

TheSailingChannel.TV is dedicated to cruising sailors around the world. We are cruising sailors ourselves, as well as video professionals. We've created TSC so that we can combine our love for sailing with our desire to produce informative and entertaining videos about cruising. Our videos cover the gear, the people, the skills, and the places that interest cruising sailors. We offer a Subscription Service, Video on Demand Rentals & Downloads, and DVDs/Blu-rays.

  • 5 minutes 33 seconds
    Don Street's 1905 Yawl, Iolaire Lost

    Ten years after Don sold her, at 0200 on July 26, 2019 - Don's 89th birthday, Iolaire was underway in heavy weather. She was sailing dead downwind in the Spanish Balearic islands along the northeast coast of Ibiza. Reports state that an inadvertent jibe caused her to head inshore, pile up on the rocks, and sink ending her 114 year old career.

    iolaire-yawl-cwIn this video podcast from Don's two volume how-to set: Streetwise Tips, Don demonstrates three different ways to rig a preventer that will stop an accidental jibe of the boom when running well off or straight down wind.

    Over the years Don has been involved in the production of five major sailing videos in which he passes on his decades of seamanship knowledge. Iolaire is featured in two of these: "Antigua Race Week 1985" and "Transatlantic with Street". Three others contain dozens of how-to sailing tips: "Streetwise 1 & 2, and Sailors' Knots & Line Handling.

    You can stream Don's videos, and purchase Downloads and DVDs with a SailFlix subscription. You can buy or rent individual Don Street videos through Vimeo On Demand.

    Over a half century ago, when Don purchased Iolaire in St Thomas, he realized that the large, heavy main boom (leftover from her gaff rigged days) could be a real widow maker in an inadvertent jibe. Don insisted that whenever sailing broad off, the crew rig a main boom foreguy/preventer. This was often a difficult and dangerous job. After testing various methods, Don developed a foreguy/preventer that the crew could easily rig with no one going FORWARD of the mast. WATCH THE VIDEO then read Don's detailed instructions. ALWAYS rigged when sailing broad off or dead down wind, Don's foreguy/preventer kept crew and Iolaire safe throughout Don's ownership.

    Iolaire original rig."Iolaire" is a Gaelic term that translates in English as “white-tailed sea eagle”. She was designed, built and launched by Harris Bros, UK in 1905. Iolaire was the only 100 year old plus yacht that had been in continuous commission since she was launched; cruising and racing during both wars, as she was Irish owned and based. In her early years, Iolair was raced and cruised by several prominent skippers of the R.O.R.C (the UK's Royal Ocean Racing Club). For full specifications and history of Iolaire, visit the Iolaire registry page..

    Beginning in 1957, Don Street owned and sailed the 46 foot yawl for 52 years cruising, chartering, racing, and exploring the eastern Caribbean with family, friends and his Grenadian crew. Don skippered Iolaire across the Atlantic seven times between the United Kingdom and the Caribbean, and eight times up and down the Thames River - all without an engine. The knowledge he gain from these voyages resulted in hundreds of articles, three books, and his all inclusive Guides to the Eastern Caribbean and the Atlantic's Cape Verdes islands. Don also created the highly popular Imray Iolaire Charts to the Eastern Caribbean, which opened these waters to regular cruising sailors for the first time. Learn more about Don Street and Iolaire.

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    13 September 2019, 7:30 pm
  • 4 minutes 44 seconds
    Bluewater Destinations Video Series
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    Bluewater Destinations Video Series
    A 6-part video series by Michael Briant Join British bluewater sailor and TV Director, Michael Briant as he sails to exotic destinations from the Caribbean to Asia aboard his 1980 Moody 36 center cockpit sloop, Bambola.

    Available with a subscription. Buy or Rent with Vimeo On Demand
    ******************************************* Begin your journey sailing from Trinidad to Panama, stopping at seldom visited locales in the southern Caribbean. Next, transit the Panama Canal into the Pacific and sail on to the remote Galapagos islands. Continue across the south Pacific to the Marquesas and Tuamotus. Then explore Tahiti, Bora Bora, and the Cook Islands of French Polynesia. Complete your south Pacific crossing by visiting Sydney, Australia then sailing north along the east coast through the Great Barrier Reef and around the top of Australia to Darwin. Finally, make a tropical 500 miles passage to West Timor, gateway to Indonesia and the Indian Ocean.

