Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast

Dan York and Jonathan Zar

The podcast about VoIP security: news, opinions and commentary about the latest threats and tools in the world of Voice over IP (VoIP) and IP telephony security. Created by two security professionals involved with the Voice Over IP Security Alliance (VOIPSA), the show also frequently includes interviews with people involved in the field and tutorials on VoIP security topics.

  • New Blue Box episodes coming...
    Last week I recorded the first "Blue Box: Special Edition" interview that I have recorded in several years... and so I just wanted to give anyone reading the heads-up that a new episode may be appearing in your RSS feed soon - after a 3.5 year hiatus! :-) We're not bringing back the full show... yet, anyway... but I have a couple of interviews relating to VoIP security that I'm going to run through the Blue Box podcast feed. I hope you enjoy them... and if you have ideas for interviews you think I should consider, please feel free to send me email (although be warned I don't check it all that regularly so a response may be a bit delayed).
    30 April 2013, 7:43 pm
  • Blue Box podcast episodes now back online

    I'm pleased to note that all Blue Box podcast episodes are now available again.  As I mentioned yesterday, it was purely an administrative issue with the payment method.

    For those curious, this show is a prime example of the "Long Tail" of content on the Web - even though we haven't produced a new "real" show since #85 on October 23, 2008, we still see anywhere from 30-100 downloads of various Blue Box shows every day.  People are finding the show through various search terms and listening to the episodes.  

    Perhaps somewhat sadly this is also a commentary on how relevant some of the same VoIP security issues we discussed from 2005-2008 still are today in 2012!

    My apologies, again, to anyone who tried listening over the past weekend when the show was offline.  Thank you for the interest and for I hope that you find our past episodes educational and useful.

    24 September 2012, 1:46 pm
  • Blue Box episodes temporarily unavailable

    UPDATE 9/24/2012 - All Blue Box episodes are now back online.

    If you are trying to listen to any of our old Blue Box shows, unfortunately it seems I missed an email alert and the payment method expired for the service I use to host the media files. I am in communication with their billing department now and expect to have the matter cleared up tomorrow with the shows available again.

    My apologies to anyone who was trying to listen to one of the shows. I will get them back online as soon as I can.

    24 September 2012, 1:47 am
  • Dan's new book: Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks
    Seven Deadliest UC AttacksFor those of you listening to Blue Box, you may be interested to know that I (Dan) recently wrote a book for Syngress called the "Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks". In the book, I discuss the common theme that Jonathan and I have talked about on the show of needing to look at communications security at a higher-level, more "holistic" level. It's not enough just to think about the security of your IP-PBX... you also have to think about the security of your mail servers, your firewalls, your databases, etc.

    You also have to think beyond voice to also including instant messaging/IM, video, presence, mobile devices and more. And... you have to think about them in the context of a globally-distributed IP infrastructure.

    Information about the book and links to resources mentioned in the book are available from the books website:

    I have also posted links there to two podcast interviews I've done related to the book:

    I am working on getting permission to run those both as Blue Box Special Editions (I have approval on the VUC session).

    In many ways, much of the book came out of the three years of great conversations that Jonathan and I had with so many of you - and I have to thank all of you who have participated in the Blue Box community over the years for your questions, your comments and all the feedback. I hope you will find that this book continues that dialogue and discussion about how to secure our communications networks.

    If you found this post interesting or useful, please consider either subscribing to the RSS feed or following BlueBox on Twitter.

    15 July 2010, 3:49 pm
  • Blue Box #86: An Update on Blue Box, One Year Later

    Synopsis: Blue Box #86: Dan and Jonathan provide an update on what's happened in the year since Blue Box #85 and talk a bit about what's next

    Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #86, a 19-minute podcast from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.

    Download the show here (MP3, 9 MB) or subscribe to the RSS feed to download the show automatically.

    You may also listen to this podcast right now:

    Show Content:

    • 00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments.  Welcome to all the new listeners - and to all those listeners who have been here for so long!
    • Dan and Jonathan discuss what has happened in the past year and why there have not been new shows.
    • Discussion of what some of the main issues in VoIP security have been over the past year.
    • Mention that fugitive Edwin Pena was extradited back to the US and arraigned in New Jersey court last Friday
    • Mention of the recent traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list
    • Wrap-up of the show
    • 19:38 - End of show 

    Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post or via e-mail to [email protected]. Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows. You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-415-830-5439 or via SIP to '[email protected]' to leave a comment there. 

    Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.

    If you found this post interesting or useful, please consider either subscribing to the RSS feed or following BlueBox on Twitter.

    22 October 2009, 4:47 pm
  • Testing twitter integration with TypePad

    Just testing Twitter integration... I have a growing suspicion that TypePad only notifies Twitter if you write your post online using TypePad's interface.  But of course, I don't.  I write almost all my posts offline using the MarsEdit editor.  Let's see if this shows up in

    7 April 2009, 1:21 pm
  • Blue Box is now on Twitter... and new shows *are* coming...

    FYI, if you use Twitter, you can now find out when new shows are out and/or interact with Jonathan and I by following us at:

    And yes, new shows are on the way. I've been a wee bit busy with a recent job role change and Jonathan's had some crazy times on his end as well... but soon... real soon...

    7 April 2009, 12:54 pm
  • eComm 2009: Dan, Jonathan and Martyn together for the first time

    Last week at the Emerging Communications Conference (eComm) 2009 in San Francisco, a remarkable event happened: Jonathan Zar, Martyn Davies, and I (Dan York) all wound up at the same place at the same time. Over the 3.5 years since we started Blue Box back in October 2005, Jonathan and I have met at events, Martyn and I have met and Jonathan and Martyn have met. But the three of us had never been together at the same place.

    Now the particular place we met was a "Dev Dinner" hosted by (my employer) Voxeo after the end of eComm - and we had some great conversations along with the food. Martyn produced his camera and we did record the actual event:


    Alas, it was too noisy there for us to do any actual recording, but it was great to have all three of us there. For those who may not recall the history, Martyn was one of our earliest listeners and is the person who provided both the image that we use for Blue Box (in iTunes, in the MP3 file, etc.) and also the music that we use for the intro and outro. He's also guest-hosted several times and contributed a couple of interviews over the years.

    P.S. And yes, Jonathan and I will be getting some more shows out...

    Technorati Tags: bluebox, blue box, danyork, dan york, jonathan zar, martyn davies, ecomm, ecomm09

    9 March 2009, 12:45 pm
  • Speaking on "SIP Trunking and Security" at ITEXPO in Miami Feb 3rd
    ITEXPO-East-logo-2.jpgIf you will be in Miami at ITEXPO February 2-4 you are welcome to attend a free "SIP Trunking And Security" session I (Dan York) will be doing as part of Ingate Systems' SIP Trunking Workshops. The SIP trunking workshops are free to all attendees even if you only register for an exhibit pass.

    My session will be 11:15-12:30 on Wednesday, February 3rd, and if you do attend please feel free to come up and introduce yourself (or drop me a note in advance to let me know to look out for you). I'll be bringing my recording gear, too, and the talk will eventually go out in my Blue Box Podcast feed so you will be able to hear it later.

    P.S. If you are attending ITEXPO and your company makes a product or provides a service related to VoIP security, please feel free to let me know and perhaps we can schedule an interview to go out as a Blue Box Special Edition.

    Technorati Tags: danyork, itexpo, miami, voipsa, voip security, sip trunking, sip, sip security, security

    23 January 2009, 1:51 pm
  • FYI - "Security Bloggers Network" in transition... stay tuned...
    For those of you who may be used to reading this blog through the "Security Bloggers Network" set up originally by Alan Shimel, you need to be aware that the "SBN" is going through a transition. As Alan details on his blog, Google is in the process of shutting down the "Network" feature of Feedburner and as a result the page and feed for the SBN will be going away.

    Alan is working on a new solution but in the meantime you may want to grab the OPML file for the Security Bloggers Network (you should then be able to import this into most feed readers). There are a lot of great security blogs out there.

    Stay tuned for more information - once Alan has another solution in place I'll post an update.

    19 November 2008, 12:22 am
  • RSS feed back...

    It looks like FeedBurner finally refreshed its DNS info and the RSS feed is back in action. My apologies for the interruption. Please do let me know if there is anything else strange going on with the website or feed. Thanks.

    27 October 2008, 7:24 am
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