Verse Per Verse

Join Amichai Lau-Lavie in his annual trip through the torah portion by portion, verse by verse.

  • 5 minutes 20 seconds

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Naso.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Bamidbar (Numbers), Chapter Nine Verse Twenty-Three. He focuses on the marching orders of the Jews as they journeyed through the desert.

    Listen to Amichai explore the power of these words this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    1 June 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 43 seconds

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Bamidbar.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Bamidbar, the first story in the fourth book of the bible. He focuses on the word Bamidbar and the words that are connected to it.

     Listen to Amichai explore the power of these words this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    25 May 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 20 seconds

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Emor.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Twenty-Three, Verse fifteen. This verse discusses the confusion in the counting of the Omer.

     Listen to Amichai explore the confusion in this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    11 May 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 45 seconds
    Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the double torah portion Acharei Mot and Kedoshim.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Eighteen, Verse twenty-two. This verse discusses relationships between two men.

     Listen to Amichai explore the word Toyva “Abomination” in this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    4 May 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 47 seconds

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tazria-Metzora.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Thirteen, Verse Fourty-Six. This verse discusses the way that a person with leporacy must live.

    What does Badad mean? Listen to Amichai explore it all in this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    27 April 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 7 seconds
    Episode Twenty-Five: Shemini

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Shemini.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Ten, Verse One and Two. These verses discuss the priestly offering that was made of a fire that was Zara.

    What does Zara mean? Translations are as far as wide as “other” or “outside” to “unholy” and “alien.” Listen to Amichai explore it all in this week’s Verse Per Verse.

    20 April 2012, 2:01 pm
  • 5 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode Twenty-Four: Tzav

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tzav.

    As we are only days away from the start of Passover, Amichai, not surprisingly, delves into the word “Matzot”. This staple of Passover, has a much deeper meaning in the Jewish texts. In Leviticus, Chapter Six, Verses 7 and 8, Matzot are discussed.

    While some would merely translate this word as unleavened bread, what would you think of a translation that says that it means “holy things”? 

    Listen to this weeks episode to delve deeper with Amichai, “Verse Per Verse.”

    30 March 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 50 seconds
    Episode Twenty-Three: Vayikra

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Vayikra, the first portion in the book of Leviticus.

    The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter One, Verse Two. The word is Korban. It is most often translated as offering, or sacrifice. Amichai explores the background to those words, and asks us to consider what they could mean, and how we could make the word personal to us today.

    23 March 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode Twenty-Two: Vayakel-Pikudei

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Vayakel-Pikudei.

    This week, Amichai explores Exodus, Chapter 38, Verse 8, and all that can be said, is that you will never read the portion the same way again.

    There is nothing else to say, just listen.

    16 March 2012, 2:01 pm
  • 5 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode Twenty-One: Ki Tisa

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Ki Tisa.

    Amichai focuses on Exodus, Chapter 32, Verse 6, and specifically, as his wont to do, on the translation of the word “Litsachek”. How would you translate this word? How did Amichai?

    Listen to learn.

    9 March 2012, 4:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode Twenty: Tetzaveh

    In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tetzaveh.

    This portion deals with the garments of the high-priest, and Amichai explors Chapter 28, but focuses on the Urim and Tumim, words which are not translated well at all?

    What do these two “mystical” words mean? Listen in to learn more.

    2 March 2012, 4:00 pm
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