The World Wanderers Podcast

Amanda Kingsmith & Ryan Ferguson

We’re Amanda & Ryan and we’re the hosts of The World Wanderers podcast. We’re a traveling couple originally from Alberta, Canada with a love of exploring the world, eating great food (mostly Mexican food, if we’re being honest), learning new languages, and meeting new people. The World Wanderers podcast is a travel diary of our adventures since we started traveling together in 2011. We take you with us as we travel through Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia & New Zealand as 22-year old budget backpackers looking for the best party hostel. We take you with us to South America where we go through some our deepest personal transformations. We take you with us as we move to a small town in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and take a massive career pivot. We take you with us to the southern US where we lived for a year. We take you through Asia as we navigate the world of “digital nomad life”. We take you on all our adventures in Mexico, which is the country we both feel most at home in the world. And the adventures don’t stop there. With each new place we visit, food we try, and culture that we fall in love with (or maybe don’t fall in love with), we share that with you. The evolution of how we travel has changed dramatically since the beginning, but what hasn’t changed is our love for exploring the world. Join us every other Thursday for new episodes of The World Wanderers!

  • 29 minutes 20 seconds
    Life Update: Hawaii, Cabo & Having a Second Baby!
    This week on the podcast, we’re doing a bit of a life update, sharing about our recent trips to Hawaii and Cabo, as well as giving you some big personal news and show updates. We kick off the episode by talking about our first trip of 2024, which was a family trip to Maui, Hawaii. We talk about what it was like to visit Mauii post-pandemic and after the Lahaina fires, as well as share a little bit about what we did while we were there. We also talk about our trip to Cabo San Lucas, comparing it with other Mexican beach destinations and discussing travel logistics, accommodations, and activities. The episode concludes with some big personal news of expecting a second baby very soon, preparations for welcoming a second baby to the family, and discussing a temporary pause on the podcast to focus on family life. Enjoy!
    25 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 47 minutes 39 seconds
    Exploring the World & Writing About it with Andy Corbley
    This week on the podcast, we’re excited to welcome back Andy Corbley, a traveler, writer, and the founder of World at Large News. In this episode, Andy discusses significant changes in his life, including becoming a father and publishing his travel book 'On the Face of It: A Traveler On His World.' The conversation covers Andy's unique approach to travel literature, his recent travels, and the process of writing and publishing his book. Andy also shares his insights on human kindness across cultures, as well as what’s next for him travelwise, his future projects, including a second book that he’s working on, and much more. Enjoy! 
    11 April 2024, 6:31 pm
  • 52 minutes 38 seconds
    10 Years of Travel & Digital Nomad Life with Nathan Aguilera
    This week on the podcast, we’re chatting with Nathan Aguilera, a longtime friend and recurring guest, to discuss his 10-year journey as a digital nomad and food blogger. In this episode, Nathan shares his experiences visiting nearly 70 countries across five continents, managing an online business, and launching a new project targeting LGBTQ+ nomads. The conversation spans topics such as the trials and joys of digital nomadism, the impact of the pandemic on travel blogging, finding community on the road, and Nathan's tips for aspiring nomads. They also delve into broader themes of safety for LGBTQ+ travelers, adapting to changes in the blogging industry, and the importance of connecting with locals. Nathan highlights some of his favorite travel destinations, including Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Madrid, mentions his worst airline experience, and much more. We hope you enjoy it!
    28 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 56 minutes 23 seconds
    Navigating The Global Tech Scene as a Solo Female Traveler With Margaux Miller
    In this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Margaux Miller, a global community builder in the tech industry. Margaux shares her experiences as a woman in tech, her advocacy efforts, and how she leverages LinkedIn for networking during her travels and remote work. She delves into balancing work and travel, including tips for slow travel, the benefits of staying a month in places, the implications of renting out a home, and the advantages of targeted networking. Margaux also shares her intricate process of researching locations based on parameters like Wi-Fi access and proximity to co-working spaces before settling in for work, emphasizing the importance of insurance and local advice. Her journey shows the evolution of work and travel, providing keen insights for potential digital nomads and other solo female travelers. Enjoy!
    14 March 2024, 5:36 pm
  • 31 minutes 27 seconds
    Argentina Part 3: Buenos Aires
    This week on the podcast we are diving into the final part of our Argentina series, focused on the captivating city of Buenos Aires. Often referred to as the "Paris of South America," Buenos Aires offers a vibrant cultural scene, rich history, and a unique blend of European and Latin American influences. Join us as we share our experiences and insights on exploring Buenos Aires!

