believing Jews, it also opens whole project to other errors to which the Bible project does not apply correction.

    My advice would be that the gospel project should know the subject matter before influencing people in believing in a badly constructed message, that Jesus created the new Israel, this is not mention anywhere in the context of scripture.

    I leave the Bible project with my comment, it is advised that we should not add confusion or change the nature of the scriptures

    “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev. … 22:18–19.)

    God Bless


    3 May 2021, 6:26 pm
  • The Leonard Ravenhill Road to Rome that Leads to Paul Washers support to the Roman Catholic Church

    Links on this page do not necessarily constitute an endorsement but mainly for research purposes.

    There are theological differences within his teaches I would not call him an outright heretic but I have been cautious 1) Leonard has taught and recommended Rhanhard Bonki, Bonki was later exposed in faking claims that the dead were raised in South Africa as one of many examples, I have found dubious claims Ravenhill had made about Bonki, means that i believe out of genuine ignorance Ravenhill was speaking in ignorance, but this is not a good move from a bible teacher.,

    Though I do agree with Leonard Ravenhills teaching on Godly, Righteous hatred and sinners, I do not accept the whole proponent of the Holiness movement through his teaching that gave birth later to Lordship Salvation, Lordship salvation can be traced and rooted in a man who claimed himself to be a mystic Charles Finney

    I do however regard the doctrine of Lordship salvation as heretical and is a doctrine pushed by neo Calvinists, it was not until Billy Graham had made it popular that since McArthur had made it in recent years accepted amongst many protestant churches that had further encapsulated our unity with the RCC, in which I believe Ravenhill was a key proponent of the ecumenical movement, due to people who had been led into error by Ravenhills promotion of Paul Cain, and Mystic George Fox who was a Quaker.

    However, Raven hill is not a false prophet due to never making predictions or putting dates on further as men like Jonathan Khan has done,  on the other hand, Ravenhill has spoken at John Wimber’s Vineyard Church, which was founded by the Late Lonnie Frisby who struggled with homosexuality at the time, Lonnie was never mentioned by Vinyard for obvious reasons.

    Leonard Ravenhill has often been promoted by Paul Washer who has been partnering with Roman Catholic backed Martin Bucer Seminary The seminary is presided over by the virulent Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher. Schirrmacher is a premier ecumenical leader and a personal friend of Pope Francis. 

    We recently released a video (April 22, 2018) which Highlighted Paul Washer’s slated speaking at the Cross ’19 Conference wherein will be several who routinely partner with Hillsong, Jesus Culture, The Passion Conference and other heretical organizations. Among those listed are Trip Lee, whom Washer calls a personal friend. Trip Lee is a good friend and promoter of both Hillsong and Jesus Culture, and Paul has NEVER publicly addressed this nor does he seem to care. The social justice, Marxist embracing bag of folly that is Thabiti Anyabwile is also scheduled to speak at Cross ’19, as is John Piper, the Rick Warren-promoting, Lectio Divina-practicing friend of Carl Lentz and Louie Giglio the Pope-kisser. The M.O. these days is that of Eli with his sons; simply turn a blind-eye to sin because of “cowardice or self-preservation” (to quote Paul Washer). The various compromises and heresy embracing being propagated by the profiteers at this conference were highlighted, and it had quite an impact.

    The latest installment showcases Heart Cry Missionary Society’s open partnership with Martin Bucer Seminary whose president is Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher. For those who have not seen the video, I must implore you to watch it immediately (click the red link above). Thomas Schirrmacher is a personal friend and advocate of Pope Francis and all things both Catholic and ecumenical. In addition to presiding over the Martin Bucer Seminary he is on the senior leadership team of the World Evangelical Alliance and a committee member of the Global Christian Forum, both of which are in partnership with the ever ecumenical and demonic World Council of Churches. The term “demonic” is not used lightly. It must be understood that the three aforementioned organizations are, without question, working in accord with the spirit of antichrist. They are global in nature as all of their names imply and their objective is to usher in a global religion under the guise of “unity.”

    Paul Washer & HeartCry Partner With Ecumenical Pope-Lover

    heartcry banner Schirrmacher

    Thomas Schirrmacher & Franklin Ferreira Sponsored by HeartCryecumenical pope-lover

    Thomas Schirrmacher Loves Pope Francis
    its sad that the Ravenhill Rabbit hole has lead to compromise, but as the scriptures say you will know them by there fruits, we know that Ravenhill in the past has promoted Billy Graham.

    the end result is many roads lead to rome.

    30 December 2020, 3:20 am
  • Francis Chan Furthering the Apostate Agenda

    Francis Chan Furthering the Apostate Agenda and Doctrinal Heresy

    Once an ecumenical preacher now converting to Roman Catholicism, several years ago I had written warning against Francis Chan and his push towards the catholic mystic and gnostic practices and the promotion of monastic teachers, only recently had Francis Chan had accepted the teachings contained within roman catholic dogma around the hypostatic union.

    I noted looking back that Chan was only supporting unification with the Roman Catholic Church in new york at Together 2016

    This whole exercise was only used to move the evangelical church in the USA to have closer ties and unity under Romes Authority to further there counter reformation agenda in undoing what was done when we seperated from the church of rome, this has included names like Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Francis Chan, Lecrae, Passion, Crowder, Kirk Franklin, Ravi Zacharias, Jeremy Camp, Andy Mineo, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Tony Evans, Matthew West, Jo Saxton, Mike Kelsey, Casting Crowns, John K. Jenkins Sr., Josh McDowell, Luis Palau, Tasha Cobbs, Lacey Sturm, Trip Lee, Samuel Rodriguez, Jennie Allen, Christine D’Clario, Matt Maher (*Roman Catholic), Sammy Wanyonyi, Lindsey Nobles, and others.

    and most notably the radical evangelist managed to rally together believers from different denominations and backgrounds to stand in unity. He celebrated that Southern Baptists, Hispanic organizations, African-American churches, and even Pope Francis will all be a part of Together 2016.

    The whole purpose of the event was for this “As we were planning this vision, the prayer was always: ‘We want to have the largest Jesus gathering in America’s history,

    I had warned in the past that this would lead to an insurgency and a rebellion to the scriptures to lead many away from the authority of the text into accepting traditions that do not adhere to the Bible, I had noted that is is a journey that leads many down the path to a revival of many evangelical converting into roman catholicism itself, the end game is to get people to accept the catholic eucharist that is central to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and anyone who stands in there way are often marginalized as being called an extremist or guilty of being told that you are committing the sin of idolatry.

    This has resulted in men like Francis Chan who has accepted the dogma and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Eucharist, that proves my point that evangelicalism today is a deadly poison because at the heart of this is corruption from those who want to be addressed as pastors and church leaders of various forms.

    Francis Chan says “I didn’t know that for the first 1,500 years everyone saw Communion as the literal body and blood of Christ.”

    Francis Chan is historically inaccurate and is possibly uneducated on what was taught about the mass this teaching was never accepted before Pope Julian I that was re-enforced by the Roman Catholic Church Fathers and not the Early Church Fathers to cherry-pick what teachers would back there belief in the Roman Catholic Dogma of the Eucharist and its teachings about Christ Literal presence in the species of bread if you want to know more about the history of the Eucharist please refer to my article on Transubstantiation.

    Francis Chan had soon forgotten how the church of Rome treated decenters and what they regarded as heretics, that had sort to condemn them to death by burning them to the state because they had rejected the Dogma of the Eucharist and deemed that the last supper teachings of christ were a matter of symbolic and memorial representation of death and resurrection of Christ as a one-time sacrificial act.

    Rome’s position does not change part of the problem is when the churches take a socialist position rooted in Karl Marx and not a biblical one, its fixation is on charitable works and not on doctrine we walk away from important truths that bind us to Christs through his teachings in the Bible alone and not within the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church if our faith is subject to the mass that is central to the Roman Catholic Faith, there is no more assurance for salvation, the biblical teaching of assurance is rejected, we then have to accept all religious teachings as equally valid to the Bible itself.

    Fairly recently I was emailed this email did not state what my alleged error is with regards to the content of the website but has made personal accusations against me and not necessarily given one clear example other than defending the position of the Roman Catholic Church, I will brake this down as I believe this person is hiding behind a fake email that was created as this person was not looking for a response, this said:

    Servant of Jesus
    [email protected]

    Dear Sir or Madame, Why are you claiming, that you seemingly want to help people, coming out of the dangerous sects and cite the “Gospel”, if you do not mind an idolatric names as written down your website? Mantra, by which it i powered, is nothing more as praising to Hare Krishna (a person, not God) by the members of his sect, but it is also included as own to some masonic lodges and to “techniques” used by the New Age movement members. Is it not being careful enough, or rather it is a…hypocrisy?

    There is no clear evidence that I have advocated anything that relates to Ishkon (Hare Krishna) or seems to confuse the fact that I had never advocated for freemasonry but had exposed it, leaving the alleged accusation of hypocrisy is nothing more than contradictory, from the rest of this person text.

    Reading the “About” section confirms well, that it is unfortunately the last one. Because you claim to not only reveal the truth but also preaching apologetics,

    I wonder if the poster would be careful enough to define the difference between polemics and apologetics, there was no examples as to what it is I had written that was contrary to scripture, the last section in the about us page stipulates

    “We totally reject – as a false unity – ecumenism, Multi-Faith and do not conform to a non-evangelical version of Christianity (“So Called Believers e.g. Sunday Christians”), nor in having a different doctrine of salvation and a basis of doctrinal authority other than the Bible. “

    Most conservative evangelicals I speak to would have no problem with that statement it would appear that this person is a Roman Catholic who has taken exception to this statement and cannot be a bad thing.

    while in fact you want to be a project independent from the Holy Romancatholic Church, the only estabilised by the Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Messiah. So thus you are remaining also independent from…truth. And from God, on Who’s name you are pleading. There is no truth, when someone will not first truly want to forgive from the depth of the heart all wounds and all hurts to other people and to stop escaping the truth said by own conscience. To stand in truth abot himself or helself in front of Jesus through His servant priest in the holy confession sacrament to receive the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of Truth and of True Love.

    This statement is everything you would expect from a Catholic who stands by the traditions of the church what he calls truth, this person believes the holy spirit that forgiveness solely within the sacrament of the eucharist, is sadly blinded by the traditions of the church and does not adhere to the traditions of the apostles.

    There are clear errors within this person’s statement that he got from John 20:23 “If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained,” (John 20:23), is out of context

    When reading the full context it says the opposite.

    “When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples therefore rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus therefore said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 “If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained,” (John 20:19-23).

    the priest has no authority when it comes to confession to offer forgiveness on behalf of Christ to who he will, forgiveness is automatically given because the context is sins already had been forgiven in the past tense and so a priest does not need to offer forgiveness to pronounce what Christ has already said, the Bible teaches us that it is only by Christ who we receive forgiveness from.

    In other words, Christ is our only true high priest.

    For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5);

    “For this reason he is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance” (Hebrews 9:15);

    “It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34).

    This person then goes on to say.

    And who never wanted and still does not want to be obedient to the Romancatholic Church? Yes, satan. Because, as well said R.I.P. father Gebrielle Amorth, the exorcist of the Vatican, “the devil also believes in God, he only does not want to practise [His rules]”. Yes, the devil believes in God much more than many people, claiming they believe as well, and is more obedient to Him when He wishes him to espape and leave someone alone than people who want to “stay independent” from the Catholic Church.

    This is one bold statement to say that Satan lives within those who are outside the church, its quite a remarkable resemblance to whom the scribes and Pharisees accused Jesus of the same who they called Jesus a devil because he was not of them, the Bible says in 1 peter 1:20-21 no scripture is open to anyone private and personal interpretation this statement from peter does not reinforce the need that we should be under the authority of the church, in other words, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 all scripture is God-breathed the spirit reveals truth through the scriptures itself and is enough for instruction in the things of God, at the whole body of the bible contains truth solely in the text of scripture.

