Caring and Funding Podcast powered by CAF America

Caring and Funding Podcast

The Caring and Funding Podcast powered by CAF America celebrates philanthropy. donors and charities working together around the globe making our world a better place for everyone.

  • 32 minutes 38 seconds
    Lessons Learned in Haiti: Why Donor Support Is Essential to Long-term Recovery After Disasters

    In this episode of the Caring and Funding Podcast, CAF America’s President & CEO, Ted Hart is joined by Hope for Haiti’s CEO, Skyler Badenoch to share his organization’s experiences in providing disaster relief after the 2010 and 2021 earthquakes, and explore the topics of: 

    • Best practices in disaster response and lessons learned from the 2010 earthquake,

    • The importance of long-term recovery and resilience-building, and 

    • Why it is important for donors to consider these long-lasting efforts in their disaster response planning.

    About Hope for Haiti: Hope for Haiti, one of CAF America’s grantee partners, is a trusted nonprofit organization working to improve the quality of life for the Haitian people, particularly children, in southern Haiti. Their team and network of partners provide people with better access to education, healthcare, water, and economic development opportunities. Learn more about Hope for Haiti on their website,


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    2 May 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 45 seconds
    New OFAC General Licenses for Humanitarian Relief: What Grantmakers Need to Know

    Following the recent announcement of new OFAC General Licenses that allow for expanded humanitarian relief work in many high-risk jurisdictions, this episode will dig into what grantmakers need to know about the changes and how it will affect grants made to those countries. CAF America’s Ted Hart will be joined Paul Carroll, the Director of Charity and Security Network to update listeners on the recent OFAC General Licenses and what if means for their philanthropy.


    • Listeners have a reasoned, balanced understanding of the opportunities presented by the new Licenses as well as the serious risks that remain.
    • Listeners leave with a better understanding of how OFAC General Licenses affect charitable grantmaking around the world.
    • Listeners know where to find more detailed resources about the new Licenses.
    7 February 2023, 4:32 pm
  • 35 minutes 17 seconds
    Humanitarian Crisis for Ukrainians: What to Expect This Winter
    European countries are preparing for another wave of Ukrainian refugees, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, as winter approaches and Russia targets Ukraine’s power grid. Join CAF America President and CEO Ted Hart in conversation with CAF America charity partners who are providing direct relief to Ukrainians throughout Central and Eastern Europe. You will hear firsthand insights from our partners as they share their experience and provide a deeper understanding of the current state of the humanitarian relief and response landscape. This conversation will address what work is currently being done to support Ukrainians, what these organizations see as challenges to providing that relief effectively, and what changes they anticipate seeing in the coming winter months. Joining CAF America in this conversation will be the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM), Polish Humanitarian Action and
    21 December 2022, 2:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 22 seconds
    Celebrating International Women’s Day

    From “Break the Bias” to “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow,” 2022 has fostered thought-provoking themes for International Women's Day and Women’s History Month. Today, CAF America’s Caring and Funding Podcast brings together powerful female leaders for an inspirational discussion on the status of gender equality in the workplace and beyond. 

    This episode will be led by Jessie Krafft, Senior Vice President of External Affairs at CAF America, and will be joined by guests Anna Hofmeister, Treasurer of CAF America’s Board of Directors, and Janet Boyd, Treasurer of CAF Canada’s Board of Directors. Both Anna and Janet also hold leadership roles in their respective industries. Together they will share valuable insight and advice on how to break the glass ceiling and overcome biases which impact women and girls across the globe.

    14 March 2022, 6:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 40 seconds
    Ukraine Emergency Response: What Donors Need To Know
    CAF America’s team continues to closely monitor the crisis in Ukraine, the humanitarian impacts it is causing, and the changes to sanctions and regulatory mechanisms that it has led to. CAF America President and CEO Ted Hart and Jessie Krafft, Senior VP, External Affairs will be joined by Rabih Torbay of Project HOPE and Angela Frigo of the European Food Banks Federation, two of CAF America's charity partners that are directly responding to the crisis in Ukraine to share their experience and provide donors with a deeper understanding of the relief and response landscape. This conversation will cover how nonprofits are responding to the crisis in Ukraine, the challenges these organizations are facing, and what advice nonprofits can give to donors seeking to make a humanitarian impact. About Rabih Torbay Rabih Torbay currently works as President and CEO of Project HOPE. To support Ukrainian refugees, Project HOPE has activated an emergency response team in Ukraine and neighboring countries to provide immediate health and humanitarian relief. Learn more about their efforts here. About Angela Frigo Angela Frigo currently works as Secretary General at European Food Banks Federation (FEBA), a European non-profit organization which works in collaboration with 24 members and 5 associate members in European countries.
    7 March 2022, 10:30 pm
  • 33 minutes 53 seconds
    Global Partnerships Series: CAF India - India Philanthropy
    In today's world philanthropy often moves at the speed of the Internet even if the human condition has not yet learned to heal or grow or change or rebuild or a host of other things that philanthropy can and will address, at that same lighting speed. CAF America's Global Partnerships enable us to bridge those great divides by bringing to the American donor the very best of philanthropic expertise and services on the ground in countries around the world. Through this podcast series, we introduce our listeners, our donors to partners we collaborate with and partners who collaborate with us, in making it possible for that long arch of history, that long arch of philanthropic change to bend a little faster, with much more assurance, and with the full regulatory compliance, risk management and regulatory compliance you have come to rely on from CAF America. In this edition CAF America President & CEO, Ted Hart will introduce you to Nivedita Narain, Chief Executive of CAF India our partner in India who provides strategic and project management support to corporates, individuals, and NGOs throughout India with an aim to ensure greater impact of their philanthropic and CSR investments. CAF India has many years of experience in managing complex philanthropic and community development initiatives for corporations, institutions, and individuals. They are established pioneers in designing and delivering 'giving' programs tailored to the needs of corporate and institutional donors.
    17 November 2021, 6:30 pm
  • 46 minutes 29 seconds
    The Building Blocks of Impactful Giving

