The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy with W. Dennis Parker

Understanding Hypnosis, Suggestion Hypnotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy and the Benefits of Utilizing Each for Personal Improvement

  • 33 minutes 49 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management- Mindfulness or Being Fully Conscious – Living in the Moment – Being Present – The Enhanced Joys and Enrichment of Life and Living Aware and Alert

    Dennis discusses Mindfulness and Being Fully Conscious in ways that are new and different as he describes what it means to be conscious, experiencing our Intelligence in various compartments of the Spirits Mind.  We are far better equipped to handle the stresses and strains of this life than most of us know.  We can learn to live in the present or being mindful of our surroundings as well as our inner behavioral producing predominant thoughts.  As we learn to live in the moment, it is one of the best coping mechanisms that we can develop and enjoy.

    Become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by attending Online Certified Hypnotherapy Training School.

    Hypnotherapy sessions are accomplished on SKYPE, as well as at the Farmington, Utah office.     Dennis Parker CHT –  – 801-628-0693

    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management- Mindfulness or Being Fully Conscious – Living in the Moment – Being Present – The Enhanced Joys and Enrichment of Life and Living Aware and Alert appeared first on

    4 May 2015, 1:38 pm
  • 33 minutes 49 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Mindfulness or Being Fully Conscious – Living in the Moment – Being Present – The Enhanced Joys and Enrichment of Life and Living Aware and Alert
    Dennis discusses Mindfulness and Being Fully Conscious in ways that are new and different as he describes what it means to be conscious, experiencing our Intelligence in various compartments of the Spirits Mind.  We are far better equipped to handle the stresses and strains of this life than most of us know.  We can learn to live in the present or being mindful of our surroundings as well as our inner behavioral producing predominant thoughts.  As we learn to live in the moment, it is one of the best coping mechanisms that we can develop and enjoy.

    Become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by attending Online Certified Hypnotherapy Training School.

    Hypnotherapy sessions are accomplished on SKYPE, as well as at the Farmington, Utah office.

    W. Dennis Parker CHT –  – 801-628-0693

    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Mindfulness or Being Fully Conscious – Living in the Moment – Being Present – The Enhanced Joys and Enrichment of Life and Living Aware and Alert appeared first on

    4 May 2015, 1:31 pm
  • 32 minutes 36 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – The Imagination is the Fascination

    To all of you listening, I apologize for not having a show last week, due to a death in the family and just not being able to get everything done.

    Dennis discusses the effect of the imagination on our behaviors, and how beliefs amplified in our imagination can overcome conscious, analytical, logical thinking, creating a fixed idea in the subconscious that is out of balance in fight-flight responses which cause extreme behaviors.

    Become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by attending Online Certified Hypnotherapy Training School.   Dennis Parker CHT –  – 801-628-0693

    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – The Imagination is the Fascination appeared first on

    27 April 2015, 3:05 pm
  • 28 minutes 35 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – The Importance of Understanding the Literal Translation of the Subconscious Mind of Our Verbal Directive Comments and Statements

    Dennis discusses the literal nature of the subconscious to our personal self-talk and the statements we make, mostly unaware, of the significant effect such comments have on our mental, emotional, and physical being, as well as the maladaptive behaviors being generated.

    Become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by attending Online Certified Hypnotherapy Training School.

      Hypnotherapy sessions are accomplished on SKYPE, as well as at the Farmington, Utah office.


    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – The Importance of Understanding the Literal Translation of the Subconscious Mind of Our Verbal Directive Comments and Statements appeared first on

    13 April 2015, 2:11 pm
  • 38 minutes 12 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management -Lori Tidwell – Overcoming Chronic Dis-ease – Methods of personal improvement and overcoming.

    Lori Tidwell visits with Dennis about reclaiming your health when you find yourself in the abyss of chronic illness. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2002,
    Lori changed her illness into health using the principles in her book ‘The Gift of Dis-Ease…End Your Struggle with Chronic Illness’. As a health coach, energy healer, and lifestyle educator, Lori understands that whole healing is achieved only when the mind, body, and spirit are aligned, allowing you to be free to live your best life!

    Her Story

    9 years ago I woke up feeling like I had the flu. I had a fever, I had a really bad headache, and I was just really sick and miserable. This was becoming my normal. I rolled over and I was looking at my nightstand and all the medications – there were 8 of them. I just thought, “There has got to be a better way to live, there has got to be a better way to do this.” I sat up and started to cry uncontrollably. In that moment I cried out to God, “I don’t care if I have 5 days or 50 years to live, I don’t want to do it this way.” “What do I need to do?” An answer came immediately, “Go off all your medications.” “I’ll show you what to do.” So, I took a leap of faith. And that was the beginning of my journey that lead me to where I am today.