    Satan has a way of using Rome to deceive many in a very clever and cunning way, yes there are half truths in that statement Satan Also believes in God, the bible does teach us this, but this person’s source is not the bible it is Gebrielle Amorth, there priestly authority, so who is Gebrielle Amorth, he was the Vatican’s Exorcist in Chief, what the person omits to note is that the Vatican’s Exorcist in Chief states The Devil is lurking in the very heart of the Roman Catholic Church,

    The question then if this partial truth that the Devil lives within the heart of the RCC then why would I listen to satan? as I had stated this person had contradicted the whole statement written to me, it is obviously that this person is not listening to some truth that it is Satan who is running the RCC, who he claims the antichrist is waging war against the Holy See when it is the spirit of antichrist who is not waging war against the “holy see” when the Holy See is being used by a spiritual antichrist to keep many trapped in Romanism and to lead many away from the scriptures.

    Because who is not obedient to its rules and hierarchy, is not obedient to God Himself, as the church is His Mystical Body. In which is Alive Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle and in the Blessed Sacrament. Bless you, wishing you to come back to God. To gain real faith to have the Holy Spirit in your hearts. And make the will of God, discerned every day. Servant of Jesus.

    The response above is nothing more than rooted in tradition, Paul teaches us that the way we are saved from sin, to understand the gospel we must realise that we are all sinners and what that means. It is through the knowledge of the law, the book of Hebrews that remedies this through his onetime blood sacrifice to end all other sacrificial offerings, what does not justify us is anything we do to win Gods favor to appease him with all piety, anything that relates to external religious practices this includes Popish sacraments that relate to the hypo-static Union, Romans 3 teaches that none of us are righteous or good enough, because we have all sinned and contain within the man the corruption of the flesh, resulting in God’s wrath upon all the world, John 3:36 that requires us to believe in the Truth.

    [pp.128] Paul Exhibits the grace and glory of the Divine way of Salvation. “God,” he declares, “hath set forth,” Jesus Christ, “to be a propitiation through faith in His blood that sins have passed.”

    The scriptures make it clear that the penal substitutionary atonement teaching that is according to John’s gospel, it was Christ who took the whole wrath of God that was laid for the world on himself, he took our nature and offering himself as the scapegoat so that we did not need to be punished on the basis of sins that we had committed, nor does anything need to be done on our part to obtain salvation, the Bible says that Christ had laid the iniquity of us all on the cross, it is this teaching we have the foundation in Christ who is our righteousness necessary for the remission of sins.

    Scriptures teach us that Salvation is to be received on the basis of faith alone after faith works are attributed to faith for spiritual growth and not on the basis of salvation, [pp.140] It has often alleged by Roman Catholic writers that the Protestant doctrine of Justification by faith makes good works of no value and militates against holy living. The council denounced Luther’s teaching on this subject as “a blasphemy of the enemy of good works.” But nothing could be more unwarranted than such as accusation. “What shall we say then?” cries Paul, anticipating such an objection, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we who are dead to sin live any longer therein?”

    One of the faults of Roman Catholic doctrine is that to a large extent it confuses Justification with Sanctification. Rome’s doctrine of the way in which a sinner finds acceptance with God is neither Justification, in Pauline sense of that term, nor yet is it Sanctification; it is a strange mixture of both, Justification declared the Council of Trent, “is not remission of sins merely, but also the sanctification and renewal of the inward man.” In Protestant doctrine, which is based on the teaching of the New Testament, the two are carefully distinguished. We are justified by faith alone, but every man who is justified is also quickened into newness of life.

    More unfounded accusations are given with no clear examples as to what I am being charged with my alleged error.

    Why do you mention God and the Gospel in your works, writing about apologetics, while you do not mind pormoting the idolatry?

    Question is what example am I given that I have advocated for idolatry or the promotion of it when I have stood against the subject as clearly outlined by scripture against the idolatry of mary, or the rosary etc.

    Are you so blind, not to see that your website is powered by Mantra? (down the site). Or are you so hypocritical? It is enogh to see into your “About” section to see, that it is the lat one. From one side you claim yo want to seemignly help families having someone in a dangerous sect, but from the other you are promoting a part of the other belief system, mantra, well known as being part Hare Krishna sect and used also by the New Age masonic movement. But it is yet not all. Bigger hypocrisy and a lie, that you claim, is that you want to reveal the truth, while simultaneously remaining as “an independent project”, independent from any church.

    The Bible does not teach us to be placed under the authority of any church but the church locally must place itself under the authority of Christ and his scriptures, the work is accused by citing a matra but there are no clear examples of what is meant by mantra or where I safe to assume they mean the heresy that has been long held by Protestantism.

    The statement below is only repeated from the first point above.

    But if it is independent of the Catholic Church, thus it is also indpendent from truth. As the truth is Holy Spirit, living in the heart of a person, not escaping from truth about himself or herself, to forgive from the depth of the heart all wounds and hurts to others and staying in truth about own sins in front of Jesus in a confession before His servant priest. Only if you change your own heart and clean your soul from all dirt of sins in the holy confession sacrament, you are able to see truth. Otherwise it is only cheating – not so much oter people as himself or herself first of all (because you are not able to cheat God as He knows you much better than you know yourself). Be blessed and please come back to the real faith, led by the Holy Spirit in the Holy Romancatholic Church, the only church estabilished by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Servant of Jesus.

    The Roman Catholic church was not the only church established by the Jesus of the Bible nor is this person a servant of the Biblical Christ but a servant of the Roman Catholic Jesus.

    This is nothing more than Roman Catholic Matra that was reinforced by the line of popes when was the church founded, the church was founded long before the RCC existed we read this in the book of Acts, this is not a statement of fact but a matter of the traditions of the Church of Rome, based on Matthew 16:16-19 in not submitting to the pope is rebellion against God, re-enforcing the Vatican is the one true church founded by Christ and his Apostle Peter, this is nothing more than a side issue a distraction from the core teachings around the catholic faith, it is like my ex-catholic friends said

    “Catholics, Mormons and other false religions make a major blunder, when they try and force on people, that salvation is wholly exclusive to only one religious institution, i.e., theirs! Jesus Christ is Saviour for cross-denominational boundaries. Hence it is impossible for any one group or organisation to restrict salvation to their members only. “

    The canon of Scripture

    The body of Christ, some two hundred years before any church council had been called into session, quoted the New Testament, 87,000 times.

    Athanasius lists all 27 NT books in his pastoral letter, and Gregory of Nazianzen lists 26 of them, save Revelation (Rev. H. S Miller, General Biblical Introduction, 1937, p. 191).

    Polycarp quotes Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, and ten Pauline epistles.

    Clement quotes Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and six Pauline epistles and Revelation.

    Irenaeus quotes all four Gospels, Acts, Pauline epistles, I Peter, I John, Hebrews, Jude, James, and Revelation.

    From the above church leaders and Tertullian, we find all 27 New Testament books cited and revered before 200 AD. Plus we have Latin and Syriac versions being used (150-180 AD). Therefore we have a COMPLETE New Testament in circulation, some two hundred years BEFORE any council met to officially ratify this (Miller, p. 133).

    The Eucharist

    Some early Church leaders interpreted John 6 “eating of His flesh” and “drinking of His blood” as literal interpretations, but this should in no way be considered sound or logical thinking. The Bible states on many occasions how good Godly men erred, so one can be forgiven for comparing some of these same brethren with Biblical saints. However just because they erred, should not cause other believers to make the same mistakes too. Yet sadly man parts of Christendom have perpetuated this error.

    “Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment” (Job 32:9).

    Church “fathers”

    It must also be stated that the first generation of Church leaders, were not the sole custodians of today’s Roman Catholic Church. Those that lived before Constantine and Augustine, were quite different to some of those leaders that preceded them.


    Whether it is the eastern church or the western church, the body of Christ is quite capable of living in different areas and in different ways, with different doctrinal views, without having to be sneered upon or castigated. There has always been diversity in each local assembly, yet they are still in the one body and Church of the Lord Jesus Christ if they have truly been born again.


    It is only by faith alone in the Son of God’s blood atonement that sinners will ever be saved. What does more damage to the body of Christ is when those of a different persuasion try and steal God’s glory, by enslaving ignorant and unlearned people into their system, and subsequently keeping them there indefinitely. When such people eventually find their way out, anathemas/curses are issued on them.

    Going to a Church will not save you, Jesus saves not because salvation is through any church, but solely through Christ alone outside of any church, salvation occurs within our personal lives and resulted in in the outcome of works and not because or by the merit of works. Ephesians 2:8.

    We ought to beware of those who corrupt the doctrines of christ like Francis Chan and ought to shun him as far as we can and give no heed to those whose intent is to deceive knowingly or unknowingly. 1 Thess 2

    24 February 2020, 12:18 am
  • End Year Review 2018

    A session of the Basel Council, which took place between 1431 and 1449,
    during the Western schism, engraving, 1730.

    This year it has been a difficult year for many, allot has happened within the year, The Millennial and Snowflake Generation, Brexit, the looming crash of the stock market, roomers of WW3, rising tensions across the European Union, legislating against the use of words, the anti-feminist propaganda in support of gender politics, pushing to further remove Judeo Christianity from mainstream education and the minds of the people rejecting centuries of conservative beliefs in exchange to being sympathetic politically towards socialism and communist ideas and creating parallels within society divisions and civil unrest, corruption within European and UK governments and one of the best ways to describe current events to sum up is simply another fall of Babylon the Great is upon us.

    Whilst the RCC is winning its counter-reformation agenda, within the Christian world inner fight and struggles, arguments divisions over a Roman Catholic Practice to undermine the gospel is called Christmas, this raises the question are we at the end of the era for apologetics and polemics resulting in revolting and removing the principles of doctrinal purity?

    The eschatological divide leading the separation and schism within churches, arguments, and predictions of setting the expectation of time of a third temple leading to an explosion of false and failed prophecies and predictions concerning end-time events, and many more issues and subjects that I could not add here.

    No matter what your political views are no one has disputed one thing that we live at this period of time in an age of rapidly growing great confusion and wholesale mass hysteria we call fake news, I would use Babylon the great proverbially to describe the past 12 months, because Babylon simply means confusion, we are confused over matters around signs and events politically and religiously, we have spiritual turmoil in churches that once held in high regard that the purity of doctrine was paramount to the building up of the Christian church would appear to have been abandoned, we have those who are criticising Moriel Ministries over David Nathan and Moriel Ministries and those who follow Jacob Prasch making David Nathan into a big issue, I had been approached on this subject recently, it is for this reason I feel convicted to act charitably on sensitive issues.

    Whilst I have deep concerns about what David Nathan is teaching, I also believe there are more important and pressing issues with what I have witnessed over the years, I believe for many years Moriel Ministries have lost sight as a result have become short-sighted with regards to the very people Moriel actively call friends, as well as supporting those who are part of groups they speak out against.

    My issue above all issues over Moriel is this there is no public statement or condemnation of Calvary chapel over the sexual abuse of children who have been groomed by some pastors who have been caught out in the media, and there is wholesale abuse, it may be argued that NTM and CC are putting things in place to deal with the issue which is an improvement and comendable to do so, on the other hand so does the RCC but that does not prevent the abuse from, taking place in the first place.

    Nor have Moriel condemned the actions of new tribes mission to this date who were exposed in the media for lying over missionaries who were paedophiles abusing children in countries where education is non-existent having the very Christian charity at a Moriel truth for youth event, what I will say and I must stress this and make it absolutely clear that Moriel as a ministry do not condone or accept the wholesale sexual abuse of children done in the name of Christ.

    The point is Jacob Prasch has condemned the abuse of children in the RCC it would be appropriate for Moriel to equal condemnation the abuse of children in evangelical churches and charities.