    The COVID-19 global pandemic is relentless. As a result, companies are looking to make impactful philanthropic support available while satisfying important environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria coupled with the desire to document meaningful ROI on their social investments. 

    Join Ted Hart, President and CEO of CAF America and CAF Canada, and his guest corporate impact expert Sue Norton, Adjunct Global Impact Strategist for CAF America. Together they will share valuable insights and advice on shaping your giving strategies in the coming years to provide impactful alignment to ESG criteria leading to positive social returns on philanthropic investments.

    Building on their popular podcast “30 Minutes Toward More Impactful Corporate Giving,” Ted and Sue will share planning-ready ideas you can use to increase the impact of philanthropy. In addition, they will introduce you to the “Building Blocks of Impact,” an executive-level framework for improving the ROI on philanthropic investments. Whether you are creating new social investment plans, beginning to incorporate your ESG agenda, or refining plans already underway, you won’t want to miss this discussion.

    9 September 2021, 6:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 5 seconds
    30 Minutes Toward More Impactful Corporate Giving
    Join Ted Hart, President & CEO of CAF America, as he chats with CAF America's Global Impact Strategist, Sue Norton, about the impactful role corporate philanthropy will play in future-proofing nonprofits in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Insights will be shared that will help inform corporate donors’ charitable giving strategies and support the resilience and future-proofing of nonprofits. By defining the donor role as an “investor in a network of change-makers who can provide impactful solutions to systemic challenges,” a more purposeful engagement of donors, one that achieves the goals of all stakeholders, is within reach.
    31 March 2021, 6:30 pm
  • 32 minutes 37 seconds
    Secure Your Legacy: How Donor Advised Funds Can Be Used in Estate Planning
    Join Ted Hart, President & CEO of CAF America, as he chats with our Senior Vice President of External Affairs, Jessie Krafft, about establishing Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) for legacy planning. Often, the legacy planning process involves laying out how donors will bequeath assets to charities after their death. This podcast will share how donors can establish a Legacy Donor Advised Fund (DAF) to secure their charitable legacy—a legacy that is not limited to only USA charitable organizations, but can support a favorite charity virtually anywhere in the world. Legacy planning represents the continuation of donors’ values through the transfer of wealth and assets toward charitable causes. Depending on the size of the estate, these plans can be very simple or very complex, and a Legacy DAF can provide multi-generational support for a donor’s philanthropic legacy. In this podcast, we will share the step-by-step approach for donors and their financial/legal advisers to use in the creation of a Legacy DAF. We will share details that should be considered in this process and important questions donors should ask before establishing a Legacy DAF.
    4 March 2021, 6:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 32 seconds
    COVID 19 and Giving Tuesday Messages From Around the World
    Join Ted Hart, President & CEO of CAF America, as he chats with nonprofit leaders from Hong Kong, São Paulo, Belgium, Canada, and the United States to discuss the importance of Giving Tuesday and the effect of the Covid-19 global pandemic on their work and this important international day of charitable giving.
    11 November 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 26 seconds
    India’s Amended Foreign Contribution Regulations: What You Need to Know
    This podcast reviews the 5 important changes that have been made to India's FCRA law as a result of the September 28, 2020 Amendment. CAF America will review the new prohibition on Indian nonprofits re-granting funds received from foreign donors to other FCRA registered nonprofits. The Amendment reduces the cap on the use of foreign funds for administrative expenditure to a maximum 20%, requires Indian nonprofits wishing to receive foreign funds to open an FCRA Bank Account with State Bank of India, it grants the power to FCRA to freeze the funds in the FCRA bank account in case of non-compliance with the FCRA requirements, and enables the Ministry of Home Affairs to suspend FCRA registration of an organization for more than 6 months. Also, the provisions of the Amendment state that renewal of the FCRA license will happen every six months provided the applicant is not fictitious, not convicted for triggering communal tension, and not guilty of diversion of funds. These provisions will greatly impact cross-border giving to India. CAF America is committed to keeping abreast of the changing regulatory environment and to maintaining full legal compliance within Indian laws. What do donors need to know to navigate the new provisions?  Join Ted Hart, CEO of CAF America and Jessie Krafft, Senior VP of External Affairs to learn how the new requirements and restrictions affect US donors interested in supporting the work of nonprofits in India.
    5 October 2020, 4:30 pm
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