    I was “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired” in every aspect of my life. I instinctively knew there was a better way to live than what I was experiencing. I was attending the University of Hard Knocks. I didn’t graduate, because I chose to drop out! I woke up one day and realized that I didn’t have to learn everything the hard way, (that was a course I kept re-enrolling in for some reason), I decided that I needed to reclaim my power and take responsibility for the life that I had created. I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) 10 years ago. As a result of taking responsibility, I have been drug free and symptom free for the last 6 years. I am passionate about igniting the power inside of people who are dealing with chronic illness to reclaim and own their power and in taking responsibility for their health and ultimately the life they Live.

    I am the creator and owner of New Healing Harmonies Inc. My business motto is “I Lift You and You Lift Me and We Ascend Together”. I’m certified in Energy Healing utilizing Simply Healed, Quantum Touch, Reiki and other methods. I am currently working at the Advanced Health Clinic as the Lifestyle Educator. I am a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and have received my certification with Metagenics as a Lifestyle Educator. In past years I worked as a Personal Fitness Trainer for 15 years.

    I believe that our bodies are amazing, miraculous tools in helping us recognize the aspects of ourselves that are hindering the Mind, Body, Soul, connection. I understand the importance of bringing those three aspects of who we are together. I believe we are all powerful beings, capable of taking the challenges we face in our lives and turning them into strengths, all while having Joy in Our Journey. To help others find joy and health in their journey I wrote and published my book, ‘The Gift of Disease…End Your Struggle with Chronic Illness’.

    When I’m not working, you’ll find me outdoors riding my bike, with my nose buried in a book, or just hanging out with my husband of 29 years, Blaine, and my 4 amazing sons!

    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management -Lori Tidwell – Overcoming Chronic Dis-ease – Methods of personal improvement and overcoming. appeared first on

    7 April 2015, 2:24 pm
  • 33 minutes 44 seconds

    Pornography Follow-Up Show – to last weeks show with John Harmer of, The Lighted Candle Society. This weeks show is with a client who tells his story of coming out of pornographic involvement, then becoming a hypnotherapy student, and now is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist himself, helping others to overcome the effects of pornographic involvement. Braden Hancock explains his involvement in pornography from childhood and his utilization of Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy to overcome the negative affects it has had in his life.


    For more than fifty years as an attorney, an elected public official, and as Chairman of The Lighted Candle Society I have been actively involved in the battle against pornography. I am frequently asked to recommend to parents and ecclesiastical leaders a therapist that I am confident could assist a loved one who has become involved with pornography, become free of its influence and effects. I know many therapists who are well trained and extremely competent. Dennis Parker is the only therapist that I know that has consistently been able to teach a victim of dependency upon sexually explicit materials new mental skills, as tools, that work consistently to desensitize the temptations to be involved in such things. The most important result of Dennis Parker’s therapy is his ability to train the victim on how to utilize Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy techniques to overcome the temptation to return to involvement with obscenity

    John Harmer


    31 March 2015, 2:55 pm
  • 38 minutes 59 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Pornography – Utilization of Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy to Overcome the Negative Effects of Pornographic Involvement – “The Lighted Candle Society” after Fifty Years of Assisting People To Come Out Of The Grip Of Pornography Endorses “Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy” As The Best Therapy Methods and Protocols

    Dennis discusses with John Harmer, the Chairman of “The Lighted Candle Society” the effects of pornography on individual, families, and the nation.


    For more than fifty years as an attorney, an elected public official, and as Chairman of The Lighted Candle Society I have been actively involved in the battle against pornography.  I am frequently asked to recommend to parents and ecclesiastical leaders a therapist that I am confident could assist a loved one who has become involved with pornography, become free of its influence and effects. I know many therapists who are well trained and extremely competent.  Dennis Parker is the only therapist that I know that has consistently been able to teach a victim of dependency upon sexually explicit materials new mental skills, as tools, that work consistently to desensitize the temptations to be involved in such things.  The most important result of Dennis Parker’s therapy is his ability to train the victim on how to utilize Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy techniques to overcome the temptation to return to involvement with obscenity.

    Dennis Parker – Hypnotherapy sessions are accomplished on SKYPE, as well as at the Farmington, Utah office.