    I have given Moriel time over the years to look into this without approaching Moriel, because personally as a public ministry I do not find Moriel approachable, nor is it widely known for that matter who Moriel as a ministry accountable to with regards to an external body, Moriel and Jacob need to bear some responsibility and humility in whatever they do with regards to speaking on a public platform, I am not saying Moriel are directly respocible for what these groups have done but we all have a respnsibility to speak out, I cannot keep silent any longer and pray that these issues I have raised here would not be taken offense by Moriel as this is not my intention, but for Moriel to confront, raise and condemn what has been happening for many years that has gained public attention, before dealing with secondary non-essential issues around end time doctrine, I am simply calling on Moriel to end any public silence on the issue and not just exclusively condemning what has happened in the Roman Catholic Church, to name names including churches like Calvary Chapel and charities like new tribes mission out and to have nothing more to do with them.

    In the case of Moriel, I believe Luke 17:1-4 is applicable, with regards to children and forgiveness of those who claim to be brothers on one hand but make personal attacks against you on the other, as Christians we have a duty to forgive Moriel if anyone has taken personal offense and not to take on board what Moriel do say personally, with regard against any brother in Christ, I am not talking about if we call someone out for heresy or exposing false teachers, it is about going beyond the scope of doctrine when done biblically.

    Now that out of the way, I must admit that this year was a struggle to compartmentalise a yearlong reporting of events so I will just make the point that sums it up in one area Babylon the great, there are alot of people who are confused to the point they are desperate to see any part of biblical prophecy come to pass that relates to the return of Christ that is nothing more than pure speculation.

    Whilst many are attending prophecy conferences who are teaching time is short, very few are actually getting out in public practicing active evangelism, those who do not have Christ live in a life without hope when the events of the last days are consistent with Christ’s warning for many can be frightening but they are filled with hope where we draw our strength from, in spite of our sins, we have our hope that is not rooted in whatever our view of the timing of the rapture be it pre, mid or post tribulation, our blessed hope is the gospel itself, Jesus teaching us not to be distracted in uncertain things that can often keep our focus away from Christ.

    The Christmas debate continues, back in 2017 an article was published by Daniel Lattier called “The Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christmas”

    I was reading this with genuine interest to the angle the author was writing his refutation of Professor William Tighe who wrote about the pagan origins of Christmas, looking at both arguments are based on half truths and the other is simply a matter of opinion that has no baring of the facts, Daniel Lattier’s argument is not honest in terms of what he defines who Roman Christians are.

    The whole message and meaning of Christmas does not undermine the message of the gospel from the perspective of its pagan origins, the gospel within Christmas is undermined because it is rooted within the Dogma’s of the Catholic Eucharist the story of Christ coming to the world as the redemptive sacrifice offered within the sacrament, that any protestant that keeps to the traditions of the nativity is at its core, keeping within the traditional roman catholic narrative, Daniel Lattier was not correct and factual when he stated “Of course, to Christians, it really doesn’t matter that much whether or not they co-opted December 25th from the pagans, or vice versa. The Christian faith doesn’t stand or fall on that detail. But it’s nevertheless valuable for all of us to give closer scrutiny to shibboleths—such as that of the pagan origins of Christmas—which are continually repeated without being examined.“ ​

    There is really no truth in this statement and it is misleading in another sense, because the 25th date was not co-opted by pagans, what the writer fails to highlight is that Christmas is an ecumenical exercise to bring everyone under the authority of the RCC, it was the 25th date that was created by Pope Julius I, he officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December, this was to push pagans into accepting Catholicism or to be later, torched and if they did not recant they were to be burned at the stake by the inquisitors of the RCC, namely the Order of Loyola aka Jesuits.

    This is to give recognition to the mass itself, in some ways it does matter that we should remove ourselves from keeping in with the traditions of the RCC that Christmas is something less to be desired in doing so would undermine the gospel because Christmas gives legitimacy to Rome and is a rejection of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, taught by Christmas tradition as Christ’s redemptive sacrifice but in part, this is the root of Christmas.

    Anti-biblical, Michael Voris is a ardent defender of the Roman Catholic Faith very accurately stated  “Christmas in particular was especially “Catholic,” the season opening with Christmas Day, a public holiday, when shops and businesses closed and the faithful attended “Christ’s Mass,” followed by festivities lasting throughout the Twelve Days of Christmas. In contrast to the penitential season of Advent, Christmas was marked by eating and drinking in greater quantities, with special foods like turkey, beef, mince pies, plum porridge and specially brewed Christmas ale. Dancing, singing, games and plays also took place, as well as the exchange of gifts.”

    The whole feast is popish, it encompasses a false ecumenism to bring all denominations together with Rome, to establish what they call one united church this is one of the things Christs warns about and this is one of the reasons why we have major compromise with regards to the gospel in the churches.

    In Recent years we have seen the rise in militant and extremist activities with militant veganism, further push towards dismantling marriage, what we can know for sure is that every event in every year throughout human history is already been done naturally for God to use to fulfil his plan, 2019 is certainly going to be an interesting year as we wait patiently for our lords return.

    Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  

    God bless you

    Miguel Hayworth 30/12/2019

    30 December 2018, 9:38 am
  • End of Year Review for 2017

    To Shun or Not to Shun???

    (Please note names that are mentioned in this article is not an endorsement concerning the people that is mentioned here)

    Tyndale Bible, Romans 16:17 17 I beseche you brethre marke them which cause division and geve occasions of evyll contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: and avoyde them.

    18 For they yt are suche serve not ye Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes and with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocetes.

    2017 has been a year that has brought us many struggles and conflicts, there has been a call I believe that is from God that we need to have reflection on our own lives and a constant willingness to practice daily repentance as the bible teaches us to, in arising situations we must always bear in mind none of us is without sin, we seek the lord daily for a renewal bringing constant strong conviction, without compromise or for that matter.

    It has been vital for the spiritual health and well being of anyone who is truly born again to stay outside of the contemporary and egalitarian the view that Christian churches should be so liberal to the extent we see female roles as equal to that of their male counterparts on authoritative spiritual matters, in doing so they believe and encourage many Christians to think outside the box, becoming more progressive and liberal that feelings and the religious aspect of Christian practice and worship have turned in to anarchy, the complete and total rejection of the objective moral character in to subjective morality and the modernist view on scriptural principles, in other words the bible is seen to no longer be authoritarian by having this view you are then classed as an extremist.

    As much as I dislike the rhetoric and the way scripture is used to push you in line with the rest of the “goats” who will fall over the preverbal cliff, these so called post modern progressive Christians are liabilities when it come to persecution for those who stand for what is right, core biblical fundamental and orthodox beliefs are being so aggressively stamped out in favour of holding apostate and neo-evangelical Christian teachers in high regard as being beneficial and attractive in focusing on individual circumstances.

    They pray on the biblically ignorant, weak and those who are immature in the faith, my mother’s family are no exception to this in light of my cousins who it is painful to see them being duped into falsehoods to accommodate inter-faith and unwittingly holding to the idea that Catholics who hold fundamentally to the dogma’s, sacraments and doctrines as “saved” without considering what it is the RCC teaches or for that matter, Islam, Buddhism, et, el, even those who left the Jehovah’s witnesses have no fruit but think it is ok to be foul mouthed in the sense of hurling abuse whilst calling themselves “born again” Christians is no more than the product of psudo-Christianity that is offered today in the post modernist church.

    It would be wise to heed the warnings that I had learned of Richard Wurmbrand at the time whilst in captivity, shown us that the worst of all enemies are going to be those who claim to be Christians, when the time of great persecution comes they are the first people who are likely to inform the authorities of you, whilst emphasising forgiveness, mercy and love he said do not hold it against them, it’s simply human nature.

    Whilst thinking about my own sins, living in daily repentant and struggling as we all do in contending with the flesh, none of us are without sin or faults, but that does not permit us to tolerate what the bible warns so much about false teachers nor does it excuse false teaching at the cost of rejecting sound doctrine, it is because of peer pressure it is easy to give in, whilst we are encouraged to look at the example of Christ, we know we cannot expect anything of those who claim to be “believers”, the church age is finished and now we have come into a new stage of spiritual degradation, spirituality is now the common denominator which men like Francis Chan, Rick Warren, John Piper and many others now are strongly influencing many families within churches, and what they see is not a blessing but a judgement from God himself that he would send them a strong and powerful delusion, the Lord allows them to see the lies because they desire it so, if anything these people are a liability and not the solution.

    So I see it right to make a public statement and official that there are at times biblical mandates as a last resort for shunning even that of my family members amongst other who claim to be believers as they claim to be within the church the bible teaches it is right that we should judge them, I will make the point we are not talking about judging a person’s salvation this is for God to do, we are not talking about interpretations of non essential doctrine, but the doctrine of the Gospel that is our fundamental teaching on area’s around our common salvation, it is evident that  many of the scriptures are ignored because the bible is not seen to be the authority and that relationships with family members are more important, nothing could be further from the truth to those who uphold to biblical authority as taught in the scriptures.

    Jesus give us the heart of the law is to Love God above all things and this means the principle and application of the scripture must always be place above any relationships, this is not always easy and too often comes at a cost, historically the Bible has been at the heart of much conflict, wars, divisions and suffering this is not often God’s doing, but this is our own doing as we are often stubborn and unwilling to submit to God’s will in other word you cannot chew the meat and spit out the bones as there is more bones to spit out than meat to chew or take in the good and leave out the bad, most within the evangelical church including my mother’s side of the family are no exception, I guess with regards to my mother’s family this is me publically saying to them this part of my life is now closed and so I wish them well for the future my prayer is that the Lord open’s the eyes to the spirit of the age we live in concerning the churches, we are in an age of Laodicea.

    Whist most today do not even dare venture into the streets for the gospel because it is seen to be anti-social, they shy away from it, most are now given over to modernist ideas, we are entering into a period were now Christians prefer Christian philosophy over the application of doctrine, many are going two and through over prophecy and the end times, than reaching out the lost in the streets with the message and when they do go out it is about social works.

    They place the emphasis on the importance of man in making them feel loved instead of loving them with conviction and confronting sin as being intolerable before the sight of God, the whole message in John 3:16 for God so loved seems to put an emphasis on God needing man because he sees something good and special in all of us so he came to save them, rather than man needing God for Salvation because of condemnation that is addressed in John 3:36, it is far more important to get man to center himself around God, than giving them a humanist view of God that teaches that man is more important.

    I am convinced that as the bible is so true to its word that these people who claim to be Christians do not have the love of the truth, 2 Thess 2:10 and cannot convince me otherwise, many churches are no orientated around needs of individuals to try and attract many who have “good hearts” they are convinced that if a Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Pentecostal and people of all faiths and none have good hearts than we are all seeking to serve the same God even if they do not know Jesus as their saviour this is what we call Broad Christianity that teaches that Gods plan of salvation is wide, whilst Jesus words are being rejected here, Matthew 7:14-15 13Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.15Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

    Small is the Gate and narrow is the way, then how can family members like my cousins or other evangelicals ever say that there view agrees with the word of Jesus, I am seeing in this the importance of learning the lessons of their beliefs is that God forbid that we should ever think the same way, the bible is very clear on the Human Heart, it is very deceitful as Jeremiah 17:11 says and desperately wicked, whenever they say people have good hearts, with all the best intentions in the world it does not negate the fact that the bible is true to its word and we should never trust our hearts when people tell us otherwise, it is right we are not to judge the heart of man our selves, the fact of the matter is the Bible has already judged the human heart and so if the scriptures teach not to trust the human heart, who am I to disagree with the word of God.