    TheSailingChannel.TV Digital Download Machine
    Contemporary and Classic Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    2 August 2019, 6:00 pm
  • 57 seconds
    SailFlix Oceanus Brass Pen Contest
    TSCtvLogo_258x150.jpgSailFlix Oceanus Brass Pen Contest

    SUBSCRIBE TO SAILFLIX.COM through 31 May, 2019 for a chance to win an Oceanus Brass Bow-Shackle Pen. SAILFLIX is our new sailing video subscription service powered by Vimeo OTT. SailFlix features contemporary and classic sailing documentaries and how-to videos from some of the most renowned sailors of our time.
    SailFlix Sailing Video Subscription Service
    Oceanus Brass is as bold as it is thoughtful. We make timeless instruments that are both rich in heritage and innovative in design. Tools that you can use every day with proud confidence on the open ocean or in your office. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
    Subscribe to SailFlix, our new sailing video subscription service.
    Browse our VOD collection of destination and how-to sail videos.
    Join our eNewsletter for news and discount offers.

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    25 April 2019, 7:30 pm
  • 2 minutes 8 seconds
    Celestial Navigation Simplified with William F. Buckley, Jr.
    TSCtvLogo_258x150.jpgCelestial Navigation Simplified with William F. Buckley, Jr. VOD
    CLICK TO WATCH FREE TRAILER This video takes on the challenge of simplifying celestial navigation. Buckley gives the viewer just enough concept but sticks primarily to the procedure, like a chef explaining the steps in a recipe. Buckley demonstrates the following steps:
    1. Take a Sight of the sun with your sextant.
    2. Get your Geographical Position from the Air Almanac.
    3. Select an Apparent Position along a line of latitude.
    4. Refer to the Sight Reduction Tables to draw a Line of Position.
    5. Plot your Exact Position.

    Purchase the Download and Streaming Rental at Vimeo on Demand. ABOUT WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR.
    William F. Buckley, Jr. was an American conservative author and commentator, founder of National Review magazine, host of the long-running political TV show, Firing Line, and author of more than fifty books. He was also a passionate and experienced sailor. For more, see
    Check out the Celestial Navigation Simplified on TheSailingChannel.TV Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    9 July 2018, 6:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 51 seconds
    New Zealand Television profiles sailor-author-filmmaker, Lin Pardey
    TSCtvLogo_258x150.jpgNew Zealand Television profiles sailor-author-filmmaker, Lin Pardey
    CLICK TO PLAY TRAILER Lin Pardey resides on a picturesque island along New Zealand's coast. Recently, New Zealand TV filmed Lin as she reminisced about her sailing career with husband, Larry.
    Lin and Larry Pardey are among America's (and the world's) most knowledgeable and recognized cruising sailors. During their 40 plus year career, they sailed over 200,000 miles, including two circumnavigations east to west and west to east aboard two self-built, wooden, engine-free cutters under 30 feet. Authors of a dozen books, countless magazine articles, and co-creators of five cruising documentaries, Lin and Larry have shared their sailing experiences with tens of thousands around the globe prompting many to take up sailing and live the dream of the cruising lifestyle. The Pardey's motto is "Go simple, go modest, go small--just go".
    Check out the Pardey Offshore Sailing 5 Video Series. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
    rowse our VOD collection of destination and how-to sail videos.
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    4 July 2017, 3:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 32 seconds
    The Northwest Passage - Greenland to the Bering Sea - Extended Trailer

    Northwest Passage: Greenland to the Bering Sea movie posterA film by Claire Roberge and Guy Lavoie.A human adventure meeting the indigenous people of the North. Join Claire and Guy aboard their steel-hulled sailboat, BALTHAZAR as they sail 7000 nautical miles from Gaspé, Quebec Canada to Alaska's Bering Sea via Greenland and the legendary Northwest Passage.

    Purchase or rent the full 81-minute documentary on Vimeo On Demand. Version française incluse.
    Un film documentaire de Claire Roberge et Guy Lavoie.
    Une aventure humaine qui rencontre les peuples indigènes du Nord. Rejoignez Claire et Guy à bord de leur voilier à coque d'acier, BALTHAZAR alors qu'ils naviguent à 7000 milles marins de Gaspé, au Québec, en passant par la mer de Béring en Alaska par le Groenland et le légendaire passage du Nord-Ouest. TESTIMONIALS:
    "Brilliant, your movie, impeccable, intelligent and very relevant story. I learn a lot, thank you"
    -- F. Rousseau
    “A movie to be seen! Thank you, it is really a great privilege to witness this great adventure. You shared it with a big generosity."
    -- M.R. Lepage