    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Pornography – Utilization of Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy to Overcome the Negative Effects of Pornographic Involvement – “The Lighted Candle Society” after Fifty Years of Assisting People To Come Out Of The Grip Of Pornography Endorses “Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy” As The Best Therapy Methods and Protocols appeared first on

    23 March 2015, 1:44 pm
  • 31 minutes 49 seconds
    The Truth about Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Mind Management – Hypnosis and Suggestion Hypnotherapy for Chronic Disease and Pain Control

    Dennis and Melissa discuss the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for long term chronic illness and pain. What is the affect of Suggestion Hypnotherapy?  There is much that can be achieved through the use of these amazing tools.  Learn the various things being done by listening here.

     Melissa J. Roth PhD, CHt

    After healing her own irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia through self-hypnosis, Melissa J. Roth CHt., PhD, founded Alabama Hypnotherapy Center (located in Birmingham, AL) in 1995 and has since specialized in medical applications of hypnotherapy. She has developed a number of unique approaches to chronic illnesses which have become the alternative treatments of choice worldwide. She partners with physicians of every specialty to promote hypnosis as an important and valuable tool in the medical arsenal. She has a conversational teaching style that is sometimes heretical, sometimes funny, but always accurate and informative. She teaches from experience.

    Melissa J. Roth PhD, CHt, was CEO and founder of Alabama Hypnotherapy Center and Hypnosis Associates. She relocated to Boulder, Colorado in 2011 and founded Melissa Roth Hypnotherapy Center. She is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and doctor of Behavorial Science. She is a certified member of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. She was formerly a member of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, the National League of Medical Hypnotherapists, the International Hypnosis Federation, the American Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists. She remains a Board member and Chair of the Conference and Events group of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

    Melissa Roth’s hypnotherapy programs are available in four formats: one-on-one sessions, small groups, custom CDs, and telephone/Skype consultations. In addition, she conducts a wide variety of seminars and workshops at selected locations across the U.S. Each year she speaks at numerous professional conferences and hypnotherapy institutes throughout the world!


    Melissa J. Roth, PhD, CHt.
    2420 Mountain View Ave.
    Longmont, CO 80503

    The post The Truth about Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Mind Management – Hypnosis and Suggestion Hypnotherapy for Chronic Disease and Pain Control appeared first on

    16 March 2015, 4:00 am
  • 46 minutes 47 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Dr. John Butler a renowned Doctor and Clinical Hypnotherapist of London, England, visits with Dennis about many aspects of hypnosis, and the beneficial uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, for pain control, behavior modification, and relief from fears and phobias and others such as psychosomatic healing. This is a most informative show.

    Dr. John Butler, is a world leader in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, as the President of “The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners”, and as an owner of his own school organization, Hypnotherapy Training International.  He explains some differences in hypnotherapy and phycology.   They discuss subjects such as how does the spirit and the brain interaction through hypnotherapy create heath, improve behaviors, and enhance performance.    What is the future of hypnotherapy as the world becomes more educated on its many psychological, physical, mental, health, and behavioral modification benefits and uses?  They discuss subjects such as how does the spirit, the brain, and the body, interact through hypnotherapy  to create heath, improve behaviors, and enhance performance.

    JOHN BUTLER – PhD (Med Sci., Lond.), MBSH, BPsS, MA, BA(Hons.), BSc(Hons.), DHP, Dip A.T., CHT, FNRHP.  Registered with U.K.C.P., E.A.P., B.A.S., A.C.H.E.


    John Butler has been successfully practicing hypnotherapy for over 35 years.  He has taught the art of hypnotherapy to many students for over 25 years.  He has made more than a dozen television appearances in connection with therapy, some of them featuring his use of hypnosis in the treatment of chronic pain and in invasive surgery.  He has been active in the development of the profession of hypnotherapy in the UK and has served in various organizations involved in setting training standards for this field.  He lectured in major universities for over 20 years principally teaching medical psychology and medical neuroscience.  John has studied a wide variety of psychological therapies and trained extensively in clinical hypnotherapy and autogenic therapy.  He trained intensively in Transforming TherapyTM   under the direct tutelage of Gil Boyne.  He wrote and tutored the first official training in hypnotherapy in the NHS, teaching at the Royal College of Nursing in London.  He has contributed to a number of publications on hypnotherapy and complementary therapies.  John is the clinical author of the popular book, “Secrets of Hypnotherapy”. 



    Dr John Butler is a highly regarded hypnotherapist with over 35 years of proven experience as a successful clinical practitioner.

    He has been a therapist to many high-level performers in performing arts, the media and business.

    He has been a highly regarded teacher of clinical hypnotherapy for over 25 years.