    If anything I would not hold it against them because they have been taught to have this view by multitude of teachers who come from various bible colleges or seminaries, many would see them as more qualified to give scriptural instruction and would regard their words without testing what they are taught or even confront you not to reject them because they are studied, the attitude is the same of traditional Catholics who are pious when it comes to the priests this is no different, the church or Rome would argue reasonable authority comes from their doctors in the RCC and your need for the priests as much as evangelicals take a similar or same approach as the catholic does with their priests, I can see why the RCC is attractive to many evangelicals who at this moment in time would not cross over the line in becoming full members of the RCC, that time is near where they will have to choose what they put their faith in, the Church or the Bible.

    The cultural and social programs in many churches are dangerous because it is no longer about the fear of confronting unbelievers, it is now used to rid the churches of any undesirables, those who will not go along with the programs or what their church do is seen to be outside of “Christianity”.

    For all they accuse those who desire to be faithful to the purity of scriptural instruction and teaching is what they themselves are guilty of as they speak with guile and a forked tongue we are to continue living in obedience to the scriptures faithfully without being self righteous about it, we are to walk in all humbleness and humility.

    In my years as a bible believing Christian, I have seen the iniquity from politics to churches, I am not referring to personal sins but government officials and churches acting in rebellion and defiance to God’s word, such as what we have seen as the latest leaning towards “Christian Spirituality” adapting catholic mysticism and pagan practices in Christian worship and meditation, putting aside differences of doctrine and accommodating unity at any cost, I have seen how Satan uses events to bring all religions together for the sake of peace on the other hand the Bible calls this a false peace and a false unity, one many Christians including my mother’s own evangelical family members are so naive to accept that is what the bible says in 1 John 4:3 1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

    Question: does Islam confess that Jesus has come in the flesh and is of God? What about religious beliefs and teachings of rabbinical Judaism? Or Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Mormonism or the JWs etc, can they not distinguish the difference between biblical separation and biblical unity as opposed to the counterfeit unity of today?

    It follows the patterns of Old Testament scriptures, were even Israel was in rebellion to God, even today the churches more so, the difference is that the Churches of today cannot plead that they not ignorant with regards to the teachings of Christ, it is important that we take note of the book of Jude who speaks warning about wilful rebellion, the consequences of not heeding Gods word and the result of where it leads, the bible calls believers to living in a state of constant daily repentance, this simply means a change of mind, this means not going after the things that we think that is right in our own minds.

    Part of the problem is we do not fear God often enough, we do not reflect more on doctrine but rather live by the Christian Experience in an increasingly fast changing and modern world, with regards to modern politics there are many Christians who do think about the implications and impact that even modern political issues we are faced with effects our very liberties as Christians often take for granted, such as the growing infiltration of communism within state run schools, policing, government, political parties and the freedoms of home education, do not get me wrong I have no thought for a particular political party, these rights and privileges we call our freedoms are being removed is instigated by Members of the Labour Party.

    For example History has demonstrated way communism is wrong and often not workable, history also shows us that communism is dangerous, it is oppressive and is opposed to Judeo Christian beliefs, China is a prime example of this is mentioned in the Telegraph [1] Christianity and communism are fundamentally incompatible – one a spiritual creed, the other materialist. Christianity lays down

    In fact, of course, communism and its blood-brother, fascism, have been responsible – in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America – for more human misery over the past century than any other systems of belief thought up by man. By denying human beings their individuality, all totalitarian systems brutalise the human condition, reducing everyone in their sway to the status of ants, or cogs in a machine. Christianity teaches that each of us is a moral being, responsible for our actions to our Maker, and individually bound to love our neighbours as ourselves.

    Communism has often been shown to be oppressive and in many respects have subjected Christians to brutal and physical violence towards Christians, the reason for concern has been because of where labour now stands.

    that a man’s responsibility to his neighbour is personal, a matter for his individual conscience, while communism decrees that all duties are collective, to be enforced by the state. At first glance, communism may look like the fairer system, and Christianity the more selfish.

    To prove the points I make here are valid is

    Corbyn is supportive of socialist ideas, it is known that socialism is an affront to communism, It was Corbyn who has often had strong support by the communist party of great Britain, has been supportive of communists, even have given speeches at communist rallies, essentially Corybn has shown by demonstraightion there is very little difference between his support for socialism and does not outright oppose communism, between communism and socialism Corbyn is promoting the same economic/political philosophy, Coybn can be seen leading the mayday rallies that includes the communist party, and it boggles the mind that so-called Christians wants to support a man like Corbyn.

    Corbyn has stated “we all owe something” to socialist revolutionary Karl Marx.

    RT reports Many British bookstores are now reporting an explosion in sales of Marxist and left-wing literature. It is believed the increase in sales is linked to the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, the left wing Leader of the UK’s opposition Labour party.

    Back in 2015 Corbyn’s Labour representative John McDonnell threw a copy of Mao’s Communist Little Red Book at George Osborne in a joking can be seen as an affront to propagandising China’s communism but then again what do we expect when we have Corbyns people are influenced by the likes of Marx amongst other communist minds.

    Since Corbyn gained power as Labour leader it is coincidental as it has also reported by RT that there has been a boom in sales in the communist manifesto, Marx was satanic in his beliefs

    One of the most experienced man who lived under the oppression of communism that was influenced by Carl Marx was Richard Wermbrand who wrote about Marx and Satanism

    “Two months after the Communist ‘People’s Republic of Romania’ was established, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was arrested. Labelled ‘Prisoner Number 1,’ he was locked in a solitary cell, where he endured horrendous torture at the hands of the brutal secret police. More than eight years later, ‘a doctor masquerading as a Communist Party member discovered Richard alive.’ Released in 1956, he ‘resumed his work with the ‘underground’ churches….He was re-arrested in 1959 through the conspiracy of an associate, and sentenced to 25 years… accused of preaching ideas contrary to Communist doctrine.”

    “In 1967, Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand founded a ministry that would serve the persecuted church. Its name was eventually changed to Voice of the Martyrs. By the mid-1980s, it was reaching out to “80 restricted nations with offices in 30 countries around the world.” His book, Tortured for Christ, became a source of encouragement among the persecuted throughout the Soviet system.”

    From Chapter Two, “Against All Gods”, Sub-Heading “Satan in Marx’s Family” (pg 23 paperback):

    “Marx was an avowed enemy of all gods, a man who had bought his sword from the prince of darkness at the price of his soul. He had declared it his aim to draw all mankind into the abyss and to follow them laughing.”

    From Chapter Four, “Too Late”, Sub-Heading “Family Letters” (pg 46 paperback):

    “Another possible hint is contained in a letter written to Marx by his son Edgar on March 31, 1854. It begins with the startling words, “My dear devil.” Who has ever known of a son addressing his father like this? But that is how a Satanist writes to his beloved one. Could the son have been initiated as well?

    Equally significant, Marx’s wife addresses him as follows, in a letter of August 1844,

    Your last pastoral letter, high priest and bishop of souls, has again given quiet rest and peace to your poor sheep.

    Marx had expressed, in The Communist Manifesto, his desire to abolish all religion, which one might assume would include abolishing the Satanist cult too. Yet his wife refers to him as high priest and bishop. Of what religion? The only European religion with high priests is the Satanist one. What pastoral letters did he, a man believed to have been an atheist, write? Where are they? This is a part of Marx’s life which has remained unresearched.”

    From Chapter Five, “A Cruel Counterfeit”, Sub-Heading “Bukharin, Stalin, Mao, Ceausescu, Andropov”:

    “Other evidences of Satanist persuasion among Marxist leaders are also significant. Troitskaia, daugh­ter of the Soviet marshal Tuhatchevsky, one of the top men of the Red Army who was later shot by Stalin, wrote of her father that he had a picture of Satan in the east corner of his bedroom, where the Orthodox usual­ly put their ikons.

    When a certain Communist in Czechoslovakia was named head of the State Council for Religious Affairs, an institution whose purpose is to spy on believers and persecute them, he took the name “Hruza,” which means in Slovak “horror,” an appellation used for “dev­il.”

    One of the leaders of a terrorist organization in Argentina took upon himself the nickname “Satanovsky.”

    Anatole France, a renowned French Communist writer, introduced some of the greatest intellectuals of France to communism. At a recent exhibition of demo­niac art in Paris, one of the pieces shown was the specific chair used by that Communist writer for pre­siding over Satanist rituals. Its horned armrests and legs were covered with goat’s fur.

    Britain’s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried. Mysterious rites of black magic are celebrated at this tomb.”

    And here we are in 2017 Jeremy Corbyn Praising Karl Marx as a “great economist” as the Labour leader leapt to the defence of John McDonnell.

    The Telegraph reporting that Jeremy Corbyn joins John McDonnell in praising Communist icon’s work
    to quote the paper “Mr McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, sparked the prospect of a Labour Party revolt on Sunday when he said there is “a lot to learn” from Marx’s communist tract Das Kapital.”

    But Mr Corbyn has moved to defend Mr McDonnell, who has also raised the prospect of increasing taxes for high earners, as he said “all great economists influence all of our thinking”.

    Mr Corbyn said he read the works of both Marx and free market pioneer Adam Smith as he reassured voters that Labour would not raise taxes for low and middle earners.

    I am not suggesting that Corbyn is a Satanist, but Corbyn’s is influenced by the God of this world, we know as Satan Corbyn admits to being influenced by Marx who was fundamentally anti-christian, this should concern Christians concerning who it is they want to support.

    When it boils down to our choices be it political, social, who we allow ourselves to be influenced by intern that we influence others, we simply do not fear God, this does result in consequences that never ends well.

    Many of the controversies we see today can be always linked back to Rome, since 2012 onward Rome has more so than ever placing events in order to influence the modern evangelical thinker to turn more hostile towards conservative evangelic who hold fundamentally to Orthodox beliefs.

    Some times we need to be reminded of what it is we are battling against and who we are fighting for, we live in a time of economic turmoil and uncertainty with much confusion, all the major worlds governments have become hostile to Israel, whilst churches are unclear about what defines the authority of truth, resulting in many who call themselves Christians deciding what truth is for them adding their own interpretation at the same time the whole world calls for peace, the Book of revelations teach us that this is exactly what the anti-Christ will do is to bring a counterfeit peace, in Rev 6:2, it teaches that the anti-Christ will be a man of peace, Rome is promoting the idea and many evangelicals fall into the acceptance of this philosophy of peace and good works making Christianity centralised on man’s works, that are placed before Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.

    We must always remain mindful that Rome is the enemy, we are not simply talking about its victims who are Roman Catholics, but we are also talking about the ones who are victimless are evangelicals who support the mix between evangelicals and the RCC.

    Rome never takes this in to account as they teach that people should only trust in the works contained within the sacraments and not in his redemptive sacrifice, Rome teaches that to have any distinct doctrines, such as assurance of God’s forgiveness only through his onetime sacrifice that are contrary to its own dogma’s and doctrines, to put this aside and to over look our differences is not only to avoid being discriminatory, but Rome says to reject what they say, it is a direct rejection of the gospel and for the gospel to be represented we have to communicate and fully cooperate in compliance with the Papacy.

    (Cont from P707) “This is the Source of our common efforts against discrimination on the grounds of our differences of religion, race colour and culture and the like.  Collaboration extends also to the study of the teaching of the Gospel insofar as it is the source of inspiration for all Christian activity. Let the secretariat for promoting Christian unity and the pontifical commission for Justice and Peace devote themselves in common council to developing effectively this ecumenical collaboration.

    The gospel does not involve any collaboration, nor does it lead us into accepting another gospel that is promoted by catholic theology, the gospel inspires us to commit to Christian activity inasmuch as it agrees and is under the authority of scripture and not for the unity of religions, the Gospel promotes the idea of separation from the world and all that is false and promotes the true unity of like minded believers, this does not include the papacy or its philosophies that has amalgamated human reasoning based on foundations of worldly wisdom that does not come from God, its attempt is to change the nature of the gospel, this is a direct assault on the foundations that the gospel is built upon.

