Join a wonderful group of liberal rabbis and teachers as we take part in the cycle of the Daf Yomi. Each week a different teach presents short episodes on the Daily Daf “DIFFERENTLY”. Masechet Yevamot
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 122.
We can trace, in the positions of Rabbi Akiva, the evolution and expansion of types of testimony which are accepted to show that a husband has died to allow the wife’s remarriage. Are non-Jews a bridge too far, or is there a way to accept testimony as long as we don’t claim that we are doing it? Maybe sages do increase peace in the world after all!
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 121.
If someone falls into the water, under what you assume that they drowned? Even some of the most rigid rabbis bend with changing realities in coming up with the answer. Also, how is getting through Daf Yomi like a shipwreck?
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 120.
I was suprised to find out that CSI- Crime Scene Investigation, is still on. Our sages wrestled with a lot of the same questions of how to identify a body, what physical evidence is considered sufficient, and what conditions make it easy or harder to do so.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 119.
When do you use circumstantial evidence to decide that an unlikely possibility is actually worth worrying about? Why should the chances of a co-wife having a baby matter more than those of a mother-in-law?
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 118.
It’s Schrodinger’s husband- one wife says he’s alive, the other says he’s dead. Why would someone lie about such a thing to harm another person, even though they are harming themselves at the same time? What do we do when we know that we have harmed someone, but don’t know who?
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Joshua Heller looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 117.
How suspicious should we be of someone’s motivations based on the questions they ask, or the concerns that they express? Do you have to be Sherlock holmes to conclude that someone whose first concern is for the insurance payout might have an ulterior motive?
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Abby Sosland looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 116.
What kind of argument would a husband and wife have that would make a woman’s testimony suspicious? The rabbis consider every possible scenario!
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Abby Sosland looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 115.
When is a woman’s testimony to be believed? Our daf today questions the specific kinds of testimony that a woman may bring about her husband’s death, but the fact that she may act as a witness in the first place is not up for debate on our daf.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Abby Sosland looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 114.
Must we prevent a Jewish child from eating treif? Where is the line between not holding them liable for adult commandments and our own desire to pass on the tradition? Our daf today explores this question.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Abby Sosland looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 113.
The rabbis offer different approaches for different categories of individuals, doing their best to protect the most vulnerable in society. If we combine their approach with the actual perspective and voices of those very people, we may arrive at the very kind of society they were trying to create.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Abby Sosland looks at Masechet Yevamot, Daf 112.
The Talmud offers a record of society’s attitudes in the ancient world. In today’s Mishnah, we see the rabbinic approach to the deaf and/or the deaf-mute. It’s good to know that Jewish law has changed in the years hence.
The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.
This podcast is a collaboration with The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.