    He has been a hypnotherapy educator to a wide variety of health professionals including writing and tutoring the first official training in hypnotherapy in the NHS in 1992, teaching at the Royal College of Nursing in London.

    Dr. Butler has carried out research in medical science as an experimental neuroanatomist specializing in the field of neuroendocrinology, in which he holds a doctoral degree from the University of London.

    He has lectured in higher education for over 20 years and has taught medical psychology, neuroanatomy and medical neuroscience in medical education.

    He has taught psychological therapies specialising in clinical hypnosis for over 25 years, teaching in the UK and internationally.  This includes writing and tutoring the first official training in clinical hypnotherapy in the NHS in 1992, at the Royal College of Nursing in London.

    He is an instructor in surgical applications of hypnosis teaching clinical hypnosis applications to surgeons and anaesthetists in a course accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists

    He is the principal instructor for the Hypnotherapy Training Institute of Britain

    He is an approved hypnotherapy instructor for the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners and has taught hypnosis internationally.

    He has been lectured to major businesses including Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, BUPA, Ernst & Young, etc.

    He has acted as an expert witness and as an advisor to the police in legal cases involving hypnosis.


    He has been active for 30 years in the development of professional psychological therapies the UK and internationally and has served on committees and boards of government and private initiatives in setting training standards for this field.

    He was a key figure in the development of the profession of hypnotherapy in the UK. Since the early 1980s he has been highly influential in the areas of establishing educational and training standards for hypnotherapists and in achieving public and political recognition of hypnotherapy as a major healing art.

    He organised the first conference of heads and delegates of hypnotherapy schools and registers in 1986 to formally initiate processes of standard-setting for the training and professional regulation of hypnotherapists in the UK.

    He played a major role in many private and government-sponsored initiatives concerned with training requirements, occupational standards and self-regulation of hypnotherapists that were established in the late 1980s and 1990s. His contribution to the profession in the UK was formally recognized in 2004 by an award from a national confederation of hypnotherapists.


    He trained in a variety of systems of psychological therapies, including autogenic therapy and other systems of psychotherapy and specialized in clinical hypnotherapy.

    He has been registered as a psychotherapist with the United Kingdom for Psychotherapy and received certification from the European Association for Psychotherapy and holds membership of the British Psychological Society.

    His academic background includes degrees in science and psychology and medical science with higher degrees in psychology and medical science. He holds a doctoral degree in medical research from King’s College, University of London.


    In his clinical work Dr Butler has been influential in establishing the effectiveness of hypnotherapy as a healing method in the perception of the public and health professional alike.

    His work was first filmed over 20 years ago and since then has been reported many times in the media, including a major BBC television series, “Mysteries”, in 1997 and Channel 4’s live broadcast with John Butler using hypnosis as a sole anaesthetic while surgery was performed on a patient in April 2006  (“HypnoSurgery Live”, More 4 / Channel 4 TV).

    He has made more than 30 television appearances as an expert in hypnotherapy with several programmes focused on his use of hypnotherapy as an anaesthetic for chronic pain and in invasive surgeries.

    He has been widely quoted in the media as an authoritative source of information on hypnosis.

    Dr Butler has written numerous articles on hypnotherapy for magazines and newspapers and contributed to many publications and television programmes on hypnosis and related subjects.

    He is the clinical author of the popular book “Secrets of Hypnotherapy” (Pub. Dorling Kindersley).

    Some of his clinical work has been featured in “Time” magazine and “Science” magazine.  He is the clinical author of the popular book “Secrets of Hypnotherapy”. (Pub. Dorling Kindersley).

    He has contributed to several books, written many articles in popular and learned publications, and published papers in the field of neuroscience and hypnoanaesthesia.



    Kalló I, Butler JA, Barkovics-Kalló M, Goubillon ML, Coen CW. Oestrogen receptor β-immunoreactivity in gonadotropin releasing hormone-expressing neurones: regulation by oestrogen.  J Endocrinol 13: pp741–748, 2001.