    In practice Rome has always rejected the authority of scriptures, Rome confounds its own condemnation for its promotion of and support of the so called “Theory of evolution”. The Apostle Paul in Romans 1 teaches us that the world has a creator, the gospel’s foundations begins in Genesis 1 and 1 John 1 teaches us that it was Christ who created the heavens and the earth. Why is it safe to assume because there are good Catholics who claim they love the lord that this makes them born again or saved for that matter? The question is do Catholics base there faith upon the authority of scripture alone? The answer is no, If it is the case that we would consider Catholics to be true believers based on their good nature, we must also apply this to other groups that would include Mormons, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Seventh-day Adventists, etc, who all claim to have Christ.

    From my relatives perspective to many others they do not see it a problem if we have a mixture and called it all Christian, the Bible teaches us in:

    2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. (Berean Study Bible)

    (KJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

    Simply put it this way they close there ears to reality of what is happening in 21st century Christendom that we see 2 thess 2

    The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10and with every wicked deceptiondirected against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

    They have refused the love of the truth, they will run after new teachers who teach all sorts of things the problem is we live in a world where there are many, this adds to the confusion and creates the problem, as we move in to 2018, biblical and orthodox beliefs are forever more going to be rejected, we will have more conflicts to contend with, more so within the churches this means churches cannot be consider save havens or places of refuge for spiritual growth, they have been and will ever increasingly be dangerous places that are now unsafe for any believer who is concerned about being biblical and concerned with authoritative truth.

    However hard it may be we are encouraged according to 1 Thess 5:12 – 21 12And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; 13And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves. 14Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men15See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men16Rejoice evermore. 17Pray without ceasing. 18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19Quench not the Spirit. 20Despise not prophesyings. 21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22Abstain from all appearance of evil.

    We must never accept what we are taught on face value we must use the bible itself as our authoritative truth, test all things by the scriptures and never give heed to false teachers like the ones I had mentioned earlier in this review, it does not matter what other Christians may say, the only thing we have now is the Bible, we cannot afford to be complacent nor can we afford to trust or rely on any who claim to be Christians to encourage us in biblical principles or on teaching for that matter, we cannot afford to trust any modern evangelical thinker who promotes post modernist beliefs, these are not your friends but your worst kind of enemy, we are to love them, but we cannot have any regard for them, now is the time that we should call for another reformation, not a reform to lead us to unity with Rome, but a separation from those who claim to be evangelical but are ecumenists.

    In Christ

    Miguel Hayworth – Director UK Apologetics Library




    31 December 2017, 8:28 pm
  • SYMF Marek Holowenko – El Roi The God Who Sees Me

    00:56:02 | 51.3 MB

    Sulam Ya’aqov Messianic Fellowship Presents:  The Prophet Zephaniah – Marek is an elder at SYMF and has a teaching ministry for more information please goto:

    1 March 2017, 1:50 am
  • The Social Gospel and Seeker Friendly Christians

    The Social Gospel and Seeker Friendly Christians

    00:28:17 | 28.3MB

    Within ten years the moving trends of progressive evangelicalism is now widely accepted in the churches, amongst many who are now lukewarm. The authority of scriptures has been rejected in favour of traditions that are wrapped around good works. In doing so this is rejecting the apostle Paul’s centralised approach for the church to only submit to the gospel and the witness of it according to Romans 1:16.

    21 February 2017, 7:55 pm
  • The Social Gospel and Seeker Friendly Christians, a Mandate that is Hostile to Christ and the scriptures.

    Within ten years the moving trends of progressive evangelicalism is now widely accepted in the churches, amongst many who are now lukewarm. The authority of scriptures has been rejected in favour of traditions that are wrapped around good works. In doing so this is rejecting the apostle Paul’s centralised approach for the church to only submit to the gospel and the witness of it according to Romans 1:16.

    Whilst many are saying that we need to accept cultural mandates to be attractive to the unbelieving world, to get cities and communities to love them in deluding themselves that through works resulting in an openness to present Jesus Christ. By saying that the world is different today, only reinforces what the Roman Catholic Church has been trying to do for over 800 years. That is to undermine the aspects of sola fedi and sola scriptura and is to be rejected.

    By saying that the way the scripture was understood back then is different from today, we are removing ourselves from centuries of wisdom that enforces the view, that it is wrong to be against Same Sex Marriage and also the view that the church should be loving and understanding enough to start thinking like the people of today. This is for the total acceptance and tolerance for the depravity of sin and the rejection of scriptural authority, in one phrase we call this deep religious humanism, it focus is that because we are all created by God, we are all his children born with good and evil, in other words contrary to what Romans 3 says, we should focus in the good that is in all of us being centralised on our nature.

    It is taught by the RCC that through social means we can bring people to salvation through the church, “Extra Ecclesium Nalla Sallis” that old lie and rhetoric that translates to “outside the church there is no salvation” to be applied within the minds of progressive evangelicals, Pentecostal, charismatics and protestant churches.

    This can be achieved by applying a cultural change and mandate within all of Christendom, the Vatican II Council stipulates (P706) “The Church may really be the sign of that solidarity which the family of nations desires, it should show in its own life greater cooperation between the churches of rich and poor regions through spiritual communication and division of human and material resources….. (Post Conciliar Documents)

    What the Evangelical church is doing is not getting, is every day people who claim to be Christians are being taught they are not to be focused on scriptures by studying them, but rather the orientation is on works and spiritual experience, if they can enable them to do so, they become ignorant in the knowledge of the scriptures by watering it down, they achieve their objective to be focused and cantered on doing good works.

    What do we see as a result see the rise in women teachers is a product of feminism. A rise in objective thinking rather than subjective thinking as promoted by liberals and those who hold to Socialism, an emphasis on good works has become the result of ecumenism or new ecumenism, etc, driving those non-Catholics to become Rome’s lackey’s, meaning servants.

    The very words that are spoken, clearly makes them knowingly or unknowingly agents of Rome, the same words used by the Vatican to promote the idea; that it is not the individual Christian but the Church collectively that is responsible for social initiatives, that through the church they would be attracted to the gospel and to salvation. This is rejecting the scriptural mandate for the preaching of the gospel alone is the necessity and the root of salvation. When we look at what the bible teaches, this about the last days, we would know what the bible teaches concerning the faith which is contrary to modernist and libertarian views.

    It is this scripture that is often ignored, 2 Tim 3:1-9

    1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

    The reason for cultural and social programs is because of the fear of the rejection of Christ. As a result they state that if we give any confrontational approach to the way we represent Christ they won’t come to our churches. The Bible teaches that a time will come with men will no longer fear God and will be even more open in their rebellion, the problem is that many Christians are putting up with and even legitimising sinful pursuits by going along with the world’s advise and wisdom, this has resulted in folly. The point is you can spend thousands of our British pounds and even spread this idea throughout Europe by spending thousands of Euro dollars in promoting “the social gospel”, this is what they call showing love in works and actions by charitable acts, resulting in unbeliever coming to the churches, the outcome of this is they will remain in their wilful rebellion toward God, because his approach takes an appeasement to the flesh resulting in the world turning to religion, rather than a real relationship with Jesus Christ, because sin is not openly confronted.

    The whole shift in the cultural trends in the Christian camp has always been part of Rome’s agenda to remove any separation between the evangelicals and the Church of Rome. This results in evangelicals being hostile to the gospel itself, Rome is already part of the mystery of iniquity, she being Rome goes by another name “Mystery Babylon”.

    Rome States: ….(P707 Vatican Collection) ”Together with the Second Vatican Council we very highly commend cooperation with our separated Christian brethren for the promotion of justice in the world, for bringing about development of people for establishing peace…

    The Book of revelations teach us that this is exactly what the anti-Christ will do, in Rev 6:2, it teaches that the anti-Christ will be a man of peace, Rome is promoting the idea and many evangelicals fall into the acceptance of this philosophy of peace and good works making Christianity centralised on man’s works, that are placed before Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.

    Rome never takes this in to account as they teach that people should only trust in the works contained within the sacraments and not in his redemptive sacrifice, Rome teaches that to have any distinct doctrines, such as assurance of God’s forgiveness only through his onetime sacrifice that are contrary to its own dogma’s and doctrines, to put this aside and to over look our differences is not only to avoid being discriminatory, but Rome says to reject what they say, it is a direct rejection of the gospel and for the gospel to be represented we have to communicate and fully cooperate in compliance with the Papacy.

    (Cont from P707) “This is the Source of our common efforts against discrimination on the grounds of our differences of religion, race colour and culture and the like.  Collaboration extends also to the study of the teaching of the Gospel insofar as it is the source of inspiration for all Christian activity. Let the secretariat for promoting Christian unity and the pontifical commission for Justice and Peace devote themselves in common council to developing effectively this ecumenical collaboration.

    The gospel does not involve any collaboration, nor does it lead us into accepting another gospel that is promoted by catholic theology, the gospel inspires us to commit to Christian activity inasmuch as it agrees and is under the authority of scripture and not for the unity of religions, the Gospel promotes the idea of separation from the world and all that is false and promotes the true unity of like minded believers, this does not include the papacy or its philosophies that has amalgamated human reasoning based on foundations of worldly wisdom that does not come from God, its attempt is to change the nature of the gospel, this is a direct assault on the foundations that the gospel is built upon.

    In practice Rome has always rejected the authority of scriptures, Rome confounds its own condemnation for its promotion of and support of the so called “Theory of evolution”. The Apostle Paul in Romans 1 teaches us that the world has a creator, the gospel’s foundations begins in Genesis 1 and 1 John 1 teaches us that it was Christ who created the heavens and the earth. Why is it safe to assume because there are good Catholics who claim they love the lord that this makes them born again or saved for that matter? The question is do Catholics base there faith upon the authority of scripture alone? The answer is no, If it is the case that we would consider Catholics to be true believers based on their good nature, we must also apply this to other groups that would include Mormons, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Seventh-day Adventists, etc, who all claim to have Christ.

    Rome attempts to change the evangelical mindset to become orientated around works, this can be achieved by adapting social interests by masking its agenda under what is titled “the gospel”. Faith is exchanged for works that is centralised around influencing the individual. Rome places value upon man in its ecumenical agenda and is not focused on Christ the one who is described in the Bible. The terms used by the evangelical churches today turns Christians into progressive evangelicals, these terms include mission, missional or social action under the umbrella of Hope, as we had seen promoted by many group initiatives like More Than Gold. Many including Franklin Graham [1] have all used this aspect of its message of hope to promote social reforms. This is not giving recognition that it is the gospel alone that transforms lives but rather human effort through the gospel is used to transform society. This does not recognise the essence of what Christ did because Romans 3 teaches us that there is none good, God is saying man can do no good thing, he is dependent on the work that God does that is manifestly known by faith, in itself that provokes us to do what is right, loving what is good and hating what is evil.

    This view of the social gospel is very attractive for progressive Christians who are moving to push for a political socialistic agenda in achieving a theocracy, another term for this is kingdom building, setting up the kingdom of God on earth to overthrow a government, the principles that are promoted here have no foundation in the Scriptures.

    (not an endorsement)

    Recently, Christian Left leader [2] Jim Wallis recently said:

    Christians across the theological and political spectrum believe that social justice is central to the teachings of Jesus and at the heart of biblical faith.

    Actually, not only is there no consensus on this issue, but in fact, Jesus did not speak of such a concept as it is understood today.

    Further, Jesus said that there would be false teachers coming in his name. Paul, arguing for strict traditionalism, steeled future Christians against heresy by writing: Therefore, Brethren, stand fast, and hold to the traditions which ye have been taught. …” (2 Thessalonians 2:15)

    While any Christian can agree that the first Christians held all things in common and virtually forbade owning any personal property, we find no mention that a theocracy should be established by Christians to enforce this socialism on others. And those who insist that Christian socialism must be enforced by political means are in fact endorsing a form of theocracy not less rigid than that of Muslim countries.