    In this episode, we talk about what it was like to visit Buenos Aires for the second time 9 years later, how long we went for, what we did, where we stayed and some of the best neighborhoods to stay in as a digital nomad, the food scene, a few recommendations for top tourist activities in the city, and more! Enjoy!
    29 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 45 minutes 44 seconds
    Argentina Part 2: Bariloche
    In this episode of the podcast, we are talking about our experience in Bariloche, a city located in Argentina's Patagonia region. We talk about our time spent in the city, its stunning alpine scenery, and its location in the Lake District near the Chilean border. We also discuss the city's climate and the surprising cold weather that we encountered during our visit. Despite the unseasonably cold weather, we still managed to get out for some adventures! Our adventures included a visit to the Cerro Campanario viewpoint, drives along the scenic Circuito Chico, and hiking excursions. We also mention some of the numerous restaurants and breweries that we enjoyed, including a high tea experience at Hotel Llao Llao. Despite some challenges, such as inclement weather and illness, we highly recommend Bariloche for its beauty, food, and family-friendly atmosphere, and can’t wait to go back! Enjoy!
    15 February 2024, 6:49 pm
  • 44 minutes 27 seconds
    Argentina Part 1: Traveling to Argentina with a Toddler
    We're kicking off 2024 with our first podcast episode about our trip to Argentina! We spent the month of November 2023 in Argentina and are so excited to share about our adventures. In this episode, we talk about why we decided to go to Argentina, where we went and why, and how we were preparing for this trip for an almost 2-year old toddler. We also share how our travels to Argentina went well and our first impressions of Bariloche. Enjoy!
    1 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 58 minutes 8 seconds
    2023 Year in Review
    It's the most wonderful time of the year! That's right, the holiday season is upon us and that means that it's time to review 2023. In this episode, we reflect on the last year, including where we went, what we did in each place, how each trip was, as well as some of our highlights from the year.

    We start by talking about our trip to Panama and Colombia, and what we learned about balancing parenthood and work-life with traveling. We also dive into our trips to Japan, Canada, the US, and Argentina, discussing our experiences in each country and the valuable lessons that we learned along the way! Since we spent 2023 based in Mexico, we had lots of opportunities to explore Mexico so we also share about the domestic trips that we took this year. Finally, we end the episode by sharing what's next for us in 2024 and some of the upcoming trips that we have planned for the year!

    Happy Holidays and we'll see you in 2024!
    14 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 50 seconds
    Tips for Air Travel with Babies from 0-12 Months
    This week on the podcast we are talking about air travel with a baby from 0-12 months old. We kick things off by sharing the different stages and ages that we've traveled with Lou and what we've learned through these different trip. We also share our top tips for traveling with a baby from 0-6 months old, as well as our tips and what changes traveling with a baby from 6-12 months old. This episode includes tips on traveling with car seats, strollers, baby carriers, diaper bags, how to pack for a flight, snacks, activities, the difference between traveling with a small baby vs. an almost toddler, why traveling at this age is actually awesome, and much more. Enjoy! In this episode:
    • Differences in traveling with a 0-6 month old baby and a 6-12 month old baby
    • Things to consider prior to boarding the plane with a baby
    • Our experience flying with a baby on airlines in the past
    • Car seat and stroller setups for traveling
    • Going through airport security with a large baby scroller and what to be aware of
    • The biggest issue with having a baby on a plane
    • The two biggest changes we made with Lou getting older
    • Other tips and thoughts on air traveling with a baby
    26 October 2023, 10:00 am
  • 47 minutes 55 seconds
    Worldschooling with Rekha Magon from Boundless Life
    This week on the podcast we are joined by Rekha Magon. Rekha is the co-founder of Boundless Life, an avid world traveler and an ed-tech entrepreneur. She leads the charge for Boundless Education and is whole-heartedly passionate about creating a purposeful and personalized, hands-on learning approach where children learn by experiencing the world. This is a philosophy and approach to learning that we are really aligned with so we were really excited to talk with Rekha! In this episode, we talk about what Rekha's philosophy on childhood education, how and why she co-created Boundless Life, what the process of creating a worldschooling program has been like, where they have programs and what these programs offer families, and much more. Enjoy! In this episode:
    • Rekha’s travel history
    • The founding idea of Boundless Life and how Rekha got involved with it
    • How Rekha got started with worldschooling with her own kids
    • The logistics of starting a school in a different county
    • Boundless Life being based off of a Finnish learning system and why Rekha used that as a template for her own business
    • Differences in the day to day of worldschooling versus more traditional schooling models
    • The various locations and countries that Boundless Life operates in and why those locations specifically were chosen
    • Places that Rekha hopes to launch schools in next
    Guest links: Boundless Life: Instagram: YouTube:
    12 October 2023, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes 20 seconds
    Why Becoming a VA is a Great Career for Travelers & Digital Nomads with Hannah Dixon
    This week on the podcast we are joined by Hannah Dixon. Hannah is a VA and Freelancer Coach, Recruiter, and the Founder of Digital Nomad Kit. Committed to creating a more equitable future through the freedom and accessibility of freelancing, her teachings have readied 27,000 learners in over 170 countries to work with leading entrepreneurs across all industries. With 15 years as a full-time digital nomad, her insights are highly sought-after, contributing regularly to publications like Business Insider and Forbes, and delivering global talks on her areas of expertise. In this episode of the podcast, Hannah shares a bit about her travel story and how she got into working as a VA, why she created Digital Nomad Kit, why becoming a VA is a great career for travelers and digital nomads, tips for getting started as a VA, and much more! This episode is jam packed with goodness! Enjoy! In this episode:
    • Hannah’s travel origin story
    • Hannah’s discovering of remote work, the ability to work online, and how it changed the course of her career
    • Finding VA opportunities early on in Hannah’s career
    • The shift of being a virtual assistant and turning it into your own business and community
    • The locations and countries Hannah has been staying since starting a career as a VA
    • Tips for those who may be interested in starting a career as a VA and where to start
    • Balancing productivity of your business while traveling
    • The method of choosing a destination and how long the stay should be
    Guest links: Website:
    28 September 2023, 10:00 am
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