    Butler JA, Sjoberg M, Coen CW. Evidence for oestrogen receptor alpha-immunoreactivity in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-expressing neurones. J Neuroendocrinol. 11(5): pp331-335. 1999

    Butler JA, Kalló I, Sjoberg M, Coen CW.  Evidence for extensive oestrogen receptor alpha-immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex of adult rats.  J Neuroendocrinol. 11(5): pp325-329. 1999


    Butler JA.  Clinical hypnosis in practice  Therapy Today: Journal of British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sept) pp22-25, 2012

    Butler JA.  Pain Control  The Dentist (Aug); pp58 – 60, 2012

    Butler JA.  Stress reduction means risk reduction  Dental Protection (Aug); p23. 2012

    Butler JA.  Pain control and dental hypnosis Aesthetic Dentistry Today (July); pp80-82, 2012

    Kiss G, Butler JA.  Hypnosis for cataract surgery in an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status IV patient Anaesth Intensive Care 39: 1139-1141, 2011

    See Pain Control with Hypnosis Videos Here:

    John’s school is here:

    ACHE is here:








    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Dr. John Butler a renowned Doctor and Clinical Hypnotherapist of London, England, visits with Dennis about many aspects of hypnosis, and the beneficial uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, for pain control, behavior modification, and relief from fears and phobias and others such as psychosomatic healing. This is a most informative show. appeared first on

    9 March 2015, 4:00 am
  • 30 minutes 14 seconds
    The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Effect of Childhood Beliefs That Are Actually Mistakes, Misunderstanding’s, Misconceptions, Misrepresentations, and Beliefs In Outright Lies About Ourselves – “THINKING ERRORS”

    Jenny Orton – A Coaching Mentor and Foot Zone Therapist, tells her story of a simple experience in childhood that had huge implications in her life until the time she was able to take the deep dive into her subconscious mind through hypnotherapy, and come to new understandings and beliefs.  She clearly explains the changes and benefits of addressing these childhood thinking errors.  Jenny is now moving forward in life at a rapid pace, no longer being held back by the mental obstacles and blocks she has experienced since age 3.

    The post The Truth About Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy: Introducing Spiritual Mind Management – Effect of Childhood Beliefs That Are Actually Mistakes, Misunderstanding’s, Misconceptions, Misrepresentations, and Beliefs In Outright Lies About Ourselves – “THINKING ERRORS” appeared first on

    2 March 2015, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 44 seconds
    The Truth about Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Mind Management – A Discussion of Improving Marital Quality and Overcoming Sexual Addiction: The Differences in Mental Health Counseling When Utilizing Additional Protocols of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Mind Management Techniques

    You will learn the effectiveness of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Mind Management techniques when applied to improving martial quality and overcoming sexual addictions as explained by Dr. Jerry Redd, Owner of the Solace Emotional Health Clinic in Pleasant Grove, Utah.  Dr. Redd explains in some detail the advantages he has experienced when including hypnosis in his practice to obtain subconscious access and be able to work with root causes of behavioral issues.

    Our clinic, Solace Emotional Health, provides mental health therapy for sexual addiction, marital quality, and ancillary symptoms of depression, anxiety, and trauma.  Our therapeutic approach with these issues consists of 2 layers:  (1) helping the patient develop critical skills to manage emotional surges (rather than being managed by them); and (2) to address the emotional and cognitive undercurrents that often undergird dysfunctional and unwanted behaviors. However, if a troubling or traumatic experience has been repressed, forgotten, or imbedded deeply into a patient’s subconscious, it can be difficult and very time consuming to identify and dissolve the dilemma.

    We have found that Dennis Parker’s protocols of Clinical Hypnotherapy, combined with his unique “Spiritual Mind Management” program, quickly identifies unconscious emotional undercurrents, skillfully desensitizes them, and adds an extra layer of emotional management, that provides confidence and permanence to patient’s recovery efforts.

    Recently, Dennis worked with one of our patients that had been diligent in daily recovery efforts for several months, but had not been able to sustain his sexual addiction sobriety for longer than a week.  In just 2 sessions of hypnotherapy, Dennis helped this patient identify a deeply buried issue, desensitized it, and instructed the patient how to better manage unwanted thoughts, memories, and emotions.  To date, this patient has not had a relapse.

    Another acquaintance stopped by our clinic, suffering with night terrors and unbearable cravings to relapse (after almost 2 years of sobriety).  She had been given the financial approval for 8 sessions at another agency.  She agreed to meet with Dennis Parker for a session or two, in an attempt to identify a specific issue to work on, thereby accelerating the effectiveness of her pre-approved therapy program.   She had one session with Dennis Parker. In a follow-up phone call, she said, “the nightmares and craving are gone. They haven’t returned.  At this point, I don’t think I will need any more therapy.”

    “Spiritual Mind Management”  is effective, and extremely efficient in this therapeutic work.

    L. Redd, Ph.D., CMHC

    Solace Emotional Health


    The post The Truth about Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Mind Management – A Discussion of Improving Marital Quality and Overcoming Sexual Addiction: The Differences in Mental Health Counseling When Utilizing Additional Protocols of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Mind Management Techniques appeared first on

    23 February 2015, 5:00 am
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