    Further, Paul forbade welfare as we practice it today with the words:

    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should they eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

    While Wallis and his followers – as well as many other Christian leaders, both Protestant and Catholic (including priests here in Panama where I live) – insist that the story of the fishes and the loaves is all about the rich sharing with the poor, Jesus was very short with those of his day who sought him out to increase material gain or to receive welfare-style handouts, making it clear that he had come not to feed the poor the physical bread but rather to feed the poor in spirit His spiritual bread.

    Elsewhere it is clear that Jesus does want Christians to share their sustenance with the less fortunate, but not by enforcing a political sharing system through taxation, as Wallis endorses.

    According to the book “The Socialist Phenomenon” by dissident USSR Academy of Sciences member Igor Shafarevich (available in its entirety on the Web), such radical socialism is the heresy that was spread in the 13th and 14th centuries in Europe, and even earlier in Persia, where the first socialist state was set up – and failed ignominiously.

    Shafarevich shows that the first European socialists were heretics, some of them quite violent and murderous (see the chapter “The Socialism of the Heresies” starting on page 18). The Taborites, for example, took over large regions around Prague and later in other countries, plundering and burning churches and brutally murdered priests and peasants who refused to go along with their policies. Like the other socialist heretics, they “held everything in common.” But the possessions they held in common were mostly the fruits of other people’s labor, including gold and silver items stolen from churches. They were more antichrists than Christians

    If we consider this behavior on the part of the earliest socialists, the behavior of the French revolutionaries and the fact that the socialist phenomenon (Shafarevich, like all Soviets, made no distinction between socialism and communism) killed 100 million in the places it was practiced in the 20th century, it should be clear that American “Christian” leftists like Jim Wallis are playing with fire.

    Instead of going along with the mindset of the progressive evangelicals we should follow the advice that is set by the prophet Jeremiah

    Jeremiah 6:16 (KJV) 16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

    This view and support for the social gospel is doing the opposite to what they claim and at the end of it, this can only be a path that takes us away from knowing who Christ really is.

    Miguel Hayworth January 2017


    1 February 2017, 2:09 am
  • MK Christian Foundation & the 30 Pieces of Silver behind their Childcare Pathways!
    The Abolition Society, UK Picture The Clergy of Mission Partnership’s
    ChristianFoundation leading our children into
    fornication, sodomy and abortion. Picture For this is the will of God,
    even your sanctification,
    that ye should abstain from
    fornication: that every one
    of you should know how to
    possess his vessel in sanctification
    and honour; not in the lust of
    concupiscence, 1 Thessalonians 4 3-5 AKJV

    For us, that truly care for the welfare of all children choosing a creche requires more than choosing the one closest to home. We research Ofsted reports, google user reviews and might even look into the ethics of those providing the creche. That’s what I did with Childcare Pathways in Milton Keynes. They have their creche in the Christian Foundations, Wolverton HQ, Foundation House, home to Mission Partnership their governing body. The creche is an enterprise of the Christian Foundation. I’d like to tell you why as a parent and a Born-Again Christian I can not recommend  Childcare Pathways.

    Picture Sexual Pleasure Training’ with Brook,
    favoured by the Clergy of Mission Partnership.

    The Bible makes an insightful analogy that if a tree has rotten roots it will never produce good fruit. The fetid root attached to Childcare Pathways is Mission Partnership and their outreach arm – MK Christian Foundation. Since 2010 I have been raising awareness of MK Christian Foundation’s unbiblical ways. Previously reporting that they host weekly Brook Sessions. Brook is a charity that makes their money from teaching our schoolchildren how to sodomise each other, give oral-anal pleasure whilst avoiding eating anal discharges etc. – they are proud of this their Sexual Pleasure Training and the Christian Foundation has proudly hosted Brook weekly under the same roof as their Creche.

    Picture No ‘vital signs’ for the 1,560
    babies murdered yearly on the premises! Brook are not just hellbent on destroying the moral law God has commanded us to obey but they also call Jesus a liar when not accepting  that in the beginning, Jesus made us male and female. Brook teach children that they are non-binary or on a sliding scale of a multitude of genders. Brook also provide children with referrals to secretly abort our grandchildren at the nearby Community Foundation, who just happen to be Brooks Landlord!   Picture Abolition Society have been exposing the satanic trinity of Christian Foundation, Community Foundation and Brook since 2010. Picture Have ye not read, that he
    which made them at the
    beginning made them
    male and female, Matthew 19:4 AKJV

    ​I’ve also written about the Christian Foundation setting up their Think Food Cafe at the local abortion abattoir facilitated by MK Community Foundation and that a number of top-level staff are employed at both the Community and Christian, Foundations, making it very difficult to separate them from each other.

    Here, I’d like to expose MK Christian Foundation’s links to infanticide that have sickened me yet further.

    Picture Stephen Norrish is Co-Director
    of MK Christian Foundation AND
    a Trustee of MK Community
    Foundation who facilitate the
    destruction of 1,560 babies per year.

    MK Community Foundation makes rent money from their on-site abortion facility. Killing a child is usually upwards of £600 with Taxpayers financing almost all abortions. 1,560 babies per year are slaughtered on their premises. This rent money stained with innocent blood forms part of the Community Foundation’s Grants. Brook also being tenants of the Community Foundation swell the Grant coffers further. You may ask who on earth would want this blood money? Well, children’s charities Emily’s Star and Barnardos do. Emily’s Star went as far as to set up a new office in the same building that is killing the Trisomy 18 babies that Emily’s Star state they are helping! (read my articles on Emily’s Star here and Barnardos here.)

    Picture MK Christian Foundation have for
    years been in cahoots with those
    who harm our children.
    It seems that the love of
    money has seared the
    conscience of the local
    clergy too as the Christian
    Foundation accepted an a

    stonishing blood-soaked grant of £4,520 from the Community Foundation to fill their booties with new computers and tablets! Have they not read it is written  –  And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous. Exodus 23:8

    Picture Who is killing God’s image in Milton Keynes? Picture Facilitating fornication among
    schoolchildren, lessons in
    sodomising and the slaughter
    of our grandchildren made
    in the image of God. Shame
    on MK Christian Foundation!

     Judas betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver. I believe the Christian Foundation have betrayed the 9,360 babies aborted in the six years that I’ve been asking them to help save these lives. God commands that Christians should be a peculiar people, circumcised in their hearts, set apart for God. But MK Christian Foundation via their years of perverted Brook Sessions has taught our children to become whores and child murderers and to serve Jezebel and Pan the gods of sex rather than Christ who’s image we bear and who’s image the Christian Foundation have destroyed.  

    ​Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:8 AKJV.​

    Picture Learn how to keep “anal
    fluids away from the mouth
    [during oral-anal sex]”
    with Brook & MK Christian

    I again urge the satanic trinity of Christian Foundation, Community Foundation, and Brook to repent without further delay. Heed God’s Word: that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. Ephesians 4:17-19 AKJV

    Picture For the love of money is the
    root of all evil: which while
    some coveted after, they
    have erred from the faith,
    1 Timothy 6:10 AKJV

    Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 AKJV.

    ​Whilst I myself am left speechless, I’ll let the Christian Foundation have the last word –

    “keep your fingers crossed that we’re successful with our funding bids [to upgrade the kitchen and cafe at the abortion facility!]”.


    Christian Foundation Cafe at the abortion abattoir where 1,560 babies are butchered yearly.

    6 January 2017, 1:26 pm
  • End of Year review 2016

    End of Year review 2016
    Ever closer to Rome’s grand master plan.

    This review draws this year to a close, while the evangelical churches have deluded themselves into believing they are winning catholic’s to Christ to a achieve their objectives, they will go all the way to the Roman Catholic Church on its feast days, the holy days of obligation and other Roman Catholic Practices and Customs.

    When it comes to religion tradition is always king over scriptural authority, other groups like the Black Israelite or also known as the Black Hebrew cult are not an exception to this.

    2016 has brought in divisions and contentions over non-essential doctrines like eschatology resulting in leaving our first love; we have to bear responsibility for this grieve sin we are taking our eyes of the satanic spirit that have been allowed to rule among our fellowships, while we argue and contend over prophecy.

    The timing of the rapture debate is used to cover our hypocrisy and a distraction, we are giving Rome exactly what she needs to complete her goal, to bring in an end to the evangelical church around the world, the Jews are preparing for a resurrection of the temple in Jerusalem, indicates that surely time is short, and the believers in the churches are seeking for substance in doctrine they lost so long ago.

    God will bring in his judgement on the churches for its rebellion by sending a spiritual famine that God has removed himself from them, after all the scriptures tell us a sign of his return would be when the churches depart from the truth under a global apostasy as mentioned in 2 Thess 2, in many churches evangelicals are not interested in the gospel, but rather changing the definition of what it means to preach it.

    Many will engage in the practice of Christmas and Easter without considering the origins lie with the Catholic Mass that long ago would have been abandoned by the Puritans, Anabaptists, Quakers and Presbyterians was regarded as an abomination and disregarded as popish practices.

    We are no longer in the days of the abandonment from Roman Catholicism those days are long gone, And what we have is the very excuse that these are about Christ, this is not exactly what Christmas and Ester is about, Christmas is about the rebirth of Christ in the species of bread and the cup, and Ester is about the redemptive sacrifice of the Mass.

    Those who excuses it do try to uproot Catholicism from these practices, is very much like people who do yoga for the sake of exercising and try to separate yoga from Hinduism, now ask yourself can Leopard change the colour of its spots?

    Christmas and Easter cannot truly be divorced from the Catholic mass, this is what the holidays are about as the mass is central to these two holidays, It is my belief that the mass is pagan in its right and so is the Roman Catholic Church and here we are at this ecumenical time of year were all denominations celebrate the holiday, whilst billions of Catholics who take the mass reject the gospel and in doing so remove the whole point of Gods forgiveness and redemption, this is not only deplorable to God, but a compromise made by many to keep their traditions, the question is, is this truly loving for evangelicals do so such sending Catholics a wrong message, as this has nothing to do with the death and the redemptive sacrifice that Christ gave his life for.

    Fundamentally the teaching of Christmas has always been about the re-birth of His people; the Roman Catholic Church teaches that it is through eating of His Flesh and Blood that Christ came from Heaven to bring us back to the Father. The sustenance for that, the bread for that journey, is His Flesh for those properly disposed of that Jesus actual flesh is presented in the Mass.

    In everything this sums up what Christmas is about, It is in this that Evangelical’s who are conservative Bible believing Christians the core teachings of Christmas would mean that the Bible would prohibit us in taking part in this holiday as the root of it is the sacramental offering of the mass that this holiday does commemorate and is not solely about the birth of our Lord.

    Mark 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

    8For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

    I often have this debate with other so-called evangelicals, most tell me they don’t do the Catholic practices of it as long as it has Christ in it then I’m all for it, by the same logic you can apply this to Mormonism, Iskcon, Islam, Neo-Nazis and the Universalist church, etc., who all celebrate Christmas, where do we draw the line?

    What is unfortunate about the whole thing is that billions of Catholics will be taking the mass for three days and putting their faith in the pope who hypocritically teaches that to have a relationship with Jesus is dangerous and that you need to come under the authority of the church for salvation in doing so are sending billions to hell as you cannot be saved solely by the name of Christ alone, my question is why are evangelicals refusing to reach out to Catholics with the gospel?

    Many in the Evangelical churches say they believe Catholics are saved and will be commemorating Roman Catholicism and this is done in its holidays etc.; this sends them a message that Rome is the true church and the pope is the true Vicar of Christ.

    They ought to ask themselves why did the Puritans, Anabaptist’s, and the Quakers, Congregationalists and Presbyterians likewise discouraged Christmas festivities and regarded the day as an abomination?

    It is this that I believe Christmas is residual Popery, It was liberal Protestantism that gave many Christians today to celebrate this most commercialized and Catholic holiday.