    After spending 7 years building their 10.5 meter sailing vessel, Claire Roberge, Guy Lavoie and their 2 daughters, Joelle and Chloe set off in September 1999 on a 5 year circumnavigation. Crossing 3 oceans the family sailed to 34 countries. Ten years after their return, Claire and Guy set off once more, this time to take on the mystical Northwest Passage - Canada's Arctic archipelago linking the North Atlantic with the Pacific. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    3 May 2017, 4:15 pm
  • 5 minutes 57 seconds
    The Annapolis Book of Seamanship Video Series
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    Annapolis Book of Seamanship Video Series
    Based on his famous book and hosted by the author, this award-winning instructional DVD series is now available as a Digital Download. As the old salt says, "rocks don't move." Though made nearly 15 years ago, Rousmaniere's milestone series teaches basic sailing techniques handed down by generations of sailors. A must for newbies and a solid reference for those who want to freshen up their sailing skills.
    "Will help Sailors be more confident and even enjoy sailing in heavy weather." - Gary Jobson.New sailors may want to begin with Volume V, Sailing Daysailors. This video provides a great introduction to the principles and mechanics of sailing, which is much easier to grasp and understand sailing a small boat. You can then apply these basic skills to larger craft and having a solid foundation for the sailing skills presented in the other four volumes.
    TheSailingChannel SAILFLIXView trailers for each volume. New sailors may want to begin with Volume V, Sailing Daysailors. This video provides a great introduction to the principles and mechanics of sailing, which is much easier to grasp and understand sailing a small boat. You can then apply these basic skills to larger craft and have a solid foundation for the sailing skills presented in the other four volumes. The five program series includes: Vol I: Cruising Under Sail
    Vol. II: Heavy Weather Sailing
    Vol. III: Safety At Sea
    Vol. IV: Sailboat Navigation
    Vol. V: Sailing Daysailors

    About John Rousmaniere
    As one of the sport's most acknowledged authorities, John Rousmaniere has covered more than 30,000 miles of blue water and written fifteen books about the sea and sailing. Yacht Racing and Cruising World Magazine awarded Rousmaniere its Medal of Achievement for his Contribution to Yachting. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    19 December 2016, 4:15 pm
  • 5 minutes 57 seconds
    U.S.- Canada Lakes Cruising Video - Trailer

    CLICK TO PLAY A film by Rob & Dee Dubin
    U.S.-Canada Lakes Cruising
    U.S. - Canada lakes cruising with Gary Jobson as your host. Cruise from the Great Lakes to Utah including Canada's Georgian Bay, Lake Superior's Apostle Islands, Lake Michigan's Traverse Bay, and Utah's Lake Powell. From the Sailing Quarterly Video Magazine series. Your cruise starts in the North Channel of Canada's Georgian Bay. Located on the north coast of Lake Huron, this rugged cruising ground features forested shorelines and scattered islands. Onboard an ODay 35 sloop, we take brisk daysails to picturesque anchorages. Next we're off to Lake Superior and the Apostle Islands National Lake Shore, a collection of 22 pine-covered islands, mostly undeveloped. We provision in Bayfield, a quaint town that is the gateway to cruising the Apostles. Using mostly line of sight navigation, we island hop through this remote archipelago featuring dramatic north woods scenery. Our next stop is Traverse Bay in northern Lake Michigan. In Traverse City, we meet expert sailing instructor and charter skipper, Captain Jack Klang, who acts as our guide on a chartered Morgan 38. The area features two bays with numerous islands, inlets, harbors and small towns to explore. Clear waters, and a northern landscape of alternating rolling fields and forests greet the cruising sailor. Our final segment is a family cruise on southwest Utah's Lake Powell. This man-made lake offers a desert landscape with 1900 miles of meandering shoreline for trailer boaters. Lake Powell features warm waters, sandy beaches and dozens of canyons for both water and onshore exploration. (D6Z) Check out more Sailing Quarterly destination and how-to videos ABOUT SAILING QUARTERLY
    Produced in the late 1980's, Sailing Quarterly Video Magazine's 24 one-hour programs set the standard for sailing television. It's content represents over 200 years of sailing knowledge from its hosts and presenters such as Gary Jobson, Don Street, Tristan Jones and John Rousmaniere. We've taken individual stories, and grouped them under instructional categories and cruising destinations. The complete series includes nine instructional volumes, eight destination volumes, and the 24 original SQ one-hour programs. This is timeless content that will benefit every sailor, racer or cruiser. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV.
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    4 November 2016, 8:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 57 seconds
    U.S. - Mexico West Coast Cruising

    CLICK TO PLAY U.S. West Coast-Mexico Cruising
    A film by Rob & Dee Dubin
    Take four U.S.-Mexico West Coast cruising adventures: San Francisco Bay, the Sea of Cortez, the Channel Islands, and Ensenada, Mexico. Hosted by America's Cup Champ and sailing commentator, Gary Jobson. From the Sailing Quarterly Video Magazine series. Your voyage begins with a cruise of San Francisco Bay from the Golden Gate Bridge to remote coves far from the city's center. Next, sail south to Mexico's Sea of Cortez. Enjoy a crewed charter that takes you to the villages and islands of this rugged and beautiful cruising ground. Returning to southern California sail to the uninhabited Channel Islands. Explore the diverse flora and fauna on Santa Cruz Island, often referred to as the Galapagos of the North. Complete your West Coast cruise with a one-day flotilla sail from San Diego to Ensenada, Mexico. Tour this popular cruising destination and the surrounding countryside. Finally, cast off for the picturesque Todos Santos islands and a flotilla raft up before sailing home. (D5Z) Watch the Extended Trailer.