    The Bible is true to its word in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    We know from this letter, Paul was trying to encourage the church in Thessalonica, what we find in today’s world would point us what would seem to be the soon coming of the Anti-Christ following Christs return, we do not know when, but we know that around the world we have a great departing from scriptural truths that is a good indication that Christs return can’t be that long.

    It is the same attitudes made by liberal Christians that result in some examples mentioned here, we have the following statement made in 2014 by one of the world’s known So-called Pastor’s named Rick Warren who stated “That he is calling for Christians to unite with Roman Catholics and “Pope Francis,” who Warren recently referred to as the “Holy Father”” to this year’s “Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) continues to embrace the practices of the Roman Catholic Church.” as a few of many examples as to why it does lead people like those on my mother’s side of the family and other Pentecostal, evangelical or Protestant churches to promote this idea that to love our enemies means we must never speak out against what they do teach or believe, but to embrace unity by our tolerance of other people’s practices and their worshiping of other gods, as well as cultural mandates, that is becoming more common in the mindset of many of today’s Christians the problem is they do not have a fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10 instead of fearing God we have a view of love is based on a perverted view that is rooted in man’s carnal desires and wisdom.

    This view of love is not only the recipe for false ecumenism but also is rooted in Christian liberal teaching, this is called the social gospel, the issue is not that a person is saved sins and its penalty of death that results in an eternity in the lake of fire; the main thing is how man treats his fellow man. “Love” of our fellow-man becomes the defining issue, and the authority of scripture is rejected pushing for a renewed emphasis on doctrinal orthodoxy. As a result of this “reasoning” by liberal theologians, the following doctrines are taught by liberal quasi-Christian theologians such as Richard Rorty who is a postmodern philosopher:

    No, I’m delighted that liberal theologians do their best to do what Pio Nono said shouldn’t be done — try to accommodate Christianity to modern science, modern culture, and democratic society. If I were a fundamentalist Christian, I’d be appalled by the wishy-washiness of their version of the Christian faith. But since I am a non-believer who is frightened of the barbarity of many fundamentalist Christians (e.g., their homophobia), I welcome theological liberalism. Maybe liberal theologians will eventually produce a version of Christianity so wishy-washy that nobody will be interested in being a Christian anymore. If so, something will have been lost, but probably more will have been gained.

    Post modern Theology blog –

    Comments like this ring true to the mindset of the post-modernist church who teach that “Loving” of our fellow-man becomes the defining issue and not scriptural truths taught in what is called the new reformation of the church for the 21 century.

    It is unfortunate that most members of my mother’s family and other Christians think this way because for them Love is about total tolerance on anything people set their minds to and not encouraging people to adhere to foundation and authority of biblical teachings, in the climate of Christian culture of today, the seven churches of Revelations and Christ’s love, warning and description describes the state of the churches around the world.

    This is unfortunate for a lot of Christians as the current state of Christianity is going to get worse still many are looking for signs, wonders, and revival with the added mixing pot of iniquity and many Christians looking to cover this up or even justify it, the point is that revival cannot occur and many will not come to faith as the events of time are unfolding the time of the Gentiles is almost over and God is going to turn his attention back to the Jews in bringing them back to the Land that God gave them, this is part of Gods plan to see all Israel saved in the last day,  as believers we must be more ready as we are nearing the day of our Lords return.

    You don’t need to go looking very far to see the Devils devices, it is easy for men like Joe Schimmel to point out the satanic agenda in Hollywood, the point is the world is fallen and is Satan’s domain for a time, the world is supposed to be promoting abortions, fornication’s, drunkenness, etc. because it is corrupted, but when Satan is fully functional in the churches done under the guise of charity, etc., it is far less obvious because decrement is lacking, eschatology and prophecy clubs are all simply distractions that Christians seem to love to get their next fix and wave of failed predictions, one thing for sore is around 90% of the time they get it wrong.

    2016 the year of the Shemitah that the banks did not even collapse and no global economic Armageddon occurred, as for the UK, there has been an increasing amount of demonic activity, in the UK we have a revival of the acient pagan and Roman god’s saturnalia.

    An increase of wickedness of the pagan and satanic mystery religions has increased over the years in the UK for example as seen at Beltane Fire Festival as a cultural event, this event is also practiced across europe, warning these videos below are not suitable for children or those who are sensitive.

    As spiritual darkness is coming in like a flood those who are faithful must raise a standard against this.

    Some of these pagan practices are mainstream in the evangelical church, such as the same labyrinths that are used at beltane, the UK as a whole has entered into an increased state of rebellion to God, and the flaunting of sin as demonstrated in our streets across the UK has erupted into violence, not just in the UK but the whole world, this makes the Bible true to its word Matthew 24:37  37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    In the book of Genesis it says that the people of Noah’s day were excessively violent Genesis 6:13 says the whole earth was violent, in my lifetime I have seen time and time again over the years that violence has increased, it was always there in the background, in recent years the scale of violence has been blatant from the butchery and genocide committed in the name of Islam to ordinary people committing acts of brutality and murder, we have had increased rate of drunkenness in the city streets, this goes on and on.

    In my end of year report I do not feel that we are in a position to celebrate or be joyful, rather the churches should be in a state of repentance and lamentation, what we find is the opposite, churches inviting the goats of the world to fill their meeting places, they do not seem to understand that scriptures are clear we should not be in fellowship with unbelievers, as believers instead of inviting unbelievers to our meetings, we should be taking the gospel out to them, this is a another sign that the churches are apostate, spiritual tombs, desolate and morally sold out to the world, in two years churches have not only accepted occult, Gnostic, mystical and pagan practices, but now they even encourage and justify same-sex marriage, the churches are spiraling very quickly into complete and total corruption, they have become decadent and in a state of sin, they have committed gross harlotry by sleeping with the enemies of the cross.

    Churches are putting Catholic images up to the point they are in fellowship with the church of Rome, the buildings belonging to the Vatican has full of pagan and satanic symbols they are mixing religion, even Prince Charles stated in his recent Christmas message “Whichever religious path we follow the destination is the same: to value and respect the other person; accepting their right to live out their peaceful response to the love of God.” Source the daily telegraph

    Prince Charles admittedly is consulting with Jesuits, Islamic leaders, the Pope and Other religious leaders in order to spread his message that by establishing peace all religions must come together, he seems to believe that the God of the Bible is the same as the gods of other religions that lead to the same path, the Bible does not show any respect to other religions, 1 John 2:22 would put Prince Charles in the category of being a liar because he does not in action believe that Jesus is the only savior and way to heaven, he denies and rejects Christ through scriptural authority.

    The Bible teaches that there is only one destination through Jesus Christ and not other religions, Acts 4:12.

    In the UK we have a lack of people who will stand up and contend for the faith and very few actually do any witnessing of all the Christians who attend their meetings, are so caught up with everyday things, witnessing for their faith is in the last of their priorities, many sit in conferences and meetings getting fattened on knowledge, whilst many on the city streets are dying, these are your rough sleepers and many will have the time to sit and listen to the gospel, Roman Catholics who go to mass every Friday are in bondage to their religion, Catholics do not have assurance of salvation, in my experience of witnessing to Catholics outside their churches, in my experience many do want to share and discuss their Catholic faith, this provided the perfect opportunity to show them the error and false doctrines of Rome had prevented them from ever knowing Christ in the hope you can win them out of the RCC.

    2016 has been a year where even the Jehovah’s witnesses would put many churches to shame, as they have been out every day in the cities and town centers being faithful witnesses for Jehovah’s organisation (the watchtower and bible tract society), as have been the Mormons in this regard, evangelicals have been duped into thinking that Mormons are saved, little do they realise that Mormons are polytheists.

    The few groups who do proselytize are not there for the gospel; they show their rejection of Romans 1:16 and Mark 16:15.

    The Bible teaches that in the end times the flock would be scattered because of false pastors, the church has been warned of Gods judgements on the believers as a necessity to purify the body of Christ, could it be that in the coming year this could very well happen, only God knows, we need to be able to stand firm and trust in him in the midst of the storms of life as we trivial.

    When our time of testing comes we must be earnestly seeking to be faithful, I am not talking about being ready for the great tribulation as there is already tribulation in the world, many are in the past 25 years losing their lives for their faith, in the face of troubles and despair we are encouraged to do one thing, Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

    We can have the confidence in knowing that Christ has conquered death and sin, 1 Cor 15:55-57 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?56  The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Miguel Hayworth

    I leave you with a word from my friend Mike Oppenheimer from the USA

    Stranger things can happen

    The strange and treacherous world of politics and religion

    As we look forward to a new year, 2017, we also look back to it being 16 years after Y2K, one of the greatest examples of “fake news.” Or the Fake news that our own government took down the twin towers in NY instead of Islamic terrorists. It is 15 years after 911 and the predictions of doom have not stopped. Many are fearful of the world we now live in, some are justified and some are not.

    Clearly the world is at a dangerous place at the moment, numerous unstable leaders and dictators threaten the freedom of others, some things stay the same and some things change (Venezuela, Cuba). At the top of our concerns is a religion that says they are for peace have leaders threaten and kill others. Iran continues to threaten Israel and the West. Especially now that we have a new president who will not give them billions of dollars and continue to endorse a façade of a peace treaty. Education centers have brought mass confusion taking the youth captive by ideologies and philosophies that are contrary to America’s traditions and freedom and what is actually true. Our education process has become politicized. Our education systems have become populated with rebels against America and her traditions (religious and freedom).

    Teachers are authoritarian figures to our children, but they are rarely questioned as being wrong. Parents are questioned more than they are. We must take the time to educate our children to reverse what they hear at school even if it is 15 minutes a day around the dinner table (apparently another outdated tradition)

    But fear is not to be the reaction of any Christian, we instead have been given power, love and a sound mind. Sound minds are not what we see in abundance today, insanity has become the new norm. If only people’s noses grew like Pinocchio’s when they lie, we could see the truth immediately. Still, some would blame it on a disorder or purposely ignore their lying. Because they already live by lies and feast on them. The collective population lives by lies from the news on politics and religion[s].

    Strange things happen when you purposely blind yourself to the truth. When truth is not the center of one’s life and being, logic and reality is pushed to the wayside. To see this we only have to look at our education, schools and universities that teach rebellion more than learning.

    Flowers were symbolic of the new revolutionary movement in America in the 60’s, This longing to bring a communal utopia is still alive. Songs like when you come to San Francisco wear a flower in your hair has endured. This goal has not died, in fact, many of these people became Aquarian conspirators and joined our universities or became eco warriors, many want a global government. They joined the system to have it implode from within (like Alinsky taught) … And they nearly got their way.

    The dominating news over the last several months and even now is the election. Our newsletter states we cover events that affect us, this includes outside faith and religion.

    The debates in the United States are over, the people have spoken by voting. Even from space, U.S. astronaut Shane Kimbrough, a member of the main crew to the International Space Station (ISS) filed his ballot from the International Space Station. That’s a first.

    In a reaction to a nearly everything the new progressives artificially imposed on America, the people responded. Of course the news media and many involved cannot understand how this reversal happened. Over 70% of the country did not like the direction we were going in but they could not hear them in their bubble. It was always there, it just did not have the ability for action until this November

    We used to put our shoe on the left foot first, now it will be the right foot first. Nevertheless, there is far too much anger and resentment mostly from emotional infants reacting; who did not get their way. They are more than distraught; they are apoplectic! Life has crashed in on some of these students who thought their liberal global social citizenry would be realized.

    This paradigm shift is called an election. One side wins the other side loses. I know this competition is not conducive to the schools these days, where everyone gets a trophy for showing up and trying, but this is the way it is in real life. Not everything goes the way we want in life.

    For several years we have been watching a severing of the country from its constitution. The same has been happening in the church – we are being severed from the Bible. We have the liberal progressives ruling in government and the same attitude is in the church. You can identify them, as they teach Christianity without the Bible. Jesus said we are sanctified by the word, without it we join the world and get conformed to its ways, trapped and useless.

    Jesus speaks to the Ephesian church about returning to their first love, that his presence would be among them collectively (not as individuals).The church has already been half muzzled by silencing our speech where one cannot exercise judgment on false teaching from inside the church. Those who do are banned, removed. Jesus also spoke to individuals in the Laodicean church because the Church itself would not let him in. Watch out for those that want to silence the voices that discern and pursue the truth, we have a right to defend the Scripture and protect our brothers and sisters from lies.

    What will become of us when we have very few teachers of the word that are willing to stand up for the word and resist the tide of unbiblical change[s] that has come to our doors?

    We have some lessons to learn from what just happened in America, for it is unprecedented. Lets grasp this teachable moment. Can the church do the same reversal that happened in politics?

    I don’t think many of us realize how far gone the church is with the prophetic movements influence, the kingdomizers, the “everyone is like Jesus movement” (heal and do miracles), or the word faith speak and receive that has made itself welcome in so many churches. Or the most hideous of all, interfaith (Emergent), synthesizing what is foreign to Christ’s teachings and practices.

    Like mystics and Gnostics, so many are taught by experience, while the Scripture tells us to learn by doctrine. Live out what we learn through the Holy Spirit to see God change other lives by the GOSPEL and discipleship. Remember Jesus’ words before He left (Mt.28), teach, disciple, baptize.

    To enforce a Christian government on people by apostles and prophets makes them politicians not servants, the government is upon Jesus’ shoulders not the church. Dominionists want authority to rule, because of their post millennial view that have made a huge error- that they will put things in order and hand everything over to Jesus when He comes. The Bible says no such thing.

    The big no no’s

    Two things you do not openly talk about; politics and religion – especially at thanksgiving. At risk of igniting more controversy, let’s talk about both. Politics affects everyone’s daily life, Religion (faith) affects only a few. You can be wrong in politics but you can’t be wrong in religion (faith), it can cost you your soul.

    Americas dedication in faith has waned and been replaced by politics, “in the party we trust.” Especially on the Democrat side, who are the least religious of both parties, attracts the communists, Marxists and Leninists whom all oppose God.

    The world is controlled by politics through various governments. The church, individuals are supposed to be controlled by God, Jesus Christ through under shepherds, the pastors who are to care for the sheep. In our day there’s a political machine and there is a religious machine. There are those in politics who genuinely want to make life better for people and those who enslave them by the system. It is the same in the church, and we were warned by Jesus about those who make disciples after themselves, who will use and abuse you.

    The day the Pope grieved.

    Having a title or a position does not make one a leader, it may in politics but not in the true faith. I have seen enough pastors fail in their duties in small churches. Pope Francis who apparently is the sole representative of Christ on earth according to his church (not God’s) who was voted in as an apostolic successor, said the death of Cuba’s revolutionary leader Fidel Castro was “sad news” and that he was grieving and praying for his repos. Castro who was baptized a Roman Catholic and was educated by the same Jesuit order Francis belongs to. Castro was a devout atheist and his regime seized property, nationalized homes and businesses declaring Cuba an atheist/communist state when he rose to power in 1959.

    Read more:

    Castro, a communist dictator who hated Christ kept people from worship of the true God dies and this so called representative of Jesus calls him a deceased dignitary, offering prayers to the Lord for his rest calling on the maternal intercession of our Lady of the Charity of El Cobre, patroness of that country.

    The media remorsed along with the Pope calling Castro an aging grandfather, they maximized their comments to make him into a hero. The fact is he was a modern day dictator and oppressor of his people. And the church should not forgot, Benny Hinn prophesied his death for the year 2000. 16 years later Hinn is proven wrong as time is the enemy of all false prophets.

    Both religion and politics can tear a nation apart or bring it together

    The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes” (Dan. 4:17). Politics is one of many ways God can use to accomplish His will. Evil men can abuse their political power, just like a pastor or leader can abuse his position; and they will all answer for it. Many of the pastors have also, in fact many Pastors act more like politicians or CEO’s than shepherds. Wake up church, they have left their post and calling, or were never called in the first place. It’s not always that hard to tell between a shepherd and a hireling. One cares, they protect and feed the sheep. To their pastors shame so many go to church to get fed, only to go home hungry. We are in a time of spiritual starvation.

    In America we are a republic. It is the peoples will and if people want evil or corruption they can choose it, God can allow it, or by his mercy He can intervene.

    The United States of America is a Republic

    The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Colonel George Balch in 1887,[3][4][5] later revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.[6] The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The last change in language came on Flag Day 1954 when the words “under God” were added.[7]

    I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” first version 1892. With various adjustments we now have the 1954 version “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    What makes this so important is the capturing of a sense of united patriotism for a country that acknowledges God and is a Republic, not a democracy (nor are we a theocracy). Putting ones hand over the heart and repeating this is NOT like the Nazis who put their hands upward toward the fuhrer, or the Romans who hailed Caesar. For children, citizens, those who serve it is to be a reminder of who we are, who we are supposed to be. Some want both republic and God to be removed. Today, those who dislike anything we do burn the flag which is a symbol of Americas freedom and ways.

    Maybe the church needs to take the Scripture just as seriously to confess Christ, though we are not a nation, but his body, we could use some reminders of who we are and what we are supposed to be. Good or bad, this was basically the creeds intention in the early church. To have the church know and adhere to our doctrinal distinctive for spiritual unity

    As a theocracy Israel had the Sh’ma, Deut.6:4, only they were a nation God controlled. And we will have no perfect government until Jesus our Messiah returns, so we can do the best with what we have.

    The difference between Republic and a theocracy is that in the Republic the Government rules according to the laws set up by men. A Theocracy lives under the Law of God. Though we say “One nation under God” we allow pluralism of religions and it is only a cliché for most people today. America has elements of a democracy in our Republic. But we are not a democracy but a representative Republic, giving the states sovereignty.

    A looming Crises?

    The forming of the electoral college. Since there are more populated states, Small states were worried that states with large populations would have more sway. This is why there must be electorals to be fair, otherwise one can campaign in 4-6 states to win and the rest of the country has no voice.

    The Electoral College is how we officially determine who our president is. We are a union of 50 states, called the United States of America. By early morning Nov.9 2016 the total Electoral votes number were 306 for Trump, Clinton 232, according to The Wall Street Journal. Both candidates had the goal (and agreed) to win the electoral votes of each state, 270 electoral votes to win. Winning the popular votes per state are the only popular votes that count, which are the electoral’s under our constitutional system. Only those who win the electoral college serve as president. You don’t change the rules after the fact. Trump received 60 percent of all states.

    What we have just witnessed is as close to miracle that most will ever see. All the naysayers of the news said he had no way to win; they gave enough false reports to make sure of this. But he found an alternate way. This was a total uphill climb for the Republican (no matter who it was) since it was already stacked with assurances for the democrats. Hillary basically got the states that always vote democratic, except for a few upsets.

    The left has become so discombobulated, they fear America may return to its traditional values of yesteryear before globalism was introduced. Or Biblical values that please God instead of sinful man.

    First came the effort to do a recount by those in disbelief, and it came up empty. Why are they not also checking the votes in states where Hillary win was close? Maybe trump has votes to gain there as well?

    Now we have one Democratic member of Congress has called to delay the vote for president while an investigation of Russian involvement in the election is underway. One Republican has joined with 79 Democratic electors in calling for an intelligence briefing.

    Let’s be clear, no one broke into any voting machine to alter our vote counting, the DNC (and Hillary’s server) were hacked months before and according to wiki leaks it was not the Russians. And furthermore no email has been rejected as false.

    An email leaked between Clinton and Podesta indicated that: “Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region” to accuse Qatar and Saudi Arabia of “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIS and other radical Sunni groups in the region. What we find is that Hillary received a tremendous amount of funds from these same states, Saudi Arabia $10 million to $25 million; United Arab Emirates $1 milllion to $5 million; Qatar $1 million to 5 million, along with numerous other Arab states contributions. Many would consider this collusion at the highest level.

    This effort to stall is spearheaded by California Democratic elector Christine Pelosi — daughter of reelected House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. It was rebuffed Friday (dec.16) by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. This is politics in raw corrupted form. By Monday we will know where we stand as the electorals gather to vote

    What we have now is a demoralizing of our country to have people have no confidence in his administration as well as foreign governments. “The Left” do not want to accept anyone who will run things that thinks differently than they do, especially Hollywood elites. Several main things are involved, global warming and Israel.

    If this was reversed what do you think Hillary would say? Even with the recounts the electoral amounts stay the same (so far Trump has gained more from the recount). It’s time for everyone to accept this election as they have done before and hope that this change of policy turns out well for everyone.

    As far as influencing an election, what of the current Administration we have going to Israel to influence their election on our dollars and trying to Stop Netanyahu from being elected. I don’t think they have anything to say to whomever hacked them when they tried to influence Israel’s election.

    This has given us a reprieve from the leftist amoral policies that have been implemented for years that has taken us away from our founding of this nation. There is no one side that is pure these days, both have been corrupted but now we have a chance to deal with it.

    Can the church do the same? We need a reprieve from the onslaught of false teachings

    It would be good and beneficial to do a reset and go back to what we had before all the word faith prophets and apostle wanna be’s came along. Peter Wagner, Kim Clement are gone from the earth. No longer able to convince people of their teachings, prophecies and revivals. William Branham was just as convinced as he passed his enthusiasm to others, convincing them the angel of the Lord stood next to him doing the miracles. Even producing a fractured picture of a light to prove it. So began the Latter Rain movement that these men and so many others accepted.

    The prophets called people to turn from sin to God, to repent. Back to the word of God from the prophets words. Today the prophets” shmooze, they speak good things, peace, prosperity, no wonder the people love them and do not notice they have taken them away from God and His word by their words, their ears are inflamed.

    We have seen many people wake up about politics, can the church wake up to the faith delivered to us all or will we slip into a coma?

    When one is in a cult or has a cult mentality they refuse to see the facts, they make their own way to their own conclusion. They reject the facts from the Scripture no matter how softly or strong you present it to them. This attitude can also be outside faith where reason and logic are to be the common of life.

    Those who have faith understand the world and its condition. It can only make sense when one has an eternal perspective. Those without God try to make sense of the world but can’t. They can become angry, bitter at the world, the way it is and want control. Some want to create a utopia that befits their imagination. So politics, the party becomes their religion and God, it is called an ideology.

    The unbeliever’s, can’t explain why the world is the way it is, its condition can only be understood by the bible which says it is fallen, corrupted. The world is in a fallen state, it is not conducive to peace and harmony, you must work at it to maintain it. Everything must be maintained or it falls apart. That includes government and the church.

    There thinking process is deficient and can never come to the conclusion that conforms to reality. This does not mean they are all evil (though some are) but that their minds are darkened from sin and they need light. It is only when one refuses the light over and over again that they become evil.

    The believer in Christ sees the world in a very different manner than those who do not believe. Their decision making is not the same and they understand morality becomes more minimized when sin is practiced. This is because we are made in Gods image, a moral likeness. Morality has memory, it comes by training (just as sin does). The Bible standards we practice produce ethics and are intrinsic to a godly life.

    No matter who is our president as believers we will have to deal with the same corruption spreading to mankind. The Bible says this will increase in the end, yet we hold the answer.

    2 Tim 3:12-14 “And all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them”

    As we begin a new year may we all have a renewed sense of service from the Lord being present with us in our relationships and work as we co-laborers with Him to those who are saved and the unsaved under all governments and spiritual belief’s.

    The apostles of our Lord did not have it easy, but they are our examples (1 Cor. 4:11-13), but we can rejoice with them,

    “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:57-58)

    May you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    Mike Oppenheimer







    25 December 2016, 5:37 pm
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