    Check out more Sailing Quarterly destination and how-to videos ABOUT SAILING QUARTERLY
    Produced in the late 1980's, Sailing Quarterly Video Magazine's 24 one-hour programs set the standard for sailing television. It's content represents over 200 years of sailing knowledge from its hosts and presenters such as Gary Jobson, Don Street, Tristan Jones and John Rousmaniere. We've taken individual stories, and grouped them under instructional categories and cruising destinations. The complete series includes nine instructional volumes, eight destination volumes, and the 24 original SQ one-hour programs. This is timeless content that will benefit every sailor, racer or cruiser. Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
    Browse our VOD collection
    Join our eNewsletter for news and discount offers. TheSailingChannel.TV Digital Download Machine
    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    12 August 2016, 8:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 7 seconds
    Suliere: Cuba and the Ragged Islands Video - Trailer
    Suliere: Cuba and the Ragged Islands
    Suliere: Cuba and the Ragged Islands

    Suliere: Cuba and the Ragged Islands
    A film by Paul Burgess

    In this 2.5 hour cruising guide series, Sail with Paul and Leslie Burgess aboard Suliere, their 50 foot ocean-going catamaran as they voyage to Cuba's Hemingway Marina, tour old Havana and the Cuban countryside, then sail on to the remote Ragged Islands of the Bahamas.
    Part 1 provides comprehensive information about entering Cuban waters, navigating the tricky entrance to Havana's Hemingway Marina, and yacht provisioning and maintenance facilities within the marina complex. From the marina, travel with Paul and Leslie as they tour old Havana. Learn about shopping in local markets, finding good restaurants, and living cheaply on the CUC, Cuba'a local currency.
    In Part 2, go inside Cuba with Paul and Leslie as they drive a rental car deep into the interior, staying with local Cuban families in particulares, the Cuban version of a bed & breakfast. Tour the countryside by horseback, visiting farms and a local cigar factory. Then it's on to Trinidad, the Salsa music capital of Cuba. Traveling back along the coast, learn that most harbors are closed to foreign sailors. Finally, explore the charming town of Sancti Spiritus before returning to Hemingway Marina.
    In Part 3, sail with Paul and Leslie aboard Suliere from Havana, south along the Cuban coast, then offshore to the Bahama's sparsely populated Ragged Islands in search of paradise.
    Included is a 2-hour, two-part version of Paul and Leslie's visit to Cuba and the Ragged Islands of the Bahamas for non-sailors, which excludes some 40 minutes of detailed sailing and navigation information. FREE EXTRA - watch the extended 7-minute preview.

    TheSailingChannel.TV Digital Download Machine
    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    Recent Podasts

    11 August 2015, 4:12 pm
  • 3 minutes 37 seconds
    With Jean-du-Sud Around the World Film in HD - Trailer

    Jean-du-Sud in HD Trailer

    Jean-du-Sud in HDA film by Yves Gélinas
    NOW IN HD. 100 Minutes. Professionally scanned from a pristine 16mm print to 1920x1080 full HD.
    Rent / Buy at
    Update for FREE if you previously purchased the SD version on Vimeo.

    Around the World with Jean-du-SudTheSailingChannel is honored to offer what many consider to be the finest sailing film ever made. Jean-du-Sud is a two-time winner of the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Larochelle Sailing Film Festival as well as eight other international film awards. Both English and French versions included. This 16mm feature-length documentary celebrates the filmmaker's 28,000 mile single-handed circumnavigation through the roaring forties and around Cape Horn aboard his Alberg 30 sloop. Shot in 16mm color film with sync sound, Jean-du-Sud puts you in the cockpit: Yves speaks as he would to a fellow crew member. Unless you do it yourself, this is as close as you'll ever get to a solo circumnavigation.
    Jean-du-Sud in HD is also available as a HD Download, Blu-Ray disc and DVD at

    Beyond the West Horizon - Eric & Susan Hiscock's 1959-61 circumnavigation.
    600 Days to Cocos & the Galapagos Islands - Gene & Josie Evan's 1973-75 voyage to remote islands.

    The Sailing Podcast speaks with Yves Gelinas about the re-release of his classic sailing movie 'With Jean-du-Sud around the world' in High Definition (HD). Yves also discusses the Cape Horn windvane, a self-steering device he first designed to meet his needs while sailing solo around the world and has since sold to thousands of ocean sailors.

    Presented by TheSailingChannel.TV
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    Sailing Documentaries and How-To Videos.

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    3 July 2015, 7:00